NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

Emma Green had been waiting her entire adult life to experience how it felt to be really and truly in love with someone. To love and be loved in return. To find out how it felt to be really connected to someone. To fall in love in a way that completely sweeps you off your feet.

She had always loved the idea of meeting someone, falling madly in love, getting married and living happily ever after. She had seen a lot of romantic movies and read a lot of romantic novels. It was always amazing when the actors in the movie found each other and were all lovey dovey at the end. And at the end of it all she always wondered if she could ever have something that beautiful.

One other thing she really wanted to experience - Great sex. Sex that included lots of slow, deep kisses and long, lingering touches. Sex that stole her breath away and zapped her common sense. Sex that made her toes tingle and her skin prickle and her body actually throb. Sex with someone who actually cared about her.

But people didn't always get everything they wished for. Did they?. And Emma had given up on the whole idea. Some things just didn't happened no matter how much you wanted them. Yeah.. Three bad breakups could do that to you. In her opinion, it just wasn't worth the pain.

She had had her share of relationships and they hadn't always ended the way she had hoped. She'd thought her boyfriend back in college was the love of her life and she had thought he was "the one". But then he had graduated and moved to another state when she was still in her third year and everything got screwed up. They had fought almost on a daily basis about almost everything until they both realized that it just couldn't work out between them anymore. That's the part that hurts the most. When you realize that there's nothing left to fight for.

She'd dated another guy she met on a dating app. It was all good between them but she always had this feeling in her gut that it wasn't right. Her suspisions were confirmed when she found out that he was actually dating someone else. What actually hurt the more was that he hadn't even bothered to lie about it when she asked. It just proved that she had not meant anything to him in the first place and that he had no respect for her or her feelings. Good thing it didn't work out. At least it had prevented her from ending up with a jerk.

The fact that her father had left her mom when she was Thirteen didn't help matters. Sometimes she wondered why she had even tried the relationship thing. Her mom was the sweetest person she knew. So full of love and ready to share that with everyone. She never quite understood how anyone could leave such an amazing person. Her mom had been so heart broken after the divorce. Yet she always bothered Emma about her single life. Which was something Emma didn't understand. Men were jerks. She had nothing personal against all men, of course. It was just the combined wisdom of experiences with them. Her dad had been a jerk and she wondered when her mom wanted her to get one. She herself had never remarried.

"Hey mom" she would say anytime her mother brought up the topic "I'm fine with things this way. I don't have to put up with anyone. Plus, I can be as messy as I want"

"Ah, Emma" her mom replied "you know it's a pity you won't be here next month. There would be a lot of nice young men coming in for the holiday. Could you not stay another week?"

Emma laughed. "Not even for a nice young man"

"Too bad" her mom had said.

She had wanted answers then. Answers about her father. But her mom had said she was too young to understand. And then her feelings gave way to anger. Anger at her dad for leaving. For leaving his wife and daughters and just disappearing. Without even bothering to stay in touch. Her failed relationships might even be a sign. She sometimes told herself. Some kind of premonition, preventing her from making a mistake. Preventing her from having a kid with the same family issues she had growing up.

Now she wasn't a college girl in love with some guy who wasn't giving her attention anymore. She was 25 and worked as an Accountant for Reddings Plc. She earned enough money to take care of herself and her mother who lived 6 hours away. She had her best friend Karen, they had met in college and had been her close every since. Emma actually couldn't wish for a better friend. And apart from the relationships from hell her life was really great. Life was good. She had everything she needed to be happy. Although Karen didn't think so. She kept insisting Emma needed a man and she found every opportunity to bring up the topic.


Emma stowed her purse on the passenger seat and her hand paused to on the side pocket where she had tucked her phone. She slid it free and noted the flashing message light before powering it off. She had six messages. Probably three from her mom and three from Karen. Or maybe they were all from Karen. It was valentines day and Karen had set her up with a guy she worked with. Karen had found her "Mr right" and she was very convinced Emma had to do the same. She never stopped trying to set Emma up on a date and this time she had worn Emma down and succeeded. Karen was unbeatable when it came to arguing about anything.

She ignored the small spiral of guilt, dropped the phone and drove out of the office parking lot. She knew Karen loved her and just wanted the best for her. But she'd tried that and it hadn't worked out. All she needed to do now was to get home, have a quick shower, rest, then get this date over with.

