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Episode 1

All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be copied,reproduced, stored or transmitted in any means without prior permission from myself.

Any resemblance of any form in this book to a character whatsoever is a pure coincidence as this is merely written from my imagination.

I will not promise to give fast updates but I will update when I get a chance to. Forgive me in advance if I get behind in my updates as I am still a student and I also have school work to attend to.

Thanks for adding Persephone to your library. I hope you enjoy it. Give your critics and votes as well. Thank you.

Episode 2

Chapter 1

"Aye Persey, you are out early today!"Sir Thoth shouted above the din of the market. "Yes Sir Thoth. The entrance examination is in two days. I will have to work extra." I said and gave him the brightest smile I could.

"What?!I did not hear you Persey!" Sir Thoth shouted leaning forward. Poor Thoth. Caducity was wearing his ears out. If I could make extra coins today or even one Silver coin, I would get him a hearing aid. Getting a Silver coin would be too much to ask. It was like getting blood from a turnip. In Avalor, Gold coins were the highest denominations which only the Nobles possessed. By Nobles I mean the higher ups. Then the Silver coins which Nobles and Merchants possessed. Then the Copper coins,which the lower Nobles had. The lower nobles were different from the Nobles as they were not as rich as the Nobles or Merchants. Last of all was the brass coins. We,Peasants worked a whole day to earn just two of those brass coins. A hundred brass coins make one copper coin. A hundred copper coins make a silver coin. A thousand Silver coins make a Gold coin.

Sir Thoth was a lower Noble. He would be able to get a hearing aid if he wanted to but he had seven children to take care of. It may not have crossed his mind yet. More so,I doubt his wife would let him take anything from me. Aside from the usual scorn I received from everybody,she felt I was out to steal her husband as Sir Thoth had always shown me care and affection.

I held tin in my left hand and covered my mouth with my right hand. "Have a nice day Sir Thoth!" I blew him a kiss before I continued walking the din streets of Avalor.

The market roared with rage as it now was awake from its peaceful slumber. Its usual smell of smoky lanterns, fresh vegetables and sewage filled the air. The crowd had come alive and was a huge one regardless of how early it was. Each person in the crowd moved as if unseeing hands dragged them this way and that,pulling their eyes on one thing or the other...and the merchants? While some were chattering away, a few were shouting atop their voices the price for their goods.

"Make way for me. Make way." I turned around and noticed a boy ,possibly younger than my Eos,pushing a carriage full of fruits and vegetables. I backed away from him so he could get through. He smiled.

"Thank you m'l..." When his dark eyes landed on me,he gasped. "Witch!" He cried. Immediately he shouted,the market went completely silent. I took my eyes off him slowly and I looked around me. The crowd had stopped moving. They only stared at me and the people who were inches away from me had taken far steps from me. I looked away from them and moved my feet forcefully. I took a few steps awkwardly before I successfully steadied myself. I tried not to look up while I walked but my eyes refused to stay down. Their loathsome stares and comments shook me like it always did and I almost trip. There was no getting used to that.

They avoided coming in contact with me like I was some plague and whenever I was in sight, they would hold their children like I was going to hurt them. Some women my age pointed at the scarf on my head and snickered.

Sometimes I feared they would get bold enough one day and pull my scarf off my hair. Then they would surely tie me to the stake above the Avalor everlasting flame and burn me alive. My hair was as blue as the Assarian ocean...and my ear...the tips were sharper than the King's finest blades. None apart from my brother,Eos ,had seen any of it and yet they hated me. Perhaps it was my eyes. They were as golden as the sun that radiated down on my alabaster skin. I remembered mother's words before she died.

“ I've shielded you from the world but I can't anymore. It won't be long now. ”

“Why mama, do you sound like you're leaving me?” I cried.

“Don't cry child. Be strong. For your brother. For your father. Your ears, keep them hidden. You can't let anyone see them. They'll kill you.”

“Why mama? I haven't done anything wrong mama. Why are my ears different from everyone's? Why is my hair blue and not black like yours mama?”

“You took after your grandfather.”

“But grandfather has brown hair mama.”

She'd smiled weakly and wheezed. “You're different Persephone. People will hate you for it. Keep it hidden. If possible, hide your hair as well. Only long enough for you to...”

