NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

"Gods, deities and or supreme beings came from the belief of a particular culture that everything in this world is bound to a higher power. Just as a master to a slave, most culture believed in the servitude to a higher power could give them higher chances of salvation or favor.

What salvation, you mean? It's primarily a belief that when people die, their souls are transported to either heaven or hell, or something similar to that concept depending on the culture and their beliefs systems. Obviously, most people would prefer an afterlife of joy and peace, thus the concept of heaven was born. For most, hell is a place of never ending pain and suffering. Something that was conceptualized to discourage humans to go against the norms of their culture and society. These concepts are well-embedded to our culture and society as far back before Christianity was introduced by the Spanish colonizers in 1521.

To me, the concept of deities and supreme beings are just products of a primitive mind trying to understand the nature of the world unfamiliar to them. By providing the notion of a higher power guiding the laws of nature, humans were able to assimilate their own laws forming their own culture and society. This creative process of the human mind also made way for technology and progress of their society.

As humans progress to the modern era, so did their gods. In form or another, their beliefs would take another form of deity or object of worship. In the end, as humans believes their replaceable to their gods we can also assume that gods are as much replaceable like their mortal counterparts."

- Anton Maravella, PhD

" A good read, master?" a dark shadow hissed.

" Quite." he replied. " He's almost there. Such a shame he had to die before he finished this literature.", he smirked and closed the book that was chained to the soul's waist.

"Is he a good candidate, Master? Is he going to be a katabang?" another disembodied voice tore from the shadows.

"He could've. But I am not looking for a molester. This filth deserves to be punished. He got murdered by the student he molested after he spread their videos online. Such a shame."

"But Master... He had already met the criteria you need for a..."

" I am the god here! I make the rules!"

" But Master Sidapa... These are the rules every god has to follow."

" Silence! I am the rule! If you wish to dispute that, bring it to the council. Let's see if they'll listen to the likes of you, Tagahatid!"

There was complete silence.

"I thought so too." he said, " Besides, I have already one in mind." he smirked again. " Ready my boat, I would love to personally welcome the candidate."

"As you wish Master Sidapa." The voices began to scramble and further away.

Sidapa sighed as he walked into the hallway of bones. The gloom of the place was enough for a human to go into utter insanity but he is not human, at least not anymore. His thoughts were focused on finding a replacement but was mildly distracted with the final passage of the book he read earlier.

Gods are as much replaceable like their mortal counterparts. "Such a crude concept but never far from the truth." he said to himself.

He reached the far end of his hallway, which is a dock overlooking the crimson-colored river. His boat was ready and Tagahatid was standing at the edge of the boat holding his long paddle. Tagahatid bowed low when he saw him. Without saying a word, he climbed into the boat and sat across the shadowy ferryman.

"Where to, Master?"

"Butuanon River."

"Mmmasstter ttthaaat's not-"

" I'm sure she wouldn't mind. If she does, I'll talk to her."

Hesitant but afraid to incur his master's wrath, Tagahatid nodded and pushed away the boat from the dock into the red currents and rowed his way to his master's destination.

He caught a glimpse of his master's face. Underneath the lengthy hair covering his face was a set of deep glowing brown eyes of fervor and excitement. But what most struck him was his smile . It looked like a grin, a sight that haunted Tagahatid throughout the journey. It was an expression he has never seen and one he doesn't want to see once more. The grin of someone that has lost his mind.

"Master-" Tagahatid tried to strike a conversation with him but stopped midway. He hesitated. He had always been afraid of his master.

He remembered what he did to the previous Tagahatid over 2 centuries ago when it spoke out against his master's wishes. His master never hesitated to drown him in the crimson river tying the book chain around the previous Tagahatid's neck. Of course it didn't die, but it got torn to pieces beyond mending, his master attached him on post at bank to serve as a reminder to ever try to defy him.

"Yes, you can speak and no, I won't break you like the previous one."a quick reply from his master that surprised him.

Tagahatid asked, "Why Butuanon? That's not within our territory."

"Why not? Isn't it part of the physical world that we're bound to?"

" But Master, the Mistress may not like it. Especially because we are encroaching her rivers."

" That is true. We are encroaching her rivers. However, the soul we are taking has a soul contract from the days of old." He looked at his alagad and smirked, " Surely, she wouldn't contest that?"