She began to undress immediately she walked through the front door. She turned her phone on and went into the bathroom. Nothing a nap could fix. She said to herself. A nap and a long soak in the bath tub.

She hadn't stayed long in the tub when her phone rang again. Emma groaned. This time she answered it. She knew it was Karen.

"Hi Karen" she grumbled.

Karen hissed at the other end of the line. "Have you been ignoring my calls Emma Rachel Green?"

"What the hell are you middle naming me for? ... I'm not ignoring your calls.. I just got back from work I needed a little rest. Can't we just do this some other time, I've got a terrible headache"

Karen hissed again. "No you don't. We both know that's not true".

Emma smiled. Sometimes it was annoying how Karen knew her so well. "Yeah it's not". She admitted. "But seriously, do I have to go to this date thingy?".

"Come on girl. You haven't had a real relationship since God knows when. I think Ben is really gonna be good for you"

Emma groaned.

"Plus it's valentine's day". Karen continued. "It's literally world sex day and sex is something I'm sure you definitely need"

"It's just a day" Emma said "I honestly think it's a little over done. And depressing. People shouldn't have to buy candy or flowers or jewelry to prove their love"

"Says you" Karen replied. "You should start getting dressed because I'm coming over to your apartment and you better be ready when I get there"

"Yeah yeah" Emma grumbled.

"Are you rolling your eyes at me right now?"

"Yes I am. See ya later Karen" Emma sighed as she hung up the phone.

Relationships were hard. She just hadn't had the time and all the guys she had met were just not worth the trouble. If she was being honest with herself the reason why she didn't want to get into a relationship was because she didn't want to hurt anymore. Life was so much better when you didn't have to worry about anyone else's feelings but yours. And more importantly, It was easier when you didn't have to worry about anyone hurting you.

Valentines day was the worst day of the year. She thought to herself. It wasn't supposed to be such a big deal. Why couldn't people in relationships just celebrate their love without rubbing it in other people's faces. Duh... Some of us are single and we like it.

She stepped out of the tub. Turned off the water and walked into her room and to her wardrobe. She hadn't even decided what to put on. This was gonna be a long long night. She finally selected something although she didn't give much thought to it. It was a long black gown with a long slit on the left side. She stood in front of the mirror and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Put on a little make up and she was ready. Gotta get this over with. She said to herself.

The door bell rang.

Episode 2

"Coming" Emma yelled as she walked to open the front door to let Karen in. Her apartment was well furnished. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a balcony. Karen always said that the only thing that was missing from the apartment was the presence of a guy. Like his shirts, perfume and stuff. All Emma had done was roll her eyes as usual. She opened the door and Karen walked in.

"That's what you're wearing" Karen said looking her up and down like she had clown make up on. "Come on Emma, it's your first date with this guy"


"So you are supposed to wear something that makes him wow. Something that makes him not want to take his eyes off you"

"You mean something slutty" Emma said

"Not too slutty" Karen replied "You should know what I mean"

"Well I know what you mean" said Emma. " I'm not in the mood for all that. And to be honest I would have changed my mind if I hadn't already told Ben I would be seeing him. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with what I'm putting on. It's a nice dress"

"Yeah. But nice isn't going to get you laid" Karen said

Emma gave her one of her looks. "Aren't you supposed to be next door right now?. You know...doing all your valentine's day stuff" Emma asked.

Karen had been dating Emma's neighbor Frank for almost two years and they were such an amazing couple. Karen had come to visit Emma one time and she and Frank had hit it off. Despite Emma view of relationships, she always thought Karen and Frank were couple goals indeed. Sometimes she wished she had what they had. But she was truly happy for her friend.

"I just came over to check on you" Karen replied "

" Or you're just here to stick your nose where it doesn't belong. As usual" said Emma.

Karen laughed "Actually yes. I came to make sure you hadn't changed your mind about meeting Ben". Said Karen

"I won't. We agreed to meet at Raj's for dinner by 8:30"

"Good. I'm gonna go see my man now but I wanna hear everything tomorrow. Try to make this one work girl. I promise you Ben is a nice guy"

Emma rolled her eyes "They always are at the beginning dear".

"Or at least just make out"

"Get out Karen"

Karen laughed as she left. She and Frank probably had something romantic planned for the evening and Emma couldn't help but wish that she already had someone to spend the evening with instead of going on a first date.

Starting and building a new relationship felt like work and having to break up after getting to know someone just made the whole process even more annoying. She called Ben to let him know she was on her way, picked up her purse and left the house.

