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Bad-Wolf Romance

Episode 1

It's Monday, the first day of spring break after a lazy weekend hanging with the girls, oh right the girls I'm talking about are Gracie Mata but we call her Grace , Alyssa White, Nadia Frayhound, Kelsey Wong and me well, I'm Sophia Cacerds my friends call me Bunny though. Anyways Nadia decided to invite the girls and I out to shop for a trip she planned for Thursday to Jamaica Beach in Galveston, I'm super excited but we're going tomorrow so we have time to tell our parents about the camping trip, as I expected my Monday went by quickly since I slept in to be ready for the trip to come. I get woken up by my alarm excitedly jumping out of bed quickly pulling on some shorts and a t-shirt left on my desk from last night, as I finish getting ready and packing some clothes I stare into the mirror touching up my make-up. Nadia' jeep horn blares from outside startling me out of my thoughts making me snatch my bags and rushing downstairs quickly hugging my mother and saying "Bye mom, I'll be back by Sunday love you I'll text you when we head out Thursday" breaking our embrace I run to the front door as she waves bye and greetings to my friends I slam the front door behind me packing my stuff in the jeep as Nadia helps, we both get in as everyone starts greeting me while Nadia begins to drive off to the City Mall in Houston.

During the drive the girls start to talk about how I had a major crush on some boy in 2nd grade that I cried when he rejected my valentines gift and ended up giving Alyssa a valentines gift , I ignored Alyssa for a week because I thought she accepted it when I left to cry in the bathroom but finally she had explained how she ripped his valentines for hurting my feelings for some reason I remembered the whole thing and laughed along with the girls. "Remember the time Kelsey had just moved here and on her first day of school she believed Nadia was a boy because of the haircut we gave her and the clothes we had made her wear that day, Kelsey actually started to crush on you Nadia" I say as Kelsey blushes and Nadia nods shaking her head saying " I couldn't believe you guys had actually made me do that just to see if I would look like a boy or not poor Kelsey had her mind confused by you strange girls". After Nadia said that Kelsey quickly changed the subject embarrassed "Anyways what exactly do you all plan on getting at the mall ?" she says as Nadia parks the car " Bathing suits of course and a couple of clothes for the trip afterwards we'll head to Walmart to buy whatever supplies we need or some outdoor shop for camping stuff" She says after everyone begins to walk to the mall, I smile as Kelsey stands next to Nadia wondering if she still feels embarrassed from earlier. We walk around the mall when I pull Nadia into Victoria secret to find a bathing suit she helps me find some bathing suits to try on so I take them to the fitting room I stare into the mirror unsure if I like how it looks on me as the girls call me out deciding to come out I look at them and ask "Does this bathing suit make me look fat..?" Suddenly Alyssa and Grace burst out laughing as Kelsey shakes her head at my question I pout as Nadia pokes my side "You are such an idiot for asking a ridiculous question bad Bunny" I giggle and decide to take it quickly changing as Grace takes the bathing suit using Nadia' card to buy it as we wait for her to finish. Kelsey leads us to a store full of different bathing suits for them to check out I grab Kelsey and ask her if there are any men swim trunks for Nadia causing her to get flustered she grabs Alyssa along with her to look for a bathing suit to wear knowing her she will get a one piece since she isn't into two piece bathing suits. Nadia ends up finding a one piece that shows her hipbones and back wrapped around both shoulders as Kelsey finds a blue one piece with a skirt and Alyssa takes a super cute purple two piece.

We all found something although Grace still hasn't "What's wrong Grace don't you plan on buying a bathing suit or are you a..a skinny dipper type of girl " Kelsey says putting her hand over her mouth gasping dramatically as Grace gasps and glares at her "No I just ... want to wear some shorts and a shirt I brought .." she says looking else where I grab her hand and smile "Lets find something for you, there are sure to be some cute guys and adorable girls so we all have to look good together don't steal all the glory "I say smiling kindly "We all have such beautiful bodies lets show them off although Nadia should wear boy trunks instead heh" Grace giggles and nods "Alright I saw some that I liked let's check them out" we all agree and grab her favorites and head to the dressing room. After trying on three of them she finally tries on the last one and she decides to get it since she loved how the two-piece didn't show to much but showed enough to make her look pretty good, finally we head on to go shopping for clothes that could be good for the weather since the climate just changed to spring. During our shopping spree a lot happened, I found a dress perfect for Nadia quickly demanding her to put it on after some time she walked out looking like an adult model which made all of our jaws drop so I shook my head to clear my mind "You really should wear dresses more often" I say laughing closing Kelsey' jaw "So everyone else can drop their jaws and stare at me like I'm a doll" she says annoyed then smirks and turns sideways blowing us away with an insane question "Does this dress make me look fat?" at first Nadia bursts out laughing like a maniac as Grace starts to laugh shaking her head the others just shrug saying she was an idiot for that. After doing our shopping and messing around we finished with shopping at the Mall and left with some clothes and bags for them all neatly folded inside with our bathing suits, Nadia drives us to two different places grabbing the supplies for our camping trip as we played a game of truth and dare causing us to get kicked out except Nadia since she didn't play with oh and so you should know Kelsey dared Grace and I to dance on a counter singing the most dirty song we knew which really disturbed the women and made the men either grossed out or interested like perverts. Even so though the manager didn't like it and we were banned from there for a while as Nadia shook her head at us amazed at what went down.

