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My Alpha's Mate

Episode 1

(Elena P.O.V)

“Common Elena you promised me we will go to a club and party whole night, Plus you have a few days left until you go back to California and you also have to lose something today, we are going out,”

Stella said and give me a knowing wink and I blushed while hiding my with my hands.

“But I don’t have anything to wear,” I wine.

“Oh don’t worry about that leave it to me,” she said and drag me to my room, she immediately goes to my closet and starts looking for an appropriate dress throwing my clothes here and there, soon my clothes where everywhere in my room.

“Ah, here it is,” she said and put a dress on my bed but I can’t see it what it is since she is blocking my sight with her body.

On my bed laying a red short lacy skin-tight dress with a low neckline, set of lingerie and matching red high killer heels and diamond hearing.

“If you think I’m wearing that well thing again, I am going to break my neck with those heels,” I said to her while shaking my head in denial.

“Well if you want to lose your V card then you have to wear this thing if you wear your oh so revealing dress then not one guy will get attracted to you,” she said and I sighed while taking all the things from my bed and get ready for the party.

*I must say I am looking hot in this dress Stella has good fashion taste* I thought while looking at myself in the mirror.

“Girl you are looking hot boys do anything to have your attention,” Stella said while looking up and down at me.

“You don’t look bad yourself,” I said to her while checking her out and smiling at her.

“Thanks,” she said smiling at me.

“Shall we go now,” she asks and I nodded my head at her. We link our arms with each other and walk to our car then drive away to the club.

A half an hour later we reach to the club and get in line to enter the club. The line was so long that I started to regrete to come here with Stella and internally groan at myself.

“Can’t we go to another club where we always go?” I asked making a puppy dog eyes on her hoping that she will take it and we will go to our usual club.

“No we are staying here it is one of the tops clubs in America and there were also the rumors that the hottest guys and gangsters or mafia come here,” she said in her not to mess with her tone.

“But it was cold here and we will get in trouble if a mafia or gangster take interest on us and decided to kidnapped us,” I whine.

“Some time it’s good to get in trouble to have some change,” she said and I groaned at her. After 15 minutes a black sleek Lykan Hypersport drives past us towards the VIP section, I can’t look inside the window but something lures me towards the car.

“What are you looking at?” Stella asked me, taking me out of my daze.

“Nothing just looking at the car which just enters the VIP section,” I said to her and look back to the car to see someone come out of the car but couldn’t able to see him or her clearly because of another person comes out of the car and block the view and they walk in the club from VIP entrance door.

She just shakes her head and looks back to the line and I am glad for it. Its been almost half an hour since we were standing there waiting in the line to enter the club and it was getting cold very cold with every passing moment.

I was about to open my mouth and say something to Stella when I see two, no three muscular men wearing a tight suit walk up to us, which I assume as a bouncers but I am not sure they didn’t like the person who dresses up in suit to throw the people, in fact, they look hot, handsome and Delicious in this suits.

They come and stand in front of us and may I say, man, they were very tall. One with the blond hair is 6′0 feet, second is 6 feet 2 inch and the third one is 5 feet 9 inches tall.

“Ma'am you can come inside now,” one of them said to me.

“Can I bring my friend with me?” I ask and my voice was not completely steady because I was kind of get intimidated from them.

“Sure, if you will follow me now ma’am.” What’s up with the ma’am, thing I think to myself. And together we start walking one led us the door while the other two follow us towards the club, apparently, the men that picked us up wasn’t the bouncer because in front of the door is standing another big dude, he to radiates danger, he bows his head in respect towards the men, and opens the door for us. You can hear the offended gasps from people who are still waiting in line, angry that they didn’t get to go inside.

As soon as we walk inside we are hit with loud music and the smell of sweat and the hard drinks in the air. There are lights flashing everywhere, and people are grinding on each other up on the dance floor. I immediately feel uncomfortable, this so isn’t my scene. I can feel eyes burning holes into my body, but I just can’t pinpoint the person. It gives me a creepy feeling as if I’m being followed

Episode 2

(Oliver P.O.V)

“Dude I’m getting bored, let’s go to the club and have some fun,” Manson my beta and my best friend said to me.

“He was right Oliver, we were so busy in training the whole three months that we hardly got time to have some fun and now that we were done with it why didn’t we go to a club and have some fun and maybe who know we will find our mate there,” Nick my gamma and my other best friend said to me.

