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Adored By An Alpha ~ Freya Rose Book One

Episode 1

Music boomed all around me as brightly colored lights rhythmically flashed, piercing through the darkness and illuminating my surroundings ever so slightly. I startled when two large hands wrapped themselves around my waist. He leaned in towards me, and I could smell a blast of his minty fresh breath as it brushed against my cheek. I watched as one of his hands delicately traced up my arm, leaving my hairs standing in its wake. My body stiffened when his fingers lightly etched tiny circles onto my bare skin. With my heart racing, his hand suddenly slid behind my hair. In a stark contrast to the tenderness it had just shown, it tightly gripped the back of my neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned him in a raised whisper, not wanting to cause a scene.

He didn't answer me, so I cautiously looked up at him. I tried to pull myself out of his grip, and panicked thoughts began to race through my mind. You're not my boyfriend! I don't know you. Who are you?

The man smirked at me and started to tighten his grip around the back of my neck. I could feel his nails gradually extending and scraping along my skin, snagging in my hair as they grew. My mouth fell open when I peered into his raven eyes. When he scowled at me in response, I instantly knew that I had made a huge mistake letting this monster touch me.

I glanced around the room. I hoped that someone would have noticed what was happening to me. I hoped that somebody, anybody, would come to my aid. Or maybe, just maybe, Tristan would arrive and kick the guy's ass. My hope gradually died when my eyes roamed around the dimly lit room and saw that every single person had turned their backs on me. What the hell was going on? I thought as I glared back at the mysterious and frightening stranger.

He opened his mouth into an evil smirk, and with a perfectly timed flash of the disco lights, I could have sworn I saw fangs. Fear instantly spread throughout my body as I searched his pitch-black eyes for answers, but there was nothing there. All that stared back at me was emptiness and hopelessness.

Everything around me began to move in slow motion. I closed my eyes, and before I had a chance to open them up again, a sharp pain engulfed me. His nails pierced into my skin when he yanked my head to the side. With my eyes still firmly closed, I tried to squirm, but he dug his nails deeper into my neck and I lost all ability to move.

My heart was racing, and my breath was a shallow pant as tears slowly began to stream down my face. An icy cold shiver ran down my spine, while his free hand swept my hair back over my shoulder exposing my neck. His unnaturally cold breath made my skin tingle when he lowered his face towards me, and my body automatically stiffened as his lips caressed my neck. I couldn't believe what was happening, it couldn't be real. Please God, help me! I screamed in my head, begging for my life.

I felt the man's lips part allowing him to taste my skin with his tongue. I tried to let out an almighty scream, but air is all that escaped my lips. He sank his fangs deep into my neck, piercing through my skin like the soft flesh of a peach. It sent a wave of scorching pain throughout my body like a volcanic sea of lava. The once-booming music was now a low hum, and I could feel the world slipping away from me. The little flashes of light that were once there, now faded away into hopelessness and empty darkness just like my attacker's eyes.

He hastily pulled his fangs out of my skin, making my legs weak. They were unable to hold up my weight any longer and buckled beneath me, making me collapse. My body fell to the side and my head slammed into the hardwood floor. I heard a woman scream as I lay there motionless, unable to open my eyes, or speak a word. I exhaled for the last time. No strength left in me to inhale again. Silence and peace washed over me as I succumb to the icy-cold hand of death.

Freya Rose

Beep, beep, beep!

"Urgh," I groaned as I rolled over in bed. I lazily waved my hand around in the direction of the incessant screeching noise. I missed my target a few times, swatting the bedside table instead. Feeling frustrated, but still too exhausted to open my eyes, I gave it one last go.

Oh yeah, this jerk is going to get it! I thought as I lifted my hand up into the air, then brought it back down with all my might.

"Damn it!" I screamed out in pain when my hand collided with my alarm clock, bending my little finger back like it was some sort of contortionist. "You son of a bit..." I trailed off while shoving my injured finger into my mouth. I sucked on it in a pathetic attempt to stop it from throbbing. Well, that was a hell of a way to wake up.

I carefully pulled my little finger out of my mouth to inspect it for damage. I half expected it to be broken and flopping around like a limp piece of spaghetti, with the ligaments and tendons held it on to the rest of my hand for dear life. I exhaled with relief when my pinky looked back at me in all its normality. Well, apart from a new purple hue on the inside of my knuckle. Feeling a small sense of victory, I flipped my alarm clock the middle finger while smugly shouting, "I win bitch!"

I gradually dragged my aching body up and swung my legs over the side of my bed. Gravity automatically took over and yanked my feet down to the floor, where they were instantly greeted by my cream-colored fluffy rug. I scrunched my toes into it a few times, stroking the luxuriously soft fibers like I did every morning. I had no idea why I did it, all I knew, was that I had done it every single morning for as long as I could remember. So, now it was more like a compulsion or habit than anything else. I sat on the edge of my bed for a moment then crouched forward towards my knees and rested my head in my hands.

The fight with the alarm clock and the pain in my finger had subsided slightly, but I felt like absolute crap. I had the mother of all headaches, and my eyes felt like I had washed them in a sandbox. I tried to ease the throbbing in my head by circling my fingers around my temples, but it wasn't helping at all. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh while my hands dropped to my sides in defeat.

Suddenly, the bright morning sunshine engulfed my room and tried its best to penetrate my tightly shut eyelids.

"Ahhh, are you seriously trying to kill me right now?" I squealed as I threw my hands up to shield my overly delicate eyes.

