NovelToon NovelToon

Potential Revenge

Episode 1

"So, you're here to confess a murder." Detective Elizabeth confirmed while taking her seat on the opposite side of the cold iron table. She looked much more... mature now that she was in her work clothes but she would always be the 'girl next door' to me.

"Don't you find it strange how some people can use magic and other people can't?" She filled out a report while I spoke. She didn't even bother answering my question or even looking me in the eye. I guess I expected it. She stood for peace and justice and yet the people who inspired her were the ones that caused this mess in the first place. Okay, that is a bit of a false truth but it's still a truth.

"Like who decides who gets to use magic and who doesn't? There's no genetic evidence to prove that people are born with it. There are no environmental factors that attribute to it. Hell, the only thing we know for sure is that being able to use magic is just by pure chance."

"Look, are you going to confess or not because things are completely chaotic around here at the moment. There are much more important things I could be doing right now than listening to your theories." There she was, finally she was paying attention to me. I couldn't blame her though, none of this was her fault. Hell, she is the hero of this story.

"Do you know why I asked for you?"

"Because we grew up together and you feel more comfortable speaking to me." A good answer, I'll give her that but it wasn't anything that obvious.

"Besides that, it's because I respect you despite everything that has happened. And it's because of that respect that I want to tell you the truth first, well you and whoever is on the other side of that mirror, and out of my own free will. I owe you that much at least."

"Talk then. You can't use your magic or any of your tricks in this room so it's just you and me." She folded her arms and sat back in her chair to listen to me. The blank expression on her face gave nothing away. She was just doing her job and nothing more.

"Come on Elly, cheer up. After we're finished here, you're going to be a hero. You might even get a medal." My deep chuckles got lost in the dreariness of the room. Why are interrogation rooms so bland anyway? Maybe if they added a pop of colour in it then criminals wouldn't be so tight-lipped.

"I don't care about being a hero and getting medals and don't call me Elly. In here I’m Detective Elizabeth Ross." She didn't move any part of her body, not even an inch. The only thing that moved was her mouth.

"Detective Elizabeth Ross, now that's a mouthful. I think I'll just stick with Elly, it's much more simpler don't you think?"

"If you don't start talking soon then..."

"Then what? Are you seriously going to let me go? A possible murderer is sitting handcuffed in front of you and you're going to release him because he is taking too long to tell you what you want to hear? The last time I checked there was no law regarding the amount of time you're allowed to confess to a murder. Unless there is some place you'd rather be? Strip club maybe?" There it was, finally her iron curtain was torn. The anger in her eyes right now would scare the shit out of the devil.

Suddenly the door behind me opened. Elly directed her attention towards the interruption but her eyes immediately softened when she saw the person. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was now.

"Ross, the Vanderbelt lawyer is here to see you." Captain Theodore Francis informed her.

"You can take that one, right Captain? It's just a rich kid trying to get away with something again anyway. Besides, when Elly and I are finished here then you'll either get a promotion or you'll be fired. So do all of us a favour and get back behind that mirror and enjoy the show." I didn't hate Captain Francis or anything, I actually looked up to him and supported the way he ran things but this was just something that he couldn't have any part of, for his sake.

"It's fine Captain." Elly gave him a nod before he grunted and closed the door again.

"Let's get back to business." I suggested then cleared my throat.

"I don't have time for your games or stories anymore. Tell me what I need to know."

"What's the rush Elly? You don't need to go anywhere and your lunch break is only in 3 hours so we have some time to talk. Let me tell you a story."

"Just tell me the truth."

"If you want the truth then you'll listen to my story. Trust me, you're going to want to hear this."

Episode 2

Things certainly changed since the last time I was here. That was 7 years ago so it should be a given. Just walking down the street feels completely different. The joy that once coated the atmosphere now oozed with hostility. The buildings definitely grew taller but the colour that attracted people to it was replaced with a bland grey. There just seemed to be no life in the street anymore. What happened while I was away?

"You're new here." A voice came out of the shadow in the alley. I stopped and turned to see who it was but whoever it was clearly didn't want to be seen. They fit perfectly in the shadow and didn't allow anyone to see them or even sense them for that matter. It was as if the person hid in a black hole.

"You could say that." I replied then put my hand in my pockets. Hopefully that showed that I wasn't a threat or looking for a fight. It definitely wouldn't look good if the first thing I did when I came to town was to start a fight and end up in jail.