Tagahatid nodded and rowed silently. His master thinks he was content with the answer. Indeed, he was but he cannot shake the feeling of a great calamity up ahead. A calamity that would involve the Soul World and the physical world.

"Master, we have arrived." as he pushed the boat with all his might into the opening.

The sun never blinded Tagahatid every time he entered the physical world, to him it resembles the warm welcome of the living world he once belonged.

" Today's typically busy, wouldn't you say?" his Master asked.

" Truly, maybe it's rush hour?" he answered.

" It never felt the same way when I was here way back."

His Master sighed, " Tagahatid, take me to IT Park, that's where we will meet her and make it quick before Maggie finds out."

Tagahatid finally realized how dangerous this trip would be. He now knows his Master has no plans of speaking with the Mistress. He just wants to take the soul and leave before she notices it.

" Sa hanging umiikot sa tadhana, diringin mo ang aking hinagpis! iihip sa paroroonan ng nakatakdang hinahanap. Paunlakan mo ang aking hiling, hiramin ang pakpak ng iyong mga ibon at ilipad sa aking kahahantungan."

[ To the wind that encircles fate, hear my woe! Take me to the place of the one I fated to seek.Grant my wish, let me borrow the wings of your birds and let me fly towards my destiny.]

After Tagahatid uttered the chant, the boat floated to the air and flew towards the soul that his Master is here to collect.



Greetings Reader,

I don't know what brought you here. It may be a stroke of luck or simply because you were interested. Regardless, I want to thank you for taking the time in stopping by and reading my humble novel.

The reason why I am talking to you right now is that I would like to introduce to you Philippine Mythology and some words and superstitions that you might not know about.

Let me give you context on these terms:

"katabang"- means helper in a direct translation

"Sidapa"- is a god of death from the Panay Islands in the Philippines, he lives in the world tree( Philippine folklore)

"Tagahatid"- means the Carrier or Delivery man.

Boats and paddles- they are part of Philippine literature especially when it comes to the underworld. Ancient Filipinos believed that rivers and seas are connected to the underworld. Those the boats and paddles symbolize the journey towards the underworld.

Episode 2

Flashback: May 1994

It was a gloomy afternoon. The sun was easily devoured by the raging dark clouds racing at the mid-day sky. The wind was chaotic, it came from all directions, tossing every plant it saw and violently leveling the rice fields into a total mess. The Andres' rice fields were no exception. Young Calista saw how terrible the gust of wind uprooted the proud mango tree that stood in front of their iron-cast gate fell like nothing.

Her father said a storm was coming. The radio broadcast said it was Signal number 1 but it looked like it was a 4, according to her mother. Now both her parents are arguing about the entire storm. Calista and her family are currently in the province visiting her grandparents and relatives when a sudden storm hit a day after they had arrived. Her parents are having second thoughts if they should stay there for another week after the storm passes as they were worried that it could hit Manila as well and that could affect their house and food business.

His father argued that they should not leave as it will be dangerous to travel. Her mother on the other hand, wanted to leave at once as the storm passes, as it will be a good time for them to check if there were any damages and losses that they can fix. It was creating a different ruckus in the ancestral home, their voices were getting louder, as loud as the thunder clapping in the sky. Calista couldn't stand for both, so she went into the living room instead.

The room was old. Her father told her about it. It was passed on from generation to generation. Lolo Ambo and Lola Pape's house was a remnant of the old Spanish times. The windows in the kitchen still have that sliding paper "things" attached to them. The creaky wooden floor boards are close to rotten, although a portion of it was already renovated. The windows in the living room, though was renovated already with iron grills but the chairs and sofas were still old-fashioned. Lola Pape, once bragged about the long bench sofa, was carved from an old oak tree from Spain. Her father later told her that it was a mango tree from one of their haciendas long ago, but her lola kept on insisting otherwise.

The living room was poorly lit due to the gloomy skies, it almost looked like dusk arrived far too early. Still in the background as the thunder continues to roar it rattled Calista that sent her running to the kitchen where her lola was tinkering something.

"Oh! Calista, apo!" her lola dropped the thing she was holding and welcomed her with open arms to calm the scared little girl.

She sobbed in her lola's arms, " La, I'm scared. Mama and Papa are arguing and the thunder is so loud.", she said.

"My beautiful Calista, don't worry about them, Lola will talk to them later." Her lola gave her a warm smile. " I know how to raise your spirits! Would you like some sikwati [Hot cocoa]?"

