NovelToon NovelToon

Six Feet Ahead

Episode 1

It all happened so fast. Everything, everyone, wiped from my mind in a split second. Everyone that I loved and hated, gone. All I remember were people surrounding me, and then passing out. I remembered some other things but they're hard to explain. Some more complex than others.

"Come on buckaroo! We're gonna be late!" Rowan Lakers yells from down stairs, adjusting his shirt. Jason Lakers was down stairs as well, sitting down on the couch watching the television.

Felix sighed. "I'm coming give me a second!" He replied to his father. He got his knee pads and socks on and rushed down stairs, hoping he wouldn't fall down the stairs. "I'm ready!" He said, smiling.

Rowan smiled and ruffled his kid's hair. "That's my boy, you better hit that ball, and hit it hard." His father said, smiling brightly.

Felix smiled as he nodded. "I will, I promise I'll make you both proud." Felix said, his voice filled with determination. Felix played volleyball for almost three years. He was the wing spiker and kind of the best wing spiker there.

His other dad, Jason stood up from the couch and hugged Felix. "Do your best bud." He said, smiling softly. Jason and Rowan got married a couple years back. They then had Felix.

Felix smiled and hugged his other dad back. "I will pops, I promise." He replied. Felix's team won many games in the past. He's hoping that the team won't break their streak.

"Alright, let's get going or else you're team is gonna be wingless without their wing spiker." Rowan said, trying hard to make at least one dad joke.

Felix rolled his eyes, smiling lightly as he laughed softly. "Dad, I swear if you make any sort of joke on the way to the game or in the game, no hugs for a week." Felix replied, laughing. Felix was the kid who loved his parents dearly, but hates it when they embarrass him.

As the family got ready, Jason had to stay at the house because of work. So this time it was just Rowan and Felix. The two got everything in the trunk. Felix got in the front seat, Rowan got in the drivers seat.

"Bye pops!" Felix yelled from the car. He waved, smiling brightly at his other dad. Even though Jason couldn't come, he knew full well that his other dad, Rowan would film the game.

Jason was on the stairs of the door way. He smiled brightly and waved back at his son. "Bye kiddo! Do you're best!" He said once more. Jason didn't care if his son won or lost, as long as he did his best, it would still count for a win for him.

Felix smiled and nodded. Rowan already started the car, waving to his husband. Felix was beyond ready for the game. He loved volleyball and had a passion for it. Nothing could stop his love for it.

Except Death.

Rowan continued driving, humming to 'Wait for It' from Hamilton the Musical, sung by Leslie Odom Jr. Felix had a love for musicals and showed his parents the movie that came out just on July 3rd. A musical later they all soon became obsessed.

Felix looked out the window. He soon sunk into his own small world of thoughts. He wondered if they would win. Wondered if they would lose. He wondered about strategies and plans about how to win. He was desperate to keep the streak alive for as long as possible. He wasn't going to let it slip today. No, he wanted to win. He needed to win.

"So, are you nervous?" Rowan asked, glancing at Felix as he drove. Rowan was always the person Felix came to when he was upset, anxious, depressed, and things like that. Rowan was like the go to guy for Felix.

Felix got dragged back into reality. He looked at his dad and tilted his head, not really sure how to answer. He wasn't really nervous, but he wasn't confident either. He was kind of in the middle. He shrugged. "Uhm, maybe just a bit." He simply answered.

Rowan nodded and sighed softly. "I know you'll do your best out there. You'll do great, I'm not just saying that because your my son. I'm saying this because you're a really skilled player Felix. It's ok to be nervous but don't let that take over you, ok?" Rowan said, smiling softly as he took small glances at his son, still keeping his eyes on the road.

Felix nodded, smiling softly at his father's words. "I promise I'll make you proud." He said determinedly. Felix never let anything bring him down. Even if something dragged him down and into the dirt, he would get up and brush off.

Rowan sighed as he saw a driver driving crazy. Going from lane to lane, messing up many people. It was obvious that the driver was drunk. Rowan shook his head and continued to drive. "Jeebus, people these days. Getting drunk and then driving what the heck?" He mumbled to himself.

