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Fairy Godmother Inc, (Book 3- Julius's Dove)

Episode 1

I get off the old bus and take a deep breath, adjusting my large aviators. "Welcome to Hell," I mutter to myself. I love the south, but not when I'm broke, heartbroken, tired, and most importantly, alone.

Here are some words of wisdom from my dear sweet mama.

"Baby, Southern bells are not just pretty to look at, oh no. We are much more than that. We were raised to look beautiful, to put on a facade of elegance and old-world charm. But we can be nasty."

Mama had always said that we are nasty women when we want to be.

That's our power, our prerogative.

The pretty demeanor is just an illusion; it hides the black mamba from within, ready to sink its razor-sharp teeth into unfaithful flesh. I walk with my head held high, tapping down the blistering rage coursing through my veins. The scorching sun shines on me like a spotlight, almost in mockery: Charlie Wilford, the tap-dancing sensation from Montgomery, Alabama. Broadway's newest star. I was featured in the largest production to date, the 100th anniversary of the academy.

"Hey, baby! You want a shake with that walk!?"

Without looking, I raise my arm and flip-off whoever said that without missing a beat. I am not in the mood for a bad-mannered hillbilly. I Just got off the bus to Blue Spring, Alabama, on this old dirt road in the middle of nowhere. I curse at the small town, so different from the thriving city I fled from, the slight taste of perfection I once had.

Everything was ripped away from me in just a moment's time, or long enough for me to unlock my fiancé's New York flat.

I feel my eyes sting and I force the memory away like a bad omen.

I walk, shielding the sun from my eyes. I don't know my cousin Linda, but she is on my mother's side and lives in a large farmhouse close to here. Ever since my mother died, I have lost touch with her family. I only have a couple of living relatives left, and Linda is the only one with a current address. I hate that I am in this situation, having to beg for charity until I can get a game plan. I hate being vulnerable, exposed.

My mother's death made me defenseless to Tanner Fraiser, the cheating devil.

"Honey, I am sorry! Can I give you a ride?" a man yells out of an old 70s Ford F100, the paint chipped and rusted. "A pretty thing like you should not be walking all alone! Crocs are roaming this territory."

I glance at him and note that he is not bad looking, someone, I would have flirted with if I were the old me. The new me will never date another bad-boy womanizer again. I can tell by his easy smile and hard tattoos that this is a red flag to be a bitch.

Never again.

"No, thank you. I am just fine," I say and keep walking, getting a better hand on my hard brown suitcase. I am in cutoff shorts and a tight white T, so I don't blame him on being persistent. I had to sell everything else to afford the bus ticket and food, even my pink guitar.

"Come on, let me make it up to you for being a jerk. I'll take you where you want to go," the man says again, revving his engine as he keeps up with my fast walk.

I look at him and smile. "You ask me again, and I will take this suitcase and shove it up your ass. Or, maybe just through your window."

The look I give him could set wood on fire.

"Shit," he says, "Nothing worse than a woman scorned. Have a good day miss," he says and floors it, spraying tons of dust-up in the air.

"Asshole!" I cough and flip him off, not that he could see me. I cough more as I walk through the brown cloud, the particles filling my lungs. "Perfect Charlie," I hiss and spit out dirt, "Look at you girl, heartbroken and probably pissed off the only person with a working vehicle in this small ass town of a hundred."

I stop and set down my luggage, taking off my shades to clean them. "You just had to fall for the famous dance instructor and ruin your career. Why couldn't I have listened to Mama? Find me a nice boy, the pretty ones are never satisfied," I say to myself and will away tears. "I need a nice man, one that keeps to himself — refined, a true gentleman — none of this bad-boy with tattoos and chiseled body crap. That kind of man talks real pretty, says everything you want to hear, then sleeps with your best friend."

I pull out a letter from my ripped shorts pocket.

I missed my gig yesterday. I received an acting offer from Fairy Godmother Inc. yesterday morning before I left. I found it in my things at the dance studio, with my name on it.

Probably didn't pay much anyhow.

I open the crumpled letter and sigh; this was probably a recommendation from the academy after they let me go because of the restraining order. Apparently, Tanner's broken eye-socket was frowned upon. And, I also smashed up his pretty new Bentley Bentayga.

