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Twin Soul

Episode 1


In the World of Toria Continents, where all humans have blonde hair. Magic casters and Demi-Humans exist. Only one in every ten thousand people is born with an Elemental Soul, which helps them to be able to learn and cast magic spells. There are Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Wind, Angelic, Demonic, and Conjurer Souls. One in every million people is born with Twin Soul that allows them to learn Blood Magic and another type of magic of their choice, whether it is Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Wind, Light, Black, or Conjuration.

Toria Continents were once greatly suffered under an evil Saint-tier magic caster that uses Blood and Fire Magics. The evil Saint-tier Mage was killed after a deadly battle between her and another two thousand Saint-tier Mages. Over eighteen hundred Saint-tier Mages were lost in this battle. After the battle was over, the Mages Council decided to forbid Blood Magic. Therefore, all children at the age of three are required to be examined. Children who have Twin Soul will immediately be executed. This law applies to everyone, including royalty members, and family members of the Mages Council.

Chapter 1

Toria Continents. Forty-eighth calendar, in the year of 415,814. Each calendar represents one million years. In a small village near Sidgurh city located inside the nation named Principality of Cylatlond. A five years old boy was playing with other children around his age. Suddenly a voice called out to him, "Kain, it is time." The boy got up and ran toward the female. The beautiful female appeared to be in her mid forty but her real age is unknown. Her name is Andrella Whistler and she is a Legend tier magic caster of Blood and Light Magics.

Andrella asked, "Kain, did you have fun today?"

The boy answered, "Yes, Master Whistler. I have learned some new games."

"Did you? That is very good. Now it is time for us to move on. Do you know what to do?"

"Yes, I will kill all people in this village. I will drain their blood and store it in my blood pool."

"Very good. You have thirty minutes. Do you remember what happened last time when you failed?"

"Yes, Master Whistler. Last time it took me thirty-five minutes to kill all two hundred people in the other village. You have beaten me for six hours straight because of my failure."

"Uh-huh. This village has more than three hundred people including children. Do you think you can kill them all within thirty minutes?"

"Yes, Master Whistler. I am confident that I will succeed."

"Very good. Kain Bersk, show me what you can do now then."

Kain took a deep breath and casted [Conjure Skeleton Warrior], level 1 Conjuration Spell, twenty times to summon twenty Skeleton Warriors. He gave the order for all the Skeletons to massacre everybody in this village. Kain then casted [Life Drain], level 1 Blood spell, to siphon all of the blood. One of the children was screaming out loud because she was being chased by a Skeleton. The child is approximately four years old girl, she ran toward Kain with the attempt of asking him for help. Kain took a knife from his hip and stabbed the girl in the neck then collected her blood and stored it in the blood pool located inside his Blood Ring.

Twenty-eight minutes later, all the people including children in this village are dead. Kain checked his blood pool and was very happy with it. Kain said, "Master Whistler, I have collected so much blood today."

The lady patted Kain on the head and said, "Yes, you did. This will be enough to help you train for the next five months. Now, banish your Skeleton Warriors before I cast [Mass Resurrection] to revive everybody."

"Yes, Master Whistler."

Kain banished his Skeleton Warriors and quietly stood behind his master. After more than four minutes of chanting, Andrella Whistler spread her hands out and cast [Mass Resurrection], level 40 Light Spell to revive everybody. The revived subjects will also have their recent memories wiped and could not remember anything that has happened for the last forty minutes. The memory erases effect can be avoided if the magic caster chooses to.

All parents wanted their children to be born with an Elemental Soul, but they know the chance is 0.01%. Any family that has children born with elemental Soul will immediately have a higher status in society. All Emperors, Popes, Presidents, Kings, Queens, Counts, and Countess are actively seeking to employ mages to work for them.

There are many Mages Guilds ruled by the Mages Council. The leader of the Mages Council is a female named Gwenn Bigham. Gwenn is a Saint tier mage that has lived for more than twenty thousand years. The last Saint tier magic caster leader of the Mages Council became a God and traveled to another higher realm. He appointed Gwenn to take over his position regardless of many other powerful Saint Mages who are much more powerful than her. The Mages Council was created to keep mages in check to prevent them from going rogue. That is why all magic casters are required to obtain licenses from the Mages Council which granted them the authority to legally cast magic spells. Intermediate mages with level 11 to 20 can be recruited by the King of a nation or the leader of a Mages Guild. Master, Legend, and Saint tier magic casters can work for the Mages Council as Professors to train new mages or become the Executioners. Some famous high ranking Mages Guilds do have Master, Legend, or even Saint tier Mages who work for them. Rogue mages will be hunted and executed publicly by the Executioners without any kind of fair trial. Blood Magic is forbidden and considered the evil that needed to be executed. Therefore, the Executioners of the Mages Council actively travel nations to nations to find and kill those 'bad mages.'

