NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

"Hey man, are you sure you haven't seen my lighter?"

Chuckling, Jase watches Evan, his tall frame bent over as he searches the tent for the second time, flicking the lid of the missing zippo open and closed, lighting his joint, "Nope, maybe check your bag again."

Taking a long drag, the sweet smoke relaxing his muscles, his mind starts to drift into a euphoric haze, his thoughts slowing as he leans back admiring the night sky. So fucking gullible.

"You sure man, I am positive that you had it last, didn't you use it just," pausing, Evan's eyes focusing on the lit joint dangling from Jase's lips. "FUCK man," he spits, fists balling at his side, "why are you always such a complete ass?"

Chuckling to himself, Jase continues to stare at the stars, smoke plumbing from his nostrils as he takes another drag.

"Seriously Jase, you really are a fucking dick," Evan growls, making his way over to the fire, boots sticking in the mud, and snatching the lighter out of Jase's outstretched palm.

"Maybe it's because you are such a fucking gullible pussy." Jase drawls, lowering his head and blowing smoke in Evan's face.

"Seriously Jase, we have 3 more nights of laying low before our guy is ready to move us, I would appreciate you not fucking this up as well." Evan sneers, running a hand through his dirt tangled hair.

Zipping up his red ski jacket, the night chill settling in, Jase rolls his eyes, a lazy smile forming on his cracked lips, "Ev, man, it swear to you, it was not my fault, she wanted it." Stretching out his long legs, his cock beginning to swell in the memory of that night, he sighs, "how was I supposed to know that she was already taken, there was no mark on her, to me she was free game, and FUCK, you saw her, the way she danced, that body. Fuck I didn't even know she was one of us."

Glaring, Evan scoffs, "Jase you can't be serious, everyone knew she was one of the claimed, you just let your dick do the talking as usual. Now we are both out here, hiding until we can get the Hell out of this fucking place."

Taking another drag, Jase runs a dirty hand over his pants, his clothes beginning to smell from overuse. "Ev man, even you didn't know that she was who she is, I mean, fuck, we hadn't seen her since she was a fucking kid, how was I supposed to know who she was."

"Maybe you should have asked her before you tried to stick your dick in her," Evan retorts, anger showing on his face as he glares into the fire.

"Well no-one told YOU to come with me," Jase groans, frustrated at Evan and his constant whining, his attitude threatening to dampen his buzz.

"No, but I was WITH you when it happened, and in their eyes, I am just as bad." Evan lights a smoke, scratching his face, a frown forming, "I am going to take a leak, try not to fuck anything else up whilst I'm gone."

"Whatever man," Jase sighs again, watching as Evan disappears into surrounding woods, thick with blue spruce and eastern white pine trees. Turning back to the flames, he grabs a stick and pokes the flames, trying to increase the warmth coming from their small campfire.

Mind drifting back to that night, her smell, her stormy eyes, the way she felt when she squirmed underneath him, he groans.

It has been 2 weeks since HIS fuckup and they have been laying low ever since. She was not supposed to get hurt, it was just meant to be a little fun, but now because she went into her cycle, they are stuck out here, hiding from the others, until they can meet up with their transport and get the fuck out of Dodge.

One false move right now could alert the ranch of their location, and that would be bad, very BAD.

Taking a can from the cooler and cracking open a beer, Jase takes a long swig, the slightly warm liquid soothing his throat. Having run out of supplies to keep things chilled, both men have been relying on nature to get by. Checking his watch, and seeing the time, he notices that Ev has been gone for 10 minutes now, it should not take that long to take a leak.

Standing up, and stretching, using his hand to adjusting his semi-hard cock, Jase heads in the same direction.

Boots getting stuck in the mud, Jase slides on the wet ground, cursing as he straightens. "Ev, how long does it take to piss, are you playing with it or something?" he yells, trying to avoid having to move further out and stumble across Ev mid pump.

Hearing a groan, Jase hesitates, craning his neck and ears pierced. "Seriously Ev, you better not be jacking off."

Taking a few more steps, he sees movement in the distance, another groan filling the night. Inching closer, looking down, he sees Evan crawling on the ground, his mouth open, dark liquid pooling out, and a massive dark shape straddling his back.

"Jase" Evan's gasps, more fluid pouring out as he speaks, "run!"

FUCK, FUCK, they've found us!

Turning on his boot, heart pounding furiously in his chest, the fear killing his buzz. Jase bolts, running back towards the camp and heading for the tent where his gun is located. FUCK! Not enough time to shift.

Breaking through the foliage and reaching their small campsite, Jase moves towards the tent, the green and grey fabric glowing in the firelight. Stopping at the canvas flap and reaching for the zip, his body jolts when a sharp sensation pierces his flesh, the shock causing his body to lock. Swallowing deep and trying to breathe, Jase opens his mouth blood bubbling up from his throat. Looking down, eyes begging to blur from the pain, he sees his jacket, the fabric torn, a red claw tipped hand coming out of his chest right where his heart should be...


