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Essence Weaver

Episode 1

Chapter 1: The Last Day

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"Hard to believe this is going to be the last time I ever get to see some of you,” said the usually stern Master of Magic, a tall and broad-shouldered man named Barrydew as he shook his head and walked over to the blackboard with a piece of chalk in his hand.

"For those of you unfamiliar, our Weaver prospects are going to be taking their provisional test today in the old Quad-Elemental Dungeon here on Campus. If I have been successful as a teacher, they will no longer be mere cadets. They will be granted full ranking with the Mages Corps of the Empire, deserving of all the respect and dignity bestowed upon the position. It is quite an honor. You should all be proud of them.”

A hand shot into the air as one of the younger students, a boy just barely a few months into puberty named Alan jockeyed for attention. "Master Barrydew, why are the Essence Weavers treated like they’re better than the rest of Mages? Don’t we all serve the Empire?”

Master Barrydew put his chalk down and stroked his brown beard, leaving trails of white dust from his fingers. "That’s a decent question, though I would caution you, always mind your tone when talking about your betters. In the eyes of the Empire, the Essence Weavers are considered essential elites, as few have the aptitude for it and even less have the breeding."

Master Barrydew braced himself against his desk, pausing for a second to gather his thoughts before he continued the lecture as an undertone of bitterness crept into his voice. "Tell me, young Alan, which is more versatile, which holds more value to an army or to a nation. Compare for me the difference between mages like ourselves, magic users who can wield the elements at our fingertips, and have the ability to unleash whatever spells we might learn? Or an Essence Weaver who can create with a thought almost anything they can imagine, so long as they have the material to do so, and then imbue those creations with any manner of the essences they have harvested."

Looking around the classroom, Master Barrydew posed the question to the rest of the class when Alan could not think of an answer and remained silent. "Can anyone give an example of some of the more famous constructs created by any of the Essence Weavers?"

At the back of the class, a young girl stood up, casting as she did a nervous glance sideways towards one of her male peers before answering. "The Mage blood Zachariah, the one known as the Firebrand who served within the order of the Ascended Ones who held the rank of second and was next in line to serve as Emperor created the Corridor of the Fire in the High Mountains to prevent further incursions from some of the lesser races.”

"That is a good answer, Ashley," responded Master Barrydew with a smile of fondest as he recalled good memories of the man she referenced. "Can you tell me the difference between a Mage blood and being in the order of the Ascended Ones, or just being Ascended?"

Ashley shook her head no, and Master Barrydew politely excused her to sit back down and continued his lecture. He wasn’t surprised by the lack of an answer. It was information usually learned through direct exposure to the order rather than being taught.

“The Order of the Ascended One’s refers to the top 10 ranking Ascended Ones. It is purely an honorary title of the powerful. This is because Ascended Ones are considered kin of the Emperor, as only an Ascended may become Emperor, it is not limited to just Weavers as Mages, Artificers, and Healers all benefit from the trait. Ascended is a type of hereditary trait. This trait usually, though not always, manifests as silver veins in mages as mana moves through their bodies. While in Essence Weavers, this hereditary trait can also cause a permanent glow of the hands. This is not merely cosmetic as the attribute adds permanency to their spells and constructs. This is not as well known, but Elena, the Ascended Essence Weaver, is responsible for most of our bathing systems. While the lesser-known Ascended Mage Darren is responsible for the perpetual rains on the farming plains that feed the Empire."

Master Barrydew paused for a moment as he glanced over the class to make sure everyone was following his lecture. "That leaves the second part of the question I asked. An Ascended One is more than just an Essence Weaver with hands of light or a Mage with Silver Veins. They also earn the title by merging with the Silver Shields bestowed upon them by the Mages Corps. Absorbing the Silver Shield as a part of them and using it to further extend the control of their magic. In terms of ranking our, Emperor Ironstar holds the highest rank within the Empire. Below him are the Ascended Ones in order of strength. After the Ascended Ones are the Essence Weavers and below them are the Mage Masters like me. Following behind me is the rest of the nobility, followed after by the Scouts, and then the Peasants."

Turning back around to face the blackboard, Master Barrydew grabbed the chalk, beginning to write and asked the class, "Now, who besides Ashley can tell me what separates the Corridor of the Fire created by the Ascended One Zachariah from the other creations of the Ascended Ones, Elena and Darren?”

