NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1

Being different is ordinary, but being extraordinary is either a gift or a curse. As for me, I considered it both a gift and a curse. A gift that can be used to help those in need, and a curse that hid my true identity and prevented me from knowing my past. But, as a whole, it was intended to deceive people.

A war will soon shake the world. Many will suffer, and countless lives will be lost. Some people find this prediction inaccurate, but it alarmed world leaders.

It was Juliana's first encounter with negative criticisms of her reading. She was annoyed with the comments and worried about the World Leaders Association. The association's reputation has been ugly since misunderstandings and hatred from its members started.

Juliana was on her way to the association's office in Manhattan to join the meeting. For her, it's just an ordinary session with the members, but this time she will surely need her wide range of skillset. It’s her only chance to pursue her lifelong mission, to find her true identity, and uncover her past. Arriving at the office building made her feel nervous, and anxiety plunged her. On her way to the meeting room, she suddenly stopped and looked outside from the window. Protesters outside caught her attention. Their placards read as "No To Fortune Telling! No To Black Magic!" She just ignored, then continued for the meeting room.

Shouts and loud pissed voices echoed outside the meeting room's door. A cold freezing wind blew as Juliana Genovesi, the youngest and wisest fortune teller in the world entered. Signs of relief was shown on the members' faces as they see Juliana. She sat on an empty chair at the back corner of the two-door meeting room, then silence.

"You people are hopeless." She greeted the members with a depressing tone.

"So what exactly is your suggestion? For this situation, you've caused." The American President asked in a mannered way.

"This was triggered by that witch! Do you think she can fix this? The Spanish Prime Minister insists.

Doubt showed on the US Pres. co-members' faces. Everyone seemed unable to express it in words. Juliana noticed it, then stood up and brushed her long silver hair with her fingers. Everyone immediately turned to her.

"Do you know Parthenia?" She started.

"This is not a mythology class!" The Spanish PM interrupted.

Juliana started to get annoyed. She pulled her strawberry lollipop and pointed it to him. Her cheeks turned red as she frowns.

"Let me finish first!" She shouted at him like a kid who lost her teddy bear.

Everyone was shocked and tried to hold their laugh. Juliana's childlike attitude was exposed. She behaved then cleared her throat to hid her feeling of embarrassment.

"This sounds impossible, but it's the only way I can think of." She glanced at the Spanish PM.

The leaders seem bothered, but at the same time, curious.

"My fountain of knowledge suggests a battle royal." Juliana sighed and started to walk around the room in a clockwise pattern.

"Unfamiliar chaos is never-ending for decades in Parthenia. I believe the determination of humans may overcome or worse fall for it. " She stopped beside the US Pres, unwrapped her lollipop, then starts to enjoy it.

"This process will reflect your standing during the war." Everyone was startled. Excitement with anxiety filled the room.

"What will you need? Wait! Impossible!" The US Pres. turned to her in shock and amazement.

"Pick your representative to participate. Then I'll be back next week, and I look forward to seeing them." Juliana walked towards the door then looked back one last time.

"This will only be applicable for ages 18 to 22. Remember, pick randomly." The cold feeling in the room disappeared as she left.

She stopped at the window once again and looked outside. Her icy blue eyes stared angrily to the protester's placards. She snapped her fingers, then suddenly, a fire started to burn them. Immediately a big commotion afflicted outside the association office building.

Dear Mama,

I grew up in an orphanage and knew nothing about you. I was lonely and felt useless. As the years go by, I noticed something's strange about me. Complicated situations seem easy for me to understand, I started to practice black magic, and it felt like I was born to use it.

The locket wrapped around my neck since the day I came to the orphanage, gave me a glimpse of you. I was shocked to learn that you're from Parthenia. I spent all my life searching for answers. Until I've finally learned to access other existing worlds, but something is preventing me from entering your world. Like I was banned.

I became famous because of my abilities and started to help world leaders. At this rate, I was able to find a way to access Parthenia, and I believe that I'm about to unfold my hidden past. I hope to see you soon.

Your beloved daughter,


Juliana gazed at the bright moon, she put down her black pen and rested her arms on the desk.

A feeling of longingness saddened her. She held her heart-shaped locket and closed her eyes.

