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Fairy Godmother Inc. (Book 2-Ajax's Weakness)

Episode 1

"It's Britany Bitch," I say as I rub my ruby red lips together.

My group of twenty ladies squeal in the Infiniti QX56 limo, telling me that if I put on a blond wig, I could pass for the famed Britany. I roll my eyes as flashes of hot pink, blue, and purple lights obscure my vision. Please, I’m prettier than Britany Spears, she wished she was me. But I'll let the comment slide as I sip on my cosmopolitan with a twist, the glass sparkling with each flicker of light. Brittany Spears music mix pounding loudly in the surround sound.

My Donatella Versace club dress was a great choice, though the pink flashing lights are currently altering the brilliant red into more of a fuchsia. I am not sure how I feel about this, never being a pink kind of woman. Pink is a weak color, and red is a power color. I jerk up without spilling my drink miraculously and press the intercom button.

"Malcolm, you know I hate pink," I yell into the speaker, trying not to slur. "Cut the pink lights, damn it!"

He should know better.

Within seconds the pink lights are non-existent, making me lean back in my plush seat with a cat's grin. "Much better, bitch," I yell, then laugh, taking another generous sip. I will point out that my Skinny Girl cosmo is candy-apple red tonight. Why? Because I'm Big Red, that's why. My vision blurs for a second, then rights itself, making me produce a throaty laugh. "Whooo!" I place my hand to my lips from a random dizzy spell—DON’T VOMIT.

My girls go crazy, tossing their hair around and grinding on each other.

I will own Las Vegas tonight.

The Palms Casino Resort is holding a giant birthday bash for me, in my honor for all my selfless donations. It's good to give back to the little people occasionally, and it seems to mean a lot to them. It's whatever. I will have to ask my assistants which foundations they donated to.

We arrive at the grand entrance, and I fix my short, glittering dress. It rode up, showing a bit of my ass, would hate to have that picture all over the internet. Even though I’m wearing super cute undies, just saying.

As soon as my red stiletto hits the ground, flashing lights blind me. My long legs are tone, perfectly tan body, and are looking killer tonight.

I’m Jessica Rabbit, bitch—not Britany.

I grin as I runway-walk with my squad behind me, this scene should be shot in slow motion it's so perfect. My golden-fire colored hair flows down my back like a slow current of lava. It's natural. I always point that out, because it’s so rare nowadays. Bitches always try and duplicate it and can never match my Scottish red hues. I’m a MacLeoir, fantastic genetics. I think for a second, I should make everyone take a shot tonight every time I say bitch. That would be hilarious.

I tend to say that a lot when I drink.

I am greeted like a queen, and lead to V.I.P., feeling everyone's awe-struck stares. I am 5'9 of total hotness. I could have been a supermodel if I wanted to be, having insanely long legs. My breasts are large and perky, and believe it or not, I underwent a breast reduction surgery. Anything over D-cup is, in my expert opinion, too much.

This party is insanity.

Shots are pouring down my throat, and I'm dancing, flipping hair, hot men everywhere. The D.J. is screaming into the microphone, that is my birthday, and everyone shrieks, lights flickering from the strobe.

I am laughing, stumbling my way to the bathroom when I shoulder check some guy. "Excuse you!"

The man turns around, and I pause, even in my drunken state, I can tell this man is handsome. His blond hair is styled perfectly, and his pin-striped suit is flawless. He smiles at me? What 's his deal?

"Excuse me? Do I know you?" I slur just a bit, leaning towards him. He smells like old spice, strange.

He grabs my hand and pats it. "Happy Birthday, Crystal!" he yells over the music.

"So, we do know each other?!" I ask, trying to place him in my foggy memory.

"I have a birthday present for you, a once in a lifetime experience!" He yells with a dashing smile.

A present!?


"Did my girlfriends put you up to this?!?" I laugh. "Yes, show me!"