Daniel Richards raised his hand. The answer to him was pretty obvious; why wouldn’t it be? Zachariah was his father, after all, a secret his grandfather had gone to great lengths to keep hidden from many of his peers, though it was an open secret.

"The Ascended Zachariah ordered the men of the Soldiers of the Sword and Shield to abandon their trenches on the Northern Front, the first time ever in our history. As an Essence Weaver primarily dominated by the element of Fire, Zachariah was able to enchant the trenches with Hellfire. The Hellfire was able to turn the rock into something akin to lava. This effect was triggered by proximity and layered an additional condition-based enchantment from the school of the Weaver. The enchant was triggered whenever Magna flowed within the trench to create Salamander Golems with orders to counter-attack and pursue nearby enemies."

"Very good, Mr. Richards," replied Master Barrydew, pleased even as the rest of the class rolled their eyes. To them, it seemed empty praise and favoritism. "But hardly gives justice to it. I was there when the Ascended Zachariah created it. Using the very magic he had honed within the walls of this very Academy. It truly was a sight to behold as an Essence Weaver of the highest caliber created walls of blackest obsidian and inscribed warnings of death to those who would approach. To see the Salamander emerge was truly awe-inspiring and terrifying to know that he had managed to kill one to gain its Essence to use."

Even though it was supposed to be a secret who his father was, Daniel couldn’t help but feel a heavy burden when the man’s name came up. Every story he heard gave him a glimpse of how amazing a man his father had been. A glimpse at the man Daniel had never had the chance to know, both of his parents having been killed during the Eastern Rebellion a decade prior.

Daniel had been just a baby when they passed. He had no recollection or memories of either of his parents. With one exception, the smell of lavender that Daniel was sure was a memory of his mother.

Clapping his hands together loudly, Master Barrydew interrupted Daniel’s daydreamings. "Now, as I understand it, we currently have a handful of students who need to go and get ready for tonight's exam. If you fall into that category, you are dismissed. Good luck to all of you and make us proud. If you should fail, a life within the rank and file isn’t as terrible as it seems," Master Barrydew comforted, mostly in jest. "To the rest of you, this is a good chance to show me who’s going to be ready to fill the shoes that they are leaving. Who here can tell me why the Empire reflagged the Soldiers of the Sword and Shield and ordered them all into the Scouts?"

Episode 2

Chapter 2: The Will of The Emperor

Andrew O'Kelley

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In an otherwise empty tent, the heavily calloused hands of the warrior Emperor Ironstar riffed through reports and status updates from units in the field. Trivial data, essential data. Casualties, sickness, troop strengths, and incident reports. But it was the last few reports that caused him to pause the most in concern as he contemplated the implications.

The number of incidents with Elves spotted on the Imperial side of the border had tripled within the last two months. Still, spies within the Elven Enclave reported no notice of troop movements. The Orcs and Ogres were launching attacks against frontier villagers towards the East, and he had been given a covert casualty report that an Ascended Mage had been killed during one of the raids by the Orcs.

He found himself disheartened by the news, there were not enough of them, and so few born to replace those lost. The Emperor made a mental note. He would need to send an order soon, recalling almost all who were stationed in various outposts to try and consolidate the strength of the Empire. He might even need to recall into active service some of the Ascended Ones who had gone to gray.

The report about the monsters amassing in the West was equally troubling as the rumors of wars brewing on the other borders. Their numbers were growing out of control. The Emperor had allowed members of the forcefully disbanded Soldiers of the Sword and Shield to remain on the Western Front to curtail those numbers with a promise of complete and eventually pardon them for their efforts.

Ironstar had hoped to prevent an outbreak of monsters, but judging from the sheer number of reported monster sightings, he had failed in that goal.

The Emperor put the reports down and leaned across the table in the middle of his command tent, carefully examining the map of his domain that was spread across it. The entirety of the Empire of Magic precisely summed up in a series of sharp lines and miniatures denoting troop presence. He braced himself against the table and sighed. The weight of his people on him. Even an Emperor could feel tired and overwhelmed. Slamming his hand into the table in frustration, the map and the miniatures on it were flung throughout the tent.