Kain Bersk was born in the year 415,809 of the 48th calendar. Both of his parents were from a small village near Sryt city, which belonged to Bifjorkian Theocracy. Kain's father, Hagar Bersk, thirty-three years old, and Kain's mother, Natali Cobb, twenty-five years old, brought Kain to the capital city, Flumen, for examination to see if he had any Elemental Soul when he was three years old. The exam was very simple, each child will be given a small crystal. After holding the crystal for five minutes, the crystal will then changes color to either red (Fire Soul), blue (Ice Soul), green (Wind Soul), Purple (Thunder Soul), brown (Earth Soul), white (Angelic Soul), black (Demonic Soul), gray (Conjurer Soul). If the crystal does not change color then it means that children do not have an Elemental Soul and will not be able to become a magic caster.

The examiner was shocked when he saw the crystal explode in Kain's hand. He has worked as the examiner for the last thirty-five years and this has never happened before. That indicated Kain had Twin Soul and immediately commanded the guards to kill him. Hagar was trained as a warrior and he served as Bifjorkian Theocracy's law enforcer for ten years in the town of Nazah. Hagar knows the law indicated that Twin Soul children are evil and have to be executed. However, as a father that loved his son very much. Hagar refused to let any harm come to his children. He knocked out a guard using his fist then grabbed that guard's spear to protect Natali and Kain in an attempt to escape. Hagar was a very well trained warrior, but he alone can not win against two hundred thousand guards stationed in Flumen. Hagar and Natali were captured and killed in front of Kain. After that, a guard restrained Kain while another guard was about to stab Kain in the throat. Suddenly, a lightning strike hit that guard and immediately stunned him. The lightning strike then jumped from one guard to the other. A total of ten guards standing near Kain were stunned and could not move.

A Conjurer Mage of Bifjorkian Theocracy saw [Chain Lightning], level 5 Thunder Spell, was cast from far away. He immediately started chanting for a spell. Ten seconds later, he casted [Conjure Thunder Eagle], level 11 Conjuration Spell, that summoned a Thunder Eagle that can be immune to all Novice's Thunder spells. The Eagle can cast [Thunder Strike], level 1 Thunder Spell, and [Chain Lightning], level 5 Thunder Spell. The Eagle can fly at a very fast speed and it is great at chasing down fleeing enemies. The conjured creature's strength will be based on the power of the Conjurer. If the Thunder Eagle was conjured by a Legend Conjurer Mage, then it would be immune to all Novice, Intermediate, and Master's Thunder spells.

The Conjurer Mage commanded the Eagle, "Go check out who had just cast [Chain Lightning] spell. Keep that magic caster busy until I get there."

The Thunder Eagle acknowledged the command and flew toward the location of the Thunder Mage that had just cast [Thunder Lightning]. Ten seconds later, the Thunder Eagle arrived but saw the Thunder Mage had escaped using [Thunder Step], level 10 Thunder Spell that could help the caster run at the speed a hundred times faster. [Thunder Step] spell is great at escaping or chasing after an enemy. However, it will actively drain the mana of the magic caster. If the mage refused to deactivate the [Thunder Step] spell after several minutes of using, then his/her mana pool could be depleted and he/she won't be able to cast any other spell for a short period of time.

Episode 2

After chasing after the Thunder Mage for twenty minutes, the Thunder Eagle lost sight and was unable to catch up. The Thunder Mage dropped Kain in the woods and said, "Boy, stop crying. What is your name?"

"Kain... My name is Kain Bersk."

"Kain Bersk, I needed time to regenerate my mana. Will you stay still and be quiet to avoid being detected by that Thunder Eagle?"


After resting for two hours, the Thunder Mage fully recovered his mana. He looked around and said, "Looks like the Thunder Eagle was banished by its caster and will not chase after us anymore. Kain, I know you have questions. I am here to answer."

"Mister, why were those people trying to kill me? Why did they kill my parents?"

"Kain, you were born with a Twin Soul. Twin Soul Mages can use Blood Magic which terrifies those people. They created a law that anyone born with Twin Soul must be killed. Your parents broke the law by trying to protect you, a boy that possessed a Twin Soul, that was why."

"Mister, who are you? Why did you save me?"

"My name is Menas Danamark. Just like you, I possessed a Twin Soul."

Menas raised both of his hands up and activated his Twin Soul. A dark red energy ball was flying on his left hand while another bright blue energy ball was flying on his right hand. Menas explained to Kain that only Twin Soul magic casters could use Blood Magic and freely choose another type of elemental magic that they wanted to learn. Menas has chosen Thunder as his second magic type. Menas is just a Novice Mage where he can use up to level 10 spells for both Blood and Thunder Magics. Most of the Twin Soul Mages are weak and died of old age before they reach the Legend tier. They have to train twice as hard compared to regular mages that are born with a single Elemental Souls.