Felix didn't think to much of it. He shrugged it off and continued to get pulled back into his own small world of thoughts. He planned out ways he and his team could win. He new the opposing team had amazing players, but he knew that nothing would stop his team. The captain of the volleyball team always had a plan, so everyone counts on him. Felix shivered at the thought of being captain. People always depending on you. It was scary for Felix.


Rowan screamed as the car went flying to the side of the road. Felix screamed louder though. Honking of horns and bloodcurdling screams were ringing through Felix's ears.

The car flew to the other side of the road. More screams were heard. There was blood everywhere. Red marks. Everywhere.

The honking and bloodcurdling screams were one of the last things Felix heard. The very last words he heard was from a voice he loved.

"I'm sorry Felix....." As a plug was pulled.

"Where am I?"

"Why is everything so bright?"

"What...what happened...?"

"New form is almost complete. Please wait."


"New form is almost complete. Please wait."

"W-what do you mean new form..?!"

"New form completed."

"W-what the hell are you taking about..?!!"

"Transformation will start in five second."

"What?! No!"




"No no no no no! Stop! T-this isn't right!"


"Stop! What do you mean by transformation?! What do you mean about some new form?!"


"Where are my parents?! Dad?! Pops?!!"


"So this is what dying feels like."

"Never thought it would be so....painless."

"The action of death is painful."

"But this..?"

"This is...different."

"Not like I've experienced death before."

"It's just different from what you think death feels like."

"You think death would feel painful."

"You think you would be up in heaven where the angels are."

"Oh you would go to hell, where the demons are."


"It's none of those."

"It's kind of amazing to be honest."

"To be proven wrong, with the only way to finding out is to...die."

"Of course, the action of you dying is painful."

"But after?"

"It's exhilarating."

"Who knew?"

"How did it end up like this?"

"How did one of the best days of my life..."

"Become my death..?"

"It was supposed to be a day to remember by happiness."

"Now it's to be remembered funeral..?"

"My dad and my pops..."

"My teammates.."

"I got to watch my funeral..I had a choice."

"I regret it."

"I miss them."

"I...I want to have a family again.."

"Parents just like the ones I have."



"I'm sorry dad.."

"I'm sorry pops..."

"I wished I could've stayed longer."

"I miss you both..."

"Please forgive me..."

"Happy birthday to you!" The last verse of the classic song that gets sung to you every year. Something you can never really shake off no matter how hard you try and forget.

My mom smiles at me as I blow the candles out. Today is my sixteenth birthday. People always say that sixteen is supposed to be your year. I don't necessarily get that. A birthday is a birthday. It doesn't really matter what age. It's just a year.

I smile softly. My mom comes up to me and runs her fingers through my shoulder length red hair. "Happy sixteenth birthday, Robin."

I feel my smile grow just a bit. "Thanks mom." I respond. My mom means everything to me. She made me the person I am today, and I'm thankful for that. Though she still can't tell me what my dreams mean.

Maybe the dreams will stop this year. Maybe, just maybe I'll stop getting weird dreams. It's annoying and getting old. I sigh softly as I get the knife from the counter. I slice the cake into triangular figures. I place one onto my little sister's plate, then my mother's and then mine.

"Happy birthday birdie!" My little sister says. It's a nickname my mother gave to me. I honestly think it's kind of stupid, but I don't really mind it I guess.

"Thanks Camil." I say, smiling softly as I pat her head gently. Maybe this year would be better? The universe will tell me. Eventually.

"Watching my own funeral..."

Episode 2

As the so called 'party' went on, everyone was dancing as the music was on top volume. Me? Well I was just sitting down enjoying my cake. My mom always said the birthdays are special days, but I never understood it. It's just a celebration of you getting older. I get maybe some younger kids will get excited over those things but not me. The only difference about this day was that we had cake.

Nothing else has changed. Everyone is dancing, everyone meaning my mom, my sister, and some of her friends. Everyone is having a great time. Everyone is all cheery and happy.

I should be excited about turning sixteen.


I mean, I get to start driving, I guess that's cool.

Honestly I'd rather have my mom drive. I don't trust myself in a car. Too many possibilities of getting into a car crash. Too many possibilities that lead to the hospital. Too many possibilities that can greet me with heaven or hell.