She nodded.

Her Lola's sikwati was the best she ever had. No one can ever replicate it. Not even her mother. It was warm and sweet, like her Lola's hugs and kisses. Her Lola would often put a bit of cinnamon and warm carabao milk over the luscious cocoa. It was her Lola's favorite and now, hers. That concoction gave her a sense of peace.

The rain poured hard and loud, Calista cuddled near her Lola, who was now back to tinkering a sort of old bottle. Calista's eyes were restless; she watched carefully as her Lola put some things into the bottle. She cannot identify what she saw, but she can recall, a thorny piece of bark, chipped wood and some stinky oils into the bottle. She also saw a round metal ball that her lola dunked inside the bottle. Her prying eyes also made her mind run wild with questions.

She took another sip at her sikwati and asked, " Lola, what are those things you put inside the bottle? What's that for?"

Her Lola gently smiled and gestured to her to come closer. She lifted her up for her chair and leaned over the table near her Lola, "It's for our protection." her Lola replied.

"Protection from what?" she asked. Her lola tried to whisper again in her ear when her father came to the kitchen.

"Calista! There you are. I was calling you earlier and you never responded."

" I'm sorry, Papa. I never heard you. The rain was too loud, and I was enjoying Lola's company."

Her father messed her hair and hugged her, then smiled at her Lola.

" Uy, Bong! Calista told me something, we'll talk about that later."

Her father was baffled," What did you say to Lo-"

Suddenly a loud knock echoed the house. It was the door next to the kitchen.

"Who’s there? Calista turned the knob to open it when her Lola suddenly grabbed her and tugged her away from the door.

She was confused and shocked at the time. She looked up to see her Lola's face pale and her eyes wide open, fixing the gaze at the door.

Present: April 2018

It hurts! My head hurts! Calista told herself as she woke up. Everything was spinning and she felt nauseous. She felt her gut flipping backwards as she struggled to stand up. She ran towards the sink and there she belched all her liquid emotions out. The sun's rays also irritated her more as it tends to stab her eyes with its bright glare.

" I bet you can still taste the lechon you had last night." Mae giggled.

"Shut-up, Mae!" as she puked once more.

" You know, you shouldn't be drinking if you can't handle it. "

"I know. It's just..."

" There Mae, don't be too hard on her." said a familiar voice.

Calista looked and saw her best friend. "Dexxie!" as she struggled to keep herself together.

"Hi Calista!” he wrinkled his nose to look as if disgusted, “ I swear, I really want to hug you, but it would be disgusting, right now." , he said jokingly as he exchanged greetings with Mae.

Calista rolled her eyes and hoisted herself to sit at the chair in the dining room. Dex followed her and offered her a Styrofoam container filled with warm lugaw. She meticulously opened the lid and sniffed the puffing aroma of the hearty dish.

"Is this from..."

" Caldero ni Maxx! Your favorite." Dex enthusiastically answered, " Of course, Mae, I haven't forgotten about you!" He took out another paper bag and gave it to Mae.

"Balbacua?! But I'm on a diet!" she complained.

" Are you now?" Dex smirked.

They all broke into laughter. They finished the meal after a lot of talks in between. Mae even asked Dex to stay for lunch, he regretfully declined but instead told them to pick them up later in the afternoon so all three of them can go to the Despidida party.

Dex left before lunch, by then, Calista was in better shape than she once was earlier. She made a quick nap before Mae woke her up at around 4pm to get ready for the party later. She stumbled towards the bathroom but quickly composed herself after a drizzle of the cold shower. They prep themselves up for the night's party.

The party they're attending is a Despidida party for their classmate in College who will be leaving for the UK with her long time boyfriend. According to the invitation, it's a pajama party (the only onesies allowed). She and Mae had to scour for these onesies a week earlier, looking for it online. Calista had no idea what onesies are, Mae had to help her choose the size and design. While Mae chose a fluffy bunny onesie, she opted for a zebra onesie.

Time was flying fast and it was almost 7pm, the party started at 8pm, and they were going late. Unfortunately, Calista clumsily hid the onesie inside the apartment and has no idea where it was.

"Damn! I haven't fitted that yet!" she mumbled.

"Haaay... Calista Andres, you're being clumsy again. I told you to just place it in my room! But no! You have to hide it for your pleasure." as she sighed in disbelief.

