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Endless Path

Episode 1

I am Stella ford and this is my story, My life as far as I remember has been in the shadow of an angel-like a girl named Isabel, she got stuck to me like a gum since we were young. I hated it but the people around me forced her over me so much that she became the worst half of my life. I was judged because of her. She had an innocent face which could melt any kind of harsh or cold heart in seconds and me, on the other hand, was always compared to her. 15 years of my life I had to bear her and it was way too much for me to take in. I wasn't able to take care of me because I was in a continuous battle of perfecting myself as compared to her but everything shattered every time I tried but that was not enough and finally when I thought I was free when she decided to get married but on the same day I died due to an accident on the roadside.

At the last moment of my life, I was furious, I was angry at life. I cursed at it that "if I ever find it again I am going to strangle it to death" and life took the challenge and gave me a chance to live again

But guess what I didn't strangle it to death because if I did I would die again which I didn't want.

So now I was back again in 6 years old wandering by myself in the dark street without anybody besides me, my clothes were torn and my hands were all muddy. I walked around the deserted street with not even a single human, but it wasn't that scared, to be more specific I was annoyed at the sight of the wilderness, not even a single movement could be detected. After getting tired of walking for ten minutes my patience went down the drain and I started yelling at the silence.

"What the hell is going on here, does anybody wish to explain this"nobody replied and why would they reply to a 6 years old who have nowhere to go.

"So it means I will just have to walk " but soon somebody spoke to me from. Behind but before I turned around I was sacked.

"You coward why did you attack me from behind, if you have guts come at me from the front so I can feed you a knuckle sandwich, you filthy coward put me down" but they didn't listen, what more they put me on something soft, I think it was a car seat because I heard it getting the start. And that's how I got kidnapped on the first day of my return. it was a new experience because as far as I remembered i had never been kidnapped in my previous life. Well, I wanted to be as alert as possible so I could fight the bad guys when the time is right but the 6 years old body of mine didn't let me do that, because I fell asleep.

After a long time because I had quite a nap on the way.

"Curse you small child's body" we reached where they were supposed to take me, then they removed the cloth from my face. The room was bright and due to sudden brightness my eyes to it for a while, but when they did I saw a room so bright and white. It was filled with men in black suits, bowing their heads before me with respect or whatever.

I felt uncomfortable so I thought there was someone behind me they were bowing to so I looked behind me and saw a huge man with a scar on his face, everything was clear no. the man behind me seemed to be the boss here and the men were showing their respect to him, so without wasting another second I jumped off the couch and bowed to him most gracefully.

"Master?" They all said with a questioning tone so I looked up and saw them looking at me

"Why are you looking at me, I am just a child so don't expect me to be perfect at everything" Then I turned my head sideways and looked at the huge guy with puppy eyes hoping it would melt his heart.

"I am sorry master I have wronged you " I fell on my knees to ask for forgiveness from they eyes scary master guy.

"Master!!!!!!!!!!!!" alL the men in the room fell on their knees and shouted with a loud voice. Then scar-face spoke to me with a soft voice.

"Master get up, you are making us feel more sinful," He said as he picked me up in the air and landed me on the couch, and started dusting my already dirty clothes.

"Did you call me Master? I mean the little me, like the six years old me" I wanted to confirm it, I looked up at him while he was looking at me

"Yes master, you are our only master left so accept us as your underlying" the scarface said

"Do you mean that I am the master of these people" I pointed towards those 30 musclemen

"No master not just them but, our other brothers as well who are spread in the whole country and also some other countries in which your business is spread"

He said

" Stop it already, I am not your master so just let me go back to were you brought me from" It was just too much to take in

"Master your father told us to protect you, he left his entire fortune for you before he died so please just accept it," he said

"hah my father? did I have one? definitely you had a father, if not how do you explain your birth you idiot' Stella scolded her self in her heart as she spoke again

"Wait! did you say, Father? my father," I asked him in surprise.

"He was our old master, and after he died you are our next master," the scar-faced said, " He left you his fortune and all he had ever owned, he loved you dearly but you went missing and he kept on looking for you, until his last breath." He spoke with sadness in every word he spoke

"So you mean your Master, I mean my Father used to be a gangster like you?" I was not completely okay with this gangster-like vibe I was getting from the men all around me, and I was least interested in being one of them even if my father was one of them.