"Morning honey. Didn't sleep well again I see," a chirpy woman's voice replied.

She ignored my obvious discomfort. A discomfort that she had made a hundred times worse I might add, by not warning me that she was going to abruptly rip open my drapes and allow the blazing morning sun to burn holes into my dark and shriveled up soul.

"I heard a bang and thought you'd need these," she said with a slight giggle. She paused, I guess she was expecting me to look up to see what she was talking about. "Water and some painkillers," she continued when I didn't respond.

I heard her place them on my bedside table, before bending down and kissing me on the top of my head. I inhaled her scent as she pulled away, and I just loved how she always smelled of lavender and fresh coffee. A smile crept onto my face, instantly melting my frown.

"Thanks, Mom."

I lowered my hands away from my face, and slowly peeled my eyes open to look at her. She was a very attractive woman, with very soft features. She had a messy, dark blonde bob, that rested just above her shoulders. Her eyes were blue, but they had a gold ring around her pupils, so in certain lights they looked green. Around her eyes were some wrinkles, not deep ones, but just slightly noticeable when she laughed.

"I had that damn nightmare again," I said with a heavy sigh.

"What happened this time?" She asked as she sat down on the bed beside me.

"There was music, and dancing, people laughing and having fun. Then, this God-awful scream, and it all goes black. I don't remember the rest, but it scares the hell out of me, and I always wake up with this banging headache."

I lowered my head back down into my hands. Her arm slide over my shoulder, sending a cold shiver down my spine. I shook off the weird feeling of Deja vu and allowed her to pull me in for a hug.

"The dreams are getting more frequent, aren't they?" She asked in a quiet but concerned voice.

"Yeah, they are."

With a sigh, I rested my head on her shoulder, and she kissed the top of my head again.

"It will be alright, Honey. Maybe you're just stressed out from your exams? Now that they're all finished, hopefully the dreams will stop." She slowly stood up and pointed towards my bathroom. "Now get ready, we have your graduation today, or did you forget?"

She stood in front of me with a smirk on her face and one eyebrow slightly raised.

"Oh crap," I shouted out while immediately jumping to my feet and sprinting towards the bathroom.


"Sorry mom," I yelled out and I could hear her giggling as she left.

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror to check out what mess I was working with today.

"Urgh. You look like crap!" I said out loud to my reflection, and the cheeky bitch gave me a disgusted look in reply.

My eyes were so sore, so I pulled down my bottom eyelids to inspect them. They were usually bright blue in color and sparkled in the light. Today they were dull, bloodshot, and crudely cradled by large, dark gray bags. It looked like I had been crying all night. Or had been punched in the face by a gorilla.

I huffed and turned my attention to my usually neat and shiny, mousy brown hair.


I raised my left eyebrow in shock and disgust. It looked like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards. It was sticking up all over the place and was matted together too.

"You look like you've put your finger in a plug socket," I mocked my reflection while I pointed my finger at her.

I quickly turned away from the devastation that was my reflection and locked my fingers together. I pushed out my palms, then lifted them above my head into a stretch. I was now prepared for the makeover task I had ahead of me. I clapped my hands together and cheered,

"Let's do this!"

I turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. Once steam began floating up into the air, I pulled my t-shirt up and over my head, before throwing it towards the washing basket.

"Yes!" I roared with excitement.

I fist pumped the air in celebration, as I watched my t-shirt drop into the basket perfectly. Pulling my boxer-style underwear down, I threw them in there too.

"Meh," I said with a shrug when my underwear hit the side of the basket, then hung on to the edge for dear life.

It's technically in, and that's good enough for me, I thought.

I walked across the bathroom and stepped into the shower. The warm water didn't hit my skin right away, instead it was soaking into the matted fuzz I now had instead of hair. I felt the weight of the water pushing my hair down, so I moved my hands over it and tried to flatten it down a bit. The water then flowed down my body and it felt incredible. Satisfied that my hair was wet enough, I grabbed the shampoo and began massaging it into my hair and scalp.

I stepped back under the shower to wash out all of the bubbles. The bubbles and water began to slither down my face and tickled my nose. I quickly rubbed my nose with my hand trying to subdue the itch. As my hand thrashed around itching my nose, I inadvertently pushed shampoo bubbles into my eyes.

"Damn it to hell!!" I screamed when my already sore eyes, began to sting and itch like.

I jumped up and down on my tippy toes while flapping my arms around. What this did to help, I had no idea. Although, I was sure that if anyone was watching, they would have had a laugh at the demented, naked, chicken dance I was currently doing.

I finally got my shit together, tilted my head back, and shoved my face under the stream of water. Gradually the stinging subsided, and I was able to open my eyes again. I sighed and shook my head as I thought to myself, I already can't wait for this day to be over.

I continued my shower and conditioned my hair. I worked it through with my fingers, making sure I got every little knot and tangle out. I left it in while I washed my body and shaved my ridiculously hairy legs and armpits. Sometimes, I just couldn't be bothered, so I let them grow wild. I finally washed out the conditioner and turned off the shower.

I got out of the shower and pulled a towel off the rail; I then flipped my head forwards and wrapped my hair up in it. I put another towel around my body and secured it in the middle of my chest. I walked back to the mirror and glanced at my more refreshed and pinker looking complexion.

"Now you look a bit more human," I sniggered as I spoke to my reflection again.

I put some drops in my eyes to combat the redness, but with one eye now looking like I had a bad case of pink eye, I just sighed in defeat and left the bathroom to go and get dressed.

