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Little Girl's Mafia

Episode 1

'Roni get up its 6.30, come on get up or you gonna be late for work' my brother Nik shouted at from the door way.

'Ugh, I need more hours, I need more sleep, leave me alone' I growled back at him.

That was my brother Nik, did I mention that I have 4 big brother? I guess I forget. Let me Introduce you to me and my family.

My name is Veronica Petrov and this is my story, I was born here in Sacramento, California. Sacramento is capital of California. I love my city, I have been here all my life. Now, let me guess you must be thinking that if I am American citizen then why my name is bit different?. Let me explain you why, It's because my father Konstantine Petrov was Russian and my mother Daniella Davis was American, they fell in love when my dad came here for a business meeting, My mom was diner owner in which the meeting lunch was conducted, It was love at first sight for my dad but mom no way, dad was not her type, you know when two people are meant to be together type, color, age and all doesn't matter. This is what happen in my parents case. Dad made my mom fell in love with him, with his charm, personality, warm heart, sexy smile and many more qualities that my dad had.

You must be thinking why am I talking in past tense, it because, My parents died in an accident when I was 3. Since then me and my overprotective brothers are only left. Speaking of my brothers, The eldest is Anton Petrov, he is 26 with blue eyes blonde hairs heavy built figure. Height approx 6'4. He own his own Gym , he is an amazing boxer, won many trophy as well, then comes Nikolai Petrov or Nik my second elder brother, he is 24 with same blonde hair as Anton which they have got from our mother with light brown eyes, average body built, height not more than 6'3. He work as a lawyer for DA. He is amazing in his job, I am really proud on him. Then comes Pasha and Sergei, they are twins, perfect combination of my mother and father. Pasha has my father hairs which is dark brown with my mothers eyes light brown whereas Sergei had Blonde hair and blue eyes just as my fathers. They other have almost same height which is approx 6'3. They are 22 years old, owns their own diner as well as manages our mother diner as well.

Than its me Veronica or Ronie, I prefer Ronie more than Veronica , its more cool and short. Just like my height which is 5'4, I know I know its not that short but as compared to my brother and have Russian gen, Its kinda short. I got dark brown hairs from my father as well as his eyes which are blue but sometimes they are more like green sometimes they are blue so, I exactly don't know what up with the color of my eyes. I am 19 years old, Still in college, I am Senior, majoring in arts. My love and passion for paint made me do that, Their is no part in me which I regret choosing Art as my majors. Enough about me and my family, I need to get up cause I have my morning shift at diner today, and yes I work as an barista and manager in my brother's diner, and barista at my mom/brother's diner. So I need to get up like NOW.

I head to my closet took my black dress uniform from the diner, with my black lace bra and thong set and went straight to bathroom, turn on my shower, brush my teeth and jump in shower, washed my body and my hairs with shampoo. Walk out from the shower with towel wrap around my body and my hairs, I dried my body and slip on my underwear and in my uniform, blow dried my hairs and brush them. Walk out the bathroom slip on my work shoes and my hand bag, then took my phone from nightstand and slip to my side pocket. And head downstairs to my brothers for breakfast.

'Good Morning Everyone' I cheered as soon as I step in kitchen, where Pasha was making waffles and omelets, whereas Nik was frying bacon and sausages. Anton was sipping form his coffee working on his laptop and Sergie was setting up the table for everyone. As soon as I made myself comfortable on my chair everyone started eating breakfast in silence.

Anton break the silence questioning me, 'So when is the new painting is coming along?'

'Its actually almost completed, little bit of touchup is remaining, will be done in next 2 days' I replied him. 'So when can we see this collection of yours?' Nik asked this time. 'As soon as this one is done and the other one which is half done, may be in next 3 to 4 days max' I replied him. 'and when is this exhibitions? what about the invitation, are those send or you need our help?' Anton ask. 'No, the invites were dispatch last night, will be delivered first thing in the morning. Exhibition is next week Saturday, I need you all there NO EXCUSES, got it?' I threatened everyone pointing my finger in everyone's direction, they all burst in laughter.

Soon I said my goodbyes for the day to all, They kissed my hairs and forehead, telling me to be safe and call them if I need them.

its was 8 pass 10 when I entered dinner.