This must be a pity gig. They must have told the Fairy Godmother Inc.'s recruiter about my situation. The letter said a lot about my history of dance and expressed their sadness for my mother's passing. Strange, but thoughtful.

Really though, I am not in the right mindset for an acting gig.

I need to take time for myself, to focus on what I want out of life. Maybe I'll travel the world backpacking, or study abroad. I could meet a handsome, down to Earth professor. We could discuss rocks and ancient structures.

Maybe learn about Ancient Aliens.

There's a thought!

Who needs Tanner Fraiser.

I stuff the letter back in my pocket and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I need to find my cousin's place before I plan my escape. I pick up my suitcase and start my long trek down the dusty, hot road. My shoulder begins to ache, and my feet are rubbing with the straps of my heels. Not ideal, but I have to press on unless I want to spend the night with southern critters.

I shiver, no thank you.

I hear a sound, and it makes me pause, my breathing is harsh from my forty-minute walk. I stop and look back, seeing a cloud of dust. Someone is coming in a car and driving fast. I cringe, this might be my only chance. I should have let the man in the truck give me a lift. My cousin's house could take me a couple of hours to reach for all I know.

And by then, I could die of thirst.

SO I do the one thing I didn't want to do.

I stick my arm out with my thumb up; I am hitchhiking. Please do not be a murderer and take me to a deserted plantation with the intention of using my face for a mask. I stare at the dirt cloud in awe. "Geez," I murmur, taking off my shades. I frown, this guy is going really fast, he might not even see me. I get a little nervous and walk up in the grass bank, now scared he could end up hitting me.

I wave my arm in hopes that whoever it is will spot me through all the dust he is stirring up. I gasp and jump back as the car passes me, then slams on the breaks making a horribly loud sound. My heart is beating fast as I start to cough from all of the dust and dirt.

I squint my eyes and see him backing up, most likely to ask if I need a ride. I feel nervous and a little confused. The car that is coming into view is the fanciest white sports car I have ever seen. Like, even on T.V., it looks like something from the future.

Whoever is driving this is giving off crazy vibes.

It's a convertible, I realize.

My eyes widen when I see who is sitting in the driver's seat. It's not a man at all; it's a stunning older woman. She has a black and white scarf around her silver hair, and her eyes are covered with large black sunglasses. She lowers her shades and gives me a once over; her vibrant red lips turn into a smile.

I am speechless.

What the hell is she doing here?!

In this small town?!

"Hello, Sugar. It looks like you could use a ride?"

I think I nod.


I frown. "A bit, t-thank you miss."

So strange.

She chuckles and presses a button on the dash, and the car makes weird sounds with flashing lights. What the hell kind of car is this?! And who is the lady that looks like she stepped out of an Aubrey Hepburn movie? The woman presses a button, and a compartment opens with a drink inside. I gape as she pulls out a sparkling martini.

"I think you might need something a little stronger, my dear," She says with a smile and plops a sizeable green olive in the dirty martini.

"I think I might be hallucinating," I say, feeling a bit mystified.

The woman pours a small amount from the martini, into a shot glass. "You never take a drink from someone unless you know it's safe. She downs the shot and smiles, "Come, we have much to chat about."

"We do?"

"Put your suitcase in the back and get in child," she orders, sounding impatient.

I am not sure why, but I do as she says. The royal blue of the interior is stunning, and I can smell the rich leather. I sit in the car and shut the door, taking a calming breath. I should not take the drink from this strange woman, but I really would like one. I'd probably do just about anything right now.

Bath salts here I come!


"Here, drink Charlie," she says.

I grab the drink the shoot her a look. "What did you just call me?"

"Charlie Wilford, I know a lot about you."

I take a big swig of the cocktail even though I know I should not, thinking the sun must have fried my brains and my good sense. "I'm sorry, but did you just say you know a lot about me?"

What the freak is going on here.

I might just tell her to drop me off at Sesame Street.

She looks at me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I am from Fairy Godmother Inc, you know, the letter in your pocket?"

In my pocket?!

My eyes widen, realizing this was the gig I received. "Oh!" I cover my mouth, "You drove out here to get me?! How the hell did you know where I was? And why?"