I never got to hear the last of it. She'd drifted off and did not speak again. I dispelled the memory from my head and kept walking.

The more I tried to shut them out,their whispers grew louder like they were shouting and screaming in my face.


"She killed her parents."

"Poor Eos..."

"She'll kill the poor boy soon..."

"Her mother named her Persephone..."

"What a bad name..."

"Why hasn't she been killed yet?"

I clutched the tin I held tightly and the sharp edge dug into my palm. I ignored the pain and increased my pace. I needed to get to the Circle. If the other dancers got there before me I would not earn as much as I needed to.

I took the turn to my right and I found the short cut I often used to get to the circle.

It was a silent as usual and I followed the path on the grass until I found a clearing. I smiled to myself feeling very happy.

On arriving at the Circle,I noticed Gaia and Erika chatting between each other. On noticing me Erika whispered something and Gaia turned slightly. Gaia's dark eyes took me in and I saw a grin coming up and soon she burst into laughter.

It was probably my big gown. I was the only dancer who had so much clothes on. So much I looked like a bag of beans.

Dancers in Avalor were very much reduced to nothing. We were seen no different from the courtesans. None of us danced for the joy of it. We were simply desperate. Peasants never got employed. We were regarded as spineless thieves that did not deserve a penny and that is exactly how we were treated. Now, every dancer in the Circle dreamed of one thing. To be recognized and taken before the King. Previous Kings would often take dancers as their concubines as they were said to have the strange ability to keep men happy...but that was how high we were allowed to dream. Not me though. I did not have dreams of my own. Who was I to dream? Eos's dream became mine and I have struggled to make every one of those dreams come alive.

I ignored Gaia and Erika as I was unfazed with their attitudes. I was never one to go unclad on account of gaining a few brass coins. One look at them and I got irritated. Gaia's white gown had a transparent top and she was not wearing a corset today. Her nipples stuck out of the transparent material and I was forced to look away from her. Unfortunately, my eyes landed on Erika's exposed breasts that were spilling out of her bodice.

I looked down at my bare foot that stung on the hot grounds. I could not afford a pair of slippers so I was always on my bare foot.

"You have not heard,have you?"

I recognized Gaia's voice but I did not raise my head.

"There is no show today. It is the showcase of maidens today."

Then it was not my big clothes. Maiden's showcase? I was not informed.

"It is alright if you did not hear about it. You would not be noticed there." Erika said approaching me.

I felt my heart get crushed. Eos. I needed the money. I'd saved a lot but I needed a hundred more copper coins.

I turned around and started walking home. Eos. What would I do?



It was dawn and the whole of Avalor had gathered at the castle's front.

Upon my entrance, I was announced and the whole of Avalor bowed before me. I raised my hand and the Herald shouted.

"You may rise."

I took my sit on the throne and sighed.

"Are you okay?"I looked up to see Queen mother settling in beside me.

I smiled and she looked away.

The chair beside me was vacant and I searched around for my queen.

Elpida emerged from the Palace doors looking as stunning as usual. Her delicate ivory shoulders were exposed and her yellow curls fell down her back. Her lips were tinted red and her skin flawless. Her grey eyes that usually sparkled with happiness was rather dull today.

" Come Elpida. It's about to start."Queen mother said gleefully. I could not understand how mother could be so insensitive in these kind of matters. She was a woman like Elpida. How could she not see Elpida's suffering? Asking a woman to choose a concubine for her husband was very cruel.

I did not want to come. Queen mother should have just chosen me a concubine like she chose me a bride but she cajoled me into coming as she saw an importance in me being there as the mother of my heir was to be chosen. Queen mother was a very pervicascious person. Once she had something in mind,there was no going back.

Elpida sat beside me and when I gazed upon her,she curtsied and gave me a sad smile. I only wished I could take away her sadness but I could not. As if it was not enough that I did not love her as much as she deserved, she was also barren. Very barren. The royal Physicians had tried all they could. They gave her the best treatments for fertility but it was a lost cause.

"Permission to begin,sire?" The herald's voice boomed across the frontier.

I closed my eyes and nodded. I stared at the Herald blankly as he opened an extremely long scroll. Nice. We would spend the night here for sure.