"What are you doing here?" This time I was able to get a better listen at the voice. Definitely male, deep voice but he sounded a bit inexperienced so I would say that he was in his late teens or early twenties.

"I'm on my way home. Why are you hiding in the shadows? Allergic to the sun? Vampire possibly?"

"You're funny. How about I cut out that tongue for you? Bet you won't be making jokes after that." Inexperienced yes but definitely fearless. This boy had definitely been through more shit than he should've for his age.

"And here I thought we could be friends."

"Friends? Get lost dumbass." Dumbass, been a while since someone called me that.

"Very well. It was nice meeting you." I decided to continue on my way. He didn't seem like he wanted anything to do with me anymore and he definitely wasn't going to give me any information I wanted.

The rest of the street was empty but if that guy proved anything then I was definitely going to have to keep my eyes open no matter how safe I felt.

"Extreme Sense." I quietly activated the spell as I continued down the sidewalk. The spell allowed me to use the full potential of all my senses. My vision instantly sharpened, I could pick out different smells around me and I was able to hear the dripping of a tap inside the building I was walking next to. I heard the scratching of claws on top of the building then felt a pair of eyes settle on me. It was definitely the same guy that I just spoke to. Somehow he was able to scale the triple storey building in seconds and camouflage himself so that he could watch me. I didn't sense anything threatening in his actions, he was just there to watch me it seems.

I ignored him then walked past a house that I knew all to well, The Ross's. The house got bigger but the plants could use a bit of a trim. It was a double storey now as well so their family either got bigger or Elly just wanted more space to herself, wouldn't put it past her.

"I heard a rumour but I didn't think it was true." What the hell? Where did she come from? Was she able to use magic now as well? How did she get so close to me even with my Extreme Sense activated?

"It's the hair right? I had to cut it, long hair was irritating me so I went bald and I actually kind of like the short hair now. You could say it grew on me." I turned around and my eyes were immediately met with her tearing ones. She launched herself at me and embraced. I was stunned for a second before I gently put my arms around her as well. She buried her head against my chest to hide the tears wetting my shirt. For one moment, just one blessed moment, everything felt peaceful and lively again. There was no dullness around us and no unwavering hatred in my heart. With her arms around me and her head buried in my chest, there was nothing but pure and simple happiness.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was trapped against my chest but I heard it nonetheless.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I replied. She slowly lifted her head and looked me in the eyes again. Her eyes looked like they had witnessed the ugliest parts of this world but there was still hope breaking through in them.

"Hey Elly." I greeted her but we refused to let go of each other.

"Hey Red." Hearing her call me that after all these years brought a smile to lips. I didn't think I'd ever miss that stupid nickname but here I was smiling like an idiot.

"You would've kicked the crap out of me for crying when we were younger." I reminded her then wiped away a tear that raced down her right cheek.

"I've kicked the crap out of you for less." Finally a smile settled on her face. She began regaining her composure but still never separated from each other. Something about having her in my arms just felt right.

"That begs the question; why was I friends with you?"

"Because you couldn't live without me." She brought her hands up to my collar and straightened it before drawing her hands down the sides of my arms and finally settling in my hands. The warmth of her hands immediately radiated with mine. The Extreme Sense spell made everything I feel with my hands that much better. I could feel every healed scar on the palm of her hands and the blood rushing beneath the skin. This simple experience was taken to the extreme with this spell.

"You looked like you survived these past 7 years though."

"I wasn't going to waste my second chance." Her smile instantly faded once reality set in around us again. She released my hands took a step back finally allowing me to see her in her uniform. She definitely looked grown up now but I was finally taller than her so I could lord that over her.

"Looks like you went from kicking the crap out of me to kicking the crap out of criminals."

"Not as much as I'd like but being a police officer is worth it." I could tell that she was being honest so I was glad that she was doing something she was passionate about, even if it left us on opposing sides now.

"I see you guys expanded the house." I pointed out then stood next to her and marveled at the building.

"My parents sold the house once I graduated from high school. The new owners did all this."

"How are your parents doing?" Her parents were always good to me and treated me like their son so I hoped they were doing well.

"They're okay. They're living on a farm close to Trenton."

"That's good to hear." I gave her a smile but she looked past me towards my house.

"Looks like your house hadn't changed one bit." I finally looked over at the house and saw that it was the only piece of property that hadn't changed on the street. The freshly cut grass newly painted exterior were out of place in the colourless community but I didn't care. It was my house so I could do with it what I wanted.