I hoot and holler as he leads me away from the loud swarm of people. My vision swims just a bit, so I must hold onto his arm.

"Let's go to another lounge that is not so loud," he hollers.

I hold up my hand. "A public place. I am not an idiot."

"Of course."

We make it to a quiet seating area in a nearby lounge, and I think I can hear my ears ringing. "So, what t-this surprise," I ask, squinting my eyes to see him better.

He looks like prince charming.

I snort some laughs.

Inside joke.

He chuckles at me, his blue eyes studying me. "You will be perfect for this," he takes out a glowing letter making me gasp.

"What is that!?"

"An offer."

"For what?" I can feel my eyes bulge. This is amazing. "Holy shit, it's glowing." I lean in close to see it clearer. Am I hallucinating?

"A once in a lifetime adventure," he says carefully.

I squeal. "I'm in!"

The man's eyes widen. "You're in? Once you sign the contract, there is no going back. Do you even want to know the details?"

I’m laughing hysterically. "This is great, where do I sign! Was this Peggy's idea?" I point at him with a sly grin, “It was, wasn’t it.”


"Riiiiight," I wink at him multiple times. "This is soooo her. I hope it's a safari trip." My mind spins “…Or, like—"

"Do you want to know what the trip is? It's a little different than a...safari." He is eyeing me with a raised brow.

"No," I wave at him, feeling a burp that I cover with my hand. "Give me the pen. I’m starting to get a damn headache, and I need another drink."

He laughs, handing me a pen. "You will be perfect for this, though you might disagree later."

"I know, right?!" I laugh with him. What did he say?


I sign it and high five him, though I missed the first time.

This is going to be so much fun.

I get my phone out to text Peggy that she is a hooker, and thanks for the present.

It's Big Red bitch!

Episode 2

I moan.

It sounds painful and very dehydrated, scratchy. I move my numb foot first, then wiggle my fingers, my head buried into a very fluffy pillow of my top-level suite. OMG, I didn't even take off my heels. I think I passed out in a very awkward position. I must look like I fell off a building, splat.

"Uhhhhh," I whine into the crisp white down comforter. I blindly feel for the phone on the nightstand next to the bed, my arm stretching. "Come on," I groan out as my hand finds the phone buttons that I am randomly pushing. Something crashes to the floor, probably something of glass. Perfect.

I must have pushed the speaker button.

"Good beautiful morning Crystal Macleoir! I hope you are rested and had an enjoyable evening. What can I assist you with on this fine day?"

Why the F does she sound so happy? I am already getting irritated. "Cut the Marry Poppins crap. Get me an egg-white omelet with salmon and a ton of healthy shit like fruit and avocado. I must have drunk my weight in liquor, I need nourishment. You feel me?"

"....Uhh yes, I feel you."

"I need an F-ing latte STAT with some painkillers for this bitch-ass headache! Oh, I need to book an appointment in the spa, my skin feels dehydrated. I would also like a massage at some point today, I'll have my assistant confirm that later."

"Right away Ms. Macleoir."

I lay here trying to fumble through my hazy memory. I didn't even get laid, what a disappointment. The end of the night seems so distant, not having a blackout since my sorority years. I drank way too much, too many lemon-drop shots. I sit up and that seemed to activate my tension headache.

"Shit," I moan.

I look down and see that I am still in my cocktail dress. Oh, this is a first for me. I never let myself lose control like this, it's very out of character for me. I peel myself out of bed and manage to take the red sparkling dress off, flinging it to the side with a stumble. I might still be a tad drunk, my vision swimming. I stand here naked, my thoughts disconnected.

It's freaking freezing.

I make my way into the massive bathroom and walk into the large shower, turning on the hot water. I spin around and catch a glimpse of my reflection. I gasp. I look like a hot mess, my gorgeous hair in knots and my eyes resemble a raccoon. I walk a little closer, seeing the puffiness of my eyes. No wonder I didn't get laid, I don't think men like to sleep with dead bodies. I must have passed out hard. I don't even remember getting back to my room. That's a scary thought.