She smiles as she looks at her perfect manicure. "Well, Pierce was supposed to, but he is with the other girls. I usually never come on the extractions. He is not too happy I am driving his precious car. You know we wanted you yesterday? I do hate when we are not taken seriously."

I am speechless, wondering if I should get out of the car. "I am so sorry, I was going to go but," I pause with a frown as flashes of Tanner's naked body with women draped over him. "Life got in the way."

"Awe, yes, life. Well, lucky for you, I am offering you a chance at a new one," She says and takes off her shades to stare at me. "This is a once in a lifetime experience."

I stare back at her. "What? And who is Pierce?"

"You will know Pierce soon enough. I was prepared to do this without you, but Pierce always has nack for picking out girls. He seems to think your southern background will be ideal for this mission," she says and tilts her head at me. "I must say he may have a point. If not the southern background, your looks might do the trick."

Just wait.

"I'm sorry miss, but this is very strange. I can't believe you came all this way to get me for this gig. Is it acting, television? I am unclear on what this is all about. "

"Well, we can't discuss this here, in this hot sun, now can we?"

I give her a look. "You have an airplane somewhere?"

"Better." She hands me a document. "I need you to sign, or I can't take you anywhere. We need to be at the headquarters."

I frown as I look at it. "Is this a contract?"

"Yes, child, now hurry."

"I have not agreed to anything," I say, feeling like I am in the twilight zone. "I can't sign unless I know what I am signing."


Every child knows this.

"Of course you can, trust me. If you want an adventure, then you have to sign the contract, or I can drop you off at your cousin's. Which, might be a bad idea; her husband is fresh out of prison and likes the young ladies," she says very seriously.

I swallow.

"How do you know that?" I ask, feeling my pulse hammering.

"Sign the contract. You will not regret it, Charlie."

I look down at the contact, and I can hear my Mama's voice telling me what a fool I am if I sign. But there is something about this woman that makes me trust her, the sound of her rich voice almost eases my fears.

I sign it.

I shiver, feeling like I might have gotten into something that is way over my head, out of my pay grade. I look at her and say, "Now what?"

She claps her hands, "Hold on child, I am about to make your dreams come true..."

I smile at her as my body start to feel tingly. I gasp, hoping she didn't put something in my drink. "Did you drug me!?"

All I hear is her saying is, "Take a deep breath, this might hurt."


Deep blackness.

Episode 2

"Where," I whisper, "Am I?"

I swallow, looking around to what seems like a large corporation. A massive main hall with people in business suits, running around, the sound of phones ringing, and virtual displays everywhere.

"Looks like we ain't in Kansas anymore Toto," I say to myself, trying to calm my breathing.

"Charlie," I hear a male voice behind me, and I tense. I turn to see a very handsome man in a crisp gray suit. His hair is golden blond with shining blue eyes and a natural smile. Very charming, actually.

He looks me up and down. "I am glad you made it, I was getting worried we might have to do this without you," he says with his hand casually in his pockets.

"Where am I?" I whisper.

I am not going to freak out.

At least not yet.

"You are at the Fairy Godmother Inc.'s headquarters. You were chosen to embark on a mission, a romantic fantasy of sorts. Let's go somewhere to chat and meet the other women, shall we?" he asks and nods his head for me to follow. "Come on, do not be scared."

I am a very open-minded individual.

But this is a lot to take in. "How did I get here? Was I drugged? That woman in the car," I say as I nearly run into a woman carrying coffees. "Sorry."

She glares at me.

"That was the Fairy Godmother, Zora. You were beamed up here, like Star Trek. Are you familiar with that movie?" he looks back to see if I'm listening. "It's the best way I can describe it without going onto quantum physics, that tends to confuse the confused."

I laugh, sarcastically, not believing what I am hearing. "You beamed me? Fairy Godmother?"

"Correct, and yes."

I curse and keep following him. I am not getting warning vibes of being in a dangerous place, but this feels foreign. Like how you feel when you are in a dream, and you know something is not quite right. All of the white is overly bright, making me almost squint. I can see virtual technology being used by people that I know I have never seen before.

I have the new iPhone, and that is top of the line.


