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Episode 1

Chapter 1: Revealed


She’s so soft, her skin is perfect. I run my hand over her arm. Her mouth moves closer over mine. I run my hand over her long silky hair. “I need you. Come and find me. It has been so long” Surprised by her voice, I pull back in surprise. This woman is not Marael. Then the scene changes. I’m in front of the house Marael, and I lived in. “Marael,” I call my wife as I enter through the door. I’m surprised to find that the door is wide open. “Marael,” I say again. I walk towards the living room, but she’s not there. Suddenly, I hear a noise as if a shoe fell, from up the stairs. “Marael,” I repeat again, making my way to our bedroom. I can hear the bath running from our en-suite. “Love, I’m home.” There is still no response. I knock on the bathroom door, pushing it open. The lights are dim, and there are candles lit around the bathroom. I smile lovingly. It looks like my wife has planned a romantic bath. I’m not surprised. Marael loves doing things like this. I stroll in, strolling quietly towards the tub. My heart stops when I see what’s awaiting me. I can feel my vision dimming. Her head is leaning at the edge of the tub, with her eyes staring lifelessly towards the ceiling. The bathwater is red with blood. An animalistic cry makes its way out of my throat. “No, no, no, no…” I kneel down, pulling her lifeless body up from the water.

“MARAEL!” I shoot up from my bed. My chest is heaving, and my body is glistening with sweat. I look around my bedroom, coming back to the present. I push the covers off my body and sit up on the side of my bed. My heart is beating erratically. Rage runs through me as I lean my elbows over my knees and my head on my hands. I run my hands through my hair as I walk towards my window. The night is calm and quiet. I can see the stars twinkling in the endless expanse of the sky and feel sweat running down my bareback. My wings struggle to be free, so I release them from my back feeling relief rush through my body.

It’s the same dream every time. I’m touching another woman. I cannot see her face, but she’s not Marael. Then the dream changes to me finding Marael dead in a tub. If only I hadn’t left that day. Maybe she would be alive today. The council investigators say that she must have been bathing or preparing to bathe when her attacker struck a sacred knife through her chest and dropped her in the tub. The Council investigators believe that she was killed in reprisal for all of the work I do for the council. I have been the council’s enforcer for seventy years. Marael was working for the director of supernatural affairs when I met her. We were happy for nearly five years until her life was cut short.

Unfortunately, she was not my true soul mate. However, we never let that come between us. I had lived for thousands of years without a soul mate. Marael was the closest I came. After she died, I was so alone. I pledged to never fall in love or be intimate with anyone again. Eventually, I slipped-up. I was having a low moment in my life, which resulted in a one night stand. Which, I found out a few days ago resulted in the procreation of my daughter Nevaeh. At first, I was surprised by her existence. However, now, I’m contented to know that I was given such a precious gift. I no longer feel alone.

I’m interrupted from my thoughts at the sound of my cell phone ringing. I turn away from the window and place the receiver on my ear. “This is Mathias.” The person on the other end answers. “Sir. This is Isaiah. We have been unable to recover Lukan Garron’s body. How would you like us to proceed, sir? “I run one hand through my hair. “We’re going to have to regroup. Freeze all of his assets and lock down all of his houses. No one is allowed into the house. Anything on the family?” Isaac answers. “Yes, sir. Garron was mated. The council approved his mating to Alandra Silk, twenty-six years ago. However, it also shows that twenty years ago, his mate annulled the mating. They both have a daughter named Cassia Garron, aged twenty- two, who currently lives in Arcata near her mother.” I take a moment to consider my options. “Let’s pay the wife and daughter a visit. Maybe bring them in for questioning.”

I look at my bedside clock. It’s seven in the morning. Time to go to work. A few hours later, I march up the stairs of the beautiful brownstone house. According to the council files, Alandra Silk and her daughter Cassia live here. I knock on the door, adjusting the sword underneath my leather jacket. The door opens to reveal an attractive woman. She has a short blond bob, blue eyes and is wearing a long black dress. Her face is free of emotion. She gives me the once over before she answers. “Yes. May I help you?” I pull my council badge out. “My name is Mathias Black. I am here on the behest of the Council. I am looking for Ms. Alandra Silk. Are you Ms. Silk?” The woman straightens her spine and gives me a guarded look. “Yes. I am Alandra Silk. What does the council want?” I look around the front steps, to the street, then look back. “Ms. Silk, may I come in? This is a matter that needs to be discussed in private.” She gives me the once over again and opens the door wider, allowing me entrance. “Come in.” She says, waving her hand towards the front hall. I walk in, inspecting my surroundings. Ms. Silk points towards the stairs. “Please, let’s go to the office.” I follow her up the stairs.