"Yeah. I didn't want them tearing it down. I just wanted them to restore it."

"I was surprised when I heard that you hired a team to clean up but when I tried to find you then it was like you didn't exist." At least that part of my plan worked.

"If anyone knew where I was then they might want to finish the job." I pointed out.

"About that, I know you just came back but I'm going to have to ask you to come to the station with me. There's some questions that need to be answered about that night." It was inevitable that I was going to be questioned about that night but this worked out in my favour.

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Okay. Don't let go." She grabbed my hand and took a breath. "Ghost Walk." She activated a spell. Everything went blurry for a second before we found ourselves standing in front of the police station.

"What the hell was that?" I felt a little dizzy but easily recovered.

"Sorry about that. That spell takes a bit of getting used to." She released a few giggles while I gently massaged my temple.

"No kidding."

"Come on." She grabbed my arm then began leading me inside the building. I knew the layout of this building by heart so I didn't have to pay much attention to where we were going. We were probably just going to an interrogation room anyway.

"Since when can you use magic?" I asked her. The last time we saw each other, we were both powerless little idiots and now both of us developed the ability to use magic. Coincidence perhaps?

"It happened a few weeks after... you disappeared." I understood her hesitation but there was honestly no need for it. I saw the strange looks I was getting as we walked through the precinct, mainly surprise, but I noticed Elly's demeanor change. She transformed into this strict no-nonsense officer marching me towards the interrogation room like some criminal.

"Looks like that period changed both our lives." I commented then entered the colourless room. Was the whole town suddenly void of colour now?

"You have no idea. Take a seat, someone will be here to question you in a few minutes." She informed me but I could see that her mind was racing with other thoughts. I couldn't use my magic inside the building just like all other municipal buildings so my senses we're back to normal. Elly closed the door behind her so I was left alone in the room. I decided to sit down on the seat facing the two way mirror. I wanted whoever was watching me to see all my reactions.

"The prodigal son returns hey." Just the bastard I wanted to see, Captain Hutch. He was the man in charge of running this precinct but if everything went according to plan, his were numbered.

"Prodigal son or one that got away?" I stared him down while he took a seat across from mine. Every cell in my body screamed in rage as I watched him but I had to control myself. Every dog has it's day right? Fortunately for him, it was a different dog's day.

"I'm going to present you with an option since you came here willingly." He reached out in his pocket and pulled out a sealed clear container with housing round white tablets. "These tablets are known as The Truth Tellers. Whoever takes these tablets aren't forced to tell the truth but it makes lying extremely difficult. Not really 100% dependable but it's gotten the job done more often than not. Since you're not under arrest, we can't force you to take it."

"I'll take it. I have nothing to hide." I grabbed the container and immediately swallowed one of the tablets. It wasn't going to have any effect on me but it would definitely put everyone else's mind at ease.

"So where do you want to begin?" I asked as I placed the tablets between us again and relaxed in the chair. If I was going to be questioned then at least I wanted to enjoy it.

"We first need to see if the tablet worked. State your name and surname."

"Jared Broad."

"How old are you?"

"20 years old."

"What are your parents names?"

"Dr Bradley and Dr Phoebe Broad."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"A sister, Alyssa Broad."

"Were your parents able to use magic?"


"Was your sister able to use magic?"


"Are you able to use magic?"

"That's a difficult question to just say 'yes' to. I am able to use magic but it's not my own magic." His furrowed eyebrows and questioning eyes definitely needed an explanation but he knew that he only had a limited time to ask me what he needed to before the tablet's effects wore off.

"Can you tell us what happened at your house on May 10, 2113?" Now we were getting somewhere.

"7 men entered our house at 23:02 and attacked my parents in the lounge. They tied my father to a chair and they tied my mother's wrist and ankles but left her on the floor. My sister woke up and made her way down the stairs but she was attacked and tied up along with our mother on the floor. 2 Men went up the stairs and found me sleeping so they grabbed me out of bed and tied me up. I woke up and saw that our house was being trashed and my mother and sister were being raped on the floor. They were bound so they were unable to fight back. The rope they used for my sister must've disabled her magic somehow. They were forcing my father to watch as each one of them raped my mother and sister before driving a knife through their hearts and doing the same to my father." I managed to keep calm and composed throughout the entire recollection but it still felt like the air around me was being pulled from my lungs wanting me to stop talking about that gruesome event.

