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Crazy Witch

Episode 1

It is one of the lazy and boring early morning classes where students are normally sleepy and paying attention is the least of their priority. Chelsea Chiu is among that senior high schoolers . In fact her gaze is on that football field underneath her classroom window. Her mind has long gone wandering and thought if she could just lie down and feel the soft grass and soft breeze, she secretly sigh and trying to survive the torturous hour of her computer programming class. Her sleepy head is supported by her hand trying to recall that funny movie she watched last weekend but failed to entertain her current state of mind.

Then out of the blue something extraordinary appeared on her view, a guy wearing a tattered jeans, black t-shirt and a stud earing on his right earlobe, someone that is too sexy for his own good, and he is coming in to the patio just below her window, he is so good-looking that you'll get pregnant just by fantasizing him. As he gets nearer Chelsea's heart beats like the cliche drum from all the romance novels she ever read. He caught her staring and gave her a mocking grin, okay that was a little bit presumptuous but she thinks he kinda have a license since he's that handsome, she admitted she was caught off guard but of course she can manage. She smiled back at him, sent him a kiss through air and finally winked even her heart is rioting she thought it was exciting. That was the most brazen thing she has done so far in her whole high school life more presumptuous than what he did. She automatically take her gaze back and pretended to hear her lesson afraid of his reaction. She internally giggled that was the most hilarious thing she ever did in her eighteen years of existence. She was even more presumptuous than him and no license at all.

She was too preoccupied with her own internal affairs that she didn't hear her teacher's announcement and unknowingly laugh out loud from her silliness. "So Miss Chiu! how is my announcement so funny?" Mr. Barnby rarely gets angry and calls anyone's attention so it means she's in big trouble. She is once again caught on guard and can't think of anything to answer back. "Stay after class Chelsea for detention." Oh no! she's screwed. She looked down her face blushing from the humiliation, right? she did bold thing just now but felt shy in front of her class which is having a laughing feast. "Mr. Bar..." but before she can finished saying his name.

"Chelsea I was patient with you the entire time, even if your performance in this class is too dismal I have place into a consideration that this subject is indeed too difficult for someone like you, but today you even succeeded my expectation of your normal behavior which is not always paying attention! detention after class!" He then dismiss the class without leaving a slight chance for her to object. Praying miserably not to make her detention too difficult. But this is not a bad morning at all even she had detention.

Chelsea though that guy with sword shape eyebrows, red thick sensual lips and a fresh out of bed don't care hairstyle was illegally tattooed on her teenage mind. So even though she is detained and has to memorize the whole Java Script book the rest of her morning it's not too bad. She felt even inspired to memorize, suddenly she became interested in programming even though there really are some aspects that can't get through her thick skull.

Episode 2

Chelsea thought that she is the friendliest and kindest person on earth, her teachers dotted on her and yes even Mr. Barnby. She probably has this thought that she has this female lead hollow that some fantasy novels described. What the heck? but come to think of it she probably is, even the author's life can be a script from a novel too, no one knows.

Anyways before it get's too creepy let's continue with Chelsea, she talks sweetly and is nice to everyone even the school's maintenance staff including the school guards, they knew her as that charming, demure, sweet and approachable refined lady. She greets everyone she meets along the way and chatted sincerely.

She would stay away from the people that has a strong personality because it drains her energy and if she can't she would try to at least blend in to avoid giving them a chance to bully her so she would pretend to be like them. She will spend some time binding with her friends which actually divided into several groups. She has friends that belongs to ordinary family which she thought where she truly belongs, she can be herself and they can eat all street food from high end to the least sanitary and go to the school clinic altogether if something happened. She also has friends with the school nerds, her grades were really not that considered nerdy but they like her nevertheless so she joins their fun too which she likes very much because they can patiently explain that complicated game they created themselves and would never get angry if she screwed it up. She also has friends that were considered a push over and losers which were always the underdog, she will never consider herself one of them but got closer to them because of sympathy, she has develop this advocacy to teach them how to fight back.

She was also a class president and even one of the governors of the school's student council. Her school life is well rounded and pretty much balanced. In one short description she is popular. Her school life extra curricular life is too busy while her academic life is empty, in fact she is a mediocre student. She's this kind of person that hates to study, she is in a worst state that flipping the first page of history textbook made her sleepy, even in her adult life she uses textbooks as alternative to sleeping pills and never ever disappoints her. But that was Chelsea on the spotlight.