Episode 2

I was making green tea latte for my customer, When I heard order for pumpkin latte, I knew to whom this order belongs and why is she here, ' Hey Ronieee, howz working?', my best friend Valeri ask, ' Work is good, what you doing here Val at this time of the day? I replied with a smile and wink her. ' You know its Saturday, my job is from Monday to Friday, It weekend babes!! What you expect me to do??, she asked innocently which I am fully aware she is not. 'I don't know, maybe ask your boyfriend?, Oh, I forget you broke his heart cause he fell in love with you after dating for an year, right? ,I taunt her and give her another wink. 'Ha Ha Ha Ronie, You're so funny, You should be a comedian not a painter,' she spat back sarcastically at me.

Yeah Yeah, you all think it right, Val is just not in to love or any these kind of gestures she is more sort of a lust kinda girls, She do like to date and sleep around and that is all, whenever any boy tries to make an effort toward her, she backs-off and brokeup instantly, Maybe coming form a broken family made her believe that love is just a bulls crap nothing more nothing less. Me on other side, I also don't believe in love and shit, Still I don't sleep around, for the facts only I am still Virgin, You don't believe that right? Trust me, me too. Its just never happened to me, Its not like that I am shaving for anyone special or for my husband, From my speed of dating, I don't think I will be marrying anyone till I am 50, It just, I don't get enough time to date, or search a guy for me to at least have sex with him. trust me when I say it, I don't have enough time, cause I don't even have enough time to sleep. Either I am working in one of the diners or I am painting for my exhibitions, I do want to do many more thing, Like to go to parties get wasted, but again I do have 4 overprotective brothers who wont let me. It's not they never allow me or will object, It basically me who avoid all the teenager crap, and tell everyone that my brother wont allow, and no one dares to ask them for their permission, so I am safe. Its a win win situation. I want a normal life, its just I don't have enough time to have a normal life, If am not working or painting, I play COD with Nik or box with Anton. I like to hangout with them more than partying and getting wasted.

I came back to reality, by furiously shaking by Val.' What is it you were saying, I am sorry just zone out again', I told her. 'Its just I was asking if you wanna hangout tonight, wanna got to party or a club or anything, just you and me?' she questioned again. I thought for couple of second then replied, ' Ummmmm, Val', Before I could say anything see cut me off . 'I know I know where you are going with this, I have known you my entire short life, I know what these expressions are. ' No, Val just hear me out' I tried to relax her. ' My exhibition is next weekend I have 2 paintings left to complete. I want these painting to be a part of my exhibitions. Please try and understand. I promise you, we will party on Saturday next weekend. Once my exhibition is done.' I gave her my dog puppy eyes with my cutest smile I can own. and that work. ' Okay, But promise me, we will party once the exhibition is done'. she said pointing her finger at my in an stern tone and I agreed with her.

Soon my shift was over in one of my diner, I head to another diner for my shift there. Once I was in the diner I was greeted by my brother Pasha, 'Hey cupcake, how you been? tried?', He asked me giving me kiss on forehead. ' Hi, M good, not tried, just need a coffee that's all'. I replied him by giving him hug and perk on his left cheek.

As soon as, I drain my coffee with bagel, I head back to the staff room at the back to put my things away and head back to my counter, rest of the day was just a blur and soon it was the time to head home, I left diner, bidding my bye to my brother and Tori , she a one of the waitress.

Once I was home, I change into my comfy short and a oversize bed t-shirt of Anton. I head downstairs, to get something to eat.

Anton and Sergei were making dinner, I help them with the salad and help them set the table, soon Pasha and Nik were back from work and change and joined us for dinner, We made few small talk during dinner, soon head to our rooms. Saying good nights.

I head to my studio, worked on my designs or an hour and so, later head back to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I have in deep sleep, Not to wake up until tomorrow

Episode 3

One week Later.

Today is the my exhibition, an boy I am excited, nervous is understatement at this point. I have been to many exhibition with Nik and Pasha, Since I was 10. They always supported my love for art, it not like others didn't support, But when you have favorite siblings, you love them more no matter what, this is what is in my case, I love all my brothers till death but Nik and Pasha are my weakness, they are my heart, I can even think my life without them, can't imagine my life without any of my brothers, but they both have a sweet spot in my heart.