"How did you escape?" He looked up at me and began watching my every move now. He knew exactly what happened to my family that night but my escape was the one thing he didn't know and that must've driven him crazy.

"My sister mastered magic by the time she was 15. She was able to use most spells with ease. While they raped her, she chanted a spell that somehow transported me from our house to Clearfield Cove." He didn't show any emotion at my answer. It probably just filled in the last blank spots of that notorious night for him.

"You said that your sister's magic was disabled, how could she have done a spell then?" Now that was a question worth asking. No matter how much I try to make sense of it, I was wasn't able to explain how she wasn't able to use magic but still activated a spell that saved my life.

"I said that the rope must've disabled her magic. I don't know that for sure. I do know that it was her magic that transported me though." He grunted at my last statement then looked down a page on the desk.

"You said that 7 men did all that. Do you know who they were?"

"I know exactly who they are. Do you want me to tell you their names?" His immediate silence confirmed that I caught him off guard there. He probably didn't expect me to remember much about that night, let alone know who the attackers were.

"Obviously just telling you their names won't do you any good. They can just deny it."

"Do you have any proof to back up your accusations?" He looked up at me once again. Now I had his attention.

"I don't have any proof." I truthfully answered him. I didn't need to lie about that. "Would you still like to hear who did it though?"

"I would, it could possibly bring justice for your family." Justice? He was a hypocrite if ever I saw one.

"Their names are Ian Thompson, Freddy George, Duncan Adams, Kyle Williams, Monty Price, Hector Withers and Paul Hutch." He didn't show the slightest bit of emotion at the mention of his name at the end. I guess it would've been suspicious if he did act out of character now so I had to applaud his ability to stay calm under and an accusation like that.

"So I murdered your family?" The amusement in his voice evoked a smile out of me. I was actually enjoying this. Pressing his buttons was turning out to be more enjoyable than I thought.

"And raped, don't forget that."

"I don't know about the rest of the guys but I can confirm that I didn't kill or rape any of your family members."

"Be careful what you say Captain, this conversation is being recorded and watched I take it. You don't want anyone to think you're lying." I whispered.

"I think we're finished here."

"I think so too. Hopefully the next time we see each other, you won't be in handcuffs." I gave him a smile as he stood up but he finally let his anger show. The menacing look on his face could only hide the guilt he felt.

"I should be telling you that." He replied.

"Should you though?" He grunted once more before leaving the room. I released a sigh then stared up at the light on the ceiling. Everything was going according to plan so why was I still not relieved? I still felt this pain and heartbreak weighing me down.

"Jared." Elly called my name. I turned my head and saw her standing in the doorway. The look of sadness plaguing her face was is what I should've been feeling but I just felt defeated.

She silently motioned for me to follow her so I stood up and made my way out of the interrogation room. We quietly made our way through the station and back outside.

"What now?" I asked her once we were outside.

"You're free to go but... you have to be careful now. Accusing a police officer of a crime is not something that will just blow over, especially if it's the captain." I was grateful that she was worried about me but I knew what I was doing.

"I can protect myself. I also have magic now." I held out my hand between us. "Spawn: Battle Flower." I commanded but nothing happened.

"Was something supposed to happen?" Her raised eyebrows and quirky smile showed her amusement.

"Sorry, my magic isn't as strong or good as yours. I'm still practicing but let me try a different one." I took a deep breath and held out my hand again. "Spawn: Fiery Flower?" Suddenly a rose appeared in my hand.

"Well done." She released a giggle.

"Hey, this is a lot for me." I replied then handed the rose to her. "Hopefully this can make up for all the time we missed."

"It's a start." She accepted the rose and finally gave me a genuine smile. "Want me to take you back home?"

"I think I'll call a cab rather. I don't need to be passing out when I get home." That set off laughter between us again.

"Weakling." She replied. "I'm glad you're back though."

"Glad to be back as well." She took a couple of steps back towards the building so she clearly wanted to get back to work. "I'll see you around."

"Don't go getting in trouble." We gave each other one last smile before turning around and heading our separate ways.

Episode 3

"This isn't a place for kids, get lost." Didn't take long for someone to tell me that. I looked up from my seat and saw my unwelcomed guests; 3 guys with tribal tattoos on their upper arms and too many chains around them. Definitely criminals but then again, this bar was run by the boss of all criminals in this region so it wasn't a surprise. The man ordering me around had a distinctive cut above his right eye as well as mole under the same eye. I wasn't going to forget his face.