"Lady Keres,daughter of Merchant Haemon, step forward."

A red head walked out of the crowd elegantly, flaunting her beauty and holding the hems of her gown high as she walked. Her breasts looked like they were going to spill out of her bodice and her face had a major disaster on it.

I caught Queen mother's glanced with my side eye and I figured she wanted a reply from me.

"Nay mother." I said and she nodded.

I gave the same reply to about ten more that were dressed the same way.

Over dressed?Nay.

Exposed cleavage? Fat chance.

Too much infucation? Pigs might fly.

Over confident? She could as well take my throne so that was out of question.

Too much poise? That was not a thing but I did not have a picture of what I wanted.

We sat there for hours and I noticed as worry etched on Queen mother's forehead. I almost broke into a laugh. Poor mother. I had no plan to choose any stuck up merchant's daughter to be my concubine. They were well trained thieves. Worse than the peasants that had no place to rest their heads.

My eyes caught sight of Prince Dameon. The older Prince,my brother. He was exiting the Palace gates with a few knights. I would give anything to be the one going on dangerous missions and not sit on the throne all day like a convalescent. Prince Dameon did not think so though. He'd never liked me as I'd posed a threat to his right to the crown. Well, he'd been right because here I was, in his rightful place.

The King, our father, had chosen me to be the King on the grounds that I was very rational and unbiased. He totally trusts my judgement. Unlike Prince Dameon, who always acted without thinking about the future.

If he felt someone was wrong, he would throw that person straight in the everlasting flames of Avalor. If he was found guilty, he would not be remorseful. Yet,I always felt it was not right,what the King did. Nothing could be done about it now.

I stayed quiet and gave negative replies until mother no longer sought my opinion. She made a few choices of her own and as per tradition, they would be welcomed into my castle where she would prepare them for the tasks for which they would perform to officially become my consorts. If she found any one of them lacking, she would send them back home.

I hated all of it. The traditions, the stupid processions, my title, my prickly crown, the greedy members of my council, sitting and not even being able to fight my wars as king. I hated my life as King. There was not one person who treated me like who I truly was. A simple man. Except Orien, my best friend.

I stole a glance at mother. She sure seemed giddy and excited about me finding a consort and making babies. I sighed. The cut on her lip was nearly gone but still visible. She should know of all people that these things do not work out. Marrying Elpida was one thing. I cherished her. A lot but it was nothing more than that. Now I was supposed to have more women running around my castle with pretty clothes and sickening giggles. As if there weren't enough of them already. The courtiers were annoying enough. Fake smiles and batting eye lashes at me constantly, snooping around for the latest bit of information to sell to the highest bidder, coming to seek the King's favor with colorful and painted faces and indecent dresses, running around my court for their tea parties.

I envied Dameon. I would do anything to switch places with him. When I sighed again, Elpida placed her hand atop mine. "It'll be fine." She gave her broadest smile.

I watched her warily. Elpida was a lot of things. Kind was not one of them. I smiled back at her, mostly because I knew she was not going to make it easy for the consorts. Hopefully, she would chase them all away from my castle before I go insane. Aye. I needed a drink.

Episode 3


"Persey!" Eos threw his arms around me as soon as he saw me by the old termite infested door. He smelt like smoke and vinegar and I resisted the urge to cough as the smell of the smoke was stronger. I ignored it and patted his bare back.

He released me and gave me a radiant smile. His brown eyes glowed with happiness as he gazed at me. He must've thought I'd gotten the money. How was I going to break it to him that I couldn't even get a coin today?

"Come Persey. I made some soup." He said. His voice had a melody to it today and it made me feel even guiltier.

"Come Persey." He said pulling me inside the hut. Unlike the rest of the villagers in Avalor,we lived in a mud hut. When father died,everything was taken from us. Our home,our farms,our food...our name. Father used to be a Merchant too. Merchant Aeschylus. Few months after mother died,he took ill. Physicians said it was a mysterious disease that could not be cured. I was but a child then. A few months older than seven. Eos was only a month old. I believed he would get better eventually. I would get herbs like mother taught me to and make tonics from it for father. He lasted for two months before his health failed. He passed on and when he did, the King at that time, King Ajax confiscated his properties. All of them. Disregarding myself and Eos,he stole everything that belonged to us. Why he had hated father so much was still unknown to me.