No matter how many times Ironstar looked at the map, nothing changed. He couldn’t change the numbers. They didn’t have enough Ascended Ones, they didn’t have enough Essence Weavers, they didn’t have enough Mages in general. They didn’t even have enough Scouts and Soldiers. The only thing they had more than enough of was the hungry mouths of the commoners. Ironstar needed a distraction from the pending disaster.

The flap of the tent pulled up and in walked his Chamberlain, an Ascended Mage by the name of Michael the Frostbane, who had served him faithfully for almost three decades. Of the people Ironstar relied upon, none measured up to Michael.

"What is it, Michael?" the Emperor asked, standing up straight, cutting an impressive figure in his etched leather field armor. "Please tell me you’ve brought me a spot of good news. We’ve got reports of monsters massing in the West, incursions by the Elves in the South, and Orcs to the East raiding our villagers. The only thing we seem to have going for us anymore is Zachariah’s trenches, for all that mess was worth. We just don’t have the manpower anymore to keep up."

"I understand, sir," replied Michael with a curt bow, noticing his Lord’s current frustration. A look he had come to quickly recognize due to the many years he had served him. "Unfortunately, I’ve no news to report on any of the fronts or the Western Theater with the amassment of the monsters. I have made arrangements per your orders for a contingent of Scouts to travel to Quincy and supplement the guard force to investigate the source of the monsters."

"Good, good. Thank you, Michael. I regret I’ll never be able to tell anyone publicly, but between us, you’ve long been the left and right hand of this Empire. I don’t know what I would do without you. The contingent leaves at dawn correct? Install the Doppelgänger in my stead; I’ve got a mind to join the caravan," responded Ironstar, completely ignoring the horrified look on his Chamberlain’s face. "Was there anything else, Michael? Otherwise, I need to get back to obsessing about our situation."

"Yes, sir, there was one other thing," replied Michael as he handed his Emperor a set of black robes. "I came to inform you the preparations are being finalized as we speak, so long as it is still your desire to attend. If we leave now, we should arrive before it starts and without having to announce ourselves."

"Let us be gone then," came the simple reply from an Emperor ready to relieve himself from his burdens for a moment.

Episode 3

Chapter 3: The Path Forward Andrew O'Kelley Available on Audiobook at

You can get up to Chapter 28 Free Here

The sound of loud footsteps resonated down the stairs as frantic whispering voices echoed in nervous laughter, reverberating off the old stone. The noise was carrying far down the sloped hallway. The hallway itself was hundreds of steps long. The corridor wet and musty with age. The air was stale, making it hard to breathe.

Yet, none of that bothered the cadets, all prospective candidates to become Essence Weavers. Among them, the least worried of all was Daniel Richards, or Daniel as he preferred. His heart was pumping, full of excitement, and eagerness. Ready for the test, a test he had spent the last four years of his life preparing to take.

It had long been a dream of Daniel’s to become an Essence Weaver, just like his father had been, just like his grandfather. A desire to join the ranks of the legendary Essence Weavers of the Mage’s Corps and write his name into history. If he followed in their footsteps, he would one day become an Ascended One and be able to build summons, minions, and defenses from mere mana.

Gaining the ability to create the material from thin air rather than readily available components. His only concern and the only obstacle in his path was a generalist focus, rather than sole focus into one elemental power. Without a specialization, he would be unable to imbue his created minions with additional effects. All he needed to do was pass this last trial, this final test, and finally gain the use of more specializations in one of the elements of magic.

As an Ascended heir, as the children of Ascended Ones were called until their power manifested, Daniel could have chosen any comfortable position in the Empire. But none appealed to him in the same way that being an Essence Weaver did. Something about holding the very power of creation at the end of his fingertips appealed to him greatly.

Soon he would earn the Silver Shield that marked him as an Essence Weaver. Then and only then could he begin his journey to follow in his forefathers’ footsteps. But first, he needed to pass the trials. Eagerness and the anticipation were killing him.

However, in a moment of careless daydreaming, while he practically bounded down the stairs, Daniel lost his footing on the slick steps, his feet tripping against the stone and each other. With a bit of quick thinking and a faster reaction, he was able to save himself from a disastrous fall by grabbing on to the cold steel of the stairs’ safety railing.