"I'm a paying customer. Won't you let me finish my drink before you throw me out? How about I buy you guys a drink as well?" If my offer was accepted then I would be pleasantly surprised. These guys were known to shoot first and ask questions later.

"How about you give us your money then leave?" Looks like they were done talking by the looks of it.

"I'll have to decline that offer but mine still stands." I took a sip of the sweet dry wine sitting in my glass.

"Fuck you." He pulled out a gun pointed it at my head. He didn't think twice before pulling the trigger and sending me flying off my seat. The entire bar was silenced for a moment while I laid on the ground. My head pained and the ringing in my ears didn't help but I was okay as usual. I took a breath and stood up then picked up the chair I was sitting and placed it back in it's original spot before taking my seat again.

"What the hell? Are you a magician?" He quickly asked me. At least he had something in that big head.

"That's a complicated question for me to answer." I took another sip then turned to face him but he raised his gun back at me. I quickly put my hand against the muzzle of the gun and waited for his next move.

"You've seen that your gun doesn't have any effect on me so if you pull that trigger then you'll lose your left hand, are you okay with that?"

"Go away Slinger." This time it was a female voice. It sent a terrifying chill through my body so I knew this was who I was waiting for.

"Yes ma'am." Slinger, glad I could put a name to the face. He turned around and led his gang to the opposite side of the bar.

"You shouldn't be here boy." I tried to not show the fear I was feeling as I faced her but I could tell that I was failing.

"I'm old enough." She looked younger than I expected her to be. Probably in her early 40's but her pictures on the internet were clearly outdated. The only pictures there were of her was when her husband, Damon 'The King' Porter, was still alive. He ran the criminal underworld in this region before his wife took over when he fell ill and eventually died.

"You're not from town, who are you?"

"My name is Jared Broad." Her eyebrows immediately rose at the mention of my name. She clearly knew who I was and what happened to my parents.

"Jared Broad, the one who got away now sitting in my bar. You do know there is a price on your head. If anyone in this bar recognized you then you'd be dead." The bounty on my head, I knew all about it. When I escaped, a warrant for my arrest was put out but it was quickly taken back when they realized that I had no part in what happened to the rest of my family. Someone then placed a bounty on my head which just about ensured that I was hunted wherever I went. Thankfully I had disappeared for the last 5 years so no one knew how I looked now that I grew up, well people would put it together sooner rather than later but I didn't care. I could take care of myself now.

"They're welcomed to try and kill me. I'm surprised you haven't ordered my capture yet as well."

"Where's the fun in that?" Suddenly she took a seat next to me. The bartender instantly handed her a drink then disappeared from her sight as quickly as he appeared.

"So, tell me a story." For someone who scared even the most bloodthirsty criminals, she didn't look like she had a care in the world. She didn't even have a bodyguard around her. Was she not afraid of anyone coming for her head?

"My sister sacrificed herself to save me. The government ordered my family's demise when my parents accidentally discovered their secret." I informed her then took a sip of my drink and looked ahead of me. There was a mirror behind all the different coloured bottles on the shelves so we could still see each other.

"Do tell."

"Can't be spilling all my secrets to the family who carried out the government's orders." A smile spread across her face as she took a sip of her drink.

"I'm just curious here but why did The King climb into bed with the government?"

"How do you think the president got elected?" That cleared up everything. He was a dark horse during that election but somehow he ended up beating not one but two of the most favoured candidates. They did the government's dirty work and the government turned a blind eye to their criminal underworld, within reason that is.

"This was pointless then." I released a sigh then drained the rest of the wine in my glass.

"So you are here to get revenge then." Her deduction skills were accurate there but then again, would wanting revenge be that surprising?

"I am. We'll be on separate sides it seems."

"Not necessarily." She tapped the counter and the bartender immediately poured me another glass of wine before disappearing again.

"When the government ordered your family's death 7 years ago, my husband was reluctant to do it. He only agreed to do it because they threatened our daughter. Once you sell your soul to them, there's no going back."

"That isn't going to stop me." I picked up the glass in front of me and swirled the clear liquid inside it.

"You do realize that no crime happens in this city without my knowledge. If you break that rule, you go to jail." So that's how she ran things around here. A simple rule that all criminals could follow and she would be able to keep tabs on all of the crime in the city.