"Is it done?"

Raising the phone to his mouth he replies, "It's done!"

"Clean up?"


Episode 2

She works hard for the money.

So hard for it, honey.

She works hard for the money.

So you better treat her right.

Singing to myself, I tilt my head to the side as I do a final check of my outfit in the mirror. The tan leather boots, black skinny jeans, white blouse, and red tartan jacked is the perfect ensemble for traveling, and also compliments my light skin and wild dark blonde hair.

Checking my Fitbit, and confirming that I am still on time, I do a final check of my house, making sure that the windows and doors are locked, the oven and any light switches are off and my plant is thoroughly watered and now potentially drowned. Satisfied that everything is in order, I move through the front door, locking it behind me, and make my way to the front porch. Biting my bottom lip and checking the time again I smile, my upcoming adventure making my giddy with excitement. I just need to make a quick stop at the office to drop off some files, then it's only another 3 hours and 30 minutes until I hit the main town.

Walking down the white wooden steps, I go over everything I need in my head before jumping into my car.

Luggage packed, front door locked, phone, wallet, keys in my bag, hot coffee in the cup holder, and glasses on. CHECK!

Sighing, my body tingling with nervous energy, I press the ignition and place my car into drive. Waiting for my heating to kick in, I allow my thought to drift to my destination. It has been so long since I have been back to the Spur, and to the cabin, the place from my childhood, and also a place that holds both good and bad memories.

Checking my mirrors, and making sure I am clear, I release the brake and make my way into town.


Tapping my hands on the steering wheel of my silver Ford Edge, I drive into the parking garage of Protech Industries and pull into my usual spot.

Dusting invisible dirt off my jacket, I take the elevator up to the 5th-floor of our large building complex, and make my way to Erin's office, placing the files she requested of the L'obscurité acquisition on top of her desk.

"Morning." I greet, a massive smile plastered on my face.

"Ava, bitch," Erin's husky voice fills the room as she stands. "Congratulations on a job well done, the whole office is buzzing, and thanks for bringing these in." She exclaims pointing her red-tipped, manicured fingers toward the pile and grinning. "Anyway tell me, what are your plans when you arrive and do not leave anything out."

Blowing a raspberry at my work colleague and best friend, I shrug.

"Erin you know my plans, we have spoken about this, like several times," I chuckle, watching as she places a hand on her hip and pouts. Humoring her I deliver the same response I gave her last 5 or 6 times, "I plan to get to the cabin and sleep, then maybe eat and sleep some more, oh, and did I mention to you that I plan to sleep?"

"I guess, I assume you will need to sleep, you know, in-between getting down and dirty with the local delicacy," Erin suggests raising her dark eyebrows comically. "I mean, that is what I would be doing if I was off to a romantic cabin in the woods, surrounded by handsome, rugged, mountain men, that are looking for just the right woman to sweep them off their feet."

I choke out a laugh at her response, most people would think to correct Erin and tell her that it is the man's job to sweep a woman off their feet. But I have known her for far too long to know that she meant exactly what she said. Erin is no damsel and when she sees something she likes, she goes for it.

"You never know," she continues, "you might meet a tall, dark, and massively hung stranger that will knock your socks off, amongst other things!"

Sighing, I shake my head at her. Men are so not in the forefront of my mind, all I want to do is arrive, pay my respects and turn off reality for a while, maybe have a few wines in the process.

This trip was planned as a celebration present for myself ever since my company won the Hansen contract.

It was perfect timing actually when I received the email 8 months ago from one of my customers, who also happens to be old friends of the family, offering me the use of their cabin, and it was available anytime I wanted.

Now, 6 months down the track, the Hansen project complete, making a lot of people richer, and only a few days away from the anniversary, this is the perfect time to go.

"I mean, Ava, you are smoking hot, you are like 28, single, successful and have some pretty decent assets," Erin emphasizes, pointing to her own well-endowed chest, her voice dropping to a lower octave. "You just need to get laid, a nice cock or 2 will do that for you, and then the relaxation will come naturally."

I can not help but roll my eyes. "Look Erin, firstly the cabin is remote, NOT romantic, and secondly, if I do happen to meet a nice local, I will not rule anything out, but no promises."

"Good, I swear, the only person to visit your vagina in the past few years, has been the Grim Reaper, checking to see if it was still alive or ready for collection."

I laugh again, she is not the far off the mark, if it was not for my little tool chest, I would also wonder if my special place below still had a heartbeat. Thankfully, I can confirm that it is very alive and well, it is just not that interested in any other third party right now.

