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Sharaina: Golden Destiny

Episode 1

The sound of cheers and chatter were faint as a King weakly staggered his way through a hallway.

"I must get to the Council of Elders." his frail voice echoed.

His heart ached emotionally and physically. Even though he was drunk, he knew that he was about to die. His mouth sprout out fresh blood, and he hopelessly wiped it off with his robe. His knees grew even weaker, vision blurry. When he got to the door, he hit it with his shoulder and burst in. The council of elders looked down at him from their high seats.

"King Raglan," they spoke in unison.

"Meelzib has decided to kill me off." King Raglan dropped to his knees, and weakly looked up at the Council of elders.

"Yes, it is only a matter of time before you breath your last." their voices echoed in unison.

"Why must this be? What will become of my people after I'm gone?" King Raglan got on his fours and coughed out blood. It splattered onto the floor, staining his hands. He stared at it in a daze. His ears ringing and, chest burning.

"They will suffer injustice."

"I have failed my people." King Raglan lamented.

The council of elders murmured among themselves. King Raglan couldn't make any sense of what they were saying. A tearing sensation ripped through his heart. He groaned as blood trickled down his lips.

"Do not despair your royal majesty for there is hope."

King Raglan faced up once more and for a moment, a glow of hope filled up his eyes. "Tell me," he demanded with impatience.

"There will come a new ruler. She isn't of royal blood, but she will be one of the greatest leaders Dark Star will ever have. She will put an end to Meelzib's reign of terror and liberate Dark Star."

"Oh joy!" King Raglan's bloodied lips twitched into a smile. "Your words have relieved me."

"Go now to your party, your majesty, for she is there. She will be the last person you will see."

Episode 2

Two months before

The sun rose and sent light across the beautiful green and hilly Gemhules village of Dark Star. The birds chirped, and whistled happily as they conquered the lovely blue sky. Darkas gods of all classes started their day.

A beautiful cottage stood in its splendor amid a green yard with beautiful flowers of all sorts. Further away from the house was a small stable shelter.

A little girl burst out the door and jumped off the porch. She picked up her red ball, and threw it up in the air. Her long golden hair covered her back and graced her knees.

Her rosy cheeks complimented her pink eyes as she stared at her ball up in the sky. With her tiny hands held apart from each other, she waited for the ball to come back down.

Looking at her from the window was her mother who smiled warmly at the little girl playing. She tucked her dark hair behind her ear, wiped her forehead and rinsed the last plate in the sink.

As soon as she was done, she wiped her hands dry and proceeded to set the table for breakfast. She set plates of bread, cheese, butter and fried eggs on the table. She then quickly opened a drawer and pulled out plates. She started to set the plates on the table when a young man joined her in the kitchen. He kissed her on the cheek and took a seat.

With a warm smile that showed off her dimples, she said, "Good morning, Naian."

"Good morning, mama. How did you sleep last night?" Naian asked her with an equally dimpled smile.

"I slept well." she said, pouring him fruit juice.

"Where is Alainara? Shouldn't she be having breakfast too?" Naian asked.

"You know how playful your little sister is. Let me get her now." she happily said and walked out of the kitchen.

She stood at 5'3 with a full chest and slender body. Her figure was neatly covered in a white knee short dress and sky blue apron. With her warm pink eyes, she searched for Alainara. Her eyebrow jerked up at the sound of Alainara's giggles from the side of the house, and peeped at her from the porch.

"Breakfast is ready child, come and eat." she announced.

Alainara put her ball down, skipping happily into the kitchen. Without even bothering to sit down, she stuffed her mouth with bread. Alainara coughed at her mother glaring at her with her hands on her broad hips. She swallowed hard with her gaze down.

In a whisper, she said, "I'm sorry for not washing my hands, mama. I was so hungry that I forgot." she pouted.

Alainara proceeded to walk the walk of shame to the sink with Naian smirking at her back. She hastily washed her hands but when she heard her mother clear her throat, she slowed down and washed them properly.