"We are not any Gangster group, our brothers join us because we protect those who come under Ford's protection, we keep them safe from other mafia gangs" His words were really protective and the way he was trying to convince 6 years old seems very funny.

"Why should I believe you?" Stella wanted proof of his words because she didn't want to die again by joining a dangerous crew.

'At my question, he stopped speaking and turned to his fellow people which were still on their knees. One of them got up and brought back a black bag, it looked quite luxurious and heavy. he presented it to me with respect.

"The answers for your questions are in this" Said the scarface.

Episode 2

The bag was filled with letters, each of them enveloped perfectly and organized by dates, I read a few of them and felt touched by how much my father loved me, each letter was filled with grief yet happiness of having me in his life for even a short period. It was heartwarming as I read them. My heart was getting convinced when I started knowing my origin and my past. I agreed on living there as their master but I didn't want to be conned so I kept my eyes wide open in case something went wrong.

I lived with the gang members for about 4 years, these years were really tough for me because I had to train with the members of the gang, Mr. Scarface told me that I had to be strong because I was the face of the gang, so he made do every available torturing exercise he had at hand. he showed no mercy even though he addressed me as Master. Sometimes he would make me fight people elder then me and in return, I would receive many wounds but it wouldn't soften his stone heart to not torture me. I regretted my decision of staying as there master years ago, but there was no way out of it.

'I know what you are thinking, you think he is nuts because why would a normal person train a small kid like an animal so he can lead the huge pack of wolves" but he is even more nuts than that he actually trained me so hard that I would return to my room with bruises, sometimes I wanted to report him to the cops for child abuse. I grew up even after facing such situations but I was glad because now there was no Isabel to outshine me, and no one there to compare my worth with someone insignificant to me.

You might be thinking that I would have grown into a nice lady with a great personality and stuff, but hold your horses' people, because I turned out to be even worst then before. Ask me why? because all those years when I was supposed to act arrogant like a child and get pampered or get myself groomed as a perfect lady was snatched from me by the Scarface, And all those times when I was supposed to make an image at school were kept under strict surveillance by Scarface because he was extra worried that I might die even if I got a paper cut so he never left my side for a second. He even managed to homeschool me for two full years, finally, when I got into high school he reduced the strictness, but just like my past self, I didn't interact with many people at school because that was just not my thing.

You might be curious about what kind of lady Isabel actually was that made me hate her, even if you are not curious let me tell you the story of my life.

Isabel John a girl that is loved by all and hated by none, I mean boys just boys liked her the girls hated her to hell, and looked for new ways of torturing her, but ultimately all the wounds that should be inflicted on her were gifted to me by fate and I would end up in the infirmary, And the most unfortunate thing of all was we were in the same orphanage so she made me her friend (forcefully) I was a typical shut mouth person and she was the polar opposite, She would smile at everyone and talk sweetly so nobody would hate her, and they would start judging me that I was so rude while Isabel was a bright star.

I was a kid so those remarks hurt a lot and I was pushed towards darkness at those cruel remarks but they didn't understand it.

My childhood along with my teenage life and then adulthood was ruined completely by her and after making a complete mess of me, she would come back to me with a sorry and always expected me to accept that.

Whatever she did and whenever she did it, she knew it more than anyone that hurt me or what caused me emotional pain, but she liked to test my patience every time. There were times that when I saw her face I wanted to scratch it so bad that she won't use it again to ruin a life but I could never do it, not only me but she had cause major harm to many other people just because of her innocence and that was unfair.

When I entered into the orphanage I was given a room and my roommate was going to arrive soon, and then one day a bright girl names Isabel came to the orphanage, I was not interested in anybody so I kept my distance from her even though we were roommates but after two days I was called by the nun who took care of us and scolded me for being rude toward Isabel, I told them the truth but they didn't listen and made me apologize to her, after that she stuck to me like a gum.

When I was in high school she had a pack of a boyfriend or whatever you call them but she took mine away from me and then dumped him after a month. After that, she came back to apologize and expected me to forgive her. Then when we got into college, a senior of ours got interested in me rather than Isabel and according to rumors he was going to propose to me, I liked him a lot too but before that could happen, I don't know what she told him that after that day he never even looked at me again, so again she came back to me saying she didn't know I liked him and blah blah...