"It will be good for you Ava, take the edge off a little. It is not as if you have to bring them back home with you. Just enjoy your time and don't turn down an opportunity if it presents itself." Erin continues, her steel-black eyes pleading.

"Okay mum, I won't," placing my hand over my heart to emphasize, "I promise, but only if YOU promise to keep my office safe from the vultures."

"Done, now I expect regular updates from you, young lady."

Shaking my head, my curls flying about, I sigh, "Fine, I will message you once I arrive, but don't get all grumpy if I forget to message you when I need to go to the bathroom."

"Ma'am, yes ma'am," she salutes, before checking her diamond-encrusted, stainless steel, Tiffany watch for the time. A gift from one of her many admirers, "anywho, ciao bitch, get your ass out of here, otherwise you won't arrive until after dark, and DO NOT forget to message!"

"I won't mum. Love you." I chuckle moving towards her.

Pulling her in for an embrace, her arms wrapping around me, giving me an extra hard squeeze. "I will miss you girl," Erin whispers before releasing me.


Not one for pleasantries, Erin turns back to her desk to retrieve her phone which is vibrating silently, "gotta tack this."

Nodding, I blow her a kiss and leave the office, my boots clicking on the marble tiles as I walk to the elevator.


Taking the exit off the motorway to the town of Black Mountain, I tune the radio to a local station, the crackling voice of a female broadcaster coming through.

"No updates on the missing men but we remain positive that they will be found safely and returned to their loved ones soon."

Switching over to another station I stop on The Weekends, Blinding Lights, and make my way into town.

I am hit with a wave of nostalgia as I move through the main street, unchanged with time and looking the same way it did the last time I was here. Smiling to myself I take in the same brightly-colored weatherboard shops, positioned between brick and stone buildings and showcasing their ornate black and cast iron signs.

Finding an empty car space, I pull in and placing my vehicle in park, and step out. Food time!

Heading to the local butchers, which still has its bright red and white awning out front, I take in the mountain air which is crisp with an undertone of a wood fire, making me tingle with delight. I have always loved the outdoors, the smell of fire, of nature.

5 stores later and a car full of fresh produce, I manage to stumble across a quaint little café/bakery called Nan's, just off the main drag and must be a new addition to this already picturesque town. Sitting out the front and placed on the cobblestone path, is a little kids chalkboard displaying the message, 'Despresso; the feeling you get when you've run out of coffee... Get your fix here'

Chuckling and ready for my caffeine refill, I open the door nearly bumping into a man with dark brown hair as he exits, the smell freshly cut grass hitting me. Looking up at the tall figure I apologize before moving aside and letting him pass. Seeing him smile in response, dimples forming in his cheeks, my tummy does a little flip. Breaking eye contact I move inside and am immediately hit with the aromas of fresh pastries making my tummy rumble.

"What can I get you, love?" A middle-aged woman in a black apron, displaying "NORA" on her name-tag asks, a slight Irish lilt to her voice, as I make my way over to the black antique-looking register. Erin would love this place.

"Hi," I greet, moving closer, "large Latte, and whatever I can smell, to go please."

Laughing, her hazel eyes twinkling, "Now that would be the almond croissants, just came out of the oven."

Placing freshly ground beans into the machine Nora continues. "You here for the Halloween festival love, or just passing through?"

"Um," I pause, seeing no harm in sharing my plans, I am most likely going to be back here before I go home, "I am here for the next two weeks actually, staying at a friend's cabin about 15 mins up the Spur. I don't know anything about a festival though."

"Oh, that wouldn't be Olivia and Paul's place? They did mention a lovely young lady would be visiting, oh and the festival is this weekend, the whole town gets involved, it is actually quite a lovely event." Nora adds, passing over my coffee and pastry, "In the meantime love," she continues, "might I suggest, that if you are looking for a bite to eat after hours I would recommend Brady's. It is just on the corner over there, they make a mean burger and are reasonably priced too."

Remembering the old pub that I used to visit with my parents, I nod, handing over cash.

"Just be careful though love, the roads up the Spur can be tricky to navigate at night, the last thing a young lady like yourself needs to be is stranded out there," she warns.

"Will do, thanks". I reply taking my coffee and brown paper bag of yummies, before exiting, once again hit by the mountain air.

Making my way back towards my car, and thinking over her words, I blink several times and take a deep breath. I know first-hand the dangers of the Spur, I have got 10 years of nightmares and the scars to show just how BAD those roads can get.

Episode 3

Sipping on my coffee, I slowly navigate my car along the winding roads towards the Spur. Even though it has been a long time since I traveled these roads, just seeing the towering pine trees littered with douglas-fir, quaking aspen, and the odd occasional red maple, their leaves providing a kaleidoscope of fall colors, I feel like I am coming home.