I pulled my closet door open and stood there contemplating what to wear under my graduation gown. I should have sorted an outfit out beforehand. My best friend Cassie had nagged me to do, but hey, I always leave things till the last minute, so why change now?

I let out a giggle and started pushing outfit after outfit aside, trying to find the perfect one. I was getting super-hot. So, I whipped the towel off of my head and shook out my long, wavy hair, letting it fall down to the middle of my back. I ran my hands through it and shook it out as I went.


I jumped out of my skin when two large hands wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me backwards. making me lose my footing. My back hit his hard chest and he automatically brought his face down into the crease of my neck. I was used to him sneaking up on me like that, but for some reason, I was on edge today and I couldn't shake a strange uneasy feeling. My body began to tremble. Why do I feel like this?

"Baby?" Tristan asked me softly.

In an instant, my body reacted to his familiar voice and I relaxed slightly. It was as if my body had a mind of its own. My brain knew that the strong arms around my waist, and the breath that brushed my neck were my boyfriends. But it took a while for my body to get the memo.

I began to feel somewhat normal again, but my body froze in fear when he inhaled deeply, taking in my scent. Another wave of Deja vu washed over me and my heart pounded, while my mind filled with panic.

Tristan Cole

After checking on a few things at work, I jumped into the car and drove over to Freya's house. I pulled up and got out of the car, then walked towards the house. It was a small house in comparison to my own, but I loved being there, it always smelled like fresh coffee and it was so cozy and homely. I knocked on the door and patiently waited. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards me, then the door opened, and a warm smile greeted me.

"Good morning Tristan, don't you look handsome today," Eleanor said sweetly.

"Thank you, Eleanor. You look lovely," I replied politely. She blushed a little then said with a giggle,

"Thank you, Tristan. Flattery will get you everywhere."

She turned around and began to walk back down the hallway. "Are you coming in?" She shouted back as she turned toward the kitchen.

I entered the house and closed the door behind me.

"Is Freya ready yet?"

"No, she's upstairs. You can go up if you like. Tell her to get a move on, or she won't have time for breakfast," she shouted back through.

"Ok, I'll make sure she's down in a bit. She can't miss your breakfast it smells too delicious."

I walked past the kitchen and began to climb the stairs. Her giggle echoed through the hallway as I reached the top of the stairs. I got to Freya's bedroom and gently pushed open the door. There she stood, wrapped in a crisp white towel, the absolute love of my life. I watched while she frantically pushed outfit after outfit aside. I sniggered knowing that she had left picking out an outfit for her graduation until the very last minute. She was always the same, always late, and always unprepared, but it was one of the cute little quirks that made me love her even more.

She suddenly took the towel off of her head and dropped it to the floor. Shaking out her gorgeous long brown hair, she began running her fingers through it. Her fingers slid effortlessly through the wet strands, making tiny water droplets roll down the soft skin on her arms. I couldn't resist the primal urge to capture her, so I crept forward as quietly as I could. I then slipped my hands around her waist and pulled her back into my arms.

"Ahhh!" She screamed as she stumbled back a little, slamming into my chest.

She always startled when I snuck up on her, but this time it felt different. As soon as her body began to tremble, I squeezed her tighter to try and calm her down. Her breathing was labored, and her heart was racing. She had never reacted to me like that before.

"Baby?" I spoke softly into her ear.

She let out a deep sigh of relief and I felt her body relax within seconds of hearing my voice. What on earth is going on with her today? I thought as I leaned into the crease of her neck and inhaled deeply, taking in her delicious scent.

Episode 2

Freya Rose

I managed to calm myself back down and relaxed into his embrace. I had no idea why he sniffed me like that, but it had always been one of his weird little quirks. My stomach flipped and fluttered with butterflies when he let out a deep and throaty growl. It was such a turn on for me and he damn well knew it.

"You smell so good baby," he purred into my ear.

He kissed my neck ever so gently, which in turn made my legs turn to jelly.

"Mmm," I moaned as he placed more warm and breathy kisses down my neck, while holding onto my shoulders so that I couldn't move.

He spun me around to face him, sending an icy-cold shiver down my spine. A wave of Deja vu washed over me for the second time, but again, I ignored it and pushed it aside. It wasn't unusual for me to feel like I'd seen or felt stuff before, and it had been happening a lot more lately. I guess it started around the same time as the nightmares, almost two years ago.

I positioned my hands onto his muscular chest to steady myself. His solid body felt amazing under my fingers and I could feel my face heating up as lust took over my body. In front of me stood the hottest guy I had ever seen in my life. He was a lot taller than me. I was only five-foot-four and he was around six-foot-two. He had a muscular build that you could see even under his clothes. And damn I could definitely feel the muscles under his shirt.

I exhaled while I tried my best to compose myself. He had the most amazing deep blue eyes. They were like the darkest part of the Pacific Ocean. His hair was messy and dirty blond. It floated around his perfectly chiseled face. His stubble was nicely groomed, but not too much, so he still had that, I woke up like this, look.

I gazed into his beautiful eyes while seductively sweeping my hands up and over his chest, finally resting them around his neck. I licked my lower lip, then bit it slightly. He watched my lips intently while his hands moved down my waist and underneath my towel. He grabbed my ass with both hands pulling me up towards him. I gasped when he let out another sexy little growl. Hearing it sent tingles dancing around my body. I swung my legs around his waist, and he spun around, skillfully closing the door with his foot.

