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The Yearn for your Blood

Episode 1

Lisa's POV:

"You can run but you can't hide" I ran through the forest panting and crying because I was being chased by a vampire like creature who seemed might I add very adamant to kill me.

He kept on chasing me repeating the same but now familiar words to me

" You can run but you can't hide" as he repeatedly said it. I became more and more scared as the minutes passed by. I was becoming more weak as time passed, so I wasn't really athletic sue me, I tripped on a branch causing me to fall Down to the ground,Which was supposedly my death. Which was very much cliché might I add.

As I fell down the last thing I remember were fangs, red eyes, my neck turned to be bitten. And then I woke up.

"Christ! " I exclaimed jolting up from my bed, tears rushing down my cheeks, I was shaking like a leaf.

That was the fourth time this week I was having that same dream. I was getting really annoyed and stressed out, living me with dark circles.

" Lisaaaa! wake your lazy ass up or you'll be late for school 'again' !!" my aunt screamed from downstairs.

Rushing to the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth and took a short bath to keep to time.

"Morning aunt Veridice" I greeted as I came jogging down the stairs.

"Morning Lisa, how was your night?" she said kissing my cheeks.

"Great!" I said too enthusiastic. If only she knew.

She gave me a knowing look, like she knew something I didn't know. Weird.

"So what's for breakfast? " I asked yawning and cleaning my eyes. I really felt like crap, that's what happens when you don't sleep well for four days straight.

I sat Down on the kitchens aisle still yawning and cleaning my eyes.

"You sure you slept well honey?" She asked with a frown on her face. She always was protective of me, especially when my mother died. I didn't really have a father figure in my life, my mom said he left before I was even born.

"Of course I did, don't look so worried" I hated lying to my aunt but I just couldn't tell her about the dreams I was having. She'll probably take me to a Therapist. God knows I wouldn't like to go back to another one after so many years.

"Uh-huh" she didn't look too convinced still but allowed it to slid.

"Okay, I made scrambled eggs and bacon" she exclaimed cheerfully, she really loved cooking.

"Yum my favorite" I responded with an equally large smile.

As I was in the process of scarfed down my food my phone beeped reminding me about school. Shit.

"Hey aren't you going to finish that" aunt Veridice yelled as I all but ran to the door.

"No sorry, I'm going to be late" I waved.

"Kids of this days, in my time you will sit your ass on the chair until you finished every single piece of your food" she muttered with a distant smile on her face.

"Uhm bye aunt Veridice see you later, love you" carrying my bag and running out of the door.

"Love you to honey, have a great time at school, okay!" She yelled from the house very loudly, I would know since I was two houses down already.

As I drew nearer to the bus, the strangest thing happened, my eyes met with a familiar face that I couldn't seem to place were I had seen it before.

But the strangest of things is that I couldn't read or trace his emotions by looking at his eyes, which was weird because I have had that gift since I was small, I could read people's emotions from just looking in their eyes. This ability scared me so I didn't tell anyone about it, not even my mother when she was still alive. I wouldn't want to be branded as a freak now would I.

As I looked at his eyes something in me felt pity for him but I didn't know why but I just did. I had to admit he was beyond jaw dropping he had blue eyes, a silvery kind of hair, and a too good to be true body structure. In short he looked like he was crafted by the gods themselves.

But in the midst of everything ,I froze, realizing that I was crying. And then it all clicked.

I held my hand to my mouth and I soon realized something....

'He was the one from my dreams'.

Episode 2

Lisa's POV:

School was really not my kind of scene to begin with, it was like a nightmare I could never run away from, but now that I think about it I could actually begin to like school a little.

But that fantasy ended when I set my eyes on something disgusting well actually someone but to me "he" was still a thing to me. It was no other Person than my ex. Jerry Fuckin Williams, the asshole cheated on me with 'The school SLUT'

Linda Harrison. It was all stereotypical I know. I despised her, and it wasn't just because her and Jerry slept with each other, but also because of her attitude. To put it plainly, she was an A grade Bitch.

"Oh my God!" I muttered to my best friend Madina, as I saw Jerry and Linda Making their way to us. I and Madina have been friends since I was like three or so. she was the one who comforted me when my mother died she is like a sister to me and I love her so very much.

"Oh quit it Lisa they are not worth your sight you know that" Madina said as she helped me put my books in my locker.

"You know what you're right they aren't worth it lets get out of here ASAP" I said, holding and dragging Madina to class, but fortunately, note the sarcasm, they reached us just in time to invade our personal space.

"What?!" I almost growled looking at the familiar brown haired boy. His presence alone disgusted me at this point.

"Hey lili" jerry said, that was the nick name he gave me when we were well let just say an item, I kind of always hated it but I didn't say anything about it when we were still dating.

"Kindly fuck off jerry" I said in a bored out of my mind tone.

"Wait what did I do, did I make you little Lili angry" he said while smirking. I'm pretty sure punching wasn't illegal.

"don't have time for dicks this, just leave me alone Willam's, I believe you have a whore by your side who can assist you when you're bored, and right now it seems you have nothing better to do" I sighed, clearly not in the mood for all this.

Linda looked at me with shock and rolled her eyes which I didn't even care about.

With those words I turned around and walked away dragging Madina along side with me, and matched to class.

But on reaching their I stood in shock for a while because I saw the Same boy I saw on the side walk while I was coming to school. Yep the same freaking boy I saw, the boy that always appears in my dreams or should I say nightmares.