Naian started to eat his breakfast when he felt the strong hand of his father pat his shoulder before sitting down. He was a tall man with short hair as golden as the sun. He rubbed his freshly shaved chin with his hairy hand as his wife poured him a cup of tea.

"Good morning, Akirexer." he greeted her.

"Good morning, Sharumez. Are you feeling okay? You are usually down here first but Alainara beat you." Akirexer asked him concerned and he groaned.

"I just have a little headache, that's all. I over worked myself yesterday due to the orders we got on short notice." Sharumez blew on his tea, sipping it with his pink eyes partially closed to the steam. "I'm feeling fatigued. If I had a choice, I would have skipped work today." Sharumez further lamented to which Naian nodded his head in agreement.

Sharumez was a Fourth Class darkas god. Like all Fourth Class, he possessed no mark at all. He married Akirexer who too was of the same class and together, they had three children.

Sharumez stared at his oldest child, Naian, eating his breakfast peacefully. He also, like them, was a Fourth Class darkas god. He not only inherited his dimples from his mother but his dark hair and sharp eyes too.

Naian was as tall as Sharumez but not as hairy. His body fit and firm. Naian noticed Sharumez staring, and he flashed a smile at him. Sharumez gave him a proud nod and went on to look at his youngest child, Alainara who was still at the sink.

Alainara wiped her hands on her dress, and it prompted Akirexer to pull her ear before she sat down. Alainara continued to stuff her mouth with bread as if nothing happene, sending chuckles across the table.

Akirexer handed a fresh glass of juice to Alainara who took it with a mouth half full of bread. Sharumez smiled warmly at Alainara, but when his eyes set on the empty chair beside her, wrinkles formed on his forehead, and he shot a glare at Akirexer.

"Where is she?" he sternly asked Akirexer, "I know that she isn't in her room because I checked it before I came down here."

Akirexer nervously tucked her hair behind her ear, "Um, well, she is... uh," stammered, keeping her eyes off Sharumez's hardened expression.

Noting her fear, Sharumez grunted in annoyance, "I always tell you to talk to her but you never listen to me. This is the third night in a row that she hasn't slept at home. Who knows where she is?" Sharumez slammed the table.

Naian put his fork down tensed. He observed Akirexer wiping her sweaty palms on her apron while Sharumez glared at her. Naian stole a look at Alainara who equally wasn't eating anymore. She just sat there frowning at Sharumez.

"Please don't be upset, Sharumez. It will only make your head hurt even more." Akirexer pleaded with him.

"Why shouldn't I be upset when that girl keeps on going out on these drinking sprees? I am more than sure that she is out somewhere drunk as hell! With her kind of attitude, who will marry her? I am sick of this!" Sharumez angrily pushed his plate away and got up. "Naian, we are leaving now." he commanded.

Naian abandoned his breakfast immediately. Sharumez dashed out through the kitchen door. Naian was about to follow him out when Akirexer pulled his hand back. He furrowed at the dullness in her eyes.

"Please, try by all means not to stress your father at the shop." she softly requested of him, "He is angry with your sister again." she worriedly added. "I don't know what I am going to do with that girl." this time, anger laced her voice.

Naian scratched his dark hair, "Sharaina is truly something. If she doesn't come back by noon, I will go out and look for her again. Perhaps I will find her this time."

Akirexer reached out for Naian's cheek, smiling lovingly at him, "I know I can always count on you. Go now, your father is waiting for you." she contented.

When Naian stepped out into the warm sun, he found Sharumez already on his horse. He wasted no time on getting on his horse too, and they both rode to the market.

Along the way up a hill, they came across several villagers, and they exchanged greetings with them. They rode past wooden houses scattered all over the hills—many of the people happily waving at them.

When they finally arrived at the workshop, they found a customer already waiting for them. He wiped the sweat off his bald head before putting his hat back on. His horse neighed beside him.

"Good morning, Sharumez." the customer began, "Good morning, Naian."