He slammed me down onto my dressing table, sending my stuff flying everywhere, but I couldn't have cared less. I pulled his face down and smashed my lips onto his. He groaned when my tongue pushed its way into his mouth. He kissed me back harder, making me let out a sweet little moan of my own. It drove him crazy, so he picked me back up and carried me effortlessly over to my bed. All the while not once taking his lips off of mine.

He dropped me down onto the bed and I giggled as I bounced around. I waited on the bed as still as possible, in excited anticipation of what was coming next. I looked up at him standing there in front of me. This guy is so damn perfect, every single inch of him looks like it's just been sculpted by the Gods themselves, I thought to myself.

"God damn, you're hot," I whispered to him in a sexy voice.

With a smirk on his face, he bent over me, grabbing the knot of the towel. I raised my hands up and cupped my breasts, as I tried desperately to hold the towel flat against my chest.

"No, we can't. My mom's downstairs!"

Completely ignoring my concern, he whispered into my ear in a husky voice,

"well, we best be quiet then, huh?"

My eyes grew wide as a cheeky grin spread across his face.

I watched with excitement as he stood back up and then with a deep chuckle, he swiftly ripped my towel open. I quickly tried to grip the towel tighter against my chest, but I didn't stand a chance. He was way too strong and fast for me, and within seconds the towel was no longer covering my chest. My hands somehow were now clasping onto my bare breasts.

He bent down and gently pulled my hands away from my body, exposing every inch of me. I blushed when his eyes moved away from mine and scanned all the way down my body and then back up again. He took his time and it looked as though he was mentally mapping every single part of my naked flesh. After two years together, how in the hell does he still find my body so fascinating?

Every time he looked at me, it was as if he was seeing me for the first time. He always made me feel like a Goddess that deserved to be worshipped, and that was another reason why I loved him so much. I could just tell that I was the only woman he would ever need or want. Now it is time to remind him of that!

I glanced at him with a smile on my face as he placed his fingers on the outsides of my thighs, then slowly moved his hands up towards my hips. His fingers glided ever so gently across my skin, tickling me and sending shivers of pleasure through my body. His fingers then trailed up to my waist while he leaned in to kiss my neck, he then inhaled my scent again through his nose.

"Mmmm, you really do smell amazing baby," he growled in that deep and sexy way that I loved.

I couldn't hold back anymore. This dude is just too damn good. I lifted my head up so that my lips could meet his. He responded in perfect time and slipped his hand behind my hair. My head suddenly jolted back, and my body stiffened when his fingers glided across my skin invoking a sense of Deja vu, yet again.

He tightly gripped the back of my neck so that my head didn't fall backwards. He was just concerned for my safety, but his actions had the opposite intended effect. I startled, and my body automatically froze. I frantically tried to search his deep ocean blue eyes for help, but the eyes that were staring back at me were not his.

The eyes that glared back at me were as black as the night's sky, and seeing those jet-black pools sparked something deep inside my brain. Visions of the morning's nightmare quickly flooded my mind and took over every sense that I had. I couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't speak, as it silently dragged me back into its deadly grasp.

Tristan Cole

Freya lifted her head up and I guessed that she wanted me to kiss her. Damn, I could do so much more to her right now. She smelled amazing, and I could hear her heart racing, every time my fingers or lips caressed her skin.

No! I must keep myself under control. I can't let it go too far, I don't want him to hurt her, I thought while I tried my best to battle against my primal urges. I slipped my hand behind her hair and glided my fingers across her neck, so that I could pull her closer to me.

Suddenly her head violently jolted back, and I could feel her body stiffen beneath me. I gripped the back of her neck trying to stop her head from falling backwards. She instantly froze under my touch and I wondered, did I grip her too tightly?

I quickly adjusted my fingers slightly. Satisfied that I was not the one causing her the discomfort, I stared into her eyes and tried to work out what was up with her. She looked petrified and panic instantly swept over me. Does she know?

I glanced over to the end of the bed. Sat in the corner of the room was a floor length mirror. I could see half of the four-poster bed and Freya. But more importantly, I could see myself. Specifically, my eyes, they were pitch black with lust. Oh, crap! I knew right then and there that I didn't have full control.

"You dick! Look what you've done to her. You've frightened the hell out of her," I shouted at him in my mind.

I quickly fought back for control and watched myself in the mirror as my eyes returned to their normal deep blue color. I closed my eyes and exhaled while I prepared myself to face Freya. I needed to try my best to explain to her what had just happened.

After opening my eyes, I looked down at her fearful and frozen expression. Her eyes then began to roll into the back of her head, and her body started to shake and convulse violently. I acted quickly and placed both of my hands onto her waist as I prepared myself to move her into the middle of the bed. Before I got a chance to, she screamed and flapped her arms around as if she was trying to fight me off.

"Freya?" I screamed out trying to get her attention, but she didn't respond.

She continued to scream, punch the air, and kick her legs out at me. I could hear Freya's mom running up the stairs, so I quickly wrapped the towel back around her body and fastened it at her chest. I then picked her up gently and tried to move her up the bed a little, so that she didn't fall off.

As I began to move her, a fist came flying into my vision from my left-hand side. It was too damn quick for me to react in time. The fist slammed into my jaw, making my head jerk to the side. It was that hard of a punch that it left a ringing in my left ear.

What the hell was that? A punch from Freya shouldn't hurt that damn much. What the hell is happening right now?

With all my focus on Freya and the punch, I didn't realize that the door had swung open and her mom was standing right behind me.