This will be the start. I will risk everything to know you. Those kids will surely learn about the dark past of Saithilien as soon as they arrived there. They will be the key to me, finding you. She sighed and opened her eyes, and eventually, tears fell down her cheeks.

Episode 2

Monique came to the Frigo Café 30 mins late for her shift then a large crowd entered her field of vision. Panic plunged her, and hurriedly wore her apron and positioned in the counter. People started to swarm at her for orders, this is the typical scenario of her first hour on shift, but after a few minutes, the crowd subsided, and finally, the café is empty. The staffs are finally relieved and can work at an average speed.

Amid a not so busy working day, a presidential car suddenly parked in front of the café. Men in suits scattered outside, then the Ministry of Defense secretary entered.

"Bonjour!" Mr. Rousell, the café manager, greeted the secretary.

"Thank you, but I'm not here for the delicious pastries and outstanding frappes. I'm here for Ms. Monique le Clair." The secretary said politely.

The manager and staffs are shocked, then turned to Monique. It seemed like they couldn't believe what the secretary has said. Based on their reactions, the secretary immediately noticed that Monique is the counter personnel, so he approached her.

"You've been invited by the President." The secretary said proudly.

The manager's jaw dropped, and the staffs are speechless. Monique smiled in excitement, removed her apron, then leave the café with the secretary. She left her manager and co-workers still confused and hanging. They tried to ignore and get back to work, but they can't stop thinking of what's just happened.

It will be Monique's first time to enter the Elysee Palace, which she only saw in a far distance and pictures. Her excitement made her want to pee and scream then she giggled, that made the secretary felt weird. She peeked at the car window and looked at the Champ de Mars filled with tourists. Then, suddenly anxiety strucked her. She wondered. Why is she being invited? Did she commit a crime? Is she being exiled or punish? She's now in deep curiosity and wanted to jump off the car and run away.

Finally, they've arrived.

The car stopped at a French classical style mansion, which felt like it's in the 1900s era. She got off, and immediately the car departed. It startled her and not sure what to do. Is she going to escape or enter? A well-dressed female let her in and offered to lead the way.

The mansion's interior gave her a feeling of royalty. The walls, furniture, and carvings gave a historical vibe and are so perfect for a French leader.

"I hope you don't touch anything." The escort warned her. Monique nodded and continued to follow.

"Here's the presidential office, you may now enter." The escort knocked at the office door and immediately left the scene.

Monique was in grave nervousness, hence entered bravely.

"Bonjour!" She greeted with a smile.

She saw a familiar face sitting in front of the president's table. It's Mathilde, her older sister, to her surprise, she almost slipped her way towards the empty chair.

"Bonjour Miss Monique." The French president greeted her back.

She smiled and sat down while glancing at Mathilde. Her older sister gave her a plastic smile that made her cringe. She then made an eye message to Mathilde, for her, to behave. But, Mathilde kept on teasing her by kicking her softly to her leg. Suddenly, the president handed over a letter to Monique. She took the envelope with her two hands and made a little bow to thank the president. Its sweet aroma made her feel relieved that she's not in trouble. She slowly opened the envelop and pulled out the letter. Her emerald green eyes widened as she read it. She became conscious of her reaction, so she tried to calm herself and slowly turned to the president while glancing at Mathilde again.

"Your sister already knew, congratulations." The president said happily.

Meanwhile, in the Land of the Rising Sun. Katsuro Kaya made his way to the Japanese Prime Minister's private plane.

"Katsuro-kun! Gambate!" His mother shouted with joy. He then turned back and waved at his family for the last time. His mother gave him a teary eyed look that made him want to cry, but he managed to hold it.

"Katsuro. We're so proud of you!" His father said proudly.

"Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!" His two younger siblings raised their hands and cheered awkwardly.

Katsuro was overwhelmed and a bit embarrassed, for his family giving him too much support. The cabin doors are finally closed. Katsuro looked outside from the plane's window and stared at his homeland once again. He sighed, then pulled out the letter given to him by the prime minister. It's his 5th time reading it but still can't believe the situation.

We have been randomly selecting deserving individuals to be granted a full scholarship at St. Catherine's Academy, and you're one of them congratulations, and good luck! Signed by the Japanese Prime Minister and the World Leaders Association's Chairman.