My eyes landed on a small brown sack at the right corner of the hut. A black tunic stuck out of it and a few paint brushes.

"Already packing?" That which was meant to be a thought turned out to be said out loud as Eos chuckled from the other side.

"You sound like I have a lot to pack Persey."he said. Although, it was meany to be funny,I did not find it in the least funny. He was right. He only had two pairs of torn pants and a black tunic...which was inside the sack. If only I could earn some more...but I could not. Guilt gnawed at me and it quenched my hunger. I would have to find a way to get some money for Eos. I looked out through the small window. Dusk. I sighed. There was a curfew today. Stupid son of Ajax. Why did today have to be the showcase?

" did not attend the showcase? "Eos asked out of the blue and I suddenly noticed he was beside me,drinking a bowl of soup. When did he get there? He had even lit the candles.

I looked at him through the dim light and arced a brow.

" Why would I go Eos? Why?"I asked.

"You are aging Persey. Will you not marry?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Eosss..." I dragged. "I'm just twenty two." I added.

"You do match all the criteria the dowager queen requested. Daughter of a noble..."

"Dead noble." I interrupted.

Eos shrugged and continued.

"Fair skinned. Educated..."

"I did not finish at the Academy,Eos."

"Even would still beat them all when it comes to intellect." Eos countered.

I felt red creep in my cheeks. Eos said the nicest things.

He took a sip from the bowl and swallowed loudly to irritate the guts out of me.

I brushed his hair wildly with my hands and he burst into laughter.

"Seriously would make a fine Queen." Eos said amidst laughter.

The smile on my face dropped along with my hands.

"I would rather die than be a courtesan to that son of Ajax." I said with conviction.

Eos sighed beside me.

"But he's a good man Persey. He is nothing like his father."

I turned,bewildered.

"Now how can you be sure of that?" I asked.

"I...I...I..." Eos stuttered.

"What is it Eos? Spit it out." I said.

"I...I talked to him today."

I gasped. "Did he come here? How does he know where we stay?" I asked and gasped again. I placed my hands on his shoulder and looked at his face more closely.

"Did he hurt you anywhere? Did Ajax send him here?" I asked as I felt tears rush my eyes. I would die if anything happened to my Eos. I would die. He was all I lived for.

"No Persey. I...stepped out today." He said and looked at me with fear in his big brown eyes.

"You what?!" I shouted. I stood immediately and pulled him up with me. "What did I tell you about leaving this hut Eos? What did I tell you?!" I screamed at him.

His eyes grew watery as he quivered under my hold.

"I am sorry Persey. I just wanted to see Adrienne. He promised to give me some things for the Academy. I did not mean to disobey you Persey. I swear."

He said,holding his gullet.

I calmed down on hearing Adrienne's name. He was Sir Thoth's eldest son. He was the closest man I had in my life and I loved him very much. He worked as a Knight in the castle and it was only logical that Eos bumped into the King.

"You went to the castle then?" I asked him,wiping the tears from his face.

"Yes but Adrienne was not there at that time. He had gone to the Assarian river with the King so I went down there to meet him." He hiccupped.

I softened my gaze.

"You went that far?" I whispered as I cupped his cheeks in my hands.

"Yes Persey. I want to study ahead Persey. I know you can not afford the books. They are much too expensive so I decided not to be a bother to you Persey. " he said with a very light tone.

I felt tears roll down my cheek while he spoke. I kissed his forehead and embraced him tightly.

"Oh Eos,you are no bother." I cried. He withdrew from me and cleaned my face with the back of his palm.

"Do not cry Persey. You have shed enough tears that I am beginning to wonder how much more you have left."

A smile found its way to my lips and laughter escaped from it when I sniffed.

"Did Adrienne give them?"

"Yes Persey. They are underneath the sack."

I sniffed again and nodded.

"Alright then. I will go thank Adrienne. Do not stay up late,alright?"


"Sir Adrienne! "I waved as I noticed Adrienne riding towards me.

He stopped by me and removed his helmet. He looked so manly in his armor and strong too.

" Persephone. "He smiled and I loved the way he pronounced my name. He managed to make it seem like the most beautiful thing there is in the world. Unlike the others that saw my name a curse.