They always thought, I have a thing for art, and they started taking me out for exhibitions, Art galleries, different kind of Art show and Auctions as well. They brought me my first canvas, and all painting stuff, My very first painting in Nik's room, He never ever let anyone touch that painting, He always Say, " This painting is my treasure, I will pass this painting on in my generation, and let them know that my sister is such an amazing talent." That was truly overwhelming for me. Over the year, My drawings were been appreciated wisely, They have appraise my work, I have been offered many street paintings by legal departments. My paintings has been in many exhibitions and in fund raising for good causes as well, This is my first solo exhibition, In which all my paintings will be displayed, My professor suggested and help through out the preparation, Even suggested me the idea, what kind of paintings should be involve in exhibition.

Back to reality, today is the most awaited today for me or you can say night, Exhibition is in 4 hours, My paintings are packed in boxed and have been delivered to main hall, Where Sergie and his boyfriend Ryder will be helping them arrange them and will be taking care of all the paintings that they are in good shape, nothing is happened to my paintings, Val and Anton are responsible for food and drinks, Whereas Pasha is helping me in my studio with other of my pieces, which will be not displayed but will be placed in back of the hall, For you know any potential buyer wanted to see anymore work and want to purchase them, We can be risking 1 hour drive to our house to take paintings and wrapp them and take them to the hall, they wont be wait for 3 hours delay or we wont be risking that kind of trouble, that's why we are not taking any risk. And last but not the least Nik is picking up my dress for the store, Which I be wearing tonight.

5 hours later...

Exhibition started half an hour ago, we got good and expensive crowed, i have been walking around taking to people, answering there question related to painting or paint or form of Art and all, I am wearing a black midnight off shoulder dress, which is just an inch below my knee, and has a slit in the back, which reach till my mid tigh, I have my hairs wavy and held them back, wearing my black high heels with them, As you all might remember, I have promise Val i night out, as soon as the exhibitions ends, we will be heading to Blue raven one of the famous night in the city. For the after party, yeah yeah my brothers wont be join us, It will be me and Val only as promised. Everything will be locked by my brothers. We have already rented the hall till sunday noon,so it wont be a problem as that matter of fact. I am already bit of tipsy, by all the whine I have been consuming, because of the stress and nervousness.

It's almost quarter pass eleven, we are now driving to Blue raven, me and Val, Exhibition ended half an hour ago, it went well more than what we expected, to be honest, I never thought this much people will show up and I will be getting this much respect and my paintings will be appreciate and will be purchased as well. My brothers locked all the exits and entrance of the hall, and headed home, I and val headed to night club, but we told my brothers that will be hanging out at her place, I know I know should have told them the truth, they would have allowed me anyway, but still I don't know why I did that, Its just I am not ready to tell them that I want to go night club and get wasted, I wanted them to believe that I am a nice person, I know they wont be judging me but, I ain't taking any risk, I love them too much and can't stand they judging me for my any actions.

After 10 more min drive we pull up at the parking of club, unlike other's we dont have to stand in line, all because of Val, now you are wondering how, Val older cousin Austin is working here as a guard just to earn few extra bucks you know, So we will be heading in the club without waiting in line.

'Hey Aus, whats up man?' Val asked giving him a hug. ' All good, what you doing here?' ask Austin raising his one of the eyebrow. ' You know Ronie, she had exhibition today had a great success, we cam here to celebrate that.' val replied all innocently. ' Ohh, So you are also here with val' ask Austin looking at me . ' Hello to you too Austin, yes I am here too, will you let us in, just wanted to celebrate that's all. we wont be that long, couple drinks only'. I replied as sweetly as possible. I know, he has a thing for me, but due to my brothers he will never ask me out. ' only couple of drinks?and both of you be out?' he questioned once again, as soon as we agreed he let us in.

As we enter the club, ear piercing music hit us, with the smell of sweat and alcohol. We headed straight to the bar.

'What can I get u beautifully ladies?' cute bartender ask us. '6 shot of scotch' Val replied, before I an say anything bartender move to other customer.

'Val 6 shots? we are already tipsy from earlier, you get us in trouble' I told her. ' Dont think to much, enjoy, loosen up a lit, you 19 and single and virgin, relax can you?' she ask me, I nodded at her. soon 6 shots were in front of us, we started draining ourselves. and headed to the dance floor.

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