After many similar faithful events, I finally got extremely tired of her so told her to leave me alone, I broke off every single connection with her, Most of you might be thinking that I overreacted but believe me, Sometimes the people who are nice are hurtful of all, And I am not saying she was nice she was something others couldn't see. I felt relieved when I broke off the friendship or whatever they called it, but then I got into an accident and I died. story end.

Episode 3

My time in the high school was like that of an extraordinary student because I would fool around all day long and still end up with the top position, maybe envious of me but it was all thanks to my hard work from my past life, During the lectures, I would read random books that in never got to read before as I had to study hard to secure a nice future for myself, but now that I was already master of all those subjects and even if I had failed them I would not die of hunger in future because of oof the money I had. I know it was a wrong way of thinking but I had to grasp every passing moment of my life like it was the last. I started enjoying every moment to its fullest, even when it was nothing more than pure torture. Inflicted upon me by Mr. Scarface.

And just like any other day I was reading a comic in the middle of my maths class, the book was very interesting so I read it during one of the algebra lessons and that made the teacher angry. I didn't her calling my name out so how was I supposed to know that she walked over to my seat and stood over my head.

"Stella get up and solve the equation "I got startled by the sudden shrilling voice in my ears, but as I was way too immersed in my own world that the equation on the board looked like an alien to me. It's not that I wasn't able to solve it or something, I just didn't want to solve it by walking all the way to the front and picking up the marker and then use my precious brain to solve it.

"Sorry but I don't know how to solve it," Stella said with her head down

"Prepare yourself for detention, wait for me outside i will deal with you after i am done with the lecture," she said with an angry voice

"Okay," I said obediently as I walked out of the class.

I stood out in the corridor for a minute and found it quite boring so I went to the library to find something interesting.

The shelves of the library were filled with books that had a thick layer of dust over it, but in all those shelves there was not a single book that looked like it had something entertaining in it.

"Read it, this one too, yes this one as well, Ugh why have I read all of the books". As I walked around the racks and checking the books labels I found nothing to read, I had read almost every book in there.

"I need to go to a book shop" (Stella)

With a broken heart, I got back to the place where I was assigned to stand but as I reached there I saw my teacher looking at me with furious eyes and her face had a red tint to it. and as I came closer she lashed at me, I know I had made her furious in many ways by that didn't seem to be the right way to deal with students.

"Stella Ford we need to see the principal, I think," she said with a warning in her tone but what was the use of asking me to see him, she could meet him in person.

"Yes you may meet him, cause I just met him on my way back to the class so there is no need of meeting him again, "I said

"You follow me" She was even more furious now, what made her so mad?

She took me to her office and sat on the revolving chair or office chair whatever that thing is called and looked at me in a serious way

"Stella I have to meet your parents" (Teacher)


"What do you mean by yes, I said I have to meet your parents" now she was even more furious, but what could I do, I didn't have that much power to bring them back from the dead.

" Me too! I mean, I also want to meet them" I said

"Do you think I am joking with you right now" she became red like a tomato, what I said was seriously true I also wanted to meet them at least once

"If you can bring back the dead then you are most welcomed to meet them," Stella said with a rock-solid face on which the Teacher's expression softened a bit.

"I am sorry to hear that but you need to call your guardian by tomorrow," she said with a rather soft voice this time

"Okay.. "(Stella)

The next day at the staff room:

" I am Leonard, her guardian, I heard from her that you wanted to meet me," he said while pointing towards me

"Yes, Mr. LLeonard, about..about Stella she is good..student an.d just .....need to work a bit on her studies this year as it is very...important for her, "she said while shuttering because Mr.Scar didn't seem like a normal human to her. but still, they had quite a discussion over me, and finally, she decided to let him leave

"Ok, then I shall take my leave," he said calmly and got off the chair and went away.

After school time that day, I asked my driver to drive to the nearest library

When we reached there I went inside the library

I checked out the racks to find something interesting, but nothing caught my attention but I still kept on walking and soon I reached the novel section. In my past life I never read these kinds of books so I just thought of reading them in my free time from now on so I checked out the racks and read the synopsis of each book but non of them were pleasing to mind so after a very long search I found a book named "Only you" when I was about to read its synopsis I got a glimpse of a name Stella Ford in the middle of the introduction so I without caring about the story bought it, I literally bought it from the public library with a huge sum of money without thinking and the only reason for buying was that I saw my name on the character introducing page. I felt a little funny at the sight of my name over there

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