"That looked like it hurt," she mocked me while pushing me out of the way "move out the way, I'll show you what you need to do." I let go of Freya and watched in shock as Eleanor jumped onto the bed. She sat on Freya's legs and stretched forward to pin her arms to the bed.

"Freya, honey, listen to me. You need to breathe ok? In, and out..." She instructed Freya as she took in a deep breath and then exhaled it slowly.

I glimpsed at Freya for a reaction but there was none. She continued to flail about, nearly knocking her mom flying a few times.

"In, and out," Eleanor continued her mantra.

Slowly but surely Freya began to respond. She started to follow her mom's breathing pattern and gradually calmed down. She stopped fighting it, relaxed onto the bed and breathed in and out, in and out, just like her mom had instructed. When Freya had calmed down completely, her mom released her, then got off of the bed.

She then ushered to me with her hand for me to follow her out of the room. I followed her, looking back at Freya one last time, just to make sure she was ok. Her face was now sweet and peaceful like a sleeping angel. I breathed a sigh of relief and closed the door quietly behind me.

I followed Eleanor, down the stairs and to the left into the kitchen. She walked over to one of the glass door cabinets and got out two glasses. She silently pointed towards the dining table for me to go and sit. I did as I was told and took a seat, I then placed my elbows on the table and covered my face with my hands.

I heard her pour out something into the two glasses, before making her way over to me. She tapped my shoulder with a glass, and I looked up to see what it was. I furrowed my brow when I saw that it was a glass of what looked like whisky. I glanced up into her eyes and with a questioning look, I asked,

"It's a little early for that, isn't it?"

She laughed and nudged the glass towards me. I shrugged and took the glass from her, then held it in both hands in front of me.

"You look like you need it, and God knows, I know I do!" She said with a snigger as she sat down in the chair next to me.

We sat in silence for a while, taking occasional sips of our whisky. I finally worked up the courage to address what had just happened. I knew that this would happen one day, and that I would have to tell Freya my secret, but I wasn't expecting it to go down like this. I should have told her years ago.

"So, what just happened up there, I..." I began but she cut me off.

"You haven't seen her like that before, have you?" I shook my head in reply. "and she's never told you that she has these fits?" I furrowed my brow again and sat up in my chair as I digested her question.

"Fits?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, I thought that she would have told you. She used to have them as a child, but they stopped when she was around six years old. They then suddenly came back just after her sixteenth birthday," she explained, then shot back the rest of her drink.

I relaxed back further into my chair as I thought to myself, why didn't Freya tell me about these fits? And how have I never seen her have one before?

Eleanor went over to the cabinet and brought back the bottle of whisky. After pouring herself out another glass, she hovered the bottle over my glass that was still half full on the table. I shook my head in reply, she smiled then placed the bottle onto the table.

"I know it is a lot to take in Tristan, but she is still Freya, nothing needs to change. She will sleep for around another ten minutes or so. When she wakes up, she won't remember a damn thing," she said as she shrugged her shoulders, then downed her second drink. "Right. I'm going to get ready for her graduation, then finish off the breakfast. You finish your drink, then go up and see her, ok?"

She stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I nodded and exhaled. I picked up my drink and down it. Eleanor took the glasses and bottle, placed the bottle back in the cabinet and the glasses in the dishwasher, then headed out of the room.

I leaned forward and ran my hands through my hair, sweeping the waves out of my face. I can't believe that I just got away with that. If she wakes up not remembering a thing, then I don't have to tell her our secret.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Freya moving around upstairs. I quickly raced out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom. I softly exhaled as I knocked politely on her bedroom door.

"Come in," Freya replied sounding chirpy and excited.

I cautiously opened the door ajar and peeked in, not quite knowing what to expect. Standing in front of me was the most precious girl I had ever met in my life. Still wrapped in her crisp white towel and facing her closet, I watched as she frantically pushed outfits aside just like she was doing when I first arrived less than a few hours ago. I wanted to walk over to her and put my hands around her waist, sweep her long mousy brown hair over her shoulders, and bury my face in her neck. But that was what caused a seizure earlier, so I decided against it. Instead, I quietly strolled over to the bed and took a seat, then continued to watch her. I sat there silently as my thoughts raced uncontrollably.

I knew that I had to behave myself. I had to be strong and stop myself from doing what he, and I, both dreamed of. Our dream was to sink our teeth into her deliciously supple and sweet-scented skin.

I don't know why I'm finding it so hard to control myself around her lately. We have been together for nearly two years now, and I have never been so weak, never been so close to exposing our secret and never been this close to biting her.

But her scent, the damn thing was driving me crazy. And for the last few months it had been getting stronger, and even more alluring. I just couldn't stay away from it, or her. She's like a drug to me!

Against my better judgment, I stood up from the bed and marched over to Freya. Her scent had its hooks into me, and I couldn't escape it. I glided one of my hands around her waist then swept her hair over her shoulder with my other hand. I leaned in and kissed her beautifully soft neck.

Even if it means telling her the truth. Even if I risk losing her altogether. I must tell her our secret. This is getting too dangerous. I need to stop this right now, I told myself, but my body now had a mind of its own.

While kissing her neck again, I could feel my canines extending. I Panicked and tried to pull away, but she let out the sweetest little moan, and pulled my arm tighter around her waist.

"I love you, Tristan," she moaned out breathlessly as I ran my tongue along her gorgeous neck.