"Come on birdie! Dance with us!" Camil says. She sounds so excited, but right now I don't feel like dancing, I'm eating my cake, they are possibilities that it could fall and end up on the floor.

I nod. "I will, let me finish my cake first." I reply. I should've said that I would dance when I feel like it, but there are too many possibilities that she would end up upset. I don't want that, no one wants that.

My little sister nods as she goes back to dancing with some of my mom's friends. I see everyone smiling. It gives me a warm feeling in my stomach. I don't know if that's good or not, but it makes me feel a small hint of joy knowing that others are happy. I give a light smile to the vibes in the room.

I finish my cake and got up from my seat, I open the trash and dropped the paper plate and plastic utensils in the trash. I check the time. "Seven thirty." I sigh. I would say I have a decent sleep schedule, but sometimes it gets out of hand. One time I slept at four fifteen A.M and woke up at six. Honestly it scared me a bit.

I walk back to my seat, but before I could sit down, someone grabs my hand. "Nuh uh, your dancing. You finished your cake, and you said to Camil you would dance after you finished your cake." My mom's friend, Evelyn says. I sigh softly. Evelyn was one of my mom's best friends. They met at a bar in D.C. She came by one day to say hi and then here we are.

I sigh. I honestly didn't like dancing. This was mom's idea. My mom is the type of mom who will support you no matter what. If I'm gay, which I am, she'd support me, and she does. My mom got a divorce with her husband when I was five. To see her smile makes me happy for her. I nod, "One song, that's it." I reply. I should've said no, but there are too many possibilities that I could be hated in this situation, so it's best if I at least try to be nice.

I try not to sigh for what felt like the millionth time. The song that played was 'LoveFool' by The Cardigans. I would never admit it to my family, but I'm actually a big fan of this song. The meaning is kind of dumb, but the beat is nice. The instruments that they chose where amazing. The meaning of the song doesn't make sense. I start swaying my body back and forth to the music, smiling very lightly.

"Oooo~ look at Robin! Finally he decides to dance with everyone and not sit down." Mom said, laughing. I roll my eyes but smile softly. I can tell she was joking, at least I hoped so.

"Y'know what, maybe I'll sit back down." I joked. I wasn't really going to, I like messing with my mom. It's funny to see her reactions, other times I would get a whoop on the ass.

Mom gasped. "Sit back down and I'm taking back your present." My mom said, trying to hide her smile that was growing on her face. I could tell because she makes a face when she tries to hide smiles. I chuckle softly as I begin to feel the rhythm of the new song, 'Solider, Poet, King' by The Oh Hellos. Camil plays this song a lot. This song is also pretty nice.

Swaying turned into small jumps. Small jumps turned into organized moves. Organized moves turned into a whole dance. I smiled as I danced to the music. Kicking at some parts of the dance.

"Woohoo!" Camil cheered as she clapped. "You go birdie!" My smile grew bigger as I took over the so called dance floor. Everyone moved out of the way as I danced to the song. It was...nice. Maybe this birthday isn't that bad.

Once the song ended, I stopped dancing. My heart was a drum that was playing fast. My breathing was in need to be steady again. Everyone around me clapped. I smile and bow down. "Thank you, thank you very much." I laughed.

My mom looked impressed. Then again, I've never danced in front of anyone. Or in fact, I've never danced. The only hobby I do is art. "I didn't know Robin, my son, the person always cooped in his room, could dance! You really are my son!" She smiled as she engulfed me in a bear hug.

I try to gasp for air, struggling to breath. "M-mom, I-I can't breathe." I say, my voice drained. Mom let's go laughs, patting my back.

"Sorry kiddo," She said again, laughing once more. Did she doubt that I was her son?

I sit back down, needing to catch my breath. I respect dancers. How can people dance for more than thirty minutes? One song and I'm out for the rest of the day. I look around the room, people are back to dancing. A small smile forms on my face.

Happy birthday to me.

I take off my beanie and get into bed. I pull the sheets over my body. I turn off my lamp on the side of my bed. I turn and face the other way as the dark welcomes me.