Even though 5G will probably cook our brains and cause cancer in a few years, but hey, it's top of the line. As I walk, I see a man waving his hands around like Tony Stark from the Avengers, virtual technology displayed in front of him. This place does not look like a dream, though. I can smell, see, and feel the pinch I give myself on my arm.


Maybe this real, and I am seeing things most people do not. I believe in Alien abductions and government conspiracy. I look around with new excitement; this could be real.

Holy cow.

I take in a sharp breath.

I am going to be one of those people who return to Earth with an abduction story that no one believes!

"Hillbilly Charlie Wilford found wandering by herself, has no idea what happened in the past ten days or how she got here. Time lost with weird visions of technology and aliens. Stay tuned to another episode of, Unsolved Mysteries."

I take another breath, and I am led into another sterile room.

"Sit," He says.

There is a long table with chairs, and I sit in one, feeling dazed. "Is this where you tell me I am a secret agent? A sleeper agent like Jason Bourne?"

He sits in front of me and smiles. "Well, you are now an agent of F.G.I. because you signed the very binding contract. Before we meet the other girls and find out your position, I would like to go over details that you missed out on."

I nod.

Pierce looks me in the eye. "This is real, number one. Number two, you will be traveling to a different planet with five other women to try and catch the prince's/leader's eye."

I raise my brows. "You serious? Other planets?"

He waves his hands, and a virtual display is suddenly in front of me, making me gasp. I see the solar system and one world in red. "Whoa," I breathe, eyes wide.

"Fairy Godmother Inc. keeps the Universe in line with true love's kiss. Yes, there are many worlds that mirror ours. We change the hearts of the men in power, thus, changing everything else for the better. Behind every strong world leader is most likely an F.G.I agent. We find strong women to change the hearts of men; love can even change the mind and heart of the wicked," Pierce says as he watches me.

"Wow," I say, "You're serious."

He smiles. "Oh yes, we take these missions very serious."

I swallow, feeling my pulse hammering. "Why me?" I ask. "I just had a man cheat on me. He told me he loved me and even proposed marriage. Love does not change all," I say, trying to keep my emotions in check.

Pierce raises a brow. "You are talking to someone who is in the business of love-matching. Love never fails in our corporation; we don't mess up. This man you are talking about never loved you, Charlie. For if he did, you would not be sitting here," he says carefully "Sometimes fate likes to choose the broken-hearted as agents. I have seen it many times. The broken-hearted seem to have more hunger, fire, and anger in their soul. It sometimes translates to passion. That is why most of our agents are orphans or have no family ties left. We need girls that are willing to relocate and not miss loved ones on Earth. And, that's what we want," he says and shugs. "We like to win, here at F.G.I. We want good players, and we are all family. Your new family."

"So, you are takin' my hurt and transforming it into passion?" I ask with a raised brow. "Sounds like you're reaching a bit."

Pierce smiles at me. "Maybe, maybe not."

I stare at him. "I can't believe I am sayin' this but, what are the rules?"

He grins. "Country girls are always more open to new things, in my experience. You have three months to snare the man in question. You can change three things about yourself, whether it be physical or an ability. After this, you will place your hands in the Bowl of Destiny, and this will give you your position in the world."

My mouth hangs open. "Three months? I can't believe what I am hearin'."

This is nuts.

He stands. "That's all we need. We are good at what we do here," he says and beams."Let's go and meet the other girls," he says and looks at his watch.

"Wait," I say, holding up my hand. "I am not willin' to do this if the man in question is a bad boy. Like, a player. Man whore. I am not doing that again."

Pierce thinks about that with a frown. "Interesting, never had that request before. But, to put you at ease, Louis Herbert Bagstock is a gentleman in every sense of the term. He is looking for a respectable woman to marry."

I am intrigued, a gentleman even. "What does he do? This Louis?"

"He is the commander of St. Uspolia, the largest land country," Pierce says. "And he owns and lives at The Dahlia. It is like an English palace, but it's full of entertainment. A fancy saloon, and hotel. You have to have some bucks to stay there." He gives me a look.

"And he is a gentleman? What is this world like?"

Pierce shrugs. "It's where most of his income comes from. The Dahlia is famous and highly sought after, a place for the elite. I will go over the world when we are with the other girls."

This is so unusual but captivating.

Reality is stranger than fiction.