"I found it! Calista hurriedly dress-up as she can hear Dex's voice speaking to Mae while she was in her room fumbling for the costume.

"She hasn't changed." he smiled.

"She never did! Oh, Dex, what can Calista do without me?" Mae said jokingly.

"I can manage myselffff..." They heard a loud bang at Calista's room. "Owww."

Mae and Dex laughed as Calista finally came out of the room, confused and hesitant.

"Is that really a zebra?" Dex asked Calsita as he got flustered, seeing her onesie.

"You know it's way too early for Halloween, right?" Mae jabbed at her.

"You know what, Whatever! We don't have time now, it's either I would look like this or I would just come in casual wear!"

Calista said as her frustration is welling up.

Mae urged Calista to just wear it since they're going late. Calista looked up to Dex, who faintly smiled and nodded.

They rode Dex's car and hurriedly went to the venue.

" So where was that place again?" Asked Mae

" Hmmm.. Endura Residences in IT Park!" Dex replied.

"Wow, sosyal!" Mae and Calista chorused and laughed along the way.



Greetings Reader!

Ah! We met again. So, I'm back to give you context on these following words.

"Lolo"- Grandfather


"sikwati"- a Filipino blend hot cocoa

"Lechon"- basically a whole roasted pig on a spit

"Despedida"- a farewell party, usually celebrated to give good luck to the one leaving or migrating.

"sosyal"- a colloquial term for posh or sophisticated.

Lugaw- rice porridge.

...and this one,

"a thorny piece of bark chipped wood, and some stinky oils into the bottle"- this is a description of the Sinamak, a concoction of barks, roots, and herbs from common Filipino plants doused or drowned in coconut oil. Mostly, these concoctions are used for medicinal purposes but some might also argue that these are used to ward off evil, depending on the mixture and rituals placed on the Sinamak.

There you go, the list of unfamiliar words to introduce you to the Filipino culture!

Episode 3

Cebu was a different vibe from the last time Sid made his way there. The air was heavy and congested with smoke and dust. He could no longer feel the succulent energies way back when people still worship the gods of old. Everything was hectic. Jeepneys and cars clogged in the narrow streets and intersections, horns honking non-stop. People walking everywhere, selling things, begging, running, shouting and some were fighting. It was a chaotic energy. It tasted like junk food, it fills you up but it will never satisfy you.

The boat flew over tall buildings that reached up the sky. Sid smiled as he remembered how he used to mock Lihangin about the day where men can reach the skies and knock the doors of his kingdom. Lihangin would often laugh and say it was impossible.

Lihangin, you'd be damn wrong about it. He whispered.

The city below looked like little roots with ants crawling all around. The buildings are nothing more than stones sticking like a sore thumb from above.

Sid misses the old city. He missed the Karatelas in the muddy road or how the horses' hooves sounded in the stone pavements. He missed how the coconut oil would linger its scent in the roads as peddlers would walk their way to the merkado or agora for a tabo [market fair]. He missed the loud bells humans would ring after they end their worship in the kapilya. He missed it, he remembers it, he longs for it. The old times were a good memory, a dream that he wishes to return but something that is out of his reach.

Tagahatid interrupted him from his reminiscing with a nervous yet loud call, " Master! The Mistress is..."

Suddenly, the boat shook violently and he heard a loud thud in the boat. The next thing Sid saw was Tagahatid thrown overboard with sheer force while the boat rapidly descended towards the city. Sid was quick enough to jump out of the boat and summon his eldritch roots to land on. He already saw this one coming, but he never thought it would be this quick.

He looked at the city below and saw Tagahatid landing in a pile of garbage. He's not worried about him, he knows how an alagad can regenerate and fight fiercely if needed. He saw his alagad slowly standing up when all of a sudden, a hulking beast pounced over him and started ripping Tagahatid apart. He saw the beast's long blue fur and overly huge antlers ramming his alagad like a ragged doll.

He tried to extend the roots to stab the monster but it collided mid-air with a water ball that splintered the roots into fine pieces. He looked around but couldn't find her. Yes, he knows she's here hiding somewhere. He shielded himself with thickets and roots as he tried to descend. Then another water ball collided with his defense. He had no time to look around as suddenly it became a barrage. He crashed down and leveled three houses along the way.