"Good morning, Bayin." Sharumez returned the greeting as he unlocked the shop. "I hope you haven't been waiting here for a long time."

"No, I actually just got here." Bayin assured, smiling from ear to ear.

"Please do come in." Sharumez smiled back, ushering him in.

The scent of sawdust tickled Bayin's nose. His sneeze echoed across the shop. Naian picked up a cloth from the counter and wiped a dusty bench clean. He then gestured to it to which Bayin sat down with a cough.

As Sharumez flipped a book on a counter, Bayin's eyes wandered around the carpentry. His eyes first set on a polished dinning set before trailing to an unfinished rocking chair.

Bayin quietly observed Naian sweep sawdust off a saw. Naian hung it on the wall along with the other tools and worked his way through the rest of the floor.

"What would you like for us to do for you?" Sharumez asked with a pen to a clear page.

Bayin blinked his thoughts in order at the question, "Well, Sharumez, I am in need of a bed. You see, my mother is coming to live with my wife and I. We only have one bed in the house so I figured that I'd get my mother a new one." Bayin quickly explained.

"What type of bed to you want?" Sharumez asked him as he wrote.

"A double bed would be splendid." Bayin politely answered with a sniffle. He pulled out his handkerchief and patted his nose.

"I apologize for the dusty air." Sharumez relented.

"Oh, no, please, I am the one who came before you were able to clean up. I hear you got off late last night." Bayin reassured with a cough.

Sharumez smiled at his understanding, "Huge order, client satisfaction is important to us," he recounted, "So, when will you need your bed?"

"In a week." Bayin sniffed and twisted his lips to the side.

"That won't be a problem. It will cost you 400 pearls." Sharumez charged.

Bayin rubbed his bearded chin, and nodded his head slowly. "Okay, I suppose 400 pearls is fair." he reluctantly agreed.


Bayin scowled when he was out of the workshop. He angrily got onto his horse and rode away to the far end of the market. He came to an area of bars. Drunken people danced outside, chatting ever so loudly and spilling their beer as they tossed.

Bayin rode to a bar labeled, 'Bayin's Bar'. Several people surrounded his horse, talking to him at once. Bayin shoved them away.

"Get away from me!" he hollered at them, "I am not in the mood for your nonsensical reports."

Bayin walked through a door of wooden beads. He took one look at his customers drinking and chatting loudly. His gorgeous waitresses were all over the bar serving them.

On the stage was a stunning singer he hired for entertainment. She sang remarkably and swung her wide hips from side to side as her thick lips mesmerized the customers close to the stage. They showed their appreciation by throwing money at her.

"Yes." Bayin greedily rubbed his hands together at the money on the stage.

He was just about ready to go on stage when he caught sight of a crowded table. Bayin scowled when he realized what was happening. He rushed to the table in order to see who was breaking the 'No arm wrestling in the bar' rule.

"Come on, man, get serious!" Bayin heard a man yell and he clenched his fists.

Bayin got to the table, clearing the people in his way. He glared at the bald dark giant and gorgeous blonde girl arm wrestling but neither of them took notice of him.

She smirked at the giant trying his best to force her hand down. His veins protruded throughout his sweaty head. He gritted his teeth as he tried with all his might to drop her hand.

"I think this has gone long enough." the girl yawned.

"Don't get too confident, little girl. My friend is arm wrestling champion in my village." a thin man proudly boasted, and patted the giant's hand.

"Well, I am the best in this village." she argued back, gave a drunken chuckle and slammed the giant's hand against the table.

The giant immediately passed out on the floor, and the girl gulped her beer whilst the crowd cheered. She stretched her hand to the giant's friend who glared at her as he slapped 500 pearls in her hand.

He then sought the help of other men, and together they dragged the giant out of the bar. The girl got on the table and held up both her beer and money for all to see.

"The next round is on me!" she declared and everyone cheered joyfully.

Bayin smiled greedily at that. The girl dizzily backed up, almost falling off the table. Bayin took hold of her hand, and helped her off the table. She couldn't stop chuckling as she leaned on him for support.