Though, my body still looks killer.

I smirk at that.


The hot shower revived me to a certain, manageable degree. I put on a large fluffy bathrobe and wrap my hair in a plush towel.

Much better.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Bout time. I am starving, and when I'm starving, I turn into a bitch. Well, I always a bitch, I just don't try and hide it when I'm hungry. I make my way across this lavish living room, admiring how elegant it looks. I go to open the door only to yelp, tensing every muscle in my body.

It is the man from my weird dream.

He smiles at me and I just awkwardly stare at him. He looks fresh in his gray suit; white shirt unbuttoned a bit at the neck. His blond hair is beautiful, I vaguely realize. "Can I help you?" I get out, trying to run through my memory. I literally had the oddest dream about this guy. I am really weirded out right now.

"Oh good, you're showered. I was hoping I was not too early," he says casually, leaning against the door like he had zero cares.

How bizarre.

"Excuse me?" I ask. "You're not making sense, I think you have the wrong room."

He laughs, shaking his head.

I stare at him, starting to feel nervous.

"You really have no memory of our encounter last night?" he raises a brow, with a pitting expression. "You were a little tipsy last night."

"Oh shit," I say and cover my mouth. "That was not a dream?"

He shakes his head. "We need to talk, like now."

I am immediately terrified. "I sighed something, didn't I? What did I sign?!"

"Can I come in?"

I am starting to panic, willing my memory to help me. "Did you blackmail me?"

The man motions for the room service cart to enter the room, the smell of food is forgotten. What have I done? Surely, I would not have signed anything that would get me into trouble. Did I sign away millions? How could I be so careless? This is not the actions of Big Red!

The door shuts and the strange man sits on a plush gray couch, arms stretched wide on the low back like he is having a great time. "I think you should eat first," he kindly offers.

"Not hungry," I say and cautiously sit on the opposite couch. "What happened last night."

"Well, you signed a very binding contract."

"Fuck." I am breathing hard.

"You may call me Pierce, by the way," he winks. "We will get to be quite good friends."

"You took advantage of me. I need to call my lawyer," I stammer, millions of bad scenarios running through my head.

Pierce leans forward. "I do not think that will do you much good, I'm afraid. And yes, I did take advantage of you. I did not have a choice. You'll forgive me later, they always do."

"You bastard. What did I sign?"

He chuckles at me. "You will not believe me when I tell you, which is to be expected. I have to show you in person."

"Try me asshole," I am seething with anger.

He shrugs. "Very well." He takes a breath then looks at me. "You signed the official binding contract with Fairy Godmother Inc. That's a very big deal, by the way."

"What the hell is that? A joke?" Am I in the twilight zone here? Do I have moron written on my damn forehead? I am about to call security. Fairy Godmother what?! Great, I sighed a crazy man's contract to his fantasy land.

It's almost laughable.

I am almost relieved.

Pierce's blue eyes study me intently. "You must compete against other women to try and win the heart of the prince, ruler, or man in charge. Fairy Godmother Inc. keeps the universe in balance with true love's kiss. We send women out on missions to change the hearts of men, keeping the universe in balance one love-match at a time," he smiles and leans back. "I am very serious, this is no joke. And, we are very good at what we do."

I just stare at him.

I don't know what to think.

This guy can't be serious.

"You signed the contract confirming your involvement in the next mission. This is the first time I was able to pick a player. I needed to find someone with a strong personality, a very high opinion of themselves, and extremely arrogant. Someone who will not back down and has an ego that will lead them to do things that normal people would not normally do."

"Did you just insult me?"

His gaze moves to my hair that is currently up in a towel. "Your hair color and eyeshade might just be what the doctor ordered. You have a very rare shade of lime-green eyes and hair that is not common. This is what I need, you are my secret weapon. I had to get you at any cost, we need you at Fairy Godmother Inc," he continues, "Though, I am not guaranteeing your success, I just think you are weird enough to make an impact. I could be wrong, but I doubt it."