He has not hurt thanks to the roots that protected him but now, he has to move fast as the barrage is far from stopping. He summoned an eldritch bark from his tree and housed himself there while he was looking for the attacker. Finally, he saw a moving silhouette from a low-lying cloud, jumping from one cloud to the next. He timed the shadow and finally launched his counter-attack with the roots extending towards the clouds piercing everything in its path, the shadow stood no chance but to descend to the ground as well.

"Pugay, Maggie!" he greeted his attacker with a slight bow.

"Sidapa! You don't belong here! This is my territory!" she answered lividly.

"Can't I do a courtesy visit? I mean, Cebu has nice beaches?"

"We both know, that's not the thing you came here for! You hate sea water!"

"Can we just settle this as mature deities and talk it out?" he calmly said.

"Nothing is mature with you Sidapa you're here to steal a kalag [soul]! I know you would!" she pointed at him accusingly while holding her conch shell on her left hand.

"Now, now, there's no need to sound the shell. I came here in peace! See, I even made the hand gesture as a reference, Magwayen."

Magwayen stood silently still as Sidapa tried to calm her. However, she can never tolerate Sidapa's presence. She felt like he is a mockery to the deities that rule the Living world.


"Yes, Lady Magwayen?" he answered politely to try and appease the fuming deity.

"Get. Out." Magwayen then blew the conch and water came rushing in from the seas.

Sidapa hurriedly summoned his eldritch roots and went for the higher ground. The raging waters were now filling the streets. He tried dropping one of the strongest roots of his eldritch tree at Magwayen but she was able to swipe it aside. Now, the waters are swirling creating a maelstrom.

He tried to catch a glimpse of Tagahatid but he was nowhere to be seen.

Sidapa had to evade water whips and projectiles thrown at him by the angry goddess. He fought back as well, even grazing Magwayen's arm which angered her even more. It has been a non-stop fight between them both and the part of the city was already starting to look like in ruins. Mud, roots, and water just threw everywhere.

Finally, after a long fought battle. Sidapa was able to subdue Magwayen with indestructible thickets wrapping her wrist and ankles together, hopefully stopping her rampage.

"Whoa! Maggie. Let's stop already, this is no longer healthy! We can't tip the balance even further." he begged.

Magwayen was silent.

Sidapa sat down in relief as he finally saw Tagahatid limping towards him while making use of his paddle as a staff to make him walk steadily or at the very least trying to.

"You got beaten up that bad?" he mocked Tagahatid.

" My Master, I apologize but Tagabantay is in his element," he answered.

"Never be this messed up again or else..." he signaled Tagahatid with a thumbs down.

Tagahatid bowed low and helped his Master up from where he was sitting.

Sidapa asked Tagahatid to build another boat because they were running late, however, Sidapa noticed something from Magwayen. She was indeed silent but her lips were moving, she was mumbling fast. Sidapa tried to read her lips when all of the sudden, water started to rise again from the sea. But this time, he could feel an overwhelming presence rushing towards them, something big and angry.

Before Tagahatid can even point at it, a dark shadow is emerging from the ocean with its eyes glaring towards them.

"Bakunawa..." Sidapa armed himself again with eldritch roots.

He felt a sense of dread slowly enveloping them. He knows very well that if that monster lets loose, it’ll be the end of the lovely island they’re at. He can only imagine the damage and carnage it will cause.

Suddenly, someone broke from the heavens and crashed to the ground like a thunder's roar. It scared the mythical beast who quickly retreated to the depths from which it came. The crash also swept both the deities away.

Tagahatid was able to catch his Master which Sidapa landed on a soft blow.

There was a powerful gust of wind pulsing through like a storm steadily standing to wreak havoc. It took Sidapa a while to notice the figure of a man standing in the middle of the gust, had a thousand wings of different winged creatures, he is armed to the teeth with golden armor that flashes lightning. His shields were created from the scales of the mythical beast he had slain and the kampilan made from the feather of Tagmamanukan, that can slice everything that stood in his way.

Sidapa knew too well, who this was and who sent him. So, he bowed lower than usual and asked Tagahatid to kiss the ground to greet him.

"Pugay, Saraggang Bagyon! Your presence is always a marvel to behold."

"Enough of your pleasantries." his voice rumbled like thunder. " Where is Magwayen?"