She drove us to her house where we would sleep over and get the jeep packed up and chill before leaving Thursday morning after breakfast. Tuesday night went by pretty calmly but crazy as we decided to dance then bake sweets later on we watched scary movies and romantic ones throwing popcorn at each other, the whole night was amazing but finally it was time for us to head to bed so we slid 3 guest beds downstairs into the living room so we could all be together and not separated in different rooms. Grace and I slid down one bed as Kelsey and Alyssa slid down the second one letting Nadia slide down the last one which she stood up on it like being on a surf board making her end up flying off and rolling as she almost crashes into the slide doors making everyone worry but laughing after it all, as everyone puts the beds together I watch Kelsey go up to Nadia yanking her ear for doing something so ridiculous if you ask me I would think Kels grew feelings for her in the beginning thinking she loved a boy but ended up keeping those feelings for a girl instead just without paying attention to them since she obviously cares deeply for her trying to just be her friend its quite normal I guess thinking in my head quietly looking down at the bed yawning and deciding to just forget about it. Slowly but surely we all end up falling asleep while watching Finding Nemo. Wednesday came quickly and went by smoothly as we all hung out packing the jeep up with our bags and supplies it was 5 p.m. by the time we finished since we started at 11 a.m. so we all sat by Nadia' pool enjoying the fresh air and just talked, ate and chilled together as the sunset came, that day was beautiful with my friends all beside me laughing who'd have thought we were about to get caught into something bigger than expected. Eventually our joyful Wednesday came to an end without regrets as it finally turned to Thursday, everyone woke up at 8 by the alarm and Nadia prepared breakfast as the rest of us took the beds back upstairs and cleaned up everything from our food battle. After we finished we got called into the dining room for breakfast sitting around excited for the trip to come we all quickly scarfed down our food and just sat there for 30 minutes chatting before changing and preparing to leave as Nadia waited out in the car, Grace, Alyssa, and Kelsey finished walking out as I quickly got done and ran out closing the door praying for a safe trip.

The drive to Jamaica Beach was long which made us make a couple stops for snacks, restroom breaks and gas along the way but other than that we enjoyed the time on the road singing. talking, and sleeping although I worried about Nadia because she didn't have the chance to really rest. Eventually we arrive at our camping spot getting out the car to stretch the girls run around in joy as they all start grabbing their tents after, we all got the jeep unpacked and set up our tents which took us all evening since we wouldnt stop messing around lead us here laughing together while swimming late midnight while the full moon illuminates the beautiful starry night around us. "Hey Bunny, let's go hiking up to the cliff it's not far from our campsite", Nadia says", My thoughts say with caution, I don't think that's safe ... it's pretty late.. "Are you afraid a scary monster will attack you? Ha-ha do not fret I'll protect you", she says grinning confidently". "Nah she's hoping a sexy creature will steal her away an-", "NOOO!! Kelsey just no don't say anymore" she laughs then looks at me as I say, "Fine let's go hiking but just you guys watch I bet you will all be screaming in fear from a bear attack", even though I agreed to go I felt my fears welling up into a lump in my throat making me feel uneasy.

As we're all walking to the cliff there's suddenly a vicious growl behind the bushes, I cling to Nadia asking her if she heard it to she nods and leaves my side cautiously walking towards the bushes where the sound came from before we notice, a huge gray wolf pounces out towards Nadia tackling her down as her arms extend and her small hands grab hold of his neck keeping it from biting her face. The wolf growls wildly as Kelsey stands in front of Alyssa, Grace, and I to protect us as Grace cries out to Nadia telling her to be careful it's acting very aggressive. "I will, I'll hold him off everyone else run now!!", she yells as she kicks the wolf off her and stands in front of it ready to fight back", "We can't leave you!! What if-"No if's I'll follow behind after I finish off bad breath here, now go!! Don't worry Grace". "Grace nods grabs my hand tightly and tells Kelsey to let Nadia handle it since her strength is more capable of fighting it off. We start to run as I turn my head the beast looks straight into my eyes I quickly look ahead feeling frightened as chills run down my spine. Alyssa clings to my left arm as Grace is on my right arm yanking at us to run faster Kelsey follows behind worrying if Nadia can really dispose of the beast alone. I believe in her she's not known as a vampire for nothing, while I was lost in thought about Nadia that I didn't notice myself trip as Alyssa and Grace's arms slipped out of my loose grip then I fall face first. Suddenly I feel teeth pierce my right leg as I scream out in agony the wolf starts dragging me away Grace and Alyssa panic while Kelsey grabs my hands trying to stop it from taking me. I start to realize Nadia's absence so I scream out for her when suddenly the wolfs mouth is yanked open and thrown across the forest ground making it yelp as I'm picked up gently but swiftly by Nadia she yells for everyone to hurry back she carries me to the Jeep while I stare worriedly at the deep gashes on her arms and her disheveled clothes ripped.