By the time Emma got to Raj's she was already regretting agreeing to this date idea. The thought of turning her car around and drinking back home crept into her mind but didn't want to just leave Ben that way. Yeah she was that nice. Ben was sitting at a table close to the wall when she walked in and he waved so she could see where he was. She smiled as she walked over.

Emma had met Ben once or twice when she had come to see Karen at her office and he had always been nice. A part of her had known Ben kinda liked her. But she'd always seen him as just a friend. According to Karen, he had always wanted to ask her out on a date. Well here they were.

"Hello" she said as she sat down. "hope I'm not too late"

"Nah not really" Ben replied "I haven't been waiting for long"

"Oh great" she said. "didn't want you thinking I stood you up.

Ben was an attractive guy. He wasn't a tall guy and they were almost the same height but he smiled alot and that made him look even more attractive.

"You look beautiful"

"Thanks... You look great too"

"I have always wanted to ask you out since I saw you" Ben said " I took so long because I was always scared you would say no"

"Really. Well if I'm being completely honest with you I didn't want to at first. I don't go out alot. But I'm kinda glad I did now. This place is beautiful and it's nice to get out after a stressful week."

"That's great.. What would you like to order?"

He motioned for the waitress and they made their order. They talked about their jobs, families, likes and dislikes and the night actually turned out to be great. She realized she was actually having a nice time with him. The only thing was that Emma realized that she wasn't attracted to him the way Karen and Ben had hoped. He was a nice guy and all but the chemistry just wasn't right.

After dinner they said good night and Emma drove home feeling a little sorry for Ben. Poor guy, he was so sweet and he even promised to call.

There was definitely something wrong with her.


Emma loved Saturdays. She didn't have to go to work. All she had to do was shower, cook, clean, relax and she loved it. Karen came around that evening to say hi ". Although they both knew she just wanted to hear about Emma's date with Ben.

"So how are you doing this today?" Karen asked raising her eye brows in a funny way.

"Just ask the question you really wanna ask and just get it over with" Emma said

Karen laughed. "Fine... So how was last night with Ben?"

"It was fine"

"What do you mean it was fine? Just fine? That's all your gonna tell me? I need details hun. Every single little dirty detail. Karen said and smiled.

"They're no details. No dirty ones. God knows what you mean by that "


"I'm serious. The date was fine and Ben was great but I just didn't feel the thing "

"Oh honey. You should always feel the thing" Karen said again with one of her devilish smiles.

Emma gave her a disgusting look. "Do you always have to make everything sound dirty?. Ben is okay but I think the problem is me. It just felt like I was out with a friend instead of a date. Seriously, does it sound like there's something wrong with me?"

"Ermm... Yeah"

"You know a friend is supposed to be nice. And a friend would say.. Oh sweetie.. no there's nothing wrong with you" Emma said

"Well I'm not nice. Of course the problem is you. You're just too scared. You're scared of opening up to someone. You're scared of letting anyone into your life and you're never going to meet anyone that way" She sighed. "Duh, I really thought you would like him"

"I'm sorry girl" Emma said feeling guilty. She knew Karen had done something nice trying to help her meet someone. And she truly did get lonely sometimes.

"I didn't say I didn't like him" Emma continued. "I did. But not just in the way you thought I would. I didn't tell him that tho and he called today"

"Yeah he's nice like that" Karen said. "just don't push him away so fast. You might actually start to like him. Who knows"

"Yeah. But we both know that most times if y'all don't click on the first date the chances of it happening later are kinda slim"

"Yeah. Because you let it be that way".

"You know I'm right. Emma said. "I need a drink and I finished the last bottle I had last night when I got home. Think Frank has any?

"Wow. You're the only person I know who would actually leave a date just to come home and drink alone"

"Shut up it wasn't like that".

They went across the hall to Frank's apartment. He was in the living room when they came in and Karen went to join him on the couch.

"Hi Frank" Emma greeted

"Hey what's up" He replied

"I'm good. I was just wondering if you had any alcohol around. I'm kinda out"

"Yeah sure. Should be in the kitchen"

Emma walked into the kitchen and came out with a bottle of vodka.

"Thanks Frank. Gonna replace it with when I go to the store Tomo....."

She stopped suddenly. She had actually seen the guy who just walked into the room through the window when he was standing at the balcony. His back was turned as he was making a phone call then and she had just assumed he was one of Frank's friends who she had met before.

