NovelToon NovelToon

Her Beloved Blackswan

Episode 1

Suddenly I opened my eyes and I was not sure where I was. It was a whole new world for me like last night has brought me into a brand new world. It was like a fantasy...a story that is all happy.

But soon this happiness was going to be crushed into pieces like shattered glass.

“ Licia..! Licia..! Wake up girl. Teacher is here..!” Zoe said shaking me out of my lunch break nap.

“crap..! Has class already started? “I asked her rubbing my eyes.

“No...Teacher has just entered the class. It will start soon. Get yourself in position girl. How many times do I have to tell you should have a good night sleep? You always sleep in the class. This is not going to help you girl. You will lose this year also.” Said Zoe stroking my hairs tucking them I position.

“I know ZOE.” I said to her after drinking water from my water bottle.

“Still you don’t work on this...huh.” she said punching me lightly in my arm.

“Good afternoon class. Today we will be studying about the Newton’s law of gravity.” Teacher said. And she stared explaining the whole concept with the help of a tennis ball.

I was never interested in physics or in Newton laws. I was just looking at the teacher in the whole lecture. Ms. Joe. she is very elegant and intelligent. Her every movement was so smooth. Her features were very perfect to be called as god has taken enough time to make her so fine. Big black eyes with sparkle of universe...cherry red lips...slender body...perfect posture...everything about her was so excellent. I was wondering how a woman can be so perfect just when I looked out of the window toward school ground. And I was shocked what I saw.

He was there. was him. I was not able to believe my eyes what I saw.

I slide my book toward ZOE to hit her and grab attention.

“What?” she said rubbing her arm.

‘Can you see someone outside there in the ground...?”

“No.” She said in a half standing manner looking toward the ground.

“Just look carefully...” I said as I turned toward the ground. And I was dumbstruck I was not able to believe what I saw. He was no longer there. But I just saw him a moment ago and he was there...standing beside the rails of the ground.

“Focus on lecture Licia...I don’t know what you saw...its nothing there.’ She said putting her attention back toward the lecture.

But I saw him. He was there. I know he was there.

“ Licia! Everything okay?” said Ms Joe.

“Y-yes miss.” I stutter a bit.

Saying okay she returns back to the lecture. Zoe gave me her water bottle. I took few sips of water and try to calm myself down. It was so terrific. My heart was beating so fast in fear.

After calming myself down I took some notes off the board and then bell rang.

It was a long day. Everybody starts to shuffle out of rooms for home.

I packed my stuff and moved toward my locker to bring other stuff.

I was busy in putting my stuff in and out of the locker just when

“Was there anything? Are you okay?” said Zoe with a huge bang on my locker.

“Huh..!’ I gasped.

“ just give me a heart attack girl.” I said settling my breath to normal pace.

“Sorry...” she smiled at me putting her arm around my neck. “But what was that that you were asking in the lecture...” she asked me.

“No. Nothing. I was was just I guess I saw someone in the ground at that moment. So I asked you.

‘I said faking a smile toward her.

“Are you okay?” she asked me checking time in her wrist watch.

“Y-yes. I’m good.” I stutter again.

She looked at me for a moment as if she knows I was lying.

I smiled again at her.

“Let’s go then.” She said closing my locker and tossing my keys toward me. I giggled at this and followed her.

As we pass by the place where he was standing... a cold breeze pass by me and I got startled at this. I feel heaviness in my gut. What was that..? What’s going on?

“You coming..?” Zoe yelled from afar waving her hand in air.

“Just behind you.” I gather all my thoughts and followed her back on my way to home.

“Is there anything wrong Licia..?” she asked me putting her hand on my shoulder.

“You can tell know that right..!” she looked at me.

“It’s nothing...I’m just a bit tired. It was a long day. I need to rest more, as you said before.” I replied putting hand crossing her shoulder.

“Yes...that’s what my girl!”

On the way we talked about our upcoming unit teats and other random stuff. After coming at the corner of the street, she bid me goodbye and hugged my tight.