Menas said, "Kain, would you like to follow me back to the Blood Mages Guild? In there, you will be safe as everyone else was also born with the Twin Soul."

"I wanted my parents. Mister Danamark, would you please save them?"

"I'm sorry, Kain. I am not strong enough to rescue your parents. The time for resurrection has passed. Even if I rescue their bodies now, they won't be able to be revived. Kain, only Twin Soul Mages can have access to the Blood Mages Guild. If I was able to rescue your parents, then they will have to live the rest of their lives in a dungeon. This is not the life of ordinary people like them should endure."

Kain agreed to go with Menas to the Blood Mages Guild. The Guild was secretly built underground in a small village near the Erbi city of the nation named Sungaria. The current leader of the Blood Mages Guild is Etgar Revenmar. He is a Legend Mage of Blood and Wind Magics. Inside the Blood Mages Guild, Kain was given access to the library where he can obtain spell books to learn novice spells of Blood and Elemental Magics. After a long hard thought, Kain has chosen Conjuration as his second type of magic. At the age of five, Kain Bersk was chosen to be a pupil of Andrella Whistler who helps him practice casting magic spells on the living. Before Kain, Andrella trained a total of twenty-six other students. Each of them gets trained separately until they reach the age of ten. After that, they will be given false identities that they can use to join one of the Mages' Academies built by the Mages Council to learn of Intermediate, Master, and Legend spells of Elemental Magics. To keep their true identities from being exposed, all of them have never met each other. They will not be able to recognize their fellow Twin Soul Mages when they see each other during their time training inside Mages' Academies.

Etgar Revenmar wanted to create a powerful network of Blood Mages that spread throughout all nations of Toria Continents. On the day that he stepped into the maximum level of Saint tier, it will be the day that all the Blood Mages rise up to overthrow the Mages Council. Etgar has a dream of rebuilding Toria Continents where all mages can live together. Just because a Saint Blood Mage went evil and killed more than ninety percent of the population, as well as, over eighteen hundred Saint Mages of Toria Continents in the past does not mean that all Blood Mages needed to be executed. This incident occurred sixteen calendars ago (sixteen million years ago). It is time for society to accept Blood Mages again.

More importantly, why killing innocent children that were born with Twin Soul? They did not have the choice of being born without it. Just like Kain, Etgar witnessed his parents were killed when they were trying to protect him from being killed by the guards during his Elemental Soul examination. Etgar did not choose to have a Twin Soul, but still, he was unfortunate to have one. Etgar was rescued by another Blood Mage that happened to pass by. There was no Blood Mages Guild at that time. The Blood Mage trained and protected Etgar for thirty-two years. Etgar was very happy that he wanted to follow the Blood Mage for all eternity. He thought they can live happily forever together, get married, perhaps even have children with her. But he was wrong when the Blood Mage sacrificed herself to save him from the Executioners. He will never forget that Blood Mage for the rest of his life. Her name is Linette Whitfield. She is his master, savior, friend, second mother, lover, his everything. Etgar promised himself that he would overthrow the Mages Council. He will avenge for Linette Whitfield by personally cutting down the head of the Executioner that killed her.

Forty-eighth calendar, in the year of 415,822 (eight years later.) Inside a small home of a small village located near Morric city belonged to the Commonwealth of Krorg. A voice called out, "Jaane, have you done yet?"

Another voice answered, "Yes, Mother... Almost..."

"Jaane Almos!"

"I'm done... on my way down now."

A girl walked down the stairs. On her right hand is a big backpack. She put it on her back and ran toward a lady and said, "Mother, I'm ready now."

The lady softly knocked on the girl's head and said, "Jaane, you have to be good. From now on, you will be by yourself. Your father and I will send money monthly allowance to you so you can focus on learning magic. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Mom, you and dad may not have to send a monthly allowance. I will join a Mages Guild and work for money while still in the Mages' Academy of Nosh."

Episode 3

"No, Jaane. I have heard members of the Mages Guilds have to go fight monsters of the Dryardian Empire. Those Demi-Humans are strong. Just please stay inside the capital and learn magic, okay? We will send you a monthly allowance."

"But mom..."

"No. Now, go. Your father is waiting."

"Yes, mother."

Jaane Almos hugged her mother before carrying the backpack outside where her father was waiting next to a horse cart.

"Father, I am ready."

"Uhm... here is some money for you to use at Nosh. If you needed money to buy any magic equipment just let me know. I will try to find some more side jobs to make the money."


