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Haena James

My name is Haena James. I work at Dream Resort. A 5 star resort. It's been a year i move to this place, this resort, this new environment. 🌼
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Ms Haena, Good Morning!
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Good morning, Daisy! Anything you want to report?
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Yes, Miss! Yesterday, we have VIP Guest arrival. Actually it is very very very VIP.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Oh! Who? Did anyone do arrangement for him or her?
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Its actually him. We did not have a chance to meet him actually, it is his secretary who do the check in.
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
He is the Director of the most successful firm in this country. Mr Christian Halden.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Ok. Keep me update then. Let me know if you notice him at any of the resort area. I will greet and welcome him to this resort.
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Noted. Ms Haena.
After a long day at work, finally I can go home. As a hotelier, finish work on time is a very rare. I must enjoy my little time. Since tomorrow is my off day, let chill before go home.
When I was at work, I was very serious. No joke no play when at workplace.
But no one know when outside, I'm a baddest female. 😈
📍Outside of Cherry Club
Lily (BFF)
Lily (BFF)
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Hai Lily!!!! I miss you wifey!!
Lily (BFF)
Lily (BFF)
I miss you too.. Wow!! You look gorgeous today, I hope all the man can handle when see you tonight 😍
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Shut up! Come on.. Let's party........ 🍺🍺🍺🍺
Lily is my best friend. We have been friend for ages now.
We drink, we dance like no one is there. We really enjoy our time.
When we get tired, we come to barstool to get a drink.
Lily (BFF)
Lily (BFF)
Did you notice the guy over there keep on looking at you?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Where? Is he handsome?
Lily (BFF)
Lily (BFF)
He is!! Dashing.. I never seen him here. Go talk to him...
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Are you crazy???
Lily (BFF)
Lily (BFF)
Hey, is that Mango!! I go talk to Mango. You talk to handsome guy. Don't let him go tonight.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Hey, Lily!!!
Lily (BFF)
Lily (BFF)
I see you laterrrrr
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
😏Hmm.. Lily!! You meet your crush and left me..
Well.. The night still young for me to go home. Why not have a little fun 😈
~ I just feel the world spinning but my eye can see he still looking at me while holding his glass. ~
He is so handsome. With just sitting over there, I feel like he is throwing a robe, tied me and pull me to him. A moment later, i just realise i was sitting next to him.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Why are you looking at me?
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Because i like to look at you
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Can i buy you a drink?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Why you want to buy me a drink? So you can make me drunk and you can sleep with me tonight?
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
(smirk..) am I look like a bad guy?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Yes.. You are!
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
If I want to sleep with you, i dont have to make you drunk, i can make you crawl on my bed and begging me
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
(why i feel hot when he said like that. I think.. Im so drunk now) who do think you are!!???
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
You wanna try.. (he come closer...)
What will happen next...... Stay tune...

Christian Halden

Music was so loud but I couldn't hear anything. I was mesmerized.
His finger touched my cheek, slowly move to my lip. It's was really inappropriate movement.
But I couldn't stop him.
The moment I open my eyes, his lips was meet with my lips. Gentle. Very gentle. And finish. But i don't want to stop. I want more.
But when i saw he smirk. I push him harder.
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
You like it? You want more? (move closer...)
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Jerk!!! (raise my hand to slap him.. Paaaaak!!! Right to his right cheek)
Anger! Yes, I never feel sober than this.. I think...
I couldn't wait longer sit next to him, i need to run. Run!!! Run!!!
But he grab my hand..
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
I see you soon... ❤️
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Let go of my hand!! Hope not.. (well......)
This is just a dream!!!! I'm dreaming!! Yes! It's not happening.
Next day at work..
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Morning, Miss! You need a hot chocolate?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Yes, Please!
My head!! Gosh.. I swear I will never drink again 😏
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Your hot chocolate Miss. Oh, by the way.. Mr Christian Halden will have his breakfast at Cloud Cafe at 8:00am today.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Oh! Thank you for letting me know.
📍Cloud Cafe
Resort Staff
Resort Staff
Morning, Miss! How can I help you?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Is Mr Christian Halden here already?
Resort Staff
Resort Staff
Yes, table no 8.
I walk slowly toward table no 8. Good choice of table. Table no 8 have a nice beach view. Sometime, I will sit here with a cup of hot chocolate while enjoy the sunset.
Because of my job, I have seen a lot of different type of people. From his back, i could say that he has the aura for people to respect him.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Good morning Mr Halden.
He put down his ipad and look at me.
Oh My God!!! I need to run! I have to run! He is the man! The man that dreaming i will crawl and begging to sleep with him.
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
(with a cup of coffee in his hand, no rush. He did not answer my greeting)
I could see redness of his right cheek. So it is true last night. I'm not dreaming.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
😨 I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm the Director of this resort. If you need any assistance you can call me. (and.. I need to run now!)
This is so embarrassing!! Oh my God. Please help me. I turn my back ready to walk from his table. But.....
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Shouldn't you left you name card?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
How can I contact you if I need any assistance, my dear.
His smile! I can not! I.. Mmmm.. What should i do.. Oh name card.. Yes!
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
This is my name card. And my name is Haena James.
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
I know.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
You know?
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
I have meeting to attend shortly. But i will ask someone to meet you if you have any problem.
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
So, I only can ask you sit if i have problem?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
No Sir. But.. Ok. Yes. I will sit. How can I help you SIR?
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Can I say no? I can not drink coffee. 😭
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Yes. Thank you.
He pour me a cup of coffee.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Mr Halden, I'm sorry about last......
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
What about last night? Work is work, we play when we can play.
Booooom!!! Straight to my face. Invisible slap!
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Understand Sir. If nothing else, I need to work. As I'm working now. Thank you for your coffee. By the way, you will have a complimentary dinner given by the resort as a gesture of goodwill. I need to leave now.
And I left. He did not say anything. Stupid. Why did I bring up about last night!!!


Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Ms Haena, did you left your phone at office? Someone from Main Office call. It's look like urgent.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Oh, yes! Ok, thank you.
📲Dear Ms James, I'm Rose, from CEO office. I would like to inform you that Mr CEO might be in your resort any minute. He just come for visit the resort. But he requested to do urgent meeting today at 11:00am with all the Executive Manager in the resort. Please help to arrange. I will communicate with Daisy for the meeting.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Oh My God Daisy!!!! Prepare for the meeting now. (panic......)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Yes. Ms Haena. (panic..)
Why at this time, I feel dizzy. This is why I can not drink coffee!
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Ms Haena, are you okay?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
I have to be okay. No choice.
Every body is ready at meeting room. From all Directors of every department. Well, owner is coming, so whoever on leave have to come for the meeting. But i don't feel good. I just hope this meeting to end quick.
Melon (The Assistance)
Melon (The Assistance)
Good Morning, everyone!
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
(Oh, is this the CEO?)
Melon (The Assistance)
Melon (The Assistance)
Our CEO will be here any minute. I just want to checked if everybody was here. There is no point for him to be here if you are not ready.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
(OMG, he is not here yet, but can feel how annoying is he) Yes, everybody is here.
Someone push the door. And I have a bad feeling.
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Good morning!! My name is Christian Halden. And yes, I have been in this resort since yesterday.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
(now not only my head, my stomach also pain! Bad coffee. Why is have to be him! He is not my guest, but My Boss!)
Meeting start, he have many issue regards what he saw and heard about this resort. I assume we a not finish this in a short time.
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
I will be in this resort for few day. Please show me some improvement.
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Meeting dismissed. But Ms Haena. I need to talk to you.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Oh, okay!
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Can we go to your office?
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
(hesitated, but no choice) Yes. This where please.
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Ms Haena, are you okay? ~ whispering ~
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Yes. Just get drink for us.
📍My Office
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Your office look nice.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Thank you. Anything can I help you, SIR?
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian. Call me Christian.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
Like you said, this is our work place, so we have to be professional, don't you agree Mr Halden?
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
So when we are outside you can call me Christian? 😉
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
😒(what is your problem!!!!!!) what can I help you Mr Halden?
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
(knock knock) coffee for you Mr Halden.
And just a plain water for me. Since at this moment I'm still holding my stomach pain.
Mr Halden then talk this and that about the resort.
Haena James (FL)
Haena James (FL)
(I can not hold this anymore) excuse me. Mr Halden. I need rest room now.
But rest room seem so far, outside of my office, i fell down. Don't have any energy to walk.
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy's voice startled Christian Halden who was inside the office. He then walk towards me.
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
Ms Haena, did you drank coffee this morning?
Christian Halden (ML)
Christian Halden (ML)
What happen?
Daisy (The Assistance)
Daisy (The Assistance)
I think she drank coffee this morning. She have bad gastric when she drink coffee.

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