“See you tomorrow Licia!” she just crushed me in her arms as if she would not be able to see me again.

“Yaa...let me breath..!” I said pulling myself away from her. She chuckled and makes her way toward her residence.

And I looked toward my way toward home. The street was empty. Not even a single soul was there. With a heavy heart I started to walk toward my destination.

“I’m home.” I yelled as I entered the door of house. Taking off my shoes I made my way toward my room. I put my bag on my table when suddenly I saw a small paper note on my desk.

Who left it here..? I said to myself. As I opened the note...I was shocked.” You can’t believe what you saw.” I gasped and it slipped out of my hands and fell on the floor. And I was trembling in heart was beating so fast...I felt like I was chocking...I was not able to breathe. I ran toward my window to get some air but he was there...outside...right there...staring at my window. Out of fear I try to hide myself in the side of window.

“Is he really there...? “Thinking that I tried to peek through the window and he was gone. He was not there.

“Licia..! Licia..! Where are you dumb girl?” I heard aggressive steps approaching toward my room. I hurried and grabbed the piece of paper from the floor and pushed it inside my half open bag.

“What are you doing..? Don’t you know you have to made dinner for all, guests will be here soon. You are really a headache. Such an idiot. ‘My mother said.

“I was coming downstairs...I just need to take a shower...I’m really tired.”

“No!” she said dragging me out of my room toward the staircase holding my arm. “First you will cook. Then you can do anything.” Before I could say anything I was dragged in the staircase. I lost my balance and fell off the stairs as she pushed me from the top.

With a huge thud I landed on the last stair. I opened my eyes in pain and cried with pain. My hands were scratched badly. My feet were trembling in fear.

“Go to the kitchen...! Don’t you hear good for nothing brat.” She yelled at me as I got on my feet.

“Yes mother” I said trying to hold my tears back. I gathered myself up and made my way toward kitchen and started to prepare the supper.

After finishing the supper I moved to her room “food is ready mother. Can I go to my room now...?”

“Okay. But don’t fall asleep you also have to do dishes after guests leave. Do you understand..?”

Calling out a sad okay I left for my room.

I took a hot shower to kick out everything out of my mind. It was really a tiring day. A long tiring day. After completing my showering and changing in some comfortable clothes I head toward my table for my homework. Then suddenly I heard noise of laughing and giggling from downstairs. Guests have arrived. Thinking this I opened my door quietly.

“Oh...supper is very delicious...!” said the lady guest.

“Oh...I’m really happy that you like it.” My mother said with a fancy laugh.

I rolled my eyes at her reply.

“Where is your daughter...Licia...? I have-not seen her in a while.”

“She just finished her homework and went to sleep.”

“Oh...such a bright child. What about dinner?”

“Oh she just had before you came. I told her that you will be coming but she said that she needs to finish her homework and study for her class tests.”

“She is really a good girl.”

“Oh thank you!”

I was listening to all those lies when I felt a little dizzy so I head to my room and sat on my desk again. I took some sips of water and get back to complete my homework.

After about two hours...I heard her yelling again “do the dishes you good for nothing girl...!”

“Yes! Yes! I’m coming.” I yelled back making my way toward kitchen.

“You didn’t have had dinner yet. Don’t you.” I heard my bother behind me handing me the plate with food. “First eat and then you can do whatever you want.” He put the plate on the table and left the kitchen.

I took the plate and gulp every single grain from it.

“Dishes are not done yet..! What is it that’s taking so long..?” she said with a harsh tone as she held my arm and drags me from table to the kitchen sink. My arm was hurting so much.

“I will do it now. It only take a few moments.” I said as she let go of my arm.

“Huh...remember you have to get up early too.” And she left me alone with the noise of dripping water from the water tap. I did dishes and head to my room. I started to set my bag for tomorrow as that piece of paper fell out of my bag on floor. Suddenly I felt myself cold.