I gently place my hand on her cold cheek as she winces slightly the back-seat door is opened setting me down, she rips a piece of her shirt off then ties it above the bleeding wound stopping the circulation before I lose too much blood, I grab her arm tightly and ask shakily... You're coming with us right...? "Don't worry I'll be following behind you guys, you know we can't leave our stuff behind. Gracie drive her to the nearest hospital ASAP she needs treatment fast she has lost to much blood." she says worriedly. I will call for my brother to drive over in his truck, so I can pack up everything. I flinch noticing she ripped the cloth from her favorite shirt , she notices and pats my head then smiles warmly telling me it's fine. I nod as she closes the door we start to drive away fading from view then my eyes start to drift close as I fall into a deep slumber my mind replays everything that happened and seeing Nadia battered up, I'm sorry you got hurt...I'm so sorry....

Episode 2

Nadia' POV

I walk back to the campsite packing up our stuff as the wolf comes strutting across the campsite with nothing but pants on. I finish packing our stuff when he says "who was that girl I bit?", she was my friend you lowly mongrel!! Why the hell did you attack us you wild beast? Didn't your elders discipline you hmm guess not they are getting to soft on you pathetic mutts". They must train you like pets now, "He growls then says" ,"shut it you filthy blood-sucker". Why did you attack us? "I snarl ", "I was trying to stop her! Who is she- no scratch that what is she dammit'. I know she isn't fully human she's a half-blood and you know it you filthy !!". I laugh and walk up to him then I punch the hell out of him as he flies back he slams into the ground roughly, Learn your place mutt, dare to make me an enemy and you'll be begging on all four legs. My brother finally arrives so I start putting everything into the truck as we finish he looks up at me startled as I turn and walk to the passenger side of the truck he then runs up and grabs my arm yanking me back, I turn and look at him with my eyes glowing red with rage "Release my arm" I growl as he quickly pulls away". I jump into the truck then look at him threatening and say "Don't show your face around me again or you'll never see another sunny day you mutt", as my brother speeds off I grab for my phone as it starts to pour down I decide to call Alyssa, the phone rings twice when finally she answers "Hello?", "Hey Alyssa did ya'll make it to a hospital?" ,"Yeah we're at Health John Sealy Hospital , right now they're treating her leg. How bout you are your wounds still bleeding?" "I'm okay don't worry I'll clean myself up when I get there, how about you and Grace are you two still in shock?" "Not really we're a bit more calmed down since we escaped, that really frightened me... Thanks for saving us back there", Don't mention it well I'm going to let you go I'll talk to you and Grace when I get there." Kay bye see you soon." I hang up then as I ask my brother James to stop at empty parking lot grabbing a rag and stepping out I let the rain wash off some of the blood then wipe at the wounds with the rag afterwards I grab a towel and dry myself then change clothes in the back. We drive off to the hospital then finally make it, I get out and first tell James to take everything back to our place as I grab one bag of clothes the girls could change into I turn and walk in when I see Gracie waiting for me I smile walking to meet her she then tells me that Sophia is sleeping and will recover soon I sigh with relief, good she's okay... Don;t worry Sophia I promise you won't ever get hurt again.

Cristian' POV

Why the hell did that filthy blood-sucker bare her fangs I just wanted to know why that short girl didn't smell fully human yet the other girls did, I wonder if that vampire chick told the girl grr I can't stop thinking about it... what creature is she decedent from? I get up heading straight to the bathroom to shower, quickly I grab a towel and set it on the sink counter then turn on the water as my mind reruns last nights fight with that filthy vampire, after we fought I came back home to the reservation I told the pack about the half-blood and the fight. Gramps was pissed, he told me that she was the daughter of the Vampire Clan we created a treaty with. Since that happened I was arranged to go to the same school as she does to not only clear the slate between our fight but to find out more about the half-blood Gramps said he wanted me and Jimmy to go and find out if she's one of our decedents I honestly doubt that because that means one of our clan men disobeyed fate and got with a human woman that wasn't his imprinted soul mate. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and finished showering, I step out an wrap a towel around me heading into my room I get ready then head into the kitchen with some of our pack members, everyone is sitting around the table laughing together I shake my head saying "Good Morning" I grab a bagel then fill it with eggs and bacon then I nod at Jimmy to grab his stuff and head to the truck. When I grab my bag I quickly go to the truck to see Jimmy waiting alright lets do this.