I am still waiting for the cameramen to come out and stay they punked us. He takes me to a large room with elevated seating and a giant birdbath in the middle. I immediately see five girls sitting and waiting. I nod at them, "Good to meet ya'll," I say then redden a bit. This situation is so bizarre.

They nod at me.

That's when I see the woman who picked me up in the fancy car, the Fairy Godmother. Sounds ridiculous, but at this point, we are way past that. She looks stunning in her black dress and diamonds. Her hair is even pulled on top of her head in a bun, how Disney of her.

"Charlie, I am glad you are taking this so well," she says with a pointed look.

"Yeah," I say sarcastically, wondering how the others took it — judging by the frowns on their faces, probably similar to me.

The Fairy Godmother puts on a pair of cat-style seeing glasses. "The world is much like the Victorian era England with a touch of the West, but with fantasy. I'm sure you all will enjoy yourselves there. Steampunk is the theme of this world. Very industrial and the use of dark matter, which is a rare energy they harness."

"Awesome," I hear a girl say.

I hear other murmurs.

Really though, that is amazing if this is real.

She nods to Pierce. "Louis is everyone's main goal; one of you must snatch him. There is an evil thriving on this planet, and we need help from Louis's brother. Julius is the brother and a bit of a rebel. He is the commander of the Sky colonies called Solace Isles. Without Julius's help, I am afraid Louis's country will be infested with the Crystal Rot."

Pierce chimes in. "This is a big deal. Crystal Rot is a drug smuggled in by a man named Tim Lester. He is the leader of a clan called Crypt's Teeth. Nasty bunch of people and they need to be stopped."

"How are we going to mend the bother's relationship?" A black girl asks, very pretty, I note. She has smooth skin and large dark eyes.

I'm not jealous.



Pierce shrugs. "Great question, Star. I need all of your focus on Louis. But, unfortunately, you all cannot have him. Louis will most likely take a liking to a couple of girls at most. The girls who do not catch his eye can go for the brother. Julius, or Jules, is rumored to love the ladies. You all will be very sought after because most of the women on this planet are a little rough. Thanks to the spread of Crystal Rot. Makes teeth fall out and boils the skin. So, a beautiful, untainted woman is scarce. Which is why this planet is on our hit list."

"Oh," I say. "Horrible." I think on that, Julius loves the ladies, does he? Sounds like a red flag to me, which I will be avoiding like the plague. Or, Crystal Rot.

Murmurs everywhere.

"Line up please, we are a day behind, and we need to get a move one!" The Fairy Godmother yells and claps her hands.

We all lineup and I am very freaking nervous. I am third in line, and I look back to the black girl named Star. "This is supposed to tell us what?"

"What we will be... like, social status, I think," she whispers.

"That's nerve-racking," I say.


The first girl is cute with black hair and dark eyes. Pierce says, "Margot Lopez." She nods and places her hands in the water.

The screen behind her, some virtual technology reads: 2nd cousin, twice removed, to Louis Herbert Bagstock. Resides in The Dahlia.

I cover my mouth, not to laugh. Where I am from, that's fair game. Zora assures her that it is fine, not viewed as incest.

Next girl is Brittany Decker. Pretty girl with dark hair and green eyes. The screen reads: Engineer (works with Gravier Holdings)

Not bad.

I am next.

I swallow and walk up to the bowl, seeing the metallic substance. So strange. I place my hands into the contents and tense, feeling the vibrations. My cheeks redden as I look to the screen, praying for something good. I always have bad luck, so a change will be nice. It reads: Granddaughter of Bentley Gaylord Bray (inventor of Steam engineering)

Pierce winks at me. "Very wealthy man, your position will be good."

I sigh in relief.


Thank goodness.

This is exciting!

The next girl named Tiffany Powell sticks her hands in the substance. She is cute with short blond hair and hazel eyes: A guest of The Dahlia. Noble family.

Okay, not bad.

Lastly, Lynn Baker. Her long brown hair is pretty with her hazel eyes, a little short though like five-foot-nothing. I am and not short but not tall either, being 5'6. The screen reads: A guest at the Dahlia. Noble family.


We all have decent positions.

Pierce whistles. "All of you will be at The Dahlia. This should be interesting, everyone in the same place."