Katsuro made himself comfortable and ready to get bored on a 13-hour flight to New York.

The AppleGrand Hotel New York, just one block away from the WLA building, accommodated the 193 representatives. Katsuro prepared himself and proceed to one of the hotel's convention for the welcoming dinner organized by the association. At the venue's entrance, Monique was struggling with her dress and heels.

"Want some help?" A bright-looking girl offered her hand to Monique.

"Thank you. I need one." Monique slowly held her hand and smiled. They entered the venue, then found themselves a table. Everyone started to know each other.

"I'm Navya, by the way. Navya Sen. I'm from India." The bright-looking girl introduced herself to her tablemates.

"Heejin Park is my name. I'm from South Korea."

"I am Clement Ramos. From Spain."

"Monique le Clair from France."

"Whoa! Have you seen the Eifel tower?" Heejin asked excitedly. Everyone giggled and amused by her question.

"Yes. My workplace before is just overlooking the tower." Monique answered. Heejin clapped her hands and was in deep excitement.

"Okay. Let's continue. I'm Talya Frankel. From Israel."

Everyone turned to Katsuro, and he seems shocked. "Eh? Uh. Katsuro Kaya. From Japan." Katsuro smiled and made a small bow.

"Oh! We're neighbors." Heejin giggled and slapped Katsuro's right shoulder. Katsuro was startled and laughed to cover the pain he endured from it. Laughs and giggles filled the venue. Then suddenly a piece of welcoming music played, waiters came in and served the dinner.

After some time, everyone seemed to finish their food and started to converse again. The doors unknowingly sprung wide open, and a cold freezing wind blew, as Juliana entered the venue with the WLA board members. Everyone was mesmerized and overwhelmed by Juliana. Is that Juliana Genovesi? Gosh, I can't believe that she's that small. Her gothic fashion is so cool! Look at her silver hair! Juliana is getting annoyed by the murmurs, she pouted and grabbed the microphone.

"If you all keep on talking about me, you'll die!." Juliana tried to scare everyone with her husky voice. But, in irony, everyone, including the board members, smiled and tried to hold their laugh because it's too cute. Juliana frowned and then cleared her throat.

"All of you will enter the academy now through that door." Juliana pointed at the back door of the venue that seemed to appear just now. Everyone looked at the door and started to wonder about the academy they're going to attend. The mood and atmosphere of the venue changed, all are anxious and curious.

"Yes, this is no ordinary academy. Only above all aboves know this and have access. It's up to you to prove yourself." Juliana continued.

What's she saying? Is she trying to be scary again? The board members whispered to each other and felt awkward with Juliana's tone of voice. Juliana turned to them and gave a glowering look. I'll just deal with those idiots later. Juliana thought.

"As you enter the door, a maze will appear, and you have 10 mins. to get through, until then you will reach the academy if you don't make it on time, you'll face a consequence." Juliana adjusted her tone of voice to sound scarier. The representatives started to be frightened. Some are having the feeling of quitting and running away.

"No! You can't turn back now. You've already signed the letter given to you." Juliana said happily. "By the way, once you enter the door and decides to quit. I'll grant your wish right away." Juliana added.

Everyone felt relief and seemed willing to do the maze challenge to enter the academy. Monique removed her heels and tied her long curly blonde hair. Others prepared themselves as well. Katsuro was excited and eager to pass the challenge, for this is his chance for adventure and to escape pressure as the oldest son.

"I'll give you 30 seconds to enter. Once you failed, you'll disappear from the face of the earth. Your time starts now!"

The representatives rushed to enter the door. Fortunately, no one failed the 30 second time limit.

Juliana turned to the board members and smiled. "Let's go back to the office, their journey just started, and I need to observe."

The representatives stepped foot in a misty forest. And, a viny maze appeared in front of them.

"I don't want to do it!" Heejin shouted in fear. Then, suddenly she disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everybody screamed and hurriedly ran towards the maze. The maze has many turns and dead ends that made the challengers lose hope, but determination strengthened them. The mist made it harder to move forward and unable to see the paths they're going. The time is getting shorter and shorter.

"Navya! Let's go. Hold my hand." Monique grabbed Navya's hand and ran to whatever path she felt is right.

