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The Nerdy Girl

Authors Note :)

Hello, dear reader!

Thank you very much for picking up this book and for your support! This story has been on my mind for a while, and I finally gathered the courage to bring it to life. I'm thrilled to share it with you! Please bear with me as we embark on this journey together, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Happy reading!



Alicia Kensington has always been the epitome of an overachiever, known for her relentless dedication, hard work, and undeniable nerdy charm. Despite her stellar academic achievements, her dating life is non-existent, and her social life leaves much to be desired. With only three close friends from high school, Alicia enters her first year at Elysian Heights University in the picturesque country of Avaloria with a blend of excitement and apprehension. Determined to break out of her shell, she makes a bold pact with her best friends: to have a boyfriend by the end of her freshman year.

At Elysian Heights University Caldwell is admirer for his good looks, exceptional basketball skills, and a perfect mix of privacy and partying. Despite his wealthy background, he leads a simple, enjoyable life. But when an unexpected event brings Maxime and Alicia together, their worlds collide in a way neither of them could have anticipated.

What follows is a heartwarming and humorous journey of self-discovery, friendship, and unexpected romance, as Alicia and Maxime navigate the complexities of their new relationship and discover the true meaning of love and companionship.


Character details

Alicia Kensington

Age: 18

Background: grew up in a middle-class family in a suburban neighborhood.

Personality: Dedicated, hardworking, and intelligent. She is a bit shy and socially awkward, but loyal and caring to her close friends.

Interests: Loves reading, science, and technology. She's passionate about her studies and spends a lot of time in the library.

Goals: Determined to succeed academically and break out of her social shell by making new friends and finding a boyfriend.

Appearance: Brown skin girl ,wear glasses, curly black hair , and a preference for casual, comfortable clothing.

Family: Supportive parents who encourage her academic pursuits, but worry about her lack of social life.

Friends: Three close friends from high school who know her well and support her goals.

Maxime(Max) Caldwell

Age: 19

Background: Comes from a wealthy family but doesn't flaunt it. Grew up in Ravenwood Springs, a tight-knit community.

Personality: Charismatic, calm, and easygoing. Despite his popularity, he values privacy and has a small circle of close friends.

Interests: Basketball is his passion, and he spends a lot of time practicing. He also enjoys music, parties, and hanging out with friends.

Goals: To excel in basketball, maintain his grades, and enjoy his youth. He values genuine connections over superficial relationships.

Appearance: Tall and athletic with striking features. Usually dresses in trendy, sporty clothing.

Family: Loving parents who support his interests. They are well-known in the community for their philanthropy.

Friends: Four best friends who share his love for sports and fun. They often spend time together both on and off the court.

Supporting characters

Alicia's Parent:

Mariane and Nathan Kensington

Alicia's friends:

Emily: Outgoing and adventurous, always pushing Alicia out of her comfort zone.

Saraphina: Thoughtful and artistic, providing a calm balance in their group.

Matheo: Witty and sarcastic, known for his sense of humor and loyalty.

Eva: Friendly, Loyal, Joyful, Enriching.

Max's Parent:

Laura and Richard Caldwell

Max's friends:

Ethan: The jokester, always lightening the mood with his humor.

Ryan: The strategic thinker, often helping Max with basketball plays and studies.

Lucas: The party planner, known for organizing the best gatherings in town.

Zach: The reliable one, always there when anyone needs help or advice.


Spotify playlist for a better experience :)


Alicia Pov

Growing up, I had one goal in life: to be successful and make my family proud. You might wonder what success means to me. For me, it means being independent, reaching my full potential, and achieving my career aspirations. In a few days, I'll be embarking on the journey to achieve these dreams.

I'm currently 18, half Italian and half French. My mom is a beautiful dark-skinned woman, and my dad is an Italian white man. My mom is a lawyer, and my dad is a surgeon. As their only daughter, they try to spend as much time with me as they can, especially since my older brother left for college last year.

I recently graduated high school in June, and this fall, I'll be attending Elysian Heights University, one of the most elite schools in the world. It's the alma mater of successful CEOs, influential politicians, and world leaders. My goal is to be one of the top students there and to build as many connections as possible.

However, there's one tiny problem—I’m not very good at socializing. My parents have been quite worried about this because I am far from a social butterfly. I wish I could be, but I get anxious every time I have to speak with strangers.