I swallow. "Is this a reality show? Like the bachelor? Women competing for one guy type thing?"

"No." He tilts his head to the side. "This is not a show but very much your reality. This adventure is a lot more complex than a dramatic T.V show. I am going to need you to come with me so I can prove everything to you there. All questions and details of the mission will be answered, fear not. Time is of the essence, the other girls are already packed and waiting patiently for the last player. I believe we are ready as soon as you are. "

"You are really serious."

He's crazy.

"I am"

I shake my head. "I do not have time for this, I run a multi-million-dollar business. This thing sounds cute, but I am the wrong person for this."

I need to get this guy out of my room.

"You signed the contract, you are obligated to come with me," he warns.

"The hell I am! I am not going anywhere with you! Get out of my room, I have shit to do and I don't have time for this," I stand, feeling my anger boiling. This guy is a complete nut job, I am not taking part in his weird-ass game.

He stands with me making me tense. "This is not up for debate; this contract is very binding. Would you like to read it?"

"Read it?!" I yell. "Send it to my lawyer. You sir, kindly see you're way out of my room before I call security." Pierce pulls out his phone making alarms ring in my head. "Who are you calling?"

He's calling his mob friends!

"Hi, Zora. I am going to need to be extracted with the final player. Yes, I am aware of that, thank you. Oh, and this will be a code B12," he says and looks at me. "Yes. You might want to do it fast." he hangs up the phone and smiles at me.

This is not good.

"Code B12?" I yell, backing up to get my phone. "You are out of your freaking mind!"

He sighs and he casually stands with his hand in his pockets.

"You ready?"

My heart is drumming against my chest. "Ready for what?! You stay away! No, I am not ready you crazy person!"

I need to call 911.

"Take one full breath, because this has a tendency to hurt if you're not relaxed." He says, calmly watching me freak out with an amused expression. This guy is insane!

Whoa. I stop mid dial, my thoughts feeling confused. I feel weird, tingly. The last thing I remember is Pierce saying,

"Welcome, to Fairy Godmother Inc..."

Episode 3

Where am I...

When I come out of my brain haze, I am standing in a large, beautiful office. I can hear phones ringing and faint voices. I barely register my erratic heart-rate as I gaze around the stunning place of work. Stark white, almost so bright I must squint, with accents of light-blue. Am I dreaming? I must be.

Did I die?

I swallow and raise my hand to my arm, my brain telling my fingers to pinch myself. Do it. My shaking hand pinches my flesh and my brain tells me that there is pain. I pinch harder when I hear voices nearing me.

I don't move.

I am frozen in some state of denial.

"Crystal, so happy you could join us," an authoritative female voice booms behind me.

I flinch, slightly moving my gaze towards the sound.

Moments pass as I say nothing.

"Pierce, the child looks scared out of her mind, the poor thing." The woman says. "Are you sure this is the right choice? We are already behind," she pauses, "and you know we have plenty of women for this mission, tough women."

Even in my state of confusion, I know when I'm being insulted.

I turn and face what I would describe as a very intimidating woman. She is my height, chin raised, and very elegant. Older, her graying hair styled in short waves around her shoulders. But she is very beautiful, despite my instant reaction to tell her to go to hell.

I glance to her side to see that man that calls himself Pierce. I take a steady breath, not wanting to cause myself any more stress, it's bad for my complexion. "Where," I say carefully and tilt my head, "Am I?"

The woman glances at Pierce then back to me. "Well, my dear girl, you are in my domain now. Were you not informed?" She points to the big sign behind me that says, Fairy Godmother Inc. over a large receptionist's desk.

I turn and frown as my eyes take in the letters. "Oh my," I say, now remembering everything that horrible man said to me. "You have got to be joking."