"We're going to die, Monique!" Navya shouted and tears started to ran down her cheeks.

"No! We're going to make it." Monique said with determination and a lot of eagerness. Monique can see a bright light at the end of the path she turned. She courageously ran as fast as she could to reach it.

And then...

A chirping bird woke Katsuro. He was surprised to find that he is lying on Navya's back head and, someone's hand is on his face. The 14 survivors realized that they had rumbled as soon as they got out of the maze. They helped each other to stand and looked around.

"Wow! Is this the 1920s?" Anna Robbins from America was startled.

"Where are we?" Navya asked.

"It feels and looks like Europe in the 1920s." Monique sighed.

Old-fashioned buildings, modes of transportation, people's clothing, and roads entered their field of vision and, it amazed them. Then, people started to stare because of unrelated clothes they're wearing.

"Welcome! Welcome! I'm looking all over for you guys. The orientation will start in an hour." A quirky young adult woman with big round eyeglasses approached them.

"For us? You were looking for us?" Monique asked.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. Where are we?" Anna interrupted her.

The remaining representatives were in deep confusion and curiosity. Their questions overwhelmed the quirky woman and gave her a confusing moment.

"Ah. I'll answer your questions at the academy. Let's go? Hehehe." The woman replied worriedly and smiled.

At the WLA office,

" I can't believe that those 193 kids entered that weird looking door in just 30 seconds." The US president wondered.

"If you're scared, anything's possible," Juliana explained while facing a big ancient mirror. Her icy blue eyes sparkled then she turned to the leaders.

"Only 14 reached the academy, 179 failed. What a shame." Juliana informed them sarcastically.

"Wha What?! Only 14?" The Singaporean PM trembled. The leaders were shocked and eager to find out who survived.

"Yes. Only 14 and Singapore is not one of them." Juliana answered. The Singaporean PM is speechless.


Puerto Rico






the Netherlands






United Kingdom

Juliana randomly announced the survivor countries. The country's leaders who failed are in grief and deep disappointment.

"These countries will survive the first wave of the war and will never give up their national flag that easily. To those who failed, immediate surrender due to fear will overpower your patriotism." Juliana explained in sadness as if she has compassion for them.

Episode 3

St. Catherine's Academy is a prestigious boarding school known for its top and diverse students. Located in the countryside town of Ashthea, the academy occupied a 10-hectare land. It has a clock tower, which the students considered haunted, and a 5-story library.

Katsuro was on his way to the dining hall to grab some lunch. For students like him, orientations are boring and make everybody hungry. At the dining hall, he saw some of his co-representatives and joined them.

"I was shocked when I saw some clothes and supplies in the room assigned to me." Dara Pha, from Burma informed her colleagues.

"You're not the only one. I think all of us do." Anna Robbins said.

"Their school uniform looks cool too!" Paulo Ortega from Puerto Rico exclaimed while checking his clothes.

"Yes. I think it's gothic." Afina Bogoescu from Romania gasped.

"I think so too and also the architecture of the buildings." Hermann Lýðsson from Iceland said.

Everyone agreed, and together they got food from the buffet table. Katsuro was amazed by Monique's plate. It's full of sweets. Cupcakes, brownies, cakes, and many more sat on her plate. Katsuro stared at her and wondered.

"You seem to like sweets a lot," Katsuro said to Monique. They both sat next to each other, and Monique checked on Katsuro's plate too.

" You are a salad person." Monique teased Katsuro.

"I like vegetables," Katsuro explained.

In the middle of their lunch, Freya Selby from Norway ran towards her colleagues and gave them a scared face.

"Guys, guys! I heard from another student." Freya was panting, and everyone turned to her.

"What is it?" Anna asked in excitement.

"Another woman went missing in a shopping center in Erantha, and it's the 5th one this week. Police and investigators haven't found any clues or traces." Freya informed them in a scary voice.

"That's so creepy!" Navya gasped.

" I got goosebumps," Dara said.

"Where the hell is Erantha?" Paulo asked out of the blue and ruined the creepy mood.

"I think it's the next town from here, and it's a big town more like a city in our world, I guess," Monique answered while biting a red velvet cupcake.