Episode 3

Sophia' POV

My feet are pounding against the ground as I try looking behind me to see what's chasing me I trip and skid down a sloped path when suddenly, I crash into a massive rock and hit my head. I touch the oozing wound looking down at my hand I see lots of blood and start to tremble, right when I catch a glimpse of something coming at me I awaken startled. I slowly blink a couple of times to clear my blurry vision to see Nadia sitting up in the chair sleeping near the window of my hospital window then I turn my head to see Alyssa holding my hand and staring at me, she smiles and says "Finally you're awake, you've been out of it for three days". "Really? It's already Monday? Oh no!! What about school? "Don't worry originally you were to go back to school Thursday but Nadia told the doctor we should determine that when you wake since you didn't wake up during the weekend', she says as she walks to Nadia and taps her shoulder". "Should you be waking her up it seems to early in the morning for her since she hates the brightness", "It's okay she said to wake her when you woke and it's only 6:30 in the morning she needs to go to school soon anyways she'll live". Gracie enters the room with food "she smiles then says', "Morning sleepy head, I'm glad to see you up. How are you feeling? "I feel fine just a bit confused about what happened Thursday night, my memories are a bit hazy sorry..So what exactly happened that night? "A wolf attacked us and bit you pretty badly on your leg." Nadia says getting up and crosses her arms". "Oh" was all I could say since I was partially shocked. I quickly glance up at Nadia and search her head-to-toe noticing she was wearing black jeans and a button up shirt with a vest over it, "Are you okay? You got hurt worse didn't you?" She nods and smirks saying she can heal way faster plus that sort of damage wasn't so bad on her body. I shake my head worriedly "You idiot be careful I was scared when you didn't come with us, I'm happy to see you're okay", I say sighing with relief.

Nadia' POV

After we all talked we had left at 8 o'clock, I told Sophia to rest while we're gone. She told me to pick up her missing work at the front office before I go to my classes I agreed and took Alyssa and Gracie to go pick up Kelsey to head to school. We told Kelsey about Sophia waking up she was happy and felt more at ease, we make it to school then we all split up to go do what we had to for the new semester. While I'm walking to the front of the school a familiar dog odor fills my nose as an arm snakes around my shoulder, I grab the wrist and squeeze it digging my nails into the flesh when finally the arm pulls away and I'm confronted by the wolf that attacked us and a younger brother to him. They stop me and the one who touched me smirks and says "You sure are a feisty one aren't you." "Didn't your masters teach you how to not touch others you disgusting mutt", I hiss at them". The werewolf that attached us grabs the little brothers shoulder and smiles at me " Sorry for his bad manners he isn't used to interacting with others", "Hmm I'll let it go this time anyways why are you two here what do you want I told you not to come around me or my girls unless you wanted to lose your eyesight" I say glaring at him". He looks at me rubs the back of his neck then says "Let's not be enemies over what happened that night I apologize for what I did to you and your friends, I shouldn't have bitten your best friend either that was wrong of me so lets be friends shall we? " He holds out his left hand to me", I can tell he is lying and doesn't agree we should be friends by how hard he's trying to smile I chuckle and smirk the grip his hand shaking it "Alright friends but I won't take that apology you have to work hard to prove you mean it" I say smirking". The boy next to him holds out his hand too looking at me "I'm Jimmy and his name is Cristian he says I have bad manners he didn't even remember to introduce himself anyways can you help us to the front office we actually can't find it" He laughs with a toothy grin so I return a smile and nod for them to follow me".

We made it to the office and I told them who to talk to and then went to ask for Sophia's school work, I asked them to hand it to me when I came back to the office at the end of my last period they said that was fine so I headed off to class. I looked down at my schedule reading what my first period is, I smile seeing it's my favorite subject Science - Nguyen, Quan. I walked to my 1st period happy till I see Cristian in my class standing in the front introducing himself I bite my lip I really hate acting like this mutts friend but I need to keep up the cool act ugh why this early in the morning I think to myself. I take my seat then take out my notebook ignoring his introduction and his eyes on me, I take out my book then read for the time being thinking Sophia would be shocked to know he was what attacked her but she doesn't even know he was part human she mustn't find out.

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