I took the piece if paper and head to my bed.

I was looking at it again and again.

“You can’t believe what you saw.”

I read it again and again. Who are you? What do you want? What do you have to do with me? How did you get into my room? I was thinking about him and I get to know that I haven’t paid attention to his looks how does he looks. In my memory he’s just a faded figure.

With all these questions I fell asleep putting that piece of paper under my pillow.

Episode 2

“SWEETIE..! Come on sweetheart...wake up...! Sweetie.”


‘Come on little pie! Get up baby. Do you want daddy to get you up..?”

“Honey...can you wake up Sweetie... I have to complete the morning breakfast...?”

“ go..!” I heard shuffling her away.

“Good morning my sweet pie...!” he said tickling me in my bed.

“Ha-ha...daddy...! I’m up. I’m up. I was just acting.” I said putting a kiss on his cheeks.

“Oh... my baby girl. You are getting very naughty. Well now get up and brush your teeth. I’m sure you don’t want to miss your pancakes..! He said putting me down of his lap as I made my way toward bathroom.

‘Really...mommy is making pancakes..!”


“Oh I have to hurry then.”

“Okay...I’m going to tell her then that you are up and ready to eat the pancakes.”

Okay daddy.” And he made his way out of my room toward kitchen closing my room door behind.

I cleaned up myself and brushed my teeth as usual. It was menthol toothpaste. My favourite. I like its smells and how it freshens you up. Every time my mom make monthly grocery list I make sure that include menthol toothpaste.

After completing my morning routine I tie my hairs and went downstairs. Daddy was already sitting there with his breakfast and a cup of coffee. He likes it light just pinch of coffee in a mug filled with hot liquid as if he just like to show that he just like coffee.

“Good morning mommy. “And I placed a sweet kiss on mom’s cheek.

“Daddy told me that you are making pancakes.”

“Yes sweetie,”


“Here you go.”

And slide a plate toward me with syrup on the pancakes. They were still warm and smelling so good. I stared to eat pan cakes. They were so delicious.

“So are you ready ...?”

“Ready for what mommy?”

“Don’t tell me you forget..! We are going to amusement park today...!”

“Really...! Daddy is it true..?” I turned toward daddy with my big round eyes.

“Yes sweetheart...!”

“Wow...! I’m so excited I’m going to have so much fun.”

“Yes darling.” Said my mom Turing back toward the stove from dining area. “Now go get ready. I’m sure you don’t wanna get late for you fun day.”

“No...never.” I said out of excitement. I finish my breakfast and rushed toward my room. I arranged my room and got me some decent clothes out of my closet as I was going out. And hurried toward the bathroom.

“She looks so cute with those big round eyes. Don’t she honey..?”

“ princess is very cute.”

“This all is going to be so much fun today. You better get ready too. I’m just going to finish this kitchen cleaning. Ok.”

“Okay.” And he pecked her on her lips and left the kitchen.

Wow. I was going to amusement park. Its goon is a good day I will be having so much fun. I’m going to ride very single ride of that park. And I made my way toward the dresser.

After an hour...

“Darling are you ready...?”

“Yes mom. Just give me five minutes.”

“Hurry baby...! We are gonna get late.”

I went to drawer of my side table and opened my charm box and took out that pretty necklace. It so old but still glittering and radiating. I put that around my neck and put that box back in the drawer. And made my way toward living room.

“Go to your daddy...he’s waiting for you in the car. I’m coming after locking the door.”

“Okay mom.”

“Hey daddy. I'm gonna have so much fun today.”

“Sure dear.”

As she was crossing the hall and move toward main entrance she heard phone ringing. She went back toward it.



And I got startled at that voice. The phone receiver got slipped out of hand hanging there down on the side of table. She felt like she was frozen as she hears that voice from the other side.

“Hey mommy..! Come on. We are getting late.” It was Sweetie and her father yelling from outside from the car, honking from the car.

“Yes sweetie I’m coming.”