"No, this is very real."

I look back to them. "How is this possible, am I on drugs? Is this some underground facility?"

Pierce shrugs. "Impossible is not a scientific term, rather, it's just that the possibility is very unlikely. But in this case, this is very possible."

"I want some answers now," I threaten, feeling like I need to sit down. I look down and realize that I am still in my bathrobe. The color drains from my face. "I need clothing Pierce," I hiss, feeling mortified. People were walking everywhere, looking at me like I just escaped the asylum.

He laughs and glances at me while we start walking, "As a matter a fact, I can help you with that." He waves to passing people in white doctor clothing. "I happen to be in charge of the design department, but I will get into that later."

I look at him. "What?"

Design department?

"Right this way, you will meet the other women." Pierce offers before I have a chance to tell him I am not meeting other women in my bathrobe. How unseemly. They might know me, well, everyone knows me, unless you live under a rock.

I don't even have make-up on.

I walk into a large spacious room with college-like seating and a desk at the front. How very sterile and strange. It's then that I notice five other women, very pretty women. I'm immediately on guard. But when I say pretty, I mean just that. Just pretty. Not gorgeous. They all stare at me, eyeing me up and down, expressions indifferent. Like I am not a threat to them? Do they know who I am?

Well, I am in a bathrobe and a hair turban.

This is rich.

"Ladies," Pierce says, "Meet the last player Crystal Mcleoir, and please forgive her clothing. We left in a hurry and she didn't really have a choice in the matter."

"No, I didn't," I say with a frown. "I can't be here," I hiss, feeling a wave of panic hit me. I have a company to run, stocks to watch. I must check my news outlets for any chances of mergers or earning calls. I can't be here.

"Aren't you Big Red? The day trader?" One of the girls asks.

I glare at her. "Of course."

Who else would I be, genius?

Pierce motions for me to sit down. "Fairy Godmother Inc. operates in a different plane of time. When you return, if you choose to, it will be as no time has passed," he says, not smiling anymore. "Now please sit."

I sit in the nearest chair, not because I am obeying, but because I want everyone to stop staring at me.

"Let's introduce everyone. It will be smart to know every player, for they will be your competition." He points to the first girl sitting in a chair. "We will just go down the line, so introduce yourself."

A black girl raises her hand, tossing her long blond hair to the side. "My name is Angie Williams."

The girl next to her says, "Delon Knowles." Her dark eyes and dark hair do not intimidate me in the least. I nod and roll my eyes.

"Lila Matthews." The next girl says as she eyes me with a smirk. I already do not like her, I have a great sense of character. Her skin being an olive hue and her dark eyes are just that, boring. I think she would look better as a blond, not her chestnut-colored hair. These women are pretty, just not on my level, I note with pleasure.

Not that I am going to play this game, but if I did.

The only blondie raises her hand. "Tany Glanville." I nod at her and the only description I can think of is ordinary.

Then the last girl seated next to me who looks to be an Asian mix. "Yada Shizu."

Pierce claps his hands. "Great. I feel a lot better now. It's time to get into the deeper stuff, some information that is needed."

I roll my eyes, feeling so out of place. This can't be real, can it? These women are sure acting like it's real. I have a very uneasy feeling that I am going down the rabbit hole whether I like it or not.

Pierce waves his hand and suddenly the area behind him is not there anymore.

I scream with the other women, my hand on my mouth.

It's the solar system.

What the ever-loving hell!

"Calm down, it's an illusion now pay attention. The world you will be going to is the Crown Province of Thunia. Remember that, please, I hate to repeat myself. I will make this a simple as possible. Long ago an elite race of Elven people took over the land from the mere human race. This is going to be a very difficult mission, I cannot stress this enough, so I need everyone sharp. The Elven race are the elite, viewing themselves as superior, naturally. They have technology beyond most worlds, very futuristic. Flying cars and ships, that sort of thing. Quite impressive." He pauses as he walks around the desk. "Who here has seen the hunger games?"