“Fine then go and get ready for the club,” I said to them and they jump up and run to their rooms to get ready.

*God, they act like a child sometimes. Anyway, I think the club will be a good idea to distract me because for some days almost two months for some reason my wolf Roy is acting weird, pacing around in my mind and giving me a headache. And whenever I try to ask him what’s wrong with him he shut me out. But today he is acting weirder than before giving me a huge headache and I think that the club will be a good distraction for me* with that though I go to my room and got ready to go to the club.

We get in the car and drive away to the club owns by my father. The drive towards the club was 15 minutes from my home and in the whole drive, I feel Roy jumping around in my mind excitedly as a little child gets to eat ice cream after many long years.

When I ask him what’s the matter with him he said I will know with the time and block me out, I just shrugged at him and concentrate on my emails. As soon as I get out of the car a wonderful smell hit me like a wall. Its smell like Honey, lemon, and Cinnamon three of my favorite smell.

I look around my surrounding to find the bearer of the smell until my eyes met with the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes and I’m immediately mesmerized by them.

'Mate!Mate!' my wolf said inside my head excitedly. I look up to see a girl with dirty blonde hair, pointed jaw fully pulp pink lips, light chocolate brown eyes, and a perfect body. To say she was beautiful was the understatement of the year. I was enjoying looking or checking out my mate when suddenly a saw two hands come inside taking me out of my trance.

"What?" I and Manson shouted at the same time who was the owner of the hands who is my gamma, Nick.

"What's up? You zone out on me, and who were you looking at?" nick ask looking behind him to see what we are looking at.

"Well I find your Luna and my mate," I said with a smirk.

"Congratulations dude, I also found my mate," Manson said to us with a wide grin on my face.

"Who?" Nick asks.

"The girl with dirty blonde hair and with a red dress," I said to him while looking at my mate lovingly.

"And the girl with whom she is speaking to with a black dress is my mate," Manson said while looking to her like she is his whole world.

"So what are we waiting for let's go and introduce all of us to our Luna and beta female, I can't wait to meet them and spend some time with them, let's, go," Nick said and about to go towards them but I stop them.

"Wait, they are here to enjoy let them enjoy themselves and after some time we will go to them and make them ours, they are here to have there time let them be," I said to them.

"Fine, but I don't want them to stay here and wait in the line, they deserve the best of the world," Manson said while looking at his mate.

"Don't worry I will tell my bodyguards to take them in and guide them in the VIP section, they are our mates and they will get the best things in the world," with that said we all get inside the club and walked to our boot.

"There were two blonde women in a red and black dress, they look like it guide them here and their drinks are on us, they look like this," I said and showed them the picture I have taken off them when I was outside of the club. They nodded at me and walk out to do as I tell them.

'What are you doing? go to mate! Need Mate!' My wolf Roy whined at me.

"I know Roy but just let her enjoy with her friend freely because after that she will be ours and only ours," I said to him and he calms down when we saw our mate come inside the club with her friend and goes to the bar.

She grabs some shots and drinks it in one shot. Then she goes to the dance floor and dance with her friend. I can't able to take my eyes off my mate.

'She is just gorgeous, isn't she?' Roy ask.

'Yes she is, and she is all ours' I said to him with a smirk.

"You stay here dude if you want but I can't stay away from my mate anymore, I am going there," Manson said to me and walk towards his mate.

Then suddenly a creepy looking man comes towards my mate and said something in her ears making my wolf growl. I was about to walk towards her but suddenly a slut comes towards me and started clinging on me.

"Hey, handsome want to have some fun with me?" she slurred while clinging at my arms in a seductive voice which sounds like someone was running their nail on the blackboard.

"Sorry but not interested," I said removing my hand from her hands. I turn to look at the bar to see that she was not there. I try to look at my surrounding to find her but to no avail so try high lighten my senses and sniff the air for her particular sent.

Episode 3

(Elena P.O.V)

As soon as we are inside I can feel eyes burning holes into my body, but I just can’t pinpoint the person. It gives me a creepy feeling as if I am being followed.

Stella pulls me towards the bar, “Come on let’s get something to drink.” She yells in my ear and dancing to the music she makes her way to the bar, pulling me with her.

I normally never drink or only on very rare occasions, and then only a little bit and not even the strong drinks. I just don’t really like the taste of it.