The office is very professional looking. There are various sketches of models mounted on the walls. There are also several sculptures in various stages of readiness. She points to leather chairs poised in front of her large rustic desk and takes a seat behind her desk. “So what brings the top council representative Mathias Black to my doorstep?” I raise my eyebrows in surprise at her question. She gives me a knowing smirk. “Why are you surprised, Mr. Black. Your name has been whispered among the supernatural world in admiration and fear for years.” I shrug my shoulders at her comment. I’ve never been one to be lured by flattery. “Very well, then. Ms. Silk…” She interrupts my explanation. “Please call me, Alandra.” I nod my head in acknowledgment of her request. “Of course, and call me Mathias.”

“A few days ago, your former mate, Lukan Garron, was accused...”Before I can finish, the door slams open. I turn surprised to find an incredibly beautiful woman. She’s wearing a short white dress that clings to her stunning body like a second skin. Her hair is long and straight with various shades of blond, and her eyes, unlike her mothers’, are green. I swallow hard as I appraise her curvy form and honey-colored skin. “Mom, I have to go…” She hurries in, surprised to see me in the room with her mother, she stands between the open door with a puzzled frown. Her mother gets up before anything further can be said. “Cassia darling, this gentleman is here from the council. This is Mathias Black. He is here with news about your father.” She looks at me. “Mathias, this is my daughter, Cassia."

Copyright © 2015 by Jeanette Rico

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Episode 2

Chapter 2: Finally


It’s him. He’s my mate. I would recognize him anywhere. I’ve been dreaming about him for five years. He has dark auburn hair, waves around his neck and forehead, and his golden eyes glow like amber. He’s gorgeous. He’s at least three inches over six feet. From what I can see, his body is strong, tanned, and muscled. His eyes appraised my body with curiosity and a spark of desire. Swallowing hard, I stand there stunned until my mother makes the introductions. My surprise turns into shock at the sound of his name.

My mother waves her hand and gestures for me to take a seat. “Cassia, why don’t you have a seat and hear what Mathias has to say.” I move forward with a surprised sigh when the man pulls a chair out for me. “Thank you,” I whisper silently.

The man…Mathias nods his head before he turns back towards my mother. “As I was saying Ms. S…Alandra, the council has charged your former mate, Lukan Garron, of murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy to murder several people. Evidence has been brought forth to the council showing that Lukan Garron has been accused of murdering his sister, Galena Garron, and her husband, Samael Kendrick.”

“Oh my god!” My mouth gapes open with shock. My mother is just as shocked. “You…you said there is proof that he killed people?” Her voice quivers.

He nods his head in pity. “Yes, apparently, he kept several videos inside personal files that were recovered by the council.” I try to compose myself and look around the room nervously. “Where is he now?”

Mathias looks at me apologetically before he takes a deep breath and pushes a file on the table towards my mother. “Lukan was slain several nights ago after he kidnapped a young woman. Thankfully, her mate found her and called forth the Macto Benficium duellum Sanguis. Lukan agreed and perished.”

My mother nods her head, unsurprised. I guess I can understand, Lukan was never an affectionate husband or father. He rarely came around, and when he did, he treated us like rubbish. I don’t remember the last time I called him father. Whenever he’d visit, I called him Lukan. Even now, I can’t think of him in any other way.

Mathias’ next words snap me out of my thoughts. “The reason that I am here is that we have been unsuccessful in recovering his body. Unfortunately, all of his properties were empty.”

I look back towards Mathias in question. “I thought you said he was killed. How do you know he’s dead?” Mathias looks at me. I can’t help but stare at his luscious lips and feel my body heat with desire. As if he can sense my need, he licks his lips and huskily replies. “I know because I was there when the girl’s mate made it back alive. You know the rules. Only one survives.”

I nod my head in understanding. “So why come here? We haven’t seen him in years. I highly doubt Lukan would show up here of all places.”

My mother stands up quickly, giving me a stern look, then gazes back towards Mathias. “Mathias, I understand that you are trying to find Lukan. However, I can assure you that he’s not here. We wouldn’t have the slightest clue as to where to find him. Lukan was never very close to us. To be honest, I think he preferred that we didn’t associate with him at all.”

Nodding his head, Mathias stands up. He looks at my mother then at me before he takes out two cards from his pocket and extends it to us. “Please call me if you remember anything. As of now, he’s wanted by the council, and until we have proof that he’s actually dead, I suggest keeping an eye out for yourselves.”

Heart beating wildly, I take his card and look down at the plain bold letters.

Without another word, my mother moves forward and leads Mathias towards the office door. Before he steps out the door, he gives me one last backward look. His eyes dilate when he notices me rubbing the card subconsciously against my lips. My lips tingle as I watch him walk out the door.

After a few minutes, my mother walks back in. “So Lukan is dead. I should have known that he’d come to a bad end.” I look at my mother, surprised by the venom in her voice. I mean, my mom was never a huge fan of my dad, but I’ve never heard her speak so viciously of him.

“What do you know mom?” My mom sits back on her chair, poised. “Cassia, there are some things you don’t know about your father. He was not a very kind man when we were together. I’m just glad I was able to get us out from beneath his thumb. Don’t ask, okay. Let’s just let this rest.” I want to push, but I let it go.