"So who killed Duncan Adams?" Confusion suddenly settled on her face. She clearly didn't hear about that yet. But how could she? His dead body was lying in his home and wouldn't be discovered for another hour when his wife came home.

"Are you suggesting that you killed him? I was told that you came straight from the police station so how could you have possibly killed him?" I expected her to keep tabs on me from the moment I stepped into her bar but that was kind of creepy. I only came here 10 minutes ago so how did she know where I came from already?

"I didn't kill him. I was being questioned by the police at the time of his death so how could I have killed him?" I took a sip of wine in my glass again then set the glass down on the counter and watched her.

Our eyes met in a fierce battle through the mirror. Both of us tried to figured out each other's goal but I couldn't figure out why she wanted to talk to me and she was probably trying to figure out what my goal was. She lifted up her left hand and beckoned someone towards us. A tall man stood up and came to her side. She whispered something in his ear then he nodded and disappeared right in front of my eyes. I had seen teleportation magic before he didn't even have to chant a spell, he just disappeared.

"We'll know soon enough." She took another sip of her drink as silence settled between us. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I immediately knew why.

"Fiery Dimension." I activated a spell then took out the device in my pocket and checked if I got the right thing.

"Fiery Dimension, that's an extremely high ranking spell." She commented.

"I have some experience with that." I placed my phone next to her drink on the counter to allow her to see the picture on it. "Your associate on the other hand is sloppy."

"What is your goal here?" This time she turned to face me. "You come in here and tell me that you're going to take down the government and now you want to blackmail me? You do realize that I can have everyone in this bar kill you?"

"Don't worry about them, they'll be dead as soon as I leave. You'll be too if you're not fast enough." This was the part of my plan I was afraid of. Everything could fall apart right here and now if she didn't buy my bluff. I could kill everyone in the bar but that would just cause too much problems for me and be unnecessary really.

"And you think I'll believe that?"

"I don't. Like you said, I want revenge and your family carried out the order to kill mine. I think it's only fair that I kill your family right? I literally have nothing to lose." I turned to face her when I finished and met her angered eyes. Suddenly the tall man that disappeared earlier reappeared next to her again.

"Samson, kill him." She ordered him then raised an eyebrow at me. I knew that she was testing me but I wasn't going to back down.

"Yes ma'am." Samson turned his attention to me but immediately appeared behind me and used one hand to lift my chin and the other to drag a knife across my throat.

"I expected more from you Samson." I told him then sighed. "Animo Deliquesco." I activated a spell. Nothing happened for a couple of seconds then suddenly Samson released me and fell to the ground. His agonizing screams began filling the bar as everyone's eyes turned towards the man writhing in pain while clutching his head.

"Anyone else you need me to kill or can we finally have a conversation?"

"First undo whatever you did to him. We can't talk with his screaming interrupting us now can we?" She looked forward once again so I followed her instructions. I stood up and knelt down next to Samson as he rocked his body on the ground. He must've been feeling the world of pain right now. I placed my hands on his arms then took a deep breath before chanting my spells.

"Goiteía Akyróno." I commanded and his pain gradually subsided. "Restore." I activated another spell and allowed his body to recover as much as possible. I couldn't undo the full effects but that would have to do.

"He's alive and should be able to continue working for you in about 2 days." I informed her as I took my seat next to her again.

"What languages were those spells in?" She suddenly asked me.

"Greek and Latin. I prefer doing old magic, it's more reliable and powerful." I informed her. She didn't look impressed or show any emotion for that matter.

"So what do you want?" She asked me as then took a sip of her drink.

"That's not the right question. I'm going to kill all seven people who carried out the attack on my family that night. You can't stop me, the police can't stop me, not even the government can stop me." I told her then took a quick sip of my drink before continuing.

"The real question is what are you going to do?" Now it was all up to her. What was the queen of the underground going to do now that she knew what I was planning on doing? Was she going to stand in my way, let me do as I please or capitalize on my actions?

"Looks like my husband was right for a change, the government will pay for killing your family." That brought a smile to my face and I could see a wry smile hanging on her lips as well. I guess we were working together now.

"In three days from now, Ian Thompson will die of organ failure." I informed her.

"First a political analyst and now a private investigator, who else is on that list?"

"You'll find out soon enough." I drained the rest of my glass then slowly stood up. "I'll be living in my old house if you're looking for me."

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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