"Mr. Bayin, I'm sorry for breaking the rules." she drowsily said. Her cheeks red and puffy, "Those men showed up from nowhere and challenged me. I promise I won't break the rules next time." she chuckled.

"Don't apologize to me, Sharaina." Bayin dismissed. "I am not upset with you." he smiled broadly while eyeing her money.

"That's great!" Sharaina mirthfully giggled, and joined her friends.

Bayin scoffed to himself, "On one hand the father over charges me and on the other, the daughter brings me more money."


Akirexer sat on the porch combing Alainara's hair. Alainara read her children's book aloud. As Alainara read, Akirexer couldn't help but drift away in her thoughts. Alainara noticed that Akirexer wasn't listening to the story when she stopped responding to her questions.

"Mama, are you even listening?" Alainara whined.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just can't stop thinking about Sharaina. I wonder where she is. Why can't she stay home like most girls her age?" Akirexer expressed her concerns.

"I'm sure she is fine, mama. Sharaina has many friends around the village." Alainara innocently said. "Maybe she is on her way home." she added and flipped a page.

Akirexer paused combing Alainara's hair at the sight of birds flying away in fright. Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of trees breaking. The ground beneath their feet moved.

Alainara dropped her book, and hugged Akirexer. The neighbors began to run away in horror. Many of them chose to abandon their homes in fear. Akirexer carried Alainara in her arms and ran away too. A deafening roar sent out screams across the village.

Episode 3

Sharumez and Naian worked tirelessly on their projects for the day. They were completely unaware of what was happening because the noise hadn't reached the market yet.

They had been working for hours none stop and Sharumez reached his limit. Holding his throbbing head, he sat back and watched Naian work. Suddenly, a frightened woman burst into the workshop. They recognized her as one of their neighbors. Sharumez offered her a seat and Naian went to get her some water.

"I don't need water!" she blurted out, "A kremis is in our neighborhood as we speak. I just came to tell you this."

Sharumez paled, his eyes widened in fear, "Oh no, Akirexer!"

He and Naian dashed out of the shop and got onto their horses. They rode to their neighborhood like maniacs. By the time they got there, they found the kremis roaring.

It stood fierce in its gigantic stature. Its upper body was that of a man and its lower body from the waist down was of a snake. It smashed houses with its hands with only one hit. Its tail swept across the land, taking down wagons on the road. With its one eye that had a snake like cornea, it looked for people to kill.

People were scattered everywhere and there was no sign of Akirexer and Alainara. Sharumez and Naian desperately tried to ask the people who ran past them if they had seen them but no one bothered to answer.

Naian lost his patience and got off his horse. He grabbed one man and pinned him down. He was screaming hysterically, and Naian gave him a hot slap to calm him down. Naian snatched him off the ground and shook him.

"Have you seen my mother and Alainara?" Naian blurted out.

The man trembled in fear. He couldn't find his words so he just pointed. Sharumez and Naian followed his finger and they were instantly horrified. Naian let go of the man and he ran away screaming.

He and Sharumez dropped their jaws at the kremis. It roared thunderously and in its hand was Akirexer. She was screaming whilst Alainara was crying on the ground.

Sharumez charged at the kremis without thinking. Whilst still on his horse, he swooped Alainara off the ground and rode her to safety. Alainara cried into his chest. With sadness, Sharumez and Naian helplessly looked at Akirexer. There was no possible way for them to save her.

Akirexer saw Alainara safe in Sharumez's arms, she stopped screaming and felt at peace. She closed her eyes and accepted her fate... then she heard a bang.

She plummeted to the ground screaming, but Sharaina caught her in her arms before she hit the ground. The kremis furiously roared at the insult and attacked the two women.

Sharaina ran away fast with Akirexer over her shoulder. She dodged a punch from the kremis and made a sharp corner to safety. She hid Akirexer behind a house.