I looked into his eyes he also did the same looking into mine, we stayed like that looking into each others eyes for a while. I looked deeper into his eyes just so that I could at least read a glimpse of his emotions but to no avail, it was as if they were completely lifeless and hopeless.

It was kind of weird that I felt pity for him. while I was lost in my thoughts a big bus passed through the middle of us blocking us from seeing each other. I was on one side of the side walk while he was on the other.

After the bus finished passing, I noticed he wasn't there again, where did he go?, It was almost as if he wasn't even there to begin with. Ok so this is definitely another level of extreme creepiness.

End of recap.....

It was one of the most creepy event to have ever happened to me, so when I saw him presently in my class staring at me with a smile now on in face, I was in incredibly shocked, confused and slightly scared, I mean it wasn't everyday you meet someone that re-occuringly appeared in your nightmares.

All of a sudden he walked to me.

"Hi my name is Tom" He said smiling, stretching his hand towards mine.

Well that's most definitely not good In anyway, I think my heart just skipped a beat. Bollocks.

Episode 3

Well not to seem like a freak or a mentally derailed person I stretched out my hands just like he did and introduced myself.

"Oh hi, my name is Lisa, you were the one I saw this morning Right?" I asked as I shook his hand. Up close he was even more breath taking. My sharp intake of breath clarified that.

As our hands touched, I felt it, a kind of spark, and no I'm not talking about the romantic cliché spark. I'm talking about real electric spark here people. You know physics and all.

Shocked (literally) I withdrew my hands back in a hast. He also did the same, with a weird yet knowing look on his face, but quickly covered it up.

"Yes I was" He responded with a mind blowing smile.

"Did you just move here?" I asked even though I knew the answer, I was just trying to make small talk.

This was a small town everybody knew everybody so when a new person moves in to town the whole population would know.

"Yeah just moved in this week" He answered smiling. His smile really was beautiful.

"Oh" I said awkwardly not knowing what else to say.

And just like God saved the Israelite, the teacher saved me from the awkwardness by walking in just at the right time.

After that school went on like a breeze, save from when Tom was introducing himself to the whole class and me not being able to explain why I got angry anytime girls flaunted about around him. Yeah sure school was definitely awesome. Not.

And finally when school ended and I said my goodbyes to Madina I began my walk back home.

But for some reason I felt like someone was following me. which I am presently still feeling. Shit today is not the day Lisa you will surely live to see another day.

So I increased my speed to a maximum. I knew this long legs would come in handy someday. But just like me the person also increase their speed.

Oh God it just got worse I could actually hear foot steps now and it's getting close oh no what the fuck was I supposed to do.

Being too into my thoughts I didn't notice when a hand held my shoulder and sprung me fully back to face them. I was frightened 'no fucking shit' but as soon as I saw the persons face my fear turned to immediate relief then anger.

"What the actual fuck Jerry!" I almost yelled, exhaling loudly, I Soo badly want to slap that smile off his face.

"Hey Lisa." Jerry said with his infamous annoying smirk. Can I kill him now Christ!

" You're kidding me right?" I deadpanned. Robbing my hands against my temple. I could feel an headache coming up.

"What? I have been trying to get your attention all day Lili, but you didn't even give me a chance, all because your undivided attention have been on the new kid" wait was I really staring at Tom? I didn't notice.

"Well didn't that give you a hint I didn't want to talk to you" some guys just can't seem to read signs. Truly daft beings.

Not wanting to waste my time on him anymore I continued walking, but was stopped again, and this time all my anger and frustration that I once had turned to fear. He held my hands too tight that I think a bruise was going to form from that.

"Jerry! Stop you're hurting me" I tried to move my hand from his grip but he budge.

" I tried this the easy way Lisa but you just had to walk out on me 'again', that's not right now is it?" he said, while looking at me with a glint in his eyes. crapping hell I'm in real trouble now.

Doing the only thing I could think of, I started shouting for help profusely not wanting to experience anything he wanted to do to me. Thinking that this was the end I closed my eyes tightly not knowing when another person showed up.

"Now is that anyway to treat a lady?" A voice asked.

I opened my eyes in curiosity, wanting to know who was the source of that voice. Shocked at who I found it was I couldn't utter a word.

"I would close my eyes if I were you Lisa" Tom said with a deadly glint.

"Huh?" I asked not understanding.

Before I could even blink Jerry was on the floor with a bloody nose and Tom was on top of him beating the shit out of him and I mean beating him seriously I had to heed Tom's warning to close my eyes because of all the blood I saw.

Still with my eyes closed I heard groans of pain coming from Jerry. I really won't like to be him right now, serves him right though. Although I still felt slight compassion for him.

"It's okay, you can open your eyes now princess" I heard a deep gentle voice call out.

Just to be safe I didn't dare open my eyes. I heard a voice sigh and chuckle a little, it was so soft and low that I almost didn't hear it.

Then I heard light footsteps Making it's way to me. And when a soft hand poked my cheeks I opened my eyes, and the scene that greeted me was breath taking. And no I'm not talking about the groaning Jerry on the floor, I'm taking about the lick worthy individual that stood at the front of me, he was Soo close that our breaths were almost mixing.

Then when I was about thank Tom for saving me, I don't know if it was my eyes or my mind that was messing with me but his eyes shunned a very vibrant red colour living me speechless.

Next thing I know I'm feeling really incredibly weak and dizzy and I felt I was being carried and taken into a car. Then darkness finally consumed me.

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