I knew that kissing her and tasting her delicious skin beneath my tongue was just tempting fate, but I couldn't resist her anymore. Her scent was driving us crazy and I was barely able to control myself. I would never forgive myself if I hurt her, I needed to stop.

Get a grip, Tristan!

I delicately kissed her neck and she responded by pushing her cute little ass into my crotch. It took every bit of self-control that I had, not to rip her towel off and take her right then and there. I tried to pull my head away and calm myself down, but she gently brushed her hand through my hair, and yanked my head back down towards her neck.

What are you doing to me woman? You don't realize how dangerous this is!

But, oh my God her scent, and them sweet, sweet moans of hers, I couldn't take it anymore.

Please stop this, you're going to hurt her! I begged him, but he refused to listen to me.

I began to kiss along her jawline and then back down toward her neck. She moaned out my name almost sending me over the edge. But then, she took it one step further and dragged her delicate little hand down my chest. My stomach twitched as her touch made its way over the thin fabric of my shirt. It was glorious torture when I could feel her fingers tracing over every one of my muscles.

My God it felt amazing. And just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, she suddenly grabbed my manhood, which, was rock hard by that point and trying its best to burst right through my jeans. That was it, I'd finally lost all control and couldn't stop him from acting on our primal urges. I pulled my head back and extended my canines, ready to plunge them into her neck, marking her forever, and finally making her ours.

Episode 3

Tristan Cole

Knock, knock, knock...

I startled and quickly yanked my head away from Freya's neck. I can't believe I almost bit Freya. What the hell is going on with me? I have never been this careless or out of control before, I panicked to myself.

"Breakfast's ready you two." Eleanor shouted through the bedroom door.

Freya spun around to face the door, and I followed her spin to make sure that I could stay standing behind her. I couldn't let her see my canines or black eyes, especially after the fit she had earlier. I continued to stand behind her as I tried to gain back my self-control. Once I felt my canines retract, I casually made my way over to the bed. I took a quick glance into the mirror across the room, to make sure that my eyes had returned to normal.

Thank God, I thought to myself as my deep blue eyes stared back at me. I sighed with relief then flopped onto the bed.

Freya Rose

Tristan stood behind me while I turned around and shouted a reply back to my mom,

"Okay, Mom. We'll be down in a bit."

I turned back around towards my closet while Tristan walked over to my bed, then threw himself down onto it with a sigh. For quickness, I grabbed the first outfit that I laid my hands on. It was a royal blue skater dress that came down to my knees, I picked up a pair of matching heels, then closed my closet.

Moving over to my chest of drawers, I proceeded to scramble around for a matching set of underwear.

Why is it always so damn difficult to find a matching set?

I finally found a bra and panties that matched.

Well they are both black, what more could I ask for?

I then dropped my towel to the floor and began to get dressed. I glanced over at Tristan and he was watching me get ready. He had a giant grin on his face and his eyes were filled with pure lust.

"Stop watching me you creep!" I shouted at him as I struggled to balance on one foot, while trying to put the other one through the leg hole of my panties.

"It's not creepy to watch my girlfriend," he replied sarcastically.

Without warning, and with an evil grin plastered across my face, I grabbed my hairbrush from the dressing table and launched it at him. To my complete surprise, he reached up and caught it right before it could smack him in his smug face.

How the hell did he catch that?

He got off the bed and made his way towards me while speaking in a husky voice,

"and besides it's impossible not to watch you, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

He picked me up by my ass, like he always did, and walked me over to the dressing table. Placing me down on to the stool, he spoke softly into my ear,

"I am the luckiest man alive."

I blushed when he brushed my hair away from my face and kissed my neck. I thought he was going to continue what he'd started earlier, but to my disappointment, he pulled away from me and began to walk towards the door.

"You finish getting ready, and I'll meet you downstairs."

He opened the door then turned back around to look at me.

"I love you, Freya Rose."

I smiled as butterflies swarmed around in my tummy.

"I love you too Tristan Cole."

He threw his hand up to his heart and grinned at me like a goofy kid. I rolled my eyes at him as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

"How in the hell did you get so damn lucky?" I asked my reflection.

Tristan Cole

I quietly closed Freya's bedroom door and made my way downstairs.

"Hi Eleanor, I'm just going to pick up Tyler and Cassie. Can you tell Freya that I'll be back in a bit please?" I asked Freya's mom as I approached the kitchen.

She looked up from the stove where she was frying bacon and replied,

"Of course, see you in a bit."

I left the house and made my way towards my car. I got into the car and just sat there for a minute enjoying the peace and quiet. I eventually took out my phone and dialed my brother Tyler's number.

"Hey, Tyler," I greeted my brother.

"Hi T. Are you coming back any time soon?" Tyler said when he answered the phone.

"Yeah, I'm coming to pick you guys up now."

"Good, because we have a situation. We captured another one while you were out."

"What!? How the hell did it get so close to the house?"

"God knows, but this one was really fast, it took five of us to outrun him. I just don't get why they are sneaking around here all of a sudden. What do they want?" He asked me with confusion.

"I know, they've been showing up a lot lately, something's definitely going on."

I clicked the loudspeaker button and threw my phone down onto the passenger seat, then started up the car. "Right, chain him up in the basement, I'll make sure I get some answers out of the twisted bastard!" I demanded.

"Have you left yet?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way now," I replied while putting my seatbelt on.

"Ok, T. See you in a few," Tyler replied then ended the call.

I put my foot down and sped off heading for home.

When I arrived home, Tyler was on the driveway waiting for me. I opened the door and got out of my car, before storming right past Tyler.