Daniel’s cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. He cursed his clumsiness, angry that he had almost ended his test to become an Essence Weaver in early failure by injuring himself. After recovering, he continued down the steps, this time overly cautious in response to the fall. He clung to the metal bar, bracing himself as he continued, each step careful and measured as he descended the stairs to the testing site.

From behind him, Daniel could hear the ill-meaning jeers and mocking comments of his classmates, all of them enjoying his moment of failure. Daniel knew he had made a mistake, but it didn’t warrant them taunting him. He turned around and returned the mocking stares with a hard look of his own. The skin of his arm flashed with magic energy in a reminder of his pedigree. The laughing stopped, every one of them unwilling to match or meet his gaze.

"That's better," Daniel thought as he turned back around and continued walking down the stairs. "Immature distractions could be the difference between passing and failing tonight, and I will not settle for failure.”

Even with the fall and a careful pace afterward, Daniel was still the first to reach the landing of the bottom of the stairs. Even though it wasn't a race, he felt a sense of accomplishment. As a child of an Ascended One, it was on him to lead from the front. With such a distinguished legacy, he was not allowed to fall behind. Treasured bloodline or not, the Emperor himself had set down harsh guidance for Ascended Ones who were anything other than exceptional. They were, after all, kin.

Dismissing petty thoughts from his head, Daniel focused on the present as he stood on the landing. In front of him, he saw a sealed stone oversized round top double door with two Imperial Soldiers on each side, the soldiers stoic and unmoving in the traditional bronze cuirass and purple cloak of their position.

The door the Imperial Soldiers guarded marked the entrance to the testing area of the Mage’s Corps. The Elemental Dungeon, long ago subjugated by Mages and Essence Weavers of the Empire of Magic. Above the arch of the doorway, Daniel could see four lintels etched into the archway, fueling an inner sense of envy in him. Each of the etched lintel images showed the specialized elements of magic: Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water. Faintly, almost impossible to see, another image spanned across all four lintels. Upon closer inspection, Daniel was able to make out the symbol of the Arcane, the infinite Ouroboros.

Interrupting his examinations, one of the Imperial Soldiers who stood watch at the door called out to him and directed him towards a small outcropping. Each of the Soldiers was watching, waiting to intercept and giving commands to everyone who arrived, guiding them towards the holding area to wait until all of the prospects had arrived. The guards stated that once all of the candidates arrived, they would receive their additional orders.

Daniel, not one to waste time and opportunity, used the window to dust himself off and try to smooth out the few wrinkles he had already put on his Academy Cadet uniform. By most indicators, there would be fewer prospects during the Winter Solstice. A necessity of the Academy as movement of the required personnel and resources was more difficult during the winter months.

Without a large group to compete against, it would be more challenging to stand out on merits alone. Daniel wanted to stand out. With his grandfather being the Headmaster of the Academy, he knew there was talk of not truly having earned any accolades, and questions about his abilities and proficiency in general.

In the absence of rigorous competition, Daniel planned to use every chance afforded to stand out and every opportunity to make a better impression. He had to; if he appeared exceptional, maybe the Delegates would believe it.

Once all the rest of the candidates arrived, one of the soldiers came over and directed each of them into individual holding cells. Every prospect was instructed to wait in place until one of the guards came to fetch them. The intent was to keep candidates from observing or hearing aspects of the testing. In this way, the Academy had long sought to prevent candidates from gaining any sort of advantage.

Outside of the holding area, the two guards watched, making sure decorum and standards were obeyed by all of the prospects. None of the candidates were allowed to try to talk to each other from between the cells. The expectations and rules had been clearly set. All of the candidates were expected to sit in silence and wait in a pensive reflection of the upcoming test.

Daniel watched through the doorway as time passed. One by one, each of his peers was removed from the holding area by one of the guards until finally, it was his turn. Whether any of the others passed or failed, Daniel had no idea. Each of the candidates had been told beforehand they would be held over until everyone had completed testing. Then they would be released through the faculty entrance and corridor.

When it was finally Daniel’s turn to be tested, hours had gone by. The previous confidence he had tried to exude had managed to wane as he grew tired with the passing of the day, his turn coming after he was positive that he couldn’t wait any longer. One of the guards approached the holding cell he was being kept in. The guard instructed him to leave the holding area and wait outside the stone doorway of the Elemental Dungeon for further instruction. Without delay, Daniel did as he had been told, his arms and hands cold from having been kept in one spot for so long.