Luckily, all three of my best friends from high school—Emily, Saraphina, and Matheo—will be attending the same school as me. They’ve been my closest companions since I was homeschooled during middle school. Now, as I step into this new chapter of my life, I hope their support will help me overcome my social anxieties and thrive at Elysian Heights.

"Ali, Ali, Alicia, Alicia Kensington!"

"Yes, Mom?"

"My love, is everything okay? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Yeah, I know, Mom. It's just that I'm excited and nervous at the same time for tomorrow."

"Of course you are. It's normal, my love. You're on the path to adulthood and achieving your goals. It's okay to be nervous. When I look back on my college years, it was quite insane. I made lifelong friendships, had so much fun, and made so many mistakes. Those mistakes helped me grow into who I am today. While education is important, don't forget to have a little fun."

"That's the thing—I just get awkward every time I start a conversation with someone I don't know."

"Well, my love, I have a feeling you will figure it out. But one thing you must always remember is to be yourself. If they can't accept you for who you are, then they aren't meant to be in your life."

"Yeah, you are right."

"It's late. You need to go to bed. Tomorrow we have a long day ahead."

"There you guys are. So, are you sure there's nothing more you want me to add to the car?" Nathan Kensington asked.

"Yes, Dad, I'm sure. Okay, now I need to go to bed. Good night, Mom. Good night, Dad. Love you."

"Good night, Angioletta," Nathan Kensington said.

"Good night, my love," Mariane Kensington added.

*Angioletta - Little Angel


The next morning was a whirlwind of last-minute packing, double-checking lists, and loading the car. Alicia's excitement and nerves mingled as her parents drove her to the airport.

At the airport, as they approached the security checkpoint, Alicia's mom, Mariane, turned to her with a serious but loving expression.

"My love, are you sure you have everything? Your passport, boarding pass, your debit/ credit card, your ID?" Mariane asked, her worry evident.

"Yes, Mom, I double-checked everything," Alicia reassured her.

"Honey, don't stress. We'll be coming to help her with any other essentials in three days, and Saraphina's mom, Vivienne, will be with them anyway," Nathan said, trying to calm her.

"Yeah, but it's still worrisome. Also, when do Saraphina Emily and Matheo  get here?" Mariane asked.

"Alicia!" Saraphina's voice rang out as she sprang into Alicia's arms, followed by her mom, Vivienne, and their friends, Emily and Matheo. They all greeted Alicia's parents warmly.

"Okay, bye Mom, Dad," Alicia said, hugging them tightly.

"If you need anything, let me know. And thank you so much, Vivienne," Mariane said.

"Of course, Mariane," Vivienne replied with a reassuring smile.

We got on the plane, and during the flight, I spent most of the time reading a book called "Why Men Love Bitches." Yeah, I know it's hilarious since I haven't been on one date. Matheo and Saraphina spent most of the time sleeping and eating, Emily was engrossed in her laptop doing who-knows-what, and Mrs. Laurent spent the flight working.

When the flight landed, we gathered our luggage and headed to Mrs. Laurent's car. As we drove to Elysian Heights University, my nerves and excitement grew. Elysian is probably the biggest school I had ever seen, sprawling and majestic, with grand buildings that seemed to touch the sky. It felt like a whole new world was opening up before me, and I couldn't wait to explore it.When the flight landed, we gathered our luggage and headed to Mrs. Laurent's car. As we drove to Elysian Heights University, my nerves and excitement grew. Elysian is probably the biggest school I had ever seen, sprawling and majestic, with grand buildings that seemed to touch the sky. It felt like a whole new world was opening up before me, and I couldn't wait to explore it.

As we drove to Elysian Heights University, the first thing that caught our attention was the imposing main gate. It was a grand stone archway, intricately carved with the university's crest and flanked by tall, wrought-iron fences. The crest depicted a torch surrounded by laurel leaves, symbolizing knowledge and achievement.

Beyond the gates, a wide, tree-lined avenue stretched out before us, leading directly to the heart of the campus. Majestic oak trees formed a canopy overhead, their leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze. The avenue was dotted with vibrant flower beds in full bloom, adding splashes of color to the serene landscape.