He stabled the horse and mounted off it. I stared into his dreamy grey eyes. I always seemed to get lost in them. In them I found the love and affection I craved.

He took my palm in his and kissed it. Every time he did that,I had a very disturbing feeling in my stomach and chest and I would often myself blushing. He was the only man that had touched me. Not in an unacceptable way though. He had never forced me to do anything I did not want to. He knew when I was uncomfortable with something without me even saying it.

We never shared a kiss to the lips before but the love we felt for each other knew no bounds.

" Permission to walk you,m'lady?" He curtsied with the smile that always swept me off my feet. I laughed and he walked me down the road to my home. It was dark but the stars provided enough luminosity for us to see the path clearly.

It was a beautiful sight. The stars looked like fireflies only that the burned brighter against the glowing black satin behind layers and layers of

calm clouds above my head. I shifted my glance and I found Adrienne smiling at me.

"You are very beautiful,Persephone." He said.

I was thankful that under the light,Adrienne could not see the red in my cheeks.

"Thank you S-Adrienne."

"I am glad you are finally taking to corrections." He laughed.

He was referring to myself calling him 'Sir'. It had taken a while to get used to.

"Adrienne,Eos told me. Thank you Adrienne."I said. He caressed my hand. "It was nothing. I will do right about anything for you."

I looked away from him and smiled. He was indeed very wonderful.

"Persephone,were you able to get the money for Eos's fee?"

My heart jumped but not the good kind of jumped. In the fleeting moment,I had forgotten about it.

Sadness crawled back in and I sighed.

"No S-Adrienne. The showcase got in the way." I said sadly.

Adrienne stopped walking and held both my arms. "Allow me to help you Persephone. Allow me. Please?" He pleaded. His eyes shone under the moonlight and I could see worry etched on his forehead.

"No Adrienne. I told you before. I can not accept your help. You have done quite a lot of favours for myself and Eos. I can not take anymore of them."

"But Persephone, I am not doing you favours..."

"What is it then? Charity?" I interrupted and I noticed pain flash in his eyes when I spoke.

"Sorry Adrienne. I'm just really sad that I couldn't help Eos. I could not fulfil my promise to take him to the Academy. I can't take your help any further. I don't want to feel indebted to you anymore. Eos is my responsibility. Mine alone." I said and I felt my eyes sting.

"Alright Persephone. You do not want to feel indebted to me,right? Is that it?" Adrienne asked with so much affection it overwhelmed me. I nodded.

"If you will accept then Eos will be both our responsibility. That way,you will not be indebted to me anymore. "

I frowned. "By that you mean..."

"Marry me Persephone."

I could not have heard right.

"Marry you Adrienne?" I asked to be sure.

"Yes. We love each other. I will take care of you. We three will live together in a house,not too big neither too small. Just the perfect size for us and our children,far away from the critics,far away from their stares and gossips. I will work for us. Eos will go to the Academy and I will fund him through his years there. I will love him like my own. Just say yes Persephone. Please say yes and make me the happiest man in Avalor."

Tears formed in my eyes. Truthfully, I couldn't ask for more. I was not a woman of many dreams. All I wanted in my life was what Adrienne just put before me. How could I possibly say no? How?

I nodded until I was able to put air in my lungs and say, "Yes Adrienne. I will certainly marry you."

Adrienne laughed and pulled me into his arms before swirling me around until the world around me spun madly.

I closed my eyes and laughed. "Put me down Adrienne. My head is spinning."

He obeyed and dropped me gently.

"I can not wait to tell Father. He will be the happiest. He adores you so." Adrienne said.

"And your mother?" I asked.

"Her biased opinion makes no difference to me Persephone and you know that." He said.

"Adrienne... Would you let me fulfil this last promise to Eos? Let me work tomorrow. I will find a way. Trust me Adrienne. Just this one time. If it doesn't work out, I'll leave it up to you. Please?"

His eyes roamed about a bit and I saw that he was not very comfortable with the request.

I took his hand in mine. "Please Adrienne. Just once. Allow me to do this on my own...and if I can not,I will surely take your help." I said.

Adrienne nodded slowly and sadly. I knew it was too much to ask but it was important for me. It was my Eos after all.

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