I swallow, my erratic heart-rate pounding in my neck. I am holding onto my chair, not wanting to slip off and fall to my death, floating away into the black abyss of the solar system. That's how real it looks. I take a breath and glance at the girls. We all look at each other, not liking where this is going. I hear a few girls murmurs something about loving that movie.

"Well, this is very similar to that movie, is why I bring it up," he says and sits on the desk.

I snort.

Was he serious?!

I feel like I keep asking that question and the answer is always the same.

Pierce seems to ignore my glaring. "Now, remember you all have three life-lines." He points to all of us. "This is important. If you are about to die you may use them by saying, life-line activate. Simple. On the forth, you will be ejected from the game entirely, too much of a liability. These are not my rules ladies."

Yada the girl next to me raises her hand. "This is going to be as dangerous as the movie?" She looks scared.

Pierce makes a face as he thinks. "There're differences from the movie to this place, major differences. The people are not suffering like in the movie, the people in this world have a great thriving life. But they all live for the games, almost like the Superbowl times...a hundred. There are six nations that compete against each other in these games, almost like the Olympics. It's very important, their sole pride and joy. It's also televised for the whole world to join in on the fun." He pauses as that woman enters the room, nodding for Pierce to keep talking.

"Keep talking, please," she says.

"Ladies, this is her Fairy Godmother." Pierce does a slight bow in her direction and she nods to everyone. Her white dress is so white it hurts my eyes. Though, that could be because I am hungover as hell.

"These missions are dangerous, and you can die, which is the kicker. That's is why life-lines are so important. But at that same aspect, we can't have everyone using life-lines and getting kicked out of the mission before a love match can be made if that makes sense. We are intervening because if we do not, it might turn out as dire as the actual Hunger Games. That would tip the scales. Time to nip it in the bud."

I don't even know what to think. My mind is having a hard time processing this rationally. If this is real, then I am screwed. Currently, I am feeling very small and vulnerable, I can say nothing at all, nothing and I stare. All I can do is listen and try to not freak out. This is becoming more real as the seconds pass.

The fairy Godmother looks at all of us. "You all will place your hands into the Bowl of Destiny, to see what role you will be playing in the next three months. After that, you will be placed with our very own F.G.A.s- Fairy Godmother Agents. They will travel with you, being your personal tool for anything you may need. Perfect shape-shifters."

The door opens and delicate looking people come in wearing all back, like if they were on the mini SWAT team.

"Meet the agents. You will be paired up with one after we figure out each of your roles." She Laughs and glances at Pierce. "We almost forgot the most important information, the man in question."

Pierce rolls his eyes. "I was getting to that part."

She puts on some cat-eye black glasses and reads off a paper. "Okay, the King and Queen of Thunia are the dominate rulers, currently the biggest nation, understand? Theodluin and Myrrh Leocaryn. Their son is the man to snare. Ajax Leocaryn, the eldest son of Thunia."

Pierce nods. "There are six nations like I said. Thunia, Ebrad, Brae Shye, Broyrus, Claoye, and lastly Sescesh. Your agent will help you out with details of each and other important information."

The Godmother adds, "We want to ensnare Ajax, period. It will be difficult because they do not mingle outside of their race, viewing humans beneath them. But they have not dealt with Fairy Godmother Inc before," she smiles and glances at Pierce.

"We are good ladies, you are in great hands."

My eyes are wide in disbelief, shit.

"The Bowl of Destiny!" The Godmother claps.

I gasp as a large bird-bath bowl appears behind the desk like just appeared out of thin air. It sparkles and shimmers as if enchanted. I am very nervous; my palms are sweating. This is really happening

I think for a second.

If I use all my life-lines, then I am ejected from the game.

I get to go back to my life.

I'm brilliant!

I raise my hand with newfound glee, "I'll go first!"

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