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The Secret (Teacher X Student) Completed

Episode 1

"We shouldn't be doing this." He stated to Jade. After school in the middle of August alone in Mr.Brook's room."I just came to pass a test, now let's see if I can make a hundred." Jade made her way to his desk, straddling herself onto him.

Ever since then, Jade had barely been doing her work, but somehow she always makes it up. Occasionally she would look at Mr.Brooks. Mr.Brooks was new to the school, and a new face. She couldn't help but take a quick glimpse of him.

One day when she got caught, he smirked at her and winked. Ever since then no matter what Jade has done he would get her in trouble, and meet her after class. She expected it would just be plain work, but when he turned around to make sure the coast was clear he locked the door. He goes to his desk, looks at her. That's when she knew there was something more.

Episode 2

The second week of school Jade had heard that in economics there was a new teacher. Jade saw her friends Lashai and Campbell. "Hey who is the new economics teacher?" Jade asked her two friends. Her friends looked at her and smiled. In that case which would mean they thought he was hot.

"Have you not had his class yet?" Campbell asked. Jade shook her head no. Lashai looked at her, and than back at Campbell. Shortly they walked away. Jade made her way to economics wondering why there was such a fuss over the new economics teacher.

As soon as Jade got to class she was a little late. She sat down in her seat as she was getting stared at from her classmates. The teacher wasn't there yet, so she figured that she wouldn't get caught.

As soon as she got settled down in her desk she saw an unrecognizable face. 'That must be the teacher she thought to herself, and wow he is fine.'

"Good afternoon class. My name is Mr.Brooks, and I am sure you heard that I am your new economics teacher." He said to the class. Jade caught that most of the hoes in her class would lower down their shirts just where it showed off some cleavage.

Jade couldn't blame them, but she wasn't going to swoop that low. Later on, Mr.Brooks introduced him self, and told the students all about the rules for his class. "Now I want to get to know my students. When it is your turn say your name, and tell me what you think I need to know about you.''

Instead of paying attention Jade was looking out of the window in her own little world. She was stuck like that for a while not paying attention to her surroundings.

One of her classmates sitting behind her tapped her on the shoulder." Huh?" Jade questioned. Then she realized it was her turn to introduce herself.

How long had she been like that she wondered? She stood up while getting stared at from everyone in the room.

Never before had it been so nerving until now. She noticed how Mr.Brooks eyes were stuck on her.

" Introduce yourself." Mr.Brooks told Jade. Jade took a deep breath gathering confidence before speaking. " My name is Jade Destiny Edens."

Mr.Brooks looked at her like he was trying to assess something, but soon after he showed no emotion.

" Well Ms.Eden that's not a good way to start class now is it?" He smirked at her. What was he getting at?

She sighed before responding. " No Mr.Brooks it wasn't, but what else was I to do I already know all the people in here. I just see it as pointless."

He raised his eyebrows amused before his face became unreadable yet again. He responded, " are we going to have a problem in this class Ms.Edens?'

Jade looked at him with annoyance ready to get the day over with. " Depends," She replied. She sat down in her seat continuing to stare out the window.

Throughout the class Mr.Brooks got on to her for the littlest things. She has to admit he's cute, but she had little to no patients with him.

Until suddenly she couldn't handle it. " Mr.Brooks do you have a problem, because if so we can always just handle it right here, and right now!''

She stood up in front of all the class. When she realized it was too late to turn back now. She had just made a big mistake, but she wasn't going to let that scare her.

If Mr.Brooks had a problem with her he can kiss her ass for all she cared. She hasn't been nothing but a good student so far, and she didn't deserve this.

" Ms.Edens sit down! I would like to see you after school, and for the first day you can stay to do some paperwork." Mr.Brooks sternly told her.

Great she thought to herself. Just what she needed. With her confidence gone she decided to just sit down, and wait for her punishment after school.

Hopefully her mother wouldn't mind. It wouldn't matter anyway it wasn't like she had anything else to do for the rest of the day.

After economics was over and everyone was dismissed she thought she could sneak away in the crowd.

She was wrong. " Ms.Edens you are not to dismiss you are to stay after school, and do this work."

That's when he had five sheets on the table filled with front, and back questions. Some were short answers

she put her stuff down, and started on the paperwork being very annoyed in that moment.

All the while Mr.Brooks would just sit there and watch her at some point, and then go back to doing his own work. It was quiet, too quiet.

Then out of nowhere she couldn't take the silence, and went up to Mr.Brooks desk.

"Can I help you Jade?" He said with no emotion behind his words. " Yes you can tell me why I am here. I haven't done anything!"

Then he looked up from his paper. Giving his attention to her. With a smirk on his face he answered, "I don't know Ms.Edens would you care to explain.?"

She lost it." Mr.Brooks if you have a problem just say so!" She could see that he was starting to laugh, but he stopped.

He went back to work, and dismissed Jade for the day. She stormed off Wondering what his problem was.

Once she got home to her Surprise no one was there. Which means her big brother Joshua must have still been at work.

Joshua was a few years older than Jade, and had gone to college; the first semester he had failed. Now he is working to make up the money to their mother who paid for intuiton.

Jade goes to the kitchen to see a note on the counter.

'Went to go get my friend from work today. Also mom said something about having a new neighbor in town, so went out to go get somethings for the invitation she was going to give out to the new arrival. By the time you get home I will be right behind you in 15 minutes.


The usual Joshua. She thought to herself as she rolled her eyes.She decided to head to her room, and watched HxH. She thought back to the note her brother left her. How long did she stay after school? Of course Maybe not that long.

When Joshua wrote a note saying he would be back it meant he was staying out late. As soon as she heard someone in the house she decided to go check it out.