Following the directions provided by Google maps, I take the next exit and turn onto a long narrow road, its width only big enough to support a single car, before the road falls away to reveal the valley far below. Swallowing, and placing both my hands onto the wheel, I navigate the rest of the way with additional caution until I reach the entrance to the cabin.

The image before me is just how I remember it; the long stone driveway, curving into a circular parking area, the wide wooden porch, surrounded by more white pine trees and other native vegetation. Then the cabin itself, an A-frame dream with rustic wooden panels, broken up by large windows and finished off with a bright red door.

There are logs neatly piled up in-front and resting behind the wire and wood porch rails, ready to be used in the fireplace that I know is waiting just inside. And directly above the porch, overlooking the entrance is a balcony, where I can see comfortable-looking outdoor chairs positioned on the wooden floor just before a large double glass sliding door that I know leads into a loft-style bedroom.

Turning off the ignition, and stepping out of the car, I walk the 4 steps up to the porch and bend down lifting the welcome mat, locating the key to the front door which is in the exact place Olivia said it would be when we last spoke.

My parents had been friends with both Olivia and Paul, since before I was born, and used to come up to the Spur to visit each year to stay at their cozy 1 bedroom. We did this for as long as I can remember until I was turned 13 and then just once more time after I turned 18.

The cabin itself, was our family oasis, a home away from home, and a place that we would come and stay at yearly, to get away from the city and also visit Paul and Olivia who live in a much bigger lodge somewhere on the Spur.

Too excited to wait any longer, and dying to see if the inside looks the same, I leave everything in the car and unlock the bright red front door, stepping over the threshold once it is open. Blinking twice I sigh, at the sight before me, a tingle of excitement running down my spine as I look over the same open plan living space, consisting of a moderate size lounge, kitchen area before my eyes immediately latch onto the large stone fireplace surrounded by the comfortably worn leather couches that I used to sit as a kid on and drink hot chocolate.

I can see that there have been upgrades to the décor since I was last here, but the feel is exactly as I remember it. Placing the key on the marble kitchen benchtop, I run up the wooden staircase to the master bedroom and bathroom.

Stopping at the landing, I giggle when I look over the room. Taking up what feels like more than half the space of the loft-style bedroom, is an oversized king bed made entirely out of recycled logs and covered with a cream and red patchwork quilt and fluffy pillows, this is definitely a new feature.

Complimenting the room is a matching mirrored dresser, nightstands, and cushioned rocking chair overlooking the large double doors leading out to the balcony.

Turning to the wooden barn door at the other side of the room and opening it, I squeal when it reveals the master bathroom complete with a copper tub.

The massive bath, resting against another large window used to be my ocean where I would play mermaids with my dolls.

Moving further into the bathroom, I reach behind the back and open the glass panels on the window. Inhaling, I take in the smells of nature, breathing in the much-needed peace and expelling the tension and negativity until I am almost dizzy.

Time to unpack


It is 5:30 pm when I finally take a seat in front of the roaring fireplace, basking in its warmth, a crisp glass of Riesling in hand.

Sipping on my drink, the subtle bubbles fizzing on my tongue, I allow myself to relax, waiting for the memories that always came around this time of the year to flow.

Even though it was a long time ago, being back on the Spur, not far from where it happened, I just know that it is going to make this year even more painful than those before. But I need this closure, I need to be able to face these memories head-on.

My mind drifts, the scene unfolding causing my body to tense as I recall the crash, my mother's cries, and my dad, trying desperately to reach me in the back seat as the car flipped.

A freak accident, the authorities called it, the fallen tree had come out of nowhere and it was a miracle for anyone to survive let alone with only minor fractures, bruising, and two tiny puncture wounds. The doctors even to this day are unsure how I managed to survive being thrown from the vehicle at that speed and to be found in the condition I was in. I should have been killed alongside them, but by some force of nature, I was fine. The only sign that I have, that reminds me that I was even part of the accident is the two little scars on the side of my neck where the two small holes were made.

But to me, the damage is still there, internal, broken, a part of me now missing.

If my parents were still alive, they would tell me that I am being silly to dwell on things that cannot be changed, that their, Doe-eyed princess is a strong and smart girl and should not let the past stop me from achieving greatness.

And in a way it hasn't, after the accident, I threw myself into my studies and then into my career, which is why I am one of the youngest account execs at my office.

Thanks to the inheritance I also have a beautifully renovated 2-bedroom 2-bathroom townhouse only 15 minutes from the city. Not to mention a large "slush" fund if ever needed.

But this is all material, and deep down, I am lonely. This is why I needed to get away – I need to deal with this so I can finally move on and maybe find someone of my own to start a family with.

Groaning at that thought, I stand up, finish my glass, and head to the car.

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