As we continued down the avenue, the impressive silhouette of Elysian Hall emerged in the distance. Its Gothic spires and elaborate architecture stood tall against the sky, immediately drawing our gaze. The sunlight glinted off the stained glass windows, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that danced across the stone facade.

To the right, we saw the sprawling lawns of the university's central quad, where students lounged on the grass, studying or chatting in groups. Statues of esteemed scholars and historical figures lined the pathways, each one telling a story of the university's rich heritage.

On the left, the gleaming glass structure of the modern library came into view. Its sleek design was a striking contrast to the historic buildings, symbolizing the university's blend of tradition and innovation.

Further down, we passed the bustling student union building, alive with activity. Students were gathered outside at café tables, engrossed in lively conversations, while others hurried inside, likely heading to meetings or events.

As we neared the dormitories, we noticed the welcoming and vibrant atmosphere. Each building was thoughtfully designed with communal spaces, gardens, and outdoor terraces where students were already forming connections.

This captivating blend of historical grandeur and contemporary vibrancy was the first impression Elysian Heights University made on us, and it was clear that this place was much more than a school—it was a thriving, dynamic community.

Unexpected Connections

Alicia Pov

As we drove through the main gate of Elysian Heights University, the excitement in the car was palpable. The grand stone archway, with its intricately carved university crest, loomed above us, welcoming us into this new chapter of our lives.

"Wow, this place is even more amazing than I imagined," Saraphina said, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the tree-lined avenue.

"Totally. Look at those buildings," Matheo added, pointing to the towering spires of Elysian Hall in the distance.

Emily, who had been typing away on her laptop, finally looked up and let out a low whistle. "This is going to be epic."

Saraphina’s mom, smiled warmly from the driver’s seat.

As we gathered with the RA, relief washed over us, realizing that fate had bestowed upon us the fortune of becoming roommates in this quadruplet complex. I mean, come on, having our own rooms while still enjoying the shared amenities of two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room? It's like hitting the jackpot.

Stepping into our new abode, we were greeted by the sight of its stunning interior. The décor was simply impeccable, exceeding all our expectations. From the tastefully arranged furniture to the cozy ambiance, it felt like stepping into a dream home.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Saraphina exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

"It's perfect," Emily agreed, already beginning to unpack her suitcase.

Just then, a knock echoed through the room, drawing our attention to the door. With curious glances exchanged, Emily went to answer it.

Standing in the doorway was a tall, blonde girl with a friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Eva. I'm your roommate," she introduced herself, extending her hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Eva. I'm Emily, and these are Alicia and Saraphina," Emily  replied, introducing everyone with a smile.

"It's great to meet you all," Eva said warmly, stepping into the room. "This place looks awesome."

As Eva began unpacking her belongings, we spent the next few minutes chatting and getting to know each other better. She seemed friendly and easygoing, and I couldn't help but feel relieved to have such a welcoming roommate.

Once Eva was settled in, we all sat down on our respective beds, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the year ahead.

"Alright, let's make a pact," Emily said, breaking the silence. "No matter what happens this year, we support each other. Deal?"

"Deal," we all echoed, sharing a smile.

As we settled into our new home, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the friends I had by my side. With Emily, Saraphina, and now Eva, I knew this year at Elysian Heights University was going to be an adventure to remember.

We chatted for a bit and then headed to orientation. On the way, we bumped into Matheo, and we introduced him to Eva. They hit it off right away, laughing and joking like they'd known each other for years. Orientation went smoothly, but as we made our way to the cafeteria, Matheo dropped a bombshell: there were no more rooms for freshmen, and he was stuck rooming with a sophomore who was a total party animal and also his future teammate for basketball season.

We grabbed our food at the cafeteria, and just as we were settling down, Matheo got a text from his roommate inviting him to a party tonight. He invited us along, and I hesitated for a moment. But before I could protest, Emily and Saraphina shot me a sly look, and I knew resistance was futile. Looks like we were going to a party tonight.


*back to our dorm

Back in our dorm, Matheo headed off to his own room to prepare for the party later tonight. "I really don't feel like going," I confessed with a sigh.

"You're such a party pooper, Alicia," Emily teased, nudging me playfully.

"Hey, if Alicia doesn't want to go, she shouldn't have to," Saraphina chimed in, coming to my defense.