The Chelsea on the dark side is totally different, Chelsea's has a traumatic childhood, she grew up in a dysfunctional family where her mother is her number one bully, she is her mother's emotional punch bag. Her mother would scrutinize and hit her if her parents had a fight. Sometimes his father too would put the blame on her. The family preferred boys than girls so her brother was often spared from hitting and she will take it all. But her brother's condition is not far from her either they abused through and through. When they were younger they often got hungry because his father didn't go to work and can often times found in the gambling house. Their mother which has graduated from college should have a nice career and good salary, but she didn't she wanted to focus on changing her father into a sensible man getting a good job so that she'll be a real housewife that's possibly her lifelong ambition. But she didn't think it will happen in the near future. That's why at the age of twelve she started to do chores from that old lady on the outskirts of town to earn a little money to buy food for her then eight years old brother. On weekend she would assist that fat big brother to sell fish so he would give her her weeks allowance and cook fish broth with vegetables to nourish hers and her brother's tattered bodies. Her mother was malnourished too but she can't find any sympathy to that evil lady. She didn't even care where they at or if they have any meal for the day.

Episode 3

After spending time reading during have day detention, she is confident that she won't be able to remember any of it after she steps her foot out of the classroom. She didn't worry about it anymore and since she's done Mr. Barnby allowed her to go. She happily went out of her teacher's view and went directly to the student council's office, they were called out for a meeting through social media. From where she at she can hear a some loud squirms and giggling inside the council's office. Little girls, gaylings (not a professional gay yet) even teachers. She's wondering what's going on inside so she rushed in and found the most magnificent sight she had encounter for the second time. It's that male god. She was stunned and her heart beat accelerated to the point of heart attack, she was staring at him but he didn't notice her. What business could this male have in here? Someone is calling her from behind but all she can hear is the loud beating of her heart.

"Chelsea what are you doing? You're blocking the doorway!"

Someone pushed her in and she lost her balance and was about to hit her face on the floor and wow just like in the movies he was able to catch her on time. Chelsea felt it was the longest 25 seconds of her life. She looked at his face and he is even more attractive on close up view.

"Naughty!" He whispered on her ear, his voice is too sensual made the hair allover her body rise. Her ability to speak was temporarily not available. She was clutching his shirt tightly. Chelsea is completely unaware of her surrounding a hundred and fifty percent focused on his gorgeous face.

"If you keep staring at me like that, I might not able to control myself"

He said that only her can hear. It's like his breath is licking her earlobe.

Upon realizing that all eyes are piercing on her like an ancient arrows and daggers thrown on her. She quickly gathers herself and ran out of the office. She went inside the library to calm herself down. Hmm that was truly unexpected and she was not prepared. She was spacing out while looking at the catalog not really noticing the references in front of her. She finally decided to go inside just to make peace to her emotions that are in hiatus. She might need more information on programming she went into the computer programming isle, she browse on thousands of books in the library and after few minutes she finally found what she needed but it's on the top shelf. Right? How lucky she can be. She is not short at 170 cm for a normal Asian kid but damn that shelf is too high for her she looked left and right to look for a leverage but there is none, she asked herself did she really need it? Well she knew the answer part of her detention is do a report. She tried to jump to no avail until someone has taken that book. That was unfair! She came here first! She wants to retaliate but when she faced the owner of that long hands it was "that guy"

"Need this?"

She became mute once again she just nodded.

"Well if you want it you'll have to buy me coffee"

Her brows creased. Did she hear it correctly? He wants to have coffee with her. Seriously? But no she has no money nor time. How sad.

"Sorry no money, and no time either." How honest she can be. She tried to take the book away from him but his reflex is like ghostly.

Admitted her defeat since this book might not help her anyway, having an extreme infatuation is fine but reality can only be cruel and someone like him cannot play with her like normal kids do.

She ignored him and went out of the library.

"Come back!" His tone domeneering.

She didn't care. He can tear down the school but nothing or no one can stop her.

After her next class she has totally forgotten that Kpop looking guy and went into her next part time job. Little did she know that she is being followed.

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