He was devilishly handsome. No man should be allowed to look that good. She said to herself. She had a feeling that standing really close to him would make her look really shorter than she was. He was maybe six-three or four. Which Emma found refreshing. She'd always been a sucker for tall guys. His hair was dark and his skin was smooth and tanned. She stared at him, from the dark eyes that watched her steadily, to a strong jaw, to the wide shoulders encased in a white shirt. The sleeves of the shirt folded up to his elbows.

Her heart began to beat heavily. She was fascinated by the man. Awareness flooded through her, as did a sudden need to brush her hair. Dammit, why had she put on this stupid bum short and singlet today. She wondered what he would look like with that shirt off.

She swallowed and tried to look away. Fantasies like that would get her nowhere.

"Hi" he said. And for a few seconds Emma didn't realize he was speaking to her.

She blushed when she lifted an eye brow questioningly. "Oh hello"

"'s Daniel. Nice to meet you" He said as walked over and offered his hand for a handshake.

"it's nice to meet you too.. I'm Emma" she said. She dropped his hand like he was made of fire. It was a shock and she was reeling from that initial touch that set her alight. The spark of generic attraction she'd experienced for him flared to sharp fascination as she faced him. A compulsion to know everything about this man welled in her.

"Emma.. that's a nice name"

"Oh you think so?"

"yeah I do"

"Well.. Thanks"

His deep voice echoed in her ears and sent a burst of heat through her. Her breath caught for a moment before she remembered to breathe. They stared at each other for a while.

"So you live in the building too?" he was saying

"Yeah I live next door.. I just came over to borrow this" She said as she raised the bottle. "I should be getting back now"

"Oh alright. I guess I'll see you around then"

"yeah sure..Daniel"

She was in a hurry to leave and she didn't even know why.

Episode 3

Daniel Rohan was mentally sorting a dozen priorities as he ended the phone call and stepped back into the living room. Moving to this part of the country had never been part of his plans but it was necessary. But his job came first and he had to. And besides his friend Frank had assured him that the place was okay. Daniel and Frank had met in college too. But they hardly saw each other since they lived in different states. They had just kept in touch with each other and hung out when they could once in a while.

A young woman stood inside chatting up Frank...Or Karen. He didn't know which and to be honest he really didn't care. She was beautiful. The fabric of her singlet pressed against her modest chest, her long brunette hair was twisted into a bun and rested on top of her head. A few tendrils had excaped from the bun and were all over her face. Long curls fell in disarray past her shoulders. He wondered what it would feel like to reach out and tuck them behind her ears. The look was wildly seductive, as if she had just left her bed. She wore no makeup, not that she needed any. That buttermilk skin would light up any room—most specifically a darkened bedroom.

A compulsive this one's for me resounded in him. He had grown out of picking up women, especially young, free-spirited ones. From his midtwenties on, he'd preferred the convenience of longer-term arrangements with women in his social circle. Now that he was hitting thirty, however, even those comfortable situations came with expectations of a more serious future. His own mother badgered him ceaselessly to marry and give her grandchildren.

Perhaps his interest in this pretty young woman was reflexive pushback against his mother's latest efforts because he found himself mentally rearranging his priorities again, now allowing for a shared dinner sometime —with plenty of time allotted for other potential entertainments to develop.

"Hi" he said as he moved towards her.

The woman turned to look at him and stilled as though transfixed. He thought of artwork that depicted angels of grace and goddesses of fertility, none of which had ever caused such a brilliant thrust of heat to swell in him. Oh, yes, this one was definitely his.

"Oh hello" she replied.

She had some wicked curves. She wasn't a tall stick figure like half the women he usually met. Instead she was petite, very rounded with the kind of full curves, generous hips and lush breasts revealed in the tight singlet she was wearing. She wasn't putting on anything fashionable but still his heart pick up its pace and his recently dormant cock came awake in his pants. The woman was sexy in a way that women didn't seem to allow themselves to be sexy anymore. Her looks, however, merely started the fire in his gut. Her untouchable, out-of-place demeanor stoked it until it almost engulfed him.

He glanced down, probably not even aware he was doing it. The glance was quick, not offensive, probably almost reflex considering the need to check out a woman's breasts seemed inbred into male genes. His gaze rose to her face, but not so quickly that she didn't see the way his jaw flexed and his eyes narrowed, shining with dark intensity and appreciation, all traces of any easygoing good humor disappearing. Hers disappeared, as well. Not to be replaced by anger but by pure physical awareness. The roam of his stare over her body affected her just as thoroughly as a real touch from anyone else would have.