“What do you want to drink?” Stella asks me.

“Just a coke.” It feels so weird to say that it’s like I’m asking for cocaine, is that weird?

“O hell no girl, we’re doing shots and we’re going to get drunk, whoah,” Stella yells. O wow this is definitely going to be an interesting night, I just want to go home and read some stories on Inkitt.

“4 shots,” Stella says towards the barman. “Come on let’s get drunk,” she says to me. And she hands me two shots

We both grab the shots and take them right after each other, I can already feel the alcohol hitting my system.

“Come on let’s dance.” And Stella drags me onto the dance floor, we stay there for a few songs just dancing to the beat only the two of us and nobody interrupting. Except for some curious hands wandering on my body, but I just swat them away like there irritating flies.

“I want some more drinks, let’s go,” Stella yells in my ear. I feel the slight buzz of the alcohol, and well what the hell you only live once, tomorrow is Saturday and on Monday I’m gone. Can’t go wrong right?

“Yeah, okay let’s get some more drinks.” We push our way towards the bar and Stella orders another round of shots, which we chug quickly. A man approaches us and starts hitting on Stella, Stella who is a little bit drunker than me since she had an extra round of shots, is fine with it and they go off to dance.

A man with a creepy air around him starts approaching me like I’m his pray, “hey sweet cheeks what are you doing here so alone, can I maybe buy this pretty lady a drink?

“Well, you may Sir,” I say while giggling like a schoolgirl, god what’s wrong with me? He hands me a blue cocktail which I sip carefully. I feel the man’s hand that was around my middle travel more closer to my ass. I freeze up. I try to swat his hands off me what just results in him pulling me closer, I feel like I have to puke. I can really feel the alcohol hitting my system. My body doesn’t feel like mine anymore.

I try to wiggle myself out of his grip. Which just results in a throaty grunt from the man, “Yes sweet checks grind that perfect ass of your in my c*ck.” I can feel his hard one on me.

Tears start to form in my eyes, what the heck did I do to deserve this?

“Come on let’s go somewhere else, shall we now.” The man has a wicked smile on his face which can only mean one thing. I start to fight harder to his grip. But he just tightens his arms around me.

Suddenly I heard the growl come from somewhere but I ignored it thinking that I heard things because I was drunk but then suddenly his arms are not around me anymore. He’s laying a few meters further, when I look to see who has thrown him off me, I’m met by a hard chiseled chest, I look up towards his face, he just has the most beautiful blue eyes, and I’m immediately mesmerized by them. Just then I feel my eyelids get heavier and heavier and the floor suddenly looks very comfortable. I try to zoom in on Stella who’s sucking some dudes face off.

I then feel my world become black, and I start to fall towards the ground but before I can hit the ground I’m caught by a pair of strong arms, I immediately feel safe. And then everything goes black.

(Oliver P.O.V)

I turn to look at the bar to see that she was not there. I try to look at my surrounding to find her but to no avail so try high lighten my senses and sniff the air for her particular sent.

After some moment I finally got a sniff of my mate sent and follow her sent to find her. When I reach there I see her dancing with that man and I let out the low growl. Satisfied that other people didn’t hear me due to loud music.

But I lost all my control when that man started to grind on her and I can also smell the tears with my mate sent while she was trying to get out of his grip but he just tightened his grip on her.

‘Don’t just stand there you idiot, our mate need us, go there and help her’ Roy said snapping me out of my trance.

I go to her and get him off of her while growling at him.

*How dare he touches what is mine, she is mine and only mine,* I thought. Roy wants to take over and kill him for touching our mate but I stop him saying that while doing that he will scare her.

She turns and looks at me and I get lost in her eyes again. Roy also calms down when he looks at the way she was looking at us. Then she passes out in my arms.

I take her in my arms in bridal style and walk out of the club towards my car while mind linking Manson and Nick saying that I was going home with my mate.

All the way toward my house I keep glancing at my mate making sure that she was still there. As soon as I reach my house I take her in my arms and walk towards my room. I place her gently at my bed and cover her with a blanket so that she does not feel cold.

I want to change her in comfortable clothes but I didn’t do that thinking that she will freak out when she sees the change of clothes. I walk in my walk-in closet to change in comfortable clothes then get inside my bed next to my mate.

“Good night, mon amour" I said to her while kissing her forehead and fall the best sleep of my life with my mate in my arms.

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