"Here, Lord Saraggang." Magwayen timidly crept out from the debris she was thrown into when Saraggang Bagyon landed. "What brings the mighty bearer to descend to the Living World?" she asked as she also bowed to greet him.

"The arbiters of the Skyworld have tasked me to stop both of you from fighting. You are causing too much damage to Likalibutan [the Living World], they asked me to mitigate the situation," he answered sternly.

Sidapa took this chance and step forward to explain the situation. " Lord Saraggang, this was supposed to be a peaceful visit. But alas, Magwayen began attacking me out of nowhere."

"He wants to steal a kalag from me!" she spat.

"I believe this kalag is under my jurisdiction and thereby, not considered as stealing," he answered back.

" The person currently lives in the land which I govern. She was born in the land that I govern!" she quickly answered while showing Saraggang the Capiz shell to prove her claim.

Saraggang looked at the mirror and nodded to Magwayen. He looked back at Sidapa and demanded evidence to validate his claim.

Sidapa took out a piece of bark torn from his Eldritch tree and showed it to the deities.

He read," In this bark, a contract was written in blood by a man named Anastacio Andres. The contract states that every soul of his living family and descendants will worship the God of Death Sidapa and their souls will be given to him."

Saraggang took the contract and examined it.

" They no longer worship you! So the contract is void!" Magwayen butted in.

"Silence!" the enforcer roared.

" Though it is true that the old gods have long been forgotten, we still have to work to balance the laws that we had placed in both nature and man. Magwayen has claimed this kalag as hers because she was born in the territory she ruled in. Under normal circumstances, I would have found you Sidapa at fault on this. However, because a contract was sealed with their blood and soul, I Saraggang Bagyon of the Sky World, rewards this verdict to Sidapa."

Sidapa hid his smirk as he bowed in acceptance to the verdict. Magwayen was furious and ordered an explanation again from Saraggang.

"Lady Magwayen, even if one of the conditions of the contract stated that Sidapa had to be worshipped, we have to accept the fact that humans cannot stand by their words. Even if they would, at some point one tends to forget. However, souls were used to binding this contract. Blood was used to write this contract and thus, we consider it as an offering to the gods, even if the latter generations no longer remembers this." he explained.

"Us, gods, never forget."

Magwayen bowed in resignation.

"You may now go to that soul, Lord Sidapa, and await the penalties we shall give you for disrupting the balance," he ordered. " Lady Magwayen, go back to where you came from and await the penalties we shall place on you."

"I shall handle this mess you had both caused." He flapped his wings and every ruin was instantly set back to the way it was before. The mud and water were still there, but he at least restored the huge damages both the fighting deities had caused.

Sidapa was satisfied but also annoyed. He knows he can now take the soul he's been eyeing for a while but also, he has to pay for the penalties that he and the meddling Magwayen caused due to their fight.

" Tagahatid, where's the boat?"

"Right here, Master." Tagahatid presented him with the new boat.

He checked it for a bit and nodded in approval. Then decided to tweak the boat a little by putting flowers like Ylang-ylang and Waling waling to form a bouquet where he placed at the flooring of the boat. He also summoned miniature santelmos to look like fireflies hovering the boat.

He checked on it again and was pleased to see his beautiful creation. The boat fit for the kalag he chose.

"Good. Now let's get back to business."



Greetings Reader!

Hello! It's me, the author!

I am back for with more information to clarify some of the things you might not understand about the story.

Let's start with these names:

"Magwayen"- goddess of Death from the Visayas

"Tagabantay"- guardian

"Bakunawa"- a serpent of legend capable to devouring the moon. This is a serpent said to have caused eclipsed in the ancient times. People usually sound gong during eclipses to distract and scare this monster away (thus it ran from the sound of thunder)

"Saragang Bagyon"- Visayan god of the Storms, a warrior god with a thousand wings. Legend has it that he gave the ants their antenna after passing his test of storms.

"Tagmamanukan"- the first bird, the progenitor of the winged ones.

"santelmo"- a floating ball of fire caused by natural occurrences. In ancient times, santelmos are believed to be wandering souls of dead living creatures seeking revenge for their deaths.

And now for the other stuff...

"Kampilan"- a broad sword usually 1 arm span tall used by tribal warriors of the Visayan peninsula.

"Ylang-ylang"- a tropical flowering tree. Their petals are naturally fragrant.

Capiz Shells- a translucent shell used for beautiful decorations and jewelry.

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