"He's in the basement like you ordered T, but some of the other guys got a bit carried away when they caught him. He's torn up pretty bad," he said as he hurried behind me.

"Will he survive?" I asked bluntly.

I don't really care whether he survives or not, but I do need some answers out of him before he expires.

"Yeah, but he's gonna need a few days before you can question him," he said while doing air quotes with his fingers, then chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness. I found it hilarious, but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Fine, I'll leave him down there for a few days. Maybe starving him will make him talk. Now, go and get Cassie. We need to leave," I ordered my brother.

He nodded and ran up the stairs. A few minutes later he returned with Cassie in tow.

"I'll go wait in the car," Tyler shouted as he ran past me and out the front door.

Cassie greeted me with a hug.

"Hey T," she said softly.

"Hiya Cass, you ready?" I asked as I turned to face the front door. She ran over to the couch and grabbed her purse, then walked back towards me and said,

"Now I am."

She placed her hand on my shoulder and stood up on her tiptoes, then softly kissed my cheek. She lowered herself back down to the ground and began to strut away. As she strode out of the front door, she turned to me and asked,

"Oh, Tristan. Have you told Freya about us yet?"

Freya Rose

I finished getting ready for my graduation and made my way downstairs. My mom was at the stove cooking, and as I walked past her, I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Breakfast smells amazing, Mom," I said while secretly swiping a piece of cooked bacon from the plate beside her.

"Oi, you cheeky madam."

She tried to swat my hand away, but I was too fast for her, and was already tucking into my stolen goods. She laughed while I walked away and headed towards the dining table. I sat down at the end of the table and then asked her,

"Where's Tristan?"

She turned her head and answered me,

"He's gone to pick up Cassie and Tyler. He said he'd be back in a bit."

"Ah, okay, cool."

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and opened up the photo gallery. I liked looking over all the old pictures I'd taken over the years. I was obsessed with making sure I had pictures of all the important people in my life, much to their dismay. I scrolled through lots of pictures of Tristan and me.

He had asked me out on my sixteenth birthday. It was so cute. He'd bought me flowers and a gorgeous gold necklace with a heart locket pendant. Inside the locket was a picture of him on one side and a picture of me on the other. Inscribed on the back was the date of my sixteenth birthday and the words,

I Love You Always,

Forever Be Mine.

I held my hand up and gently pulled the locket away from my neck. I opened it up to look at the pictures inside of Tristan and me.

Still the best present ever, I thought to myself.

Tristan was so adorable standing in front of me at my birthday party. He was twitching and shuffling his feet nervously, acting all shy and scared while he waited for my answer. I remember telling him, of course, I was always going to say yes. He asked me why. So, I told him the truth. I told him that I'd had a huge crush on him since I was thirteen years old. He pulled me in tight and kissed the top of my head. I then heard him say under his breath that he was a fool for not noticing me sooner.

I giggled to myself as I thought about how much I had wished for him to notice me while I was growing up. You see, Tristan was my best friend Tyler's, older brother.

I used to make up any excuse I could to go over to Tyler's house, just so that I could catch a glimpse of Tristan. Whenever I saw him my heart pounded, and my belly filled with butterflies. I could barely function around him but being three years older than us he hardly ever noticed me.

I was sure that he just saw me as his annoying little brothers, best friend. I didn't blame him really, I was a bit of a tomboy back then, and had the body to match. I was all skinny and straight. No curves or assets to speak of, not like the girls that he used to bring back to his parent's house.

I screwed up my face as I began to remember those skanks all over my man. I knew I shouldn't have been jealous, because he was all mine now, but I couldn't help it. I loved him so much, and the thought of any other girl touching him made me feel sick.

The girls back then were sexy, and they knew exactly how to flirt with him. A flip of the hair here, a slight touch there. They even knew how to perfectly time a giggle when he told one of his corny jokes. And trust me, his jokes were never funny, and still aren't. He had them fawning all over him, and why wouldn't he? He was super sexy, smart, ripped, and the captain of the football team, what wasn't there to fawn over. I was just so jealous of the girls and wished he would look at me the way he looked at them.

I giggled to myself again and flipped my hair all sexy like. My mom turned her head away from the stove and raised her eyebrows at me like I was crazy. I chuckled and swished my hand in the air like I was saying, just ignore me. She laughed and went back to cooking the bacon.

It took him a while, but Tyler finally realized that I had a huge crush on his big brother, and he found it absolutely hilarious. Any opportunity he got, he would use it to embarrass me in front of Tristan. I'd have to jab him in his ribs, or wrestle him to the ground to get him to stop. I was so scared of the thought of Tristan finding out, because I knew he didn't think of me that way, and I would have been mortified if he started teasing me about it too.

I scrolled through some more of my photos and laughed when I saw some of me and Tyler pulling funny faces.

I really do love that crazy clown.

"What's so funny hon?" My mom asked while placing the plate of bacon on the dining table.

"Just looking at old pictures of me and Tyler," I replied while turning my phone around for her to see.

"You're two peas in a pod, both as crazy as one another."

She made her way back over towards the fridge.

Tyler tried everything he could to embarrass me in front of Tristan. Each time he tried to blurt out that I had a crush on him, I had to beat him to shut him up. Well, I tried to, but he was always so damn fast, and he was really ripped too which was weird for his age. I used to chase him around the house until I fell down with exhaustion. He'd then jump on top of me and start tickling me to death. I swear a few times I actually peed myself.

