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Game On Alpha

Episode 1

Prelude I

In a world of the supernatural, there lived many species who once existed together in harmony. As time progressed, so did the tension between the species. The greed for power to become the most dominant species consumed them all. Peace and harmony slowly but surely crumbled over time, transforming into bitterness and animosity, driving the supernatural species apart.

The Moon Goddess, mother of all supernatural beings watched from above as her children destroyed everything that she had brought to life. In her rage induced state she decided she was going to punish her children by creating vile, loathsome creatures that dare not follow any rules or commands, that follow their lust of power, in a way more destructive than her own kin, as their means to survive. She called them Vipers.

The only means of order being restored to the supernatural world, was to find the two soulmates of good and pure heart, who were blessed by the Moon Goddess with gifts that make them unlike any other. Their fate was sealed and aligned to bring together the community and guide them into prosperity once more. And so, the prophecy was foretold, but centuries passed and yet they were never found...

Prelude II

“A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master.”

- Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love

Werewolves were the first creatures created by the Moon Goddess and hold a very special place in the Goddess' heart. The wolf symbolizes guardianship, loyalty and spirit, which is why she gifted man with the power to transform into large wolves as well the heightened abilities and senses that come with it.

Werewolves are not meant to travel alone. They thrive in unity, which is why packs exist. The establishment of packs was a rough, unruly process which is why she assigned ranks to wolves, to bring order to packs. Alphas are the head of their packs, who are born with natural leadership skills and are people who are assertive and dominant in nature but also people who also inspire and motivate others. Betas are second-in-command, there to support the alphas and are also level-headed and enforcers by nature. Gamma are third ranks among the pack, they are people who are seen as mediators and caretakers and play an important role by support to alphas, betas and the pack.

When a young wolf reaches the maturing age of eighteen, he or she is to meet their soulmates; the one who completes you, the other half of your soul, the love of your life, the person who you are fated to spend the rest of your life with. A gift from the Moon Goddess herself, given to her beloved creations to live out their lives in happiness to those who deserve it. In the wolf community, the meeting of that person is a cause for a grandeur celebration, especially if you're a respectable figure or of high ranking. For balance and natural order, it is commonly known that soulmates of the same ranking are very rare, due to the challenges and difficulties that it brings along the way.

The mating process is a natural order, in which mates mark each other, the animalistic side of werewolves staking claim to their partner to express and solidify their bond. It is then that a female werewolf experiences heat, a fertility period followed after the marking, which creates an inferno-like desire and need for intimacy for a mated couple. It’s the Goddess' way of ensuring the bloodline of the wolf continues.

Soulmates aren't easy to find and can take between days or years. It is why many don't follow the rule of fate and set their course for a mate of their choosing.

So begins the journey of a pair of werewolves; Alina Richards and Xavier Collins. Two seemingly normal wolves...

Episode 2

Alina’s POV

As dawn appeared, so did the shrill screech of my alarm. While reaching to shut off the noise, I felt myself tumbling out of my bed and landing gracefully, face first onto the floor. Ouch, hopefully that didn't leave a mark.

What a great way to start off a Monday morning! Also, happy 21st birthday to me. If this is foreshadowing of how today is going to proceed, then I would rather curl myself back under the blankets and pretend I don't exist. But alas, that’s not how the world works, I have to get my ass into gear and get ready for college.

Don’t get me wrong, I don't particularly hate college. Quite the opposite actually, considering it gives me a rather big population pool to work with - and by that, I mean pulling pranks, my favourite pastime in the world. The icing on the cake is that I have the best prank squad on my side, my best friends and partners in crime since diaper days: Riley, Thea and Jason. We were known as 'The A Team', #1 prank squad of Ashtington College. We may look innocent at first but deep down we’re all just itching to pull pranks on some poor unsuspecting soul. Of course, none of the pranks are cruel, just a source of entertainment and the ‘victims’ take them with humor.

Today was just one of those days. Nothing particularly wrong with it but you’re just not feeling it.

I was never one to dwell on the fact that I have yet to find my mate, some find theirs within hours of coming of age, others take days, months or even years. I was patient and it never really bothered me; my time will come when the Goddess wishes it to be. I’m independent in nature and never uncertain of myself, always have been that way but lately I’ve had a nagging feeling at the back of my mind and my wolf Rhia has been pacing restlessly for the past few days which isn’t usually like her. I guess that’s what has me on edge.

I push myself off the floor. I am Alina freaking Richards, future Alpha of Red Dawn, if life throws a curveball at me then so be it, I'm going to hit a damn home run.

I go to my bathroom and take my time in the shower, letting the warm water wash away my thoughts and hop out to find something to wear. I throw on a pair of black ripped jean-shorts and a soft light blue t-shirt that’s seen better days, but I can't seem to part with and match it with my favourite pair of battered Converse and leather biker jacket. I run a hand through my fairly wavy, striking black hair on my way out the door, not even bothered with makeup today.

The smell of crispy bacon leads me down the stairs and straight into the kitchen to find my mum at the stove handling the precious cargo.

"Glorious food, wonderful food!" I imitate the vultures from the Ice Age movie, albeit horribly, finding it fitting.

My mum sighs, looks up and laughs at me, used to my antics and devotion to food.

"Morning mum," I give her a kiss on the cheek, swiping a piece of delicious maple glazed bacon and popping it into my mouth while avoiding the swat of her spatula.

"Good morning darling, happy birthday!" she says, and she hugs me so tight I can hardly breathe. She forgets about her werewolf strength and the damage her hugs can do. Deadly.

"Put her down Cally, you're squeezing the life out of my princess," dad says. Ah my hero, coming to save me I think to myself but instead, he grabs me from her side and tackles me into his own bone-crushing hug.

"Dad! You're supposed to be helping me, not doing the same!" I laugh as he eventually sets me down on my feet and goes to sit at the kitchen island, allowing me to breathe again. "Well it's not every day you turn the ripe old age of 21 now is it? Look at you all grown up," he smiles humorously.

"Sit down and have some breakfast Ali," mum sets the bacon on the table and dad kisses her cheek, giving her a wink.

"Nope. Sorry, I've got to pick Riley up, I don't want to be late!" I say while grabbing a second piece of bacon from the plate and start walking towards the front door.

"Princess, she's just next door at the pack house, not halfway across the country," my dad chuckles and looks at me with amusement.

"Oh, and don't forget, the Alpha of The Blood Moon pack is coming back from his trip. He hasn't had any luck finding his mate. I expect you to be on your best behaviour when you cross paths Ali, no pulling pranks on the poor guy," My dad says sternly but slyly gives me a wink. No doubt my mum asked him to give me a talk. The guy loves my pranks, I practically learned everything I know from him. "Sure dad. The poor guy. Well, see you guys later," I say mostly for my mum’s peace of mind but having no intention to follow through.

Walking outside towards my baby I open the door and get in. The engine comes to life with a soft purr and I slowly backed out the driveway. I made my way down to the pack house where Riley lives with her parents. Her dad's the Beta and he was one of my dad's best friends, the other one being the Gamma, Jack, who is Thea and Jason's dad. We all grew up together as a result and carried on the legacy of our dads’ friendship.

Riley hopped in as soon as I pulled up to the house and we sped off towards school. "Happy Birthday Ali!" she squealed and it kind of hurt my ears because of our heightened senses. She hugged me across the seat.

"Jason and Thea will meet us at school. Thea just woke up and Jason's trying to get rid of his one-night stand." she explains. I chuckled, "Typical Jason, ever the charmer." She just shook her head and laughed.

"So... I heard from dad that the Blood Moon wolves are back from their trip. It’s been years since we last saw them, I wonder how they turned out. I still remember the pranks we pulled on them, fun times" She reminisce in bliss and I shake my head in amusement, “Of course you’d wonder, you’ve always had a thing for one of them.”

“I did not have a thing for Alex,” her blissful look falls over her face as she deadpans. “Who said anything about Alex?” I look over at her innocently. Her cheeks flush as she mutters curses under her breath and shoots me looks that tell me just how she feels while I look out the windshield in silence for the rest of the drive, proud of myself.

I think back to the last time I saw any of them. We've been pulling pranks on those guys since we were in kindergarten, and dammit, it was worth it for all the trouble we got into. I wonder how they turned out too, but I didn’t dare voice my thoughts.

Episode 3

Xavier’s POV

I'm in a sullen mood and Alex, my beta, alongside his twin Aiden, my gamma, aren't all sunshine and rainbows either. We have traveled away for five years forming pack relations with other packs around the world and some closer to home while our parents, the former leaders, looked over the pack.

It also provided us with the opportunity to search for our soulmates. Truthfully, I am disappointed, but I still wanted to show my pack that I am strong and determined.

We took some pack members with us and most of the older wolves found their mates. They chose to either stay with their mates' pack or bring their mates back with us and initiate them into ours.

I am the Alpha of The Blood Moon Pack, the most revered pack in America which proudly boasts our fierce strength, wisdom and loyalty. It has been six years since I turned 18 and I have yet to find my other half, it makes me disgruntled because as I settle more into my position as alpha, I can't help but feel a part is missing. It gets hard some days where the questions of: 'How much longer does the Moon Goddess want me to wait? Am I even destined to be blessed with one?', plague my mind and fill me with unsettling feelings. I tried to shut them out as I closed my eyes and rest my head against the headrest.

We’re all driving back to our pack house and we still have a few days’ worth of driving to cover. Alex, Aiden, and I are in one SUV driving together, while the rest of the pack was driving behind us. Alex, Aiden and I have been best buddies since kindergarten. We always have each other's backs, come hell or high water.

"Xavier man, don't worry about it. I'm sure we'll find them soon. Maybe they're from our pack or the Red Dawn pack and just wasn't old enough yet when we left." Alex tried to lighten up the mood. "Yeah, don't stress. I bet they're going to be total badasses and keep us on our toes, running behind them without a moment's peace. So, you better enjoy the peace of mind now while you have it." Aiden jokes. He's probably the most laid-back guy out of all of us.

"Yeah sure, you’re probably right. I'm going to get some shut eye and then take over and drive the rest of the way. You good going for a few more hours Alex?" I asked Alex without opening my eyes, since he was driving.

"I got this; you get some rest. And don't worry, you'll find her soon, probably when you least expect it," he says trying to reassure me.

I shrunk lower in the passenger seat and thought about home, how it was before we left. I think about my parents and how much I missed them over the years, they were both so sure I'd find her on this trip. Goddess, I hope mum doesn't go on about wanting grandchildren before she dies again. I know that dialogue of-by-heart now because of the countless times I've heard it, but I know that it comes from a good place.

Our pack neighbours the Red Dawn pack, our greatest allies, my dad is good friends with their current alpha, James. We’ve been on good terms for as long as I can remember and have agreed to let our wolves cross onto their territory and vice versa.

However, while dad is on good terms with Alpha James, I am definitely not on good terms with his daughter. That little she-devil and her posse have been pulling ridiculous pranks on me and the guys since day one. I certainly did not miss her at all.

Although, I have to admit, she has crossed my mind from time to time at the most random moments and I can’t help but be curious to know what she's like now. She was such an adorable kid when we were little, with her two cute little pigtails and flowery summer dresses. She might have looked cute, but she sure was one sassy little hellion.

Oh, this is going to be a long ride.

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