He smiled inwardly. He liked what he saw. It had been a while since a woman had attracted his attention that way. Maybe moving here hadn't been a bad idea after all. Suddenly she seemed in a hurry to leave. He found himself wishing she had invited him to share that bottle of vodka with her. He really needed it.

But at least he knew she lived in the apartment next to Frank's. They had all the time in the world.


It was Monday morning. Another stressful week filled with work about to begin. Emma sighed as she got out of bed. Not that she was complaining She loved her job. It took alot of her time and she worked really hard. The pay was good and Emma believed in putting her best into everything she did. She took a quick shower and drove to her office. She had a feeling that it was going to be a long day and she was right. Immediately she got to the office she was met a lot of paper work on her desk. The financial statements for the last month were out and she had to go through every single transaction so as to check for errors and discrepancies. Everything had to be done carefully.

Before 2:00pm she was already very tired. She had a feeling her fatigue was not just because work. It was also because she hadn't been getting enough sleep since she met Daniel. Okay she had met attractive guys, but none had had such an effect on her. Here she was, days later thinking about him. Damn he was hot. She kept having really dirty thoughts about him. He had the sexiest lips she had seen on any guy. She wondered how it would feel to have those sexy lips on hers. She wondered how it would feel if he kissed her all over her neck.

God.. She wanted him to hold her and touch her and kiss her everywhere. Her mind kept wandering.

Lying in the deep tub in her bathroom that evening when she got home from work, Emma tried to empty her mind. She slowly sipped from a glass of wine and let the water ease away her cares and worries, hoping one of her greatest pleasures would distract her from the thoughts running rampant through her head.

She soaked for a half hour, adding hot water when it became lukewarm, nursing the glass so she wouldn't have to step out too early. Her mind, however, wasn't cooperating. Instead it kept going over the attractive man she had met days before.

She didn't want to be attracted to him. She didn't even know the guy. Hell she wasn't attracted to him, she told herself. The way he had stared at her didn't mean anything. The way she felt didn't mean anything.

"Liar" she murmured, sinking deeper, watching the way the slick water caressed the curves of her breasts, making her skin shimmer and gleam in the candlelight. It did mean something. She wanted him. Probably because she hadn't been with a guy for a while.

Emma wasn't used to men looking at her the way he had. But while she'd never admit it out loud, she had almost enjoyed it.

"Almost ?" she whispered. "When did you become such a liar"

Blowing at a bubble on the puckered tip of her breast, she reached up and lightly brushed it away, acknowledging, at least here in the privacy of her bathroom, how much she wanted the hand on her body to be Daniel's. Her fingers were slender and soft, smooth and easy as they slid down, beneath the water, gliding across her wet skin. His were big and strong and would feel deliciously rough.

"Especially here", she whispered, closing her eyes as she touched herself even more intimately. In her mind, though, the touch was all his. And within moments, the possibilities playing in her mind had her thrusting against her own fingers, longing to be filled but taking the only form of pleasure she could manage at the moment. Emma sighed, gasped, stroked the lips of her sex and the hard nub of flesh at the top of it, wondering how on earth she'd gone for so long without a man's hands on her.

Not just any man's hands, she reminded herself. There was only one pair of hands she wanted. One mouth. One body. One person she visualized as she spiraled toward a climax.

Emma shook her head and tried to focus her thoughts on other things. She wasn't successful tho.

She took a deep breath. He wanted her too. She knew that. That was lust she saw when he'd looked at her. Pure and undisguised, unhidden by social demands or proper breeding that insisted it wasn't polite to visibly covet a woman. He was coveting. She was being coveted. They were both caught in the tension of it.

There was no point thinking about him this way. She told herself. Yeah he was hot and attractive and all that. But guys like him were bad news. She didn't need anyone to tell her that. Though her mind knew better, her body couldn't help responding. Her skin puckered, tiny goose bumps rising on the deep of her cleavage, her nipples tightening.

It was a bad idea. She knew that. And maybe should could think about him and fantasize about him. But she wasn't gonna act on it. For her own peace of mind.

Maybe Karen was right. She needed to get laid. Maybe that was all she needed so she could focus on completely on her job.

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