I would love a Prince Charming to mend my broken heart. I am now feeling a surge of competitiveness, not wanting to lose. I eye each girl and think that I can beat them, I can play nasty if I want to. I have been a dancer since I could walk, the competitiveness is in my blood.

No one should mess with a southern girl.

We are as tough as gunpowder and lead.

Episode 3

We are lead to our private rooms where we will be further briefed, I guess there is more to this Fairy Godmother extravaganza. I take a shaky breath. I have been sitting here for an hour, and something does not seem right. I always have great intuition, and I am nervous. A part of me wants to get up and see what the hell is the hold-up.

Hopefully, they are not doing a credit check—kidding.

I twiddle my thumbs.

I freeze when I hear voices near. I stand as the door opens and in walks in Pierce, and a creepy looking girl. I gasp, looking at the waist-high creature that is not human. I am sure of it. "What is that," I say then blush, knowing that sounded rude.

She looks human in a sense, just her eyes were more prominent, almost like CGI effects.

"Charlie, this is Dolly, your agent for this mission," Pierce says and looks at the agent, "They are shape-shifters and will be your walking computer when in this mission. You will be a team, relying on each other for the next three months."

"Seriously?" I glance back to her, and she is creepily smiling at me — what a strange creature. Dolly has blond hair and pigtails like Harley Quinn. Her heavy makeup, paired with her tight black dress, gives her a dangerous air, the platform heels do not help.

She is giving off some definite Harley Quinn vibes.

"Do I get to kill anyone?" she asks with a big smile at Pierce. "I can. I brought a knife just in case."

Maybe she is the original.

Pierce sighs and rubs a hand down his face. "You take your meds? You know the deal Dolly, meds or you lose your license."

She giggles. Her dark eyes are wide as she stares at Pierce. "Of course." Then she frowns and takes out a white pill from out of her cleavage. "Oops, maybe not, I take it now."

"Dolly," he warns.

She looks at me and winks then back to Pierce. "Piercey-poo, you can trust me."

I am terrified to be alone with her.

Not lying.

Pierce looks back at me and takes another breath. "We have some significant issues to talk about now. I do not get the full file on any mission until positions are drawn, that's just how it works. I apologize for being late, but I had to confirm your backstory, and it's very complex." He walks over to a white couch and sits in it. "This is going to be very hard for you, more than the other girls, I'm afraid."

"What? Why? I am just a rich girl, right?" I say, feeling the dread.

"I think Fate is trying to kill me slowly with these complex positions," he mutters. "Whatever happened to sweet Cinderella stories?"

"How bad?"


I swallow. "Crud."

He leans up with his elbows on his knees. "Sit."

I sit and see Dolly wink at me again and I look back to Pierce. "Tell me."

"You are a very wanted woman. I had no idea the plot is so deep on this. Let me put it to you in a straightforward way, if I can. You have a mechanical heart that everyone wants," he says and looks down.

"I do not have a real heart?" I ask in awe and a little nervousness.

"No. You are taking over a life that has passed away, the real granddaughter of Bentley Gaylord Bray. When Fate does this, it's always complicated." He continues, "Bentley is now dead, died at seventy, but left quite the mess in his wake. He was a mad scientist, a brilliant man to a fault. He found the rare crystal called Blue Moonagite. It controls the dark matter of this world, extremely powerful. The dark matter is what holds up the Sky Colonies, Solace Isles."

"Okay, so why am I a wanted woman? Do I have the crystal or something?" I ask, very intrigued.

Pierce nods. "Yes, you do."

My eyes widen. "Where?"

"In your heart."

"Oh shit," I say.

"Damn! Piercy, this is going to be fun!" Dolly says and claps her hands. "Our Charlie is like a sexy little machine. I think the men will find that super hot!"

"No one can know, Dolly," Pierce says and continues. "It powers your heart, almost like Iron man. I am sure you are aware of that movie, it's a classic." He continues at my nod. "Here is the problem I am having, Julius Cole Bagstock, Louis's brother, wants it desperately. Well, everyone wants it, but he wants it the most. Why? Because it's the force that carries his sky colonies as I said before. If someone destroys your heart or shatters the crystal, it could cause the land masses to fall. Killing hundreds of thousands."