She pulled herself holding back the receiver of the phone and bringing it back toward my ear again.

“Hello. Anyone there...?”

“hello.” she replied back. And she was sure it as her. It was her voice.

“Is this Chohen’s Residence..?” Asked the voice from the other side.

“No... You are mistaken. It’s not.” And she put back the receiver at its place with a thud.

Horn was still honking outside and Sweetie was still yelling.

She rushed toward them locking the door behind.

“What takes you so long honey? Don’t you know it does gonna be so traffic today on roads.”

“Nothing it was just a wrong number.”

“You okay...?”

“yes.” she said forcing a smile on my face. “Are you ready for fun little princess..?”

“Yes mommy.” She smiled eye to eye clapping her hand.

“Let’s go then.” He pushes the accelerator. And we all our way toward the amusement park leaving behind “The Chohen’s Residence”.

Episode 3

“Let’s go...!”

And with a vroom the car started to move.

“Beep – beep – beep...” and I woke up from a deep sleep.

“Ahh...damn...! This alarm.” Moving my hand toward the side table I put the alarm to off without checking the time.

“What was a dream...! But just a dream!” I said to myself as I made my way toward bathroom. My whole body was aching. I wash my face and brush my teeth.

“This stupid toothpaste...! Ahh...!” I completed my morning routine and went down stairs to made breakfast for everyone and do the cleaning. As I made my way toward the door by the side of window...a cool breeze pass by my side leaving me with a cold and heavy feeling. I move toward the window to close it but somehow my eyes landed on the place where I saw him yesterday. Again I was thinking about him and a feeling of fear started to grow in me.

“Who is he..? What does he want..? Why is he after me...? Why can’t I remember him? How does he look like...?” with all these questioning thoughts I closed the window and made my way toward the kitchen.

I started to prepare for breakfast for everyone after having a strong cup of coffee.

I love coffee. I love its rustic brown color...I love its bitter taste...I love its smell while brewing. It really refreshes me. And having this strong coffee alone early in the morning is one of my favourite times of the day.

As the breakfast was done I started to complete the cleaning.

My brother woke up I was cleaning in his room.

“Aahmmm...why are you cleaning this early.”

“Ahh...I’m sorry I just woke you up.”

“No its okay. I have to go out with a friend. Good morning though.” he said still rolling in his bed.

“G-good morning. But where are you going...? It’s too early.”

“Don’t worry I’m not a kid. He is a classmate so it’s alright. Did you have coffee for me too..? He asked me getting out of bed and shuffling toward bathroom. His black messy hairs were looking cute on his face. I can’t help myself but smile at him.

“What?” he asked me as I was standing there adoring him.

“’s just you look cute.” As said with a bright smile proceeding with my cleaning.

“Coffee..?” he asked me.

“Oh yes...there is. It’s there in jar on counter. I made myself two cups to have later. You can have it. I will help myself later.”

“ are still with this habit of morning coffee till now.” He said shutting his bathroom door.

“Something’s can’t be helped.” I thought to myself.

Then I completed my cleaning and went back to the kitchen and found a sticky note on the coffee jar. He was gone while I was cleaning in other rooms. I heard him shutting the door off.

“Thank you for coffee sis. Don’t worry about me. Take care. Love you followed by a smiley.” I took the note off from the jar with wet eyes and read it again and again.

“Is everything done...?” asked a shrilling voice behind.

I jumped up in fear.

“Yes mother. Good morning mother.

“Hm. Okay. Today is your test I guess. Make sure you score well or else it will not be good for you.” She said making her way toward the refrigerator.

“Its tomorrow mother.”

“Whatever.” She said rolling her eyes on me.

I took the note and rushed toward my room upstairs. I opened my admiral and took out my diary. I sat on my bed and looked at its cover. “Our sweet memories” was scribbled in baby whitening with purple crayon. I opened it stick the note written by him and put the date with “early morning coffee”.