Joshua must of forgot to let me know he was here. She told herself. She listened closely. She realized that sounded nothing like her brother. It was more quiet.

Was she being robbed? Oh great, what a day she was having. She went to go get her brothers staff in her room.

'okay swift, quick, and quiet.' she told her self. The lights were out in his room so she figured this couldn't be bad.

She just Started to swing madly. Not caring what she hit just hitting. The last time she came to swing the robber caught the staff pulling her in their arms.

" Who are you! Why are you in my house?!" She yelled. She squirmed, squirmed, and squirmed. Not being able to get loose. She just stopped and waited for what ever was to happen next.

She was thinking of horrific scenes that could happen in her head. What if it was a robber, what if it was a pedophile, or it was a ceral killer.

She was out of her ideas when she realized someone was saying her name. She didn't realize she had closed her eyes the entire time she attacked, or else she would have noticed the lights were on.

" Jade?" A familiar voice asked in confusion. She looked up to see who it was. Once she saw who it was she simply just regretted it. She wasn't scared anymore she was mad, angry, and confused.

" What are you doing here?!" She questioned him.

Episode 3

?? P.O.V


My friend Joshua came to pick me up from work." Hey bro, since you haven't got a place to stay my mom said you could stay with us until they get done rebuilding your house."

Joshua's mom has had been very helpful. I feel like I owed them so much. I just moved here in the little town. Its not much, but I could make a living here.

"Thanks, that means a lot y'all are taking me in." I replied to Joshua making sure he had heard how grateful I was.

I'm not a free loader if that´s what your thinking no, my parents, before they died taught me better than that. On our way to his house we just listened to music along with small conversations.

Only here and there would we talk, but I was tired. I would give an effort, but I had paperwork I had to finish.

We pulled up in his drive way. The house was a two story building, very decorated, Windows here, windows there, on the door it had ring for service, and a beautiful garden.

It almost looked like they were rich, but I knew Joshua better than that. I was lucky to have a friend like Joshua to help me in my time of need.

My parents died, I didn't really have any family, and my adopted parents disowned my entire existence.

I'm lucky I knew how to take care of my self. For my life was a living hell that was slowly getting better and better one day at a time.

" Well here are your own pair of house keys, and um I will be back I have to run house errands for mom. I don't think I am forgetting something. It feels like- nah never mind there isn't anything. I will be back in about two hours!" Joshua said.

I stepped out of the car already going to the front door when Joshua shouted my name.

I looked at him. " Oh yeah and you will be sleeping in my room, or on the couch. I do recommend though that you put your stuff in my room, and unpack. That should be it. Cya!"

With that Joshua turned, and left. I walked in the house, but some of the lights were already on. I made my way up to Joshua room ready to go to call it a night.

I walked in his room, and I couldn't find the light switch. When I thought I saw someone in the room with me. I try to camouflage with the darkness of the room.

Hoping that it was just my imagination. That is when I soon realized it was a person, because I was being attacked by a bat.

Whoever it is hits like a girl. The third swing I caught the bat, trapping the person in my arms. Pushing whatever or whoever was in my arms trapped between me and the wall.

I finally found the light when the thief was swearing at me in my arms. Like I thought it was a women. Great. My day just is so perfect ain't it!

When I finally realized who it was I was just shocked. Why is one of my students in this house!

"Jade?" I asked making sure it was who I thought she was.



"Mr.Brooks why are you in my house! First you ruin my day, second you come and barge in!? How did you even know where I lived! I knew you were a stalker!" She yelled at Mr.Brooks.

She stopped in her sentence when she realized how close they were to each other.

Their faces was at least 6 inches away from each other, but she had to admit this mysterious side made him look sexy.

Only if it was happening to someone else it would be, but maybe not. He seemed to realize how close they were when he backed away from her.

" Jade what are you doing here?" He asked. She looked at him shocked.

" My mom, my brother Joshua, and I live here! This is my home! What are you doing here?!" She asked back.

Jade saw the look of shock on his face. Than he went emotionless." Your brother is my best friend, and your mother said I could live here until my house is rebuilt."

With that response he smirked. Oh great! She thought to herself. I can't wait until my family gets here! They have some nerve to forget about me!

" Mr.Brooks-" before she could finish her sentence. He interrupted her. " Ben. Call me Ben here, and Mr.Brooks at school."

" Okay. 'Ben' did my family not mention me?" She asked. Surely they can't be that careless. Maybe they trusted him enough that they didn't have to.

In this case that means it's time to think of revenge for what he did to day. He answered her which got her out of her thoughts.

" No. I don't see why they should have. Unless your going to be troublesome?!''

That was more of a question than a statement. She smiled and she fluttered her eyes. Of course she was gonna be troublesome.

Times like these called for troublesome acts, but no one needed to know that.

In her sweetest voice she replied. " Of course Ben, I wouldn't dream of it! Would you like to join me in the living room to wait on them, or continue unpacking. For you seem like a very busy man."

That's when she noticed something in his eyes. Ooh. She thought to herself. I believe I found the perfect way to get revenge. Hmm?

She decided to play the oops I tripped card. So she went to move, and tripped herself into his arms. When she looked up and realized how close their faces was. She read his eyes.

She couldn't believe what she saw. She saw lust.'bingo' she knew what she had to do, and she would start in two days once everything was settled.

"Oh thanks Mr.- I mean Ben. I didn't realize how clumsy I am lately. I will leave you alone so you can unpack. I will call you down when they get here." She said.

She was still in his arms when he finally let go. All he did was nod his head as Jade took her leave of the room.

As she made her way to her room. " Wow, sweet revenge. He won't know what hit him! A busy day Jade a busy day!" She told herself. What a busy day.

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