I swallow. "This is very complex."

"Yes, it is. I am not finished either."

Right then the door slams open and the Fairy Godmother marches in with two white robots. "I don't like it, Pierce," she says, her hands on her trim hips. She really is a stunning woman, timeless beauty.

"Fuck," I hear Pierce say under his breath, and he gets up. "Zora let me do my job."

I can see the flush wash over Zora's face. "I am not sending out my girl with some faulty, mechanical heart Pierce!"

"We don't have a choice, Zora," he snaps back, making me flinch.

"Yes we do, I am canceling Charlie's position," she says to him. "It's too risky. I caught so much heat from Red's mission last year. She almost died twice; she was lucky," she loudly whispers.

Pierce closes his eyes. "I know, but it worked," he hisses back.

She laughs. "Right, thankfully. But what of Sandra? She died Pierce; I don't like it when Fate uses preexisting lives! It's too dangerous. You will be sending Charlie to the chopping block!"

He glares at her. "You will never let me forget Sandra, will you? That was not my fault. The girl knew the rules."

She looks away and touches her neck. "I can't have Charlie go into this world with some half-assed heart. The child died because of it. In real life."

"We will fix the fucking heart then," he says dangerously. Pierce Points to the robots, "Ar-R7 Graphs on Charlie's heart, re-work it, now," he orders.

"Of course, Right away. Will assess defaults and upgrade it," says the Robot as it pulls up a virtual screen.

Zora takes a minute. "What of Julius? He is infected with the crystal. He is not sane of the mind, Pierce. He killed Bently Gaylord!"

I suck in a breath, just watching the two fight, almost like watching mom and dad fight at the dinner table. I am getting vibes from the T.V series House. Pierce is the genius like House, and the Fairy Godmother tries to avoid disaster, like Cuddy.

Pierce puts his hands in his pockets. "We do not know the intentions of Jules. But, we do know that Louis will protect Charlie if he fancies her. And, may I remind you that Jules from the file I read, hates Bentley with a passion. Charlie being his granddaughter, might be a deterrent."

Zora laughs. "Charlie is the prettiest girl we have, Jules loves the ladies. He is going to notice her, he will want to know if she has any information about the stone. If he finds out it's in her heart, he might kill her to get it."

"Maybe, maybe not. I think we need Charlie. This world needs a solution for that damn stone. If it's not Charlie it would be someone else." Pierce says, starring at Zora. "It needs to stay in her chest where it is safe and stable. Jules would be wise to leave it in Charlie and not mess with it."

"That's a fantasy. Jules is rumored to be crazy from the crystal," Zora adds. "And, that's not all of the drama," Zora says. "This is a competition. All of the girls want to win, and if they out Charlie, Charlie is done for. That is one less player."

I frown. "The girls know about my heart?"

Zora pulls out a paper and frowns over it. "Yes, but they do not know which girl has it. Do not let them know it's you. They could blackmail you. You only have three life-lines, then ejection from the game."


"If you are in a dire situation, you may say, life-line activate. We will remove you from the harm, or give you leverage," Zora says. "You can die, so be wary."

"This is crazy," I say, thinking about all of the information. I feel like I am a double agent, which I technically am. "If this stone is so poisonous, how come I can have it in my heart?"

Zora looks up at me. "Great question. Your mother died in childbirth, and your grandfather saved your life with the heart, or you would have died too. Since it was placed in you at such a young age, your body adapted to it. Very lucky."

"Wow," I say. "Wouldnt the girls assume it's me with the heart issue because he is my granddad?"

"No, Bentley did a lot of experiments on a lot of people. It could be anyone," Pierce says. "They would need proof."

"I am going to have to be careful," I say. "I am not interested in men like Jules, so it should not be a problem to avoid him."

"Perfect," Zora says. "We must be quick. I will leave you to it then," Zora says then nods at Pierce, leaving the room.

When she is gone, Pierce winks at me. "She's a hard-ass." Then continues, "You get to pick three things to change about yourself," Pierce says and sits on the couch. "We need to hurry."

"What does Louis like?" I ask then look at Dolly.

"Really large tits and a big ol' ass," Dolly looks at me with a broad smile. "Men love curves!"