“Okay, mom. Well, I better get back to school.” My mother moves forward in surprise. “Do you really need to go, Cassia?”

I nod my head, tired. “Yeah, mom. I have a midterm tomorrow, and I need to study. You know what…maybe I should stay. I don’t trust the fact that the Council thinks Lukan is dead….” My mother waves her hand in dismissal. “Nonsense. Lukan has no reason to come here. Either way, I’m planning on calling Thompson to provide protection for me. Go…go to school. You’re so close to graduation.”

I think of Thompson. He is my mother’s boyfriend. The man is as big as a house and worships the ground my mom walks on.

“Okay, but you have to call him now.” She rolls her eyes, reaches for her phone, and waves it to me, showing me that she’s going to call now. I observe quietly as she dials the number and waits for Thompson to agree.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I move towards the door. “Good then. I’m leaving now.” Smiling grimly, my mom walks forward and places a kiss on my cheek. “Go Cassia, and be careful. If you see Lukan run the other way and call the council.” I nod my head, recalling Mathias’ face. “I’ll be fine mom. The sorority is pretty big, and there are girls coming in and out all of the time. Trust me, he would be pretty stupid to show up there.”

As I walk back towards the campus, I keep a vigilant eye on the grounds. A couple of girls from my Phi Beta Kappa house wave as I make my way into the door.

It’s only when I get to my room that I feel the tension drain from my shoulders. Exhaling deeply, I throw my bag on the floor, jump on the bed, and lay an arm over my head. When I close my eyes, the first thing I see is my angel; Mathias. Over the years, my body ached for him. I dreamt of us making love, and would sometimes wake up sweating and frustrated. For so long, I was scared that I hadn’t met him yet.

After a moment, I roll onto my stomach and reach for my bag, retrieve his card, and run my fingers through it. I want to call him. I want to hear his beautiful voice again. At the thought, my body becomes heavy with arousal. Damn him! On the one hand, I’m happy to finally know who he is, and on the other, I can’t help but feel angry that he didn’t acknowledge me. Why didn’t he say something? Releasing a sigh of regret, I close my eyes and consider my next step.

Episode 3

Chapter 3: Unsettled


It has been two weeks since I've met Lukan Garron's former mate and daughter. Yet, I still feel a little unsettled. My mind keeps returning to the vision of Cassia's exquisite face. Why is she haunting me? I'm very confused by my reaction. Closing my eyes, I try to clear my mind of this strange fascination.

I'm currently in the council chambers debriefing my enforcers, but my mind is miles away. "We need to continue looking further into Lukan Garron's disappearance. There has to be something we're missing. All of his assets were frozen, and we've locked down all of his properties. Right now, we're guessing that someone he works with might have found his body. In the meantime, I want to continue to search."

Gadriel and Corbin nod their heads in agreement. "Yes, sir. What do you want to do?" I think for a moment. "I would like for you to look further into his financials. Check his computer files, and research any other people he might have come in contact with. Maybe people whom he has worked with extensively."

Both men nod their heads and confer before they walk out of my office.

Leaning back in my chair, I run my hands across the file that Isaiah handed me earlier. I open the file and look at the picture. Cassia Garron's striking green eyes are staring back at me. Isaiah found very little to link a relationship between Cassia and Lukan. You'd never guess she was Lukan's daughter. She's currently a student at Cal State and a sorority girl. Her major is Art and dance. Apparently, the drawings I saw in Alandra's office walls were drawn by Cassia. Tightening my lips, I glance back at her picture. She's wearing a long black gown with a heart-shaped top that showed off her beautiful shoulders and neck.

Suddenly, my phone rings. It's Nevaeh.

Smiling, I push the answer button. "Nevaeh, how are you?" Nevaeh release a nervous laugh. "Hey, Mathias. I'm good. I…I…just wanted to see what you were doing."

I look around my office then back at the file. "Nothing right now. What can I do for you?" She clears her throat. "Well, …um…I know we saw each other last weekend and it was really fun. Seriously, Mikhail can't get over the fact that you beat him at Call of Duty. Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go to my college visit to Cal State?" She mumbles hurriedly.

I lean back in my chair, smiling. Nevaeh and I have been seeing each other more lately. It's humbling to know that she's inviting me to go on her college visit.

I guess she took my pause as a negative response because she continues on. "It's because you know parents always go, but mom's not around, and I thought maybe it would be good if you came. But if you don't want to, that's─"

I interrupt her quickly. "I'd love to go, Nevaeh. What time do you want to go?"

She takes a relieved breath. "Really? That's great. Okay, how about we meet at my house tomorrow morning at eight? Mikhail and Rowan will be going with Alex, so you and I can ride together and talk." She asks with a hopeful tone. Since I found out that she was my daughter, we've gotten to know each other, but we've never really had an in-depth discussion. Perhaps its time to dig a little deeper.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight."

She laughs nervously. "Okay, bye."

"Bye," I reply before I lay my cell phone down on the desk and look back at the picture. What is it about this angel that has me so intrigued?

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