"Mama, stay here." Sharaina said and went back to face the kremis. Akirexer remained weeping alone with her hand on her heart.

Sharaina ran straight for the tail of the kremis, and grabbed hold of it. She took a deep breath and pulled it with all her might. Sharaina swung the kremis around and hit it on the ground. She went for its head while it was down and dived on it hard with her elbow.

The kremis roared in frustration, grabbed Sharaina and slammed her on the ground. . Sharaina stopped its punch and tossed it off. She launched up into the air and landed with a thud on the belly of the kremis. It vomited with the impact and blacked out.

Sharumez and Naian rushed to Sharaina's aid. They couldn't keep their jaws up at her sitting on top of the kremis gasping for air. Blood ran down her mouth. Her messy hair was covered in dirt. Sharumez observed the bruises on her arms.

"Papa, how is this possible?" Naian asked Sharumez.

Sharumez did not hear Naian's question. He had the look of fear plastered across his face. He slowly approached Sharaina. The kremis groaned and he halted fearfully.

"Sharaina... " he started to say, "Child, get down before this beast wakes up."

Sharaina staggered off the kremis and chuckled playfully. She stumbled backwards but clumsily maintained her balance. Staggering forward, she waved at Sharumez. Noting her drunkenness, Sharumez's face screwed up into a scowl.

He opened his mouth to scold her but military troops landed on dragons. They ran past Sharumez and Sharaina with their weapons drawn. Naian watched the warriors finish off the kremis whilst Sharumez completely ignored them. His stern eyes were fixed on Sharaina who was smiling widely with her eyes closed.

One of the warriors walked away from the kremis and approached Sharumez. He blocked his view of Sharaina and looked him right in the eye. Upon seeing this, Naian tensed. Sharumez gave him an assuring nod, and he calmed down a little. The warrior cleared his throat and Sharumez got ready to hear what he had to say.

"I apologize that we couldn't get here sooner." he respectfully said. "Listen, would you mind telling me who defeated the kremis?" he inquired.

"It was my daughter." Sharumez reluctantly pointed at Sharaina.

The warrior widened his eyes at her shocked. Sharaina gave him a playful wave and he turned away stunned. "Are you serious?" he asked Sharumez.

"Yes, she is the one who took it down." Sharumez assured the warrior before him.

"Interesting! You must be proud. She must come with us at once. My superiors would want to speak to her." the warrior babbled but he was taken aback when Sharumez put his hands together.

"Please pardon me but I cannot allow it. I instead want to take her home." Sharumez humbly declined.

The warrior could not insist any further due to the seriousness in Sharumez's eyes. "I understand." he said in defeat.

Upon hearing that, Sharumez grabbed Sharaina's hand and forcefully took her home. Naian quickly followed them and they were soon joined by Akirexer and Alainara. Sharaina whined all the way home in full view of the villagers.

Sharumez burst the front door open and threw Sharaina to the couch. Akirexer quickly ran to Sharaina, and protectively held her in her arms. She glared at Sharumez who was scowling.

"There you go again protecting her even when she has done something wrong!" Sharumez exploded.

"Can't you see that she is hurt?!" Akirexer angrily yelled back at him.

"Oh, I can see that perfectly well! I can also see that she is drunk out of her mind! I want her to tell me where she was for the past three days and three nights!" Sharumez screamed at the top of his lungs and that frightened Alainara.

"Papa please stop yelling." Alainara cried.

Alainara got down on her knees and hugged Sharumez's leg. Sharumez calmed down and the shame for scaring Alainara took over his anger. He knelt down on one knee and pulled Alainara up. He wiped her tears with both his thumbs and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Are you still angry, papa?" Alainara sobbed.

"Not at all, my child. Please, stop crying." he stood up, gave her head a rub and walked upstairs to his room.

"Mama, please don't be angry too." Alainara innocently pleaded.

"It's alright, honey." Akirexer assured Alainara. "Go to your room now." she told her.