Pierce frowns at Dolly. "Tone it down just a bit," he says.

"You got it, Piercy."

"Don't call me that."

"Okay, boo-boo."

He sighs and gets up. "Decide quick, please. Popular choices are being in the best shape, and a skill to protect yourself."

I think about this. "I will pick being in the best shape and a straight shot. I love guns," I say and feel a surge of excitement.

"You have one more," Pierce says.

"Okay, something physical. What does Louis like?"

I hear Dolly crack up. "You have tiny boobs, and FGI is the best cosmetic surgeons in the universe! They did mine after I won a mission a few years back." I can see her proudly displayed cleavage. They did look nice.

I frown and look down.

Being a dancer, I have always lacked in that department. Being super skinny all the time, not enough meat on my bones to grow them. "Sure, I always wondered what it's like to have them."

Pierce chuckles. "Let's go then, into the pod."

The Robot in the corner turns to Pierce. "I have confirmed and fixed all errors for her heart."

Pierce nods. "Perfect."

I take a large breath, feeling anticipation course through me as I step into the large pod. The doors close around me and I can see the writing on the screen. I hear a pressurized sound making me nervous.

I hear Peirce's voice over the intercom. "Breasts, in-shape, and gunslinger ability. Is this correct?"

I blush a bit. "Yes."

"Take a deep breath for me," he says.

I was going to ask if it's going to hurt, but the bright flashing of lights and intense heat all over my body make me scream. "Shit!" I yell then hear the machine power down. I am dizzy and my body feels fuzzy.

oh, I feel weird.

I look down and immediately see my large breasts. "Holy cow!" I grab them, and they feel like Ds, so foreign. I didn't even tell him what size! But I like them, I decide with glee. I walk out, and I see Dolly clap her hands. "I feel really weird."

"Yes, you will get used to it. Dolly, I need you to be Charlie's personal bot."

"Fun!" she squeals. In a few moments, she has shapeshifted into a cute looking robot. She is all copper with a metal skirt and glowing green eyes. She is the height of my waist with a little metal black bun. A large wind-up mechanism is on her back, she looks amazing!

"Holy cow," I murmur. "That's amazing."

"I can hover too," Dolly says, her eye glowing when she talks.

"Perfect Dolly, you still got it," he pats her on her metal hair. He glances at me and pulls out his virtual pad. "Now Charlie how does your heart feel?"

I suck in a breath. "I have a mechanical heart already?" I hold my chest and I could faintly hear a ticking. "Unreal," I get out. "It feels good."

"Perfect, now spin."

Dolly claps her little metal hands. "Oh, Pierce gone make you look hot!"

Pierce smiles. "Spin."

Like Cinderella?

I spin and feel my skin tingle and heat, then a white light flashes. I scream when I look at myself. "Holy shit!" I am in a black Victorian dress, with a tight black corset. I am wearing a beautiful dark silk shirt under my corset that shows off my lovely new assets. my hair is in ringlets down my back with a lace hat. "Can I see a mirror?"

Pierce claps his hands as he eyes me. "Of course, the black looks fetching with your hair, just like I thought."

I look into a long mirror that is suddenly on the wall. I suck in a breath, feeling my smooth golden skin. "My eyes are light periwinkle!"

"Yes, that's from the stone, Jules has the same eye color as you," he says, "When you arrive, you will have dark-colored contacts to wear."

Such a pity I have to cover my eye color, it's gorgeous. I wonder if this Julius guy's eyes are as pretty as mine. Bad thought. I hope I am attracted to this guy Louis, I forgot to ask if he is handsome. "I see, wow," I look stunning, my skin is perfect, and my new breasts look very eye-catching. "I don't even recognize myself."

"You ready?"

My heart starts to pound. "Is anyone ever ready?"

I feel a little sick.

"No," Pierce says. "You will be arriving at the train station in St. Uspolia. And you will go straight to the Dahlia. Just be yourself and charm the sock off of Louis. They know you are coming and are pretty shocked that you are alive. Dolly will give you better details once you arrive," he says with a smile.

"Okay," I say.

"Extraction," he touches his earpiece, "In, 5...4......3.....2.....................1!"


I hear Dolly's squeals as I tense, everything goes black, yet again.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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