The play fights happened so often that Tristan started telling us to get a room, he even asked us once if me and Tyler were dating. We both just burst out laughing and rolled around on the floor. I saw Tyler as a brother and he saw me as a sister, the thought of anything else was just disgusting.

"Do you want orange juice, Honey?" My mom asked with her head still in the fridge.

"Yes, please, Mom."

As the years went on, I finally began to develop. I was now nearly sixteen-years-old and was filling out nicely if I did say so myself. I had a nice little tush and my two ladies had come in big and fast. I had some nice curves of my very own. It took some getting used to, let me tell you. I liked to dress more feminine and I enjoyed doing my hair and makeup, but I still felt too embarrassed to go around to Tyler's all dressed up and showing off my figure. So, I just used to chuck on some old jeans, a baggy t-shirt and my sneakers.

That was until Tyler's sixteenth birthday, it was a few months before mine and I'd decided to go all out for his party. I wore a long, tight black dress with a plunging neckline to show off my new ample cleavage. The dress came down to my ankles at the front but had a split all the way up to the middle of my right thigh. It was a low backed dress too and had had a small train that beautifully slid along the floor behind me when I walked. I finished it off with a pair of red four-inch stilettos and a red clutch bag. I wore my hair up in loose curls with a clip at the back and had some of the loose curls coming down the front to frame my face. My makeup was smoky black eyes, with eyeliner and red lipstick to finish the look.

I was so nervous when my mum dropped me off at Tyler's birthday party that night. I stood at the front door for almost fifteen minutes before I had built up enough courage to walk in. I opened the door and made my way through the house and into the back garden where all the guests were. There were pretty lights, balloons, and flowers everywhere. Tyler's parents had also got a massive marquee with a huge dance floor and DJ. It looked amazing and there were so many people there.

Tyler saw me and ran right up to me. He picked me up into a hug and spun me around. He set me back down and said something along the lines of,

"damn girl, you's looking fine!"

I forgot the exact words, but that was the gist. I laughed and punched him in the arm. I wished him a happy birthday and gave him his gift. It was some computer game he had wanted for ages. I had no idea which one, but he loved it. He hugged me again and left to go get us some drinks.

I felt self-conscious standing there all by myself, guys kept wolf whistling at me and making sexual comments and I wasn't the type to defend myself.

Urgh, guys can be such pervs, I thought to myself while I reached for the orange juice that my mom had left on the table.

Tyler had been ages and I was starting to panic while standing there all alone, I hated being alone. I'd decided to give him ten more minutes to get back or I was going home. Needless to say, he didn't come back, so I stormed off in search of him. I planned to give him a piece of my mind before I went home. The big jerk knew that I hated being on my own in big crowds.

I stormed over towards the house and heard noises coming from down the side of the pool house. As I got closer, I heard Tyler speak, I couldn't work out what he'd said, but I knew it was him. I was ready to march right over there and give him a piece of my mind. I picked up the pace and thundered around the corner of the pool house.

I closed my eyes and screwed up my face when I remembered what I had seen that night.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my GOD! What the hell?" I'd screamed out as I frantically tried to cover my eyes. I'd already seen more than enough. Tyler was half naked and had a girl pinned up against the wall. I spun around, so that I definitely couldn't see anything else.

I apologized profoundly. The girl giggled and I just apologized again and told him to have a good night. I let him know that I was going home, he didn't mind me leaving and said he'd catch up with me the next day. I hurried off and made my way back through the house, completely red-faced and flushed with embarrassment. I quickly opened the front door to leave, but as I went to walk through the door my heel got stuck on the back of my dress. I tripped, fell forwards, and smacked face first into Tristan Cole's rock-hard chest.

I bit my lip when I remembered what happened next.

"Whoa there!" Tristan said as he grabbed hold of my shoulders to stop me falling over. I was absolutely mortified. I didn't want him knowing who I was, so I kept my head down and mouth shut, hoping that he would just let me past him.

"Are you leaving already?" He'd asked in a husky voice.

But all I could muster up was a,

"Yup," I replied with a slight nod of my head.

I couldn't bear to look up at him.

"That's a shame. Now I've arrived, the party is just getting started," he said cockily.

He placed my chin between his thumb and finger, then slowly pulled my face up. I was so scared that he was going to laugh at me once he saw who I was. But, when I finally looked up, he had his eyes closed and his lips were coming straight towards mine and I froze in pure panic.

He pressed his lips onto mine and kissed me, I stayed perfectly still for a few seconds not knowing what in the hell to do. But with each caress from his soft lips, my confidence began to grow. I finally put my arms around his neck and grabbed his hair pulling his head back a little, he growled with pleasure and that was my cue.

My heart skipped with excitement when I remembered my first kiss, and the very first time, I'd heard Tristan's sexy growl. It was so deep and primal. Even thinking about it now, had me squirming around on my chair. I quickly returned to my daydream.

I pulled him closer and slipped my tongue into his mouth. I kissed him harder and he followed my lead. We were both panting by that point and he had moved his hand down to my ass and gave it a little slap. I moaned, and he deepened the kiss in response.

"Freya!" Tyler yelled out.

Tristan promptly pulled his head away from me and I apprehensively opened my eyes. Tristan was wide-eyed with shock and gawping back at me. He stepped back, looked me up and down from head to toe, then said,

"Damn girl!"

He let out another sexy growl, bit his lip and then walked right past me and into the house.

I remembered how much I wanted him that night, and the butthead just walked off and left me hanging. I couldn't stop myself from blurting out loud,


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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