"But, Alicia, you're in college now! You said you wanted to live life to the fullest, remember? Sometimes, that means stepping out of your comfort zone," Eva encouraged me with a smile.

"Ugh, fine," I relented, feeling a little annoyed. "But I don't even have anything to wear to a party."

"Don't worry, I've got you covered. Try this on, I think it'll look amazing on you," Eva said, handing me an outfit.

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly.

"Absolutely! I was just going to donate it anyway because, let's face it, my booty's getting too big for it!" Eva joked, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! I can't with you," Emily chuckled, shaking her head in amusement.

"I feel like this dress is too fancy, especially since I heard most parties end up with the floor being dirty," I remarked, examining the elegant gown in her hands.

"True," Saraphina agreed, nodding in understanding.

"Well, how about this one then?" Eva suggested, holding up a shorter, more casual dress. "It's cute, and definitely more practical for a party."

"And you can pair it with some black sneakers to keep it comfy and stylish," Emily chimed in, offering her fashion advice.

I considered the alternative outfit, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds perfect. Let's go with this one."

The dress Eva proposed was a playful yet chic option for the party. It was a light, flowy mini dress in a vibrant shade of emerald green, adorned with delicate floral patterns in contrasting colors. The neckline was a flattering V-shape, adding a touch of sophistication while still maintaining a fun vibe. The dress cinched at the waist with a matching fabric belt, accentuating my figure in a flattering way. With its flared skirt and above-the-knee length, it offered both style and practicality for a night of dancing and socializing.

As I emerged from the bathroom in the dress, my friends' reactions were priceless. Eva couldn't contain her excitement, gasping in awe at the sight before her, while Saraphina broke into applause, clearly impressed. Emily wasted no time, whipping out her phone to capture the moment, snapping away as if i was a model on a runway.

"It was made to be worn by you! Oh my gosh, Alicia, you look stunning," Eva exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration.

"Seriously, girl, you're killing it," Saraphina chimed in, her grin widening as she admired my figure.

"The curves are giving!" Emily added enthusiastically, snapping another photo. With each compliment, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence, grateful for the support and encouragement of her friends.

"Thanks, you guys. Now, let me change so I can do my makeup," I said with a grateful smile as she retreated to her space to get ready. With practiced hands, she applied her makeup, feeling a sense of relief that her mom had suggested braiding her hair earlier—saving her precious time now.

Once her makeup was done, she slipped back into the dress, feeling a newfound confidence wash over her. Stepping into the living room, she found Emily and Saraphina already prepared, their outfits on point and their excitement palpable. Eva was the last to join them, adding the final touch to her ensemble with a smile.

Eva opted for a trendy and playful ensemble, showcasing her vibrant personality. She wore a stylish crop top in a bold floral print, paired with high-waisted denim shorts that hugged her curves in all the right places. Completing her look, she added a pair of white platform sneakers, adding a touch of sporty chic to her outfit. With her blonde hair cascading in loose waves and a warm smile on her face, Eva exuded effortless charm and confidence.

Saraphina went for a laid-back yet chic look, combining comfort with style. She chose a loose-fitting graphic tee featuring her favorite band's logo, tucking it into a pair of high-waisted black jeans that accentuated her slender frame. To add a pop of color, she threw on a lightweight plaid shirt tied around her waist, adding a touch of flair to her ensemble. With her hair styled in loose waves and a pair of classic black Converse sneakers adorning her feet, Saraphina looked effortlessly cool and ready for whatever the night had in store.

Emily opted for a classic and sophisticated outfit with a modern twist. She wore a sleek black jumpsuit with a tailored silhouette, featuring a cinched waist and wide-leg trousers that elongated her frame. The jumpsuit was adorned with subtle metallic detailing, adding a hint of glamour to her look. To complete her ensemble, she added a pair of strappy black heels, adding height and elegance to her appearance. With her hair swept up into a chic bun and a statement necklace adorning her neckline, Emily exuded confidence and poise, ready to take on the night with style.

"Ready?" Emily's voice cut through the excitement buzzing in the room.

"Yes, we are," Saraphina and Alicia chimed in unison, a surge of anticipation coursing through them.

They slipped on their shoes, their eager footsteps echoing against the floor as they made their way to the door. Tonight was the beginning of a new adventure—one they were more than ready to embrace.

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