I felt warm tears falling down my face. It’s been a while when he have talked to me like this and called me sister. It was a really special moment for me...him calling me sister and asking for something. Telling me to take care and that he loves me.

With a wide wet smile I closed the diary and put it back at its place. I made my bed and moved toward the bathroom for shower.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Zoe: morning girl...are you up..?

Me: morning. Ya I’m.

Zoe: wow...someone is in good mood today. I’m happy see you at school then.

Me: okay...but is that why you texted me..?

Zoe: no I just wanted to make sure you are up. Dizzy sleeper..!

Me: hey you..! Okay. Thanks Zoe. See you later then.

Zoe: okay. Bye.

Me: cool!

I went to the bathroom and put on the shower. My body was still hurting. I saw myself in the large mirror. My whole body was having scratches and bruises.

I let out a big sigh and completed my cleaning. And put on a cotton jumper over my school uniform.

“Hope it will hide my hand and nobody gonna notice...” I know it was a bad idea as it was just July and weather was pretty humid. But I was out of options. I prepare myself for school, had my breakfast on the kitchen counter while my mother was telling me all the work I was supposed to do after coming back from school.

“Ok. I’m going school.” I said putting lunchbox in my bad and filling my bottle with water. I walked out of the house and locked the door behind me. I stood there for moment thinking about last night. Then suddenly I heard Zoe from the corner of street and waving at me. I looked in her direction and waved back.

“You want to be late today...?”

“No...!” and I ran toward her.

“Wow wow...! What is this...?” she said pointing toward my jumper.

“N-nothing. I was just feeling a bit cold.” I replied without looking her.

“Really in this month of July..?” she asked with a puzzled face.

“So what...?”I said.

“Okay...if it’s okay with you. But are you okay? you can take a sick leave if you want. I can handle it at school...!” she said touching my forehead with back of her palm.

“No I will be fine.” I replied back.

“Are you sure...?”

“Yes. I’m good.”

‘Okay. Let’s get going then.” And she put her arm around my shoulder. I like her hand over my shoulder.

And her phone buzzed.

“Hello...? What...? Okay. I’m coming. Okay” and she put the phone back in her left pocket.

“I have to go home back. My grandmother is not feeling good. Can you handle at school for me...?” she said with a worried look o her face.

“ go home. Okay. And everything gonna be okay. Okay.” I tried to reassure her. And she turns back toward her home again without looking back.

She was quite worried. I hope everything going to be fine soon.

Zoe is a strong girl. She is cute girl with round slimy face with bright smile. Mid length black silky hairs, big green eyes, perfect white teeth, sweet voice, a good figure and perfect brain for studies. She has everything that a girl needs. Maybe that’s why everybody admires her a lot. She wants to be a doctor, a surgeon. She can be because she is very good at studies. She is good at, sports, dancing, singing everything. And we are best friend or say more like sisters since sixth grade when I get admitted to middle school. She is my one and only friend. Whenever I need anybody around it was always her. I like her raspy voice when she say “I’m here for you girl. Everything gonna be ok.” and how she flung her hand around my shoulder when we walk around. He keeps me at ease and gives a feeling of security. I admire her in every way. With all those thoughts I rushed toward school.

It was almost time for bell when I met Mr. Colin, our history teacher, in the corridor.

“Good morning sir.”

“Oh...good morning Miss. Licia. What are you doing here...? It’s time for class.”

“Yes sir. I was heading there. It’s just that I wanted to tell you that Zoe Williams will not be able to attend school today. Something important came up and she have to head her home from halfway. She told me to inform you this.”

“Oh. Okay. I hope everything gonna be okay soon. And I’m sure that she will be attending tomorrows test.”

“I hope so too.’ And I smiled back toward him.

“Okay, now head toward your class ms Licia. It’s almost time.”

“Yes sir. And thank you.”

“It’s alright.” And he made his way toward his office. And I moved toward my seat. It’s gonna be a long day without her I thought to myself looking at her empty seat.

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