A short time later, Daniel was surprised to see a smaller door open near the dungeon entrance. He tried not to smile as he saw who was the stand-in for his grandfather: the Ascended Mage Barrydew. His grandfather Zekant, as Headmaster of the Academy, was forced by law to recuse himself from testing.

Unlike during the many daytime lectures he had attended with Master Barrydew; the man now adopted a stoic mask of unbiased judgment. That stoicism he showed was a responsibility inherent in the role. Daniel, knowing that even now he was under inspection, straightened up, aiming to appear both polished and posed.

He dipped low in a professional bow to the Ascended Mage, acknowledging a superior. "Master Barrydew, good evening," he said, as was Imperial custom. Having been acknowledged, Master Barrydew returned the curtsy with a bow of his own, completing the chain of authority.

Clearing his throat, the Ascended Mage spoke up. "Listen closely, Mr. Richards; the rest of the Delegates are almost ready for you to begin. When I go back through the door, count to 30, and knock on the double door. Wait to be acknowledged and then place both of your hands upon the door. It has been enchanted with a powerful dweomer that will can scan you. Be bold. Be brave. This is not a time to be timid. Good luck, and remember what we have strived to teach you, and you will do well on this day."

Daniel nodded his head in appreciation and thought he saw a faint smile of pride on Master Barrydew's face before he turned and walked away. His shuffling robes were making a dragging sound behind him. Quickly he disappeared back through the door from whence he had come. With a click, the door locked in place behind Master Barrydew. In his mind, Daniel began counting to 30, taking even measured breaths as he did, working to handle and dismiss his nerves, wanting to banish them to the back of his mind.

After the 30 seconds had passed, Daniel walked up to the door, knocking as hard as he felt was right, a knock that was almost a pound but not entirely. It hurt, leaving his hand aching and an angry red color. When he had done this three times to announce his presence, he heard a command come from the other side of the door, a booming voice that easily carried, even through the solid mass. “Put your hands on the door to be read.”

Daniel looked at the door and saw there was a slight groove that just barely held the shape of the palm of a hand and figures on both sides of the door, and as per the command, Daniel placed his hands on the door. Instantly, he began to feel an uncomfortable intruding feeling as if something was rifling through his mind. Instantly, he tried to pull away from the door, but was unable to; his hands were firmly stuck in place.

???? – Do not struggle. The scan will be over soon. If you continue, you risk injuring your mind, and I will be forced to impale your body to prevent this.

“Who are you,” Daniel asked out loud as he stopped struggling, looking to see if he could spot where the voice had come from. A voice that materialized in his thoughts, rather than was heard.

???? – The Scan has completed, now sending you and the delegates the results. Good luck in your coming test. Do not panic, the image you see is only in your mind.

Scan Results – Daniel Richards


Human, Other, ????


Essence Weaver – Essence Weavers are able to incorporate traits of fallen monsters they’ve absorbed into every spell and ability.


Cadet - Imperial Position 197th


Ascended Heir - Ascended Heirs will eventually, with age, reach ascension, which allows those who possess this trait to add or create permanent effects to their abilities.

Mage Blood – Mage Blood dramatically increases the potency of magic-based abilities and the available pool of magic to use.

+200% to Mana Pool, +25% Duration of Spells, +50% Output From Spells


Mother – Elisha Richards

Father – Zachariah the Firebrand

Elemental Affiliations

Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Bane, Holy

Elemental Specializations


Absorbed Essences


Available Constructs

Basic Creation – Allows the creation of basic and simple tools from base components or raw materials.

Available Artifacts


Available Spells & Abilities

Materialization – Reduces a non-living target down to base components.

Available Summons


Passive Abilities

Aura of Absorption – Reduces a non-living target down to base components.

After he read the words written in the report, it faded from his view and he once again was able to see the wall in front of him, though something had changed. His right hand was covered in a thin silvery film that seemed to have permeated into the skin. It was not painful, though it did itch a little.

“What is this? I thought I was going to get a Silver-Shield?” Daniel thought as he pulled his hands away, finding that they were no longer hooked to the wall.