"Whoa. How'd you know that." Darren Cole from the UK asked in amazement.

"There's a map of Saithilien inside the desk drawer in the room, so I happened to look at it," Monique explained.

"I wonder what's caused the disappearances?" Anna wondered. The representatives continued with their lunch. And suddenly a female student with red hair stood beside them.

"Welcome to Saithilien! The kingdom of mysteries and creepiness." Penelope Vadne, the red-haired student, exclaimed. Then immediately walked away. They're startled and weirded out by Penelope, but they just ignored it. The clock tower rang, and finally, the afternoon classes had ended. Katsuro approached Monique, the only co-representative he had in the class. While Monique was fixing her desk, Katsuro unknowingly touched her hair.

"What are you doing?" Monique asked in a monotonous voice.

"Eh? Oh. It's my first time seeing real-life yakisoba noodles hair." Katsuro giggled.

"Huh? You thought that my hair looked like noodles?" Monique asked in an annoyed voice.

"Well." Katsuro scratched his head.

Monique pouted and gave him a furious look. Katsuro was suddenly worried about what he said. They both left the classroom awkwardly and proceeded to the students' lounge. As soon as they entered, Navya waved her hands at them. They walked towards Navya and accidentally Katsuro stepped on Monique's right foot. Monique tried so hard not to scream in pain, which made her cheeks red.

"Ka Kaya!" Monique whispered to Katsuro in a creaking voice of pain. Katsuro was startled and removed his foot. Navya started to laugh at them and seemed amused.

"Here." Navya handed them a newspaper, which showed the news of the mysterious disappearances in Erantha.

The women who've disappeared were skinny and young adults. They all came to the shopping center to buy clothes, and some of the clerks there said that the last time they saw them is when they entered the fitting rooms, then never came out. The time of the day they disappeared is the same. These just happened in one week.

Goosebumps ran all over Navya and Katsuro, but Monique seemed calm. "The fitting rooms, they've been swallowed by the fitting rooms," Monique said.

"Eh? Swallowed?" Katsuro asked in fear.

"That's just a figure of speech!" Monique exclaimed and glanced at Katsuro, annoyed.

"Uh! I'm just shocked by the verb you used!" Katsuro reasoned out.

The two started to argue while Navya was just observing happily. The argument continued until such time that awkwardly, it made no sense anymore. Monique pouted and folded her arms, then turned away from Katsuro. Katsuro, on the other hand, sighed in tiredness. Later, the three left the lounge for the dining hall.

"Where are the others?" Katsuro wondered while looking around the hall.

"I think they've already eaten. After my last class a while ago, Afina and Paulo said that they're going to meet with Anna and Darren here, and eat dinner together. As for the others, I have no idea." Navya answered. After dinner, they head to their respective rooms. Passing through a dark walkway near the school garden gave them chills, but the bright moonlight made them feel relieved. Then, suddenly Ms. Colette Fouche, the quirky woman, scared them from behind.

"Hey, guys." Ms. Fouche whispered in an intentional deep voice.

"Ms. Fouche, you scared us," Navya said.

"Sorry about that. By the way, tomorrow is Saturday, and during weekends the students don't have classes." Ms. Fouche informed and handed them letters. "These are letters from students to be sent to their families. I want you three to go to Erantha tomorrow and drop them in the post office." She explained.

"Can we stroll the town after?" Monique asked in excitement.

"Of course you can." Ms. Fouche answered happily.

Navya and Monique jumped in joy, then hugged Ms. Fouche.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Fouche. We're very excited." Navya said.

"No problem. I'll be going now." Ms. Fouche sighed. As she left, Navya and Monique looked at each other and giggled in excitement. As for Katsuro, he just stared at them happily.

"Kaya, you keep those letters, then let's all meet at the school gate tomorrow," Monique said. The three went in their separate ways. While on a dark corner of the walkway. A shadow of a woman seemed to be eavesdropping.

Morning came, and rays of the sun gave a pink accent light through the walkways of St. Catherine's Academy. Katsuro patiently waited at the gate and started to feel hunger. He saw a familiar girl walking towards him. She seemed uncomfortable with her blue dress with lots of white laces, and a big bow at her back waist; she also had a small light blue colored hat.