Jaane cried and hugged her father. Jaane knows her family is very poor. Seven years ago, after her parents knew that she possessed an Earth Soul. They have been working extra hard to save enough money to register her for the Mages' Academy of Nosh. Nosh is the capital city of the nation named Commonwealth of Krorg. She still remembers how her parents were so excited that they did not even let her walk by herself because they were afraid something bad may happen to her. Not just her parents, the whole village was so happy. It is very rare for any magic caster to be born in a small village like this. The day Jaane graduated from the Mages' Academy, it will be the day her village receives tax-free for three years. After that, they will only have to pay fifty percent annual tax for as long as Jaane is alive. Even the Baron was showing respect toward Jaane's parents. Who would be stupid to upset a mage? A Novice Mage still has higher social status compared to a lowly Baron.

Jaane walked toward the Baron and the village elder. She bowed at them and said, "Baron, village elder, please take care of my parents while I'm gone."

The Baron said, "Ay Jaane, no need to be formal with us. You don't have to worry about that. Your parents can always come to ask me for help. I will not turn down any of their requests."

The village elder said, "The Baron is correct. Jaane, all you have to do is focus on studying to the best of your ability. If you manage to graduate as an Intermediate mage, then all the Kings and Queens will surely employ you."

"Yes, I understand."

"Uh. The future of our entire village will depend on you. Jaane, please take care."

Jaane bowed at the Baron and the village elder again to show her respect toward them. She turned around and saw her parents were looking at her with tears in their eyes. She ran toward her parents and hugged them one last time before the journey to Nosh, the capital city, to start her training in the Mages' Academy.

Ten days later, Jaane arrived at Nosh. She was greeted by a guard that escorted her to the Mages' Academy to register. After all the registration process was over, Jaane was escorted to a dorm room where she shared with five other girls. All the girls were friendly and introduced themselves.

"Hi, my name is Adela Hindergrass."

"I'm Rosa Drumwind."

"Golda Coldshore."

"I am Ana Roxley."

"And I'm Calley Astorio."

"Hi everybody, I am Jaane Almos."

Jaane was very happy because all of her roommates were nice and friendly. Together, they toured the Mages' Academy while telling each other about their Elemental Souls. Adela possessed an Angelic Soul. Rosa possessed a Fire Soul. Golda possessed a Thunder Soul. Ana possessed a Wind Soul. And Calley possessed an Ice Soul. Jaane told them that she possessed an Earth Soul.

Adela said, "In the future, we can form a team and go hunt Demi-Humans. I can be the main healer."

Calley said, "I can be the scout."

Rosa said, "I will be the damage dealer."

Golda said, "Thunder is stronger than Fire. I will be the damage dealer."

"Hah? Fire is stronger!"

Adela said, "I agree with Golda, Thunder is stronger. But Fire spells have the area of effects. In a large-scale battle, Fire Mage is stronger."

Jaane said, "I... I can be the protector and side healer. I heard Earth Mage can heal as well."

The team goes on to talk about how they are going to dominate the Demi-Humans. Suddenly all of them came to a stop. Jaane was confused and asked, "What happened?"

Adela explained, "Oh, I forgot today is your first day here. This is the dueling ground where students can legally duel each other. Any students who have disagreements can solve it out at the dueling ground. The duel has to register a week ahead so a professor can be placed to watch over the duel. If the duel gets too dangerous, the professor will announce the winner and stop it."

Jaane looked over to the dueling ground and saw two boys older than her were staring at each other. One of the boys appeared to be around sixteen years old and he was arguing about something while the other boy just stands there calmly. The other boy appeared to be around thirteen years old. The older boy activated his [Demon Anatomy III], level 10 Black spell. He then transformed into a giant demon and ran toward the younger boy.

Jaane turned toward her roommates and saw they all covered their mouth, Golda accidentally whispered, "Arthur..."

Jaane does not know who Arthur is, but by watching the reactions of her friends, she can guess it was the younger boy that was about to be attacked by the giant demon. This is the first time Jaane sees two magic casters duel with each other. She kept her eyes wide open as she does not want to miss any second of the duel.

The giant demon threw a powerful fire punch at the boy. But before the demon's fist could touch the boy, a Skeleton Warrior appeared in front of him to block the demon's attack using its shield. The giant demon laughed out loud, picked up the Skeleton Warrior with his left hand, and slammed it down on the ground, broke it to pieces. The demon ran toward the boy again and attempted to stomp him using his right foot. The demon then lifted his feet up and saw the boy was unscathed. The boy slowly faded away.

[Shadow Clone], level 5 Conjuration spell. The caster became invisible for a short period of time while placing a clone to trick the enemy. The clone can speak and move like a real person until receiving damage then it will fade away.

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