???? – It’s a seed. A small portion of something much larger that will grow into its own in time. Give it a name. It will be your companion for life and a weapon like no other.

“What does it do? What is this weapon? Who are you?” Daniel responded as he stared straight ahead as his mind was engaged elsewhere.

Arcane– I am the spirit of this dungeon, my name is Arcane. This is a seed from my core. It will help you in time to manage the various powers you possess. A thrice-blessed is not so common. Give the seed a name and breathe life into it.

Looking at his silver hand, Daniel thought for a moment, he remembered the names of many of the weapons and shields warriors he had met over the years had possessed and searched for inspiration. Speaking softly, Daniel funneled portions of all the magical energy he had available into the silver coating his hand. “I give you the name, Luminaire.” Daniel watched in awe as the silver that coated his hand started to bend and spread as it reformed into a shield. A small silver buckler. Daniel looked at both of the nearby guards in wonder, but neither acknowledged what was happening, it wasn’t their place. “Amazing…” he muttered.

A sound came from the door as the grooves disappeared, only to be replaced by a newly emerged metal door knocker with connecting grooves that fed into channels carved throughout the stone door. The goldish glow Daniel observed denoted an enchantment belonging to the magical school of the Earth. An elemental magic of which he had only generalized in, rather than specialized in. Had he been specialized, he could have simply flooded the door with Earth mana to fuel the enchantment, and the door would move aside with ease. But that was not an option for him. When it came to elemental magic, Daniel could channel all magic as a generalist, but nothing intensive. If he was to get through the door, he knew he would need to take a different path out of necessity.

Though Daniel had been described as both a fighter and scrapper by those who loved him, neither of those qualifiers helped him to move the massive weight. Flustered, he put both of his hands on the knocker, spreading his legs in a weightlifting stance, ensuring he centered his hips and pulled again, this time straining as his muscles tired and bones creaked. This time the door moved slightly, but Daniel could not pass through it.

Daniel refused to quit, angry and furious with the stupidity of the door. He refused to lose and fail this early into the test. He just needed to think smarter and amplify the power he was already exerting. This was not a genius solution but a common sense one.

With one option remaining to him, Daniel accessed the innate power within him. One of a handful of abilities that separated Essence Weavers from every other magic-user. The ability to create by breaking down things to find the usable parts to reform and manipulate them as needed. An ability independent of any school of magic an Essence Weaver may also wield, Materialization, and Basic Creation.

Daniel raised his hand over the earth beneath him, magically shifting through it at an incredible pace. Looking through his mind’s eye at the layers of rock and matter, disassembling it with mana into raw material. From the material he had disassembled, he began to craft as an idea took hold in his mind. With no further prompting, he began to create. Elongating and molding the raw material into the form of a digging bar, a tool he had seen some of the peasants around the Academy using.

The iron bar dropped to the ground, new to existence, and perfectly unblemished as Daniel finished his work, summoning braces on his arms made of root components he had found, created so he could save himself from the strain and work without worry of self-harm. With a grunt, Daniel picked up the digging bar and shoved the tip of the bar through the small opening in the door and pushed.

Even then, with the braces and the digging bar, Daniel strained his body and tired his muscles, but overall, he was encouraged by his efforts as the door slowly began to grind against the ground, moving forward. He had found a solution. He would not fail here. When the door was opened far enough for him to pass through it safely, he did so. Jumping through the opening as fast as he could muster, fearing that it would close on him, rather than just close behind him.

The door slammed shut immediately after Daniel passed through it, leaving him in perfect darkness on the other side. The darkness completely obscured his vision, except for a glowing white circle on the ground a few feet in front of him. Understanding the prompt for what it was, Daniel approached the circle. Stepping into it, and when he did, Daniel could see a group of cloaked and covered figures ringed around him, observing from elevated posts.

"You have passed the first test, candidate," shouted the cloaked figure in front of him, a voice he did not recognize that carried a unique aura of authority, a voice he believed to belong to the head Proctor. “Though it was in poor form. You misunderstood the way to open the door, it reflects the mana of the last person to open it, all you needed to do was channel mana, any mana through it. A far more elegant solution to this…. Brutality. Regardless, congratulations on your newly acquired shield, now, announce yourself."

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