"Hey Felix! Over here!" A kid yells. I look over and run over to the kid, only to be pushed to the ground. The kid sticks his tongue out at me. I felt tears prick my eyes. I see them fall as I wipe them away.

One kid came up to me and frowned. "Are you ok?" They sounded..concerned. I have no control of my own body. I nod and wipe my tears. The kid hoisted me up from the ground. Then the scenery changes.

"Come on buckaroo! Let's practice for your next game!" Someone yelled. I catch a glimpse of their face. It's a man. Someone with brown hair and a short beard. I feel like I've seen him before. He's standing next to another man. One with red curly hair.

All of a sudden, I smile as I run up to the two males. It looks like there was a net. The male with the brown hair held a volleyball.

'Volleyball? I don't know how to play..'

"Alright, are you serving?" The one with red hair asked. I nod, the other two smile as they toss the ball over to me. I catch it and smile. The two men went to the other side of the net. I threw the ball in the air and hit it. I watched it go across the net.

Then the scenery changed.

The scenery was one that I've seen many times before, yet it still scares me sometimes.


All I see is blurred scenes of blood, spinning, and more blood. I hear loud screams and screeches and police sirens. Then everything goes dark.

"Robin?" I hear a voice

"Robin? Are you ok sweetie?" The voice said, muffled.

"Robin!" The voice was clearer.

All of a sudden the scenery room. I look around and see my mother. "Hm?" I sit up, running my eyes tiredly.

"I came in here to say goodnight, but you were twisting and turning a lot in your sleep and I got worried. I'm guessing you had another one of those dreams?" My mother said, looking very concerned. Her eyes were filled with worry.

I sigh and nod. "Yea, two different sceneries, the last one was still the same." I shake my head as placed a hand on my forehead. Even though this dream has been in my mind for the past couple of months, the last scenery still startled me. That's why I'd rather not drive.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I wish there was more I could do." My mom sighed softly, putting her hand on mine. I smile softly, trying to reassure her that I'm ok, because I am. The dream is kind of...annoying, but I'll manage. I just need to find out who Felix is, who those two men are? Who the boy was? Why was he playing volleyball? How did he get in the crash?

"It's ok mom, I'll be fine. There just dreams, nothing more." I said, even though I don't believe what I said. My mom smiled and ruffled my long, red hair.

"Alright kiddo, goodnight. Sleep well ok?" She replied, smiling. I nod as I lay back down in my bed. My mom closes the door and leaves me in the dark. I sigh softly as I check the time on my phone. The bright light blinded me for a split second. 11:32 pm. I sigh and place my phone back on the night stand. I lay in my bed facing the ceiling. I thought about the dream like I always do whenever I get them.

Maybe one day I can figure all of this out? Maybe one day I can finally end these dreams? Maybe one day I can do something. Something that I'll understand. Something that can make these dreams go away. I've been stuck with them for months and honestly it's getting old. The dream always ends up me being in a car crash. Is it my future? But it can't be, apparently I'm Felix in this dream. I still don't understand it. What does it mean?

What does all of this mean?

I yawn, still half asleep. I look around and sigh softly. I stretch my arms and stretched them upwards. I rub my eyes tiredly and got up from my bed. I look in the mirror and make a face. "Ew." Is all I say before making my way down the stairs.

I reached the last step to the bottom floor. My mom looked at me and smiles as she waves. "Morning kiddo, I'm making pancakes, how many do you want?" She asks, clearly thrilled. My mom wasn't really the best cook, one time she burned water.

I think for a bit before answering. "I'll have two please." I say, smiling softly. My mom nods as she took two pancakes from a stack and placed them on a plate. She hands the plate to me. I thank her as I sit down. I then realized that I forgot my fork and knife. So I get up and get that too. Then I sit down and enjoy breakfast.

In the back, we have my little sister and Evelyn dancing to music. The usual thing. It's normal in this household. In the kitchen, my mother is actually cooking? That's...kind of normal? Not really but I'm not complaining. Right here, we have me. Doing nothing really special.

Once I finish my plate, I rinse it and placed it in the dishwasher. If I didn't do that my mom would probably get mad and hit me with the rag. Of