"Why are you staring at me with that kind of face?" Monique asked and glowered at him.

"Uh! You seemed struggling with your clothes." Katsuro answered while checking Monique's outfit, and suddenly his stomach sounded hungry. Monique pouted and looked at his stomach weirdly. In embarrassment, Katsuro hid his stomach with his two hands. "Why don't we eat breakfast first before heading to the train station?" Katsuro asked, still embarrassed.

"Let's just eat in Erantha. The trip is just 45 minutes." Monique answered.

"Eh?! 45 minutes?" Katsuro exclaimed.

"Navya can't go, she has a fever," Monique said and climbed up a carriage that stopped in front of the school gate. She accidentally slipped and is about to fall, but Katsuro managed to hold her waist. "Don't worry. I got you." Katsuro said, then gently pushed Monique into the carriage.

At the Ashthea station, the train started to load passengers and made its final whistle. Monique and Katsuro found an empty train cabin and got inside. Monique sat on the window side while Katsuro sat next to her.

"Can we join in?" An old couple with their adult son came in and sat across them. The son's weird gestures and facial reactions weirded Monique and Katsuro. "Just don't mind him. Our son went through a severe depression." The old lady explained.

"We are the Russos, by the way. How about you two? You seem pretty close." The old lady's husband said.

"I'm Katsuro Kaya and,"

"I'm Monique le Clair, and he is my servant." Monique interrupted Katsuro's introduction. "Eh?!" Before Katsuro can say anything, Monique pinched his left arm.

In the middle of their trip, Katsuro noticed that the Russo son kept on staring creepily at Monique while wetting his lips. Monique also noticed the creepy stare on the cabin window's reflection. They both started to feel uncomfortable.

"You look pretty, Ms. Monique. Why don't you drop by our shopping center near Erantha's public library. You can find a lot of fancy clothes there." The old lady suggested. Monique smiled as she replied and looked at the window again. She glowered suspiciously at the old lady's reflection in the window. So they are the owners of that shopping center. I'm slowly starting to see the truth of this mystery. She thought.

In a dimly lit office, a well-mannered gentleman sat comfortably in his office chair. The office door suddenly opened, and an unknown young girl came in. "Good day, Father, There are transfer students from an unknown region who came yesterday. And I suspected that one of them is a Zel." The girl said.

"You only suspect? Make it sure. That Zel might be our key to fame and fortune." The gentleman laughed.

"Yes, father." The girl smiled then left.

At Erantha.

After Monique and Katsuro dropped the letters in the post office, they went to an open restaurant in the middle of the park near the park's fountain. "Finally, I can eat breakfast after a long time enduring hunger," Katsuro said sarcastically and glanced at Monique. They ordered two sausage platters and hot chocolates. After eating, Katsuro stood up and bought some sweets.

"Tada! I bought chocolate twists for dessert and also wrapped a few for Navya." Katsuro handed one to Monique.

"Kaya. Why does it look like poop?" Monique asked and looked at the twist weirdly.

"What?! I don't think so. They look like chocolate kisses to me. Why don't you just eat it." Katsuro sighed and was a bit annoyed. Monique just giggled and eventually ate the twist.

It's so unfair! Every time I feel excited, I get a fever. I miss all the fun. Navya was throwing a tantrum in her room alone. Then suddenly someone knocked at the door. Navya got up and walked towards the door, still on a tantrum. "Surprise!" Navya was startled and felt happy to see Anna, Freya, Dara, Afina, Talya, and Vera Jayadi, from Indonesia. They sneaked some food from the dining hall and brought it to Navya's room.

"How'd you girls know that I'm here?" Navya asked.

"Monique told us before she left for Erantha," Anna explained.

"Oh, thank you. I'm so happy that you all are here." Navya smiled in excitement.

"Monique is so brave to roam around this world alone. I envy her bravery." Vera said.

"She's not alone. Kaya accompanied her." Navya informed her while her mouth was full of butter cookies.

"Oh, that Japanese guy. He seemed nice and cute." Anna said.

"Yes, he is kind. He and Monique are pretty close." Navya's still putting butter cookies in her mouth. The girls continued to gossip and enjoyed the day off.

After eating, Monique and Katsuro decided to check Russo's shopping center and try to investigate on their own.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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