Alainara smiled and ran up the stairs. Akirexer stared down at Sharaina who was dozing on her shoulder. From the look of things, she wasn't even aware of what had just happened. Akirexer sighed at that.

"Naian, please carry Sharaina to her room." she asked of Naian.

Naian obeyed Akirexer and gently carried Sharaina in his arms. By the time he was up the stairs, Sharaina was fast asleep. He went into her room and waited for Akirexer to pull the duvet aside. He then gently put Sharaina on the bed.

Akirexer went into the bathroom whilst Naian took Sharaina's shoes off her feet and covered her. Akirexer came back with a rag and dish of water. Naian excused himself, closing the door on his way out. Akirexer sat beside Sharaina and wiped the blood off her lips.


The next morning, Sharaina woke up to a headache. She caught sight of a jar of water on her headboard and drunk all the water in it. Sharaina moaned as she got out of bed and into her bathroom.

She took off her clothes and got into her shower. When she was done, she put on a dress. Sharaina tied her hair into a ponytail and went downstairs for breakfast.

She found Naian and Alainara eating at the table while Akirexer did the dishes. Sharaina tickled Akirexer's waist and Akirexer playfully missed her head with a wooden spoon. Sharaina laughed and picked a bun from Naian's plate. She then proceeded to sit right next to Alainara.

"I didn't expect you to be up early, Sharaina." Naian teasingly said to Sharaina. "How is your head?" he asked, concerned.

"A little better now that I have taken a shower." Sharaina took a big bite of Naian's bun.

Akirexer placed Sharaina's breakfast on the table.

"You really made papa angry yesterday you know." Naian voiced out his thoughts.

"When is papa never angry with me?" Sharaina sank her teeth into a muffin.

"That's not the point, Sharaina." Akirexer joined in, "Why do you insist on angering your father?"

"I am sorry, mama. I won't leave home without your consent again I promise." Sharaina pulled her ears to further emphasize her apology. "Where is papa anyway?" she looked around.

"He had to leave before dawn. He is assisting the villagers in rebuilding their homes. That kremis you beat up destroyed homes." Alainara spoke up.

Sharaina narrowed her brows confused, "I beat up a kremis?"

"Were you that drunk that you can't even remember that?" Naian asked Sharaina, with his brows up, puzzled.

Sharaina shrugged her shoulders, "I suppose I was." she said and Naian shook his head disapprovingly at her.

Sharaina finished her breakfast and went outside. She sat on the front porch and the memories of the previous day came flooding in. They exploded in her mind with a stinging headache.

She looked up at the sound of carriages. A short fat man with a mustache got out of the first carriage. He buckled his belt underneath his pot belly and helped a tall and slim woman out of the carriage. Her dark hair was tied in a bun. She fanned herself with her hand that was covered in a velvet glove.

Sharaina took notice that she wore an expense dress of the finest silk. The man was also dressed in elegant fabric. Sharaina suspected that the two were a couple. When she saw the man put his arm around the waist of the woman, her suspicions were confirmed.

Naian joined Sharaina looking at the mysterious rich couple. The couple held each other as they smiled at the mansion across the street. Naian and Sharaina assumed that they were the new owners of the mansion. It had been vacant for a whole year.

Naian and Sharaina watched three teenage looking girls come out of the second carriage. They all wore fancy dresses and dazzling jewelry. They giggled and ran into the mansion.

A young man who was around the same age as Naian stepped out of the third carriage. His long brunette hair graced his back. His shirt exposed his muscular and fit body. Sharaina and Naian watched him smile brightly at his parents. He felt their stares and turned to look at them.

He took one look at Naian but when his eyes met Sharaina's, they locked. They both froze and couldn't take their eyes off each other. It was like they were looking into each other's souls. After what felt like an eternity, he smiled warmly at Sharaina and turned away.

Naian shot a stunned look at Sharaina after the new neighbors had gone into the mansion.

"What was that all about? Do you know that man?" Naian asked Sharaina.

"No, I don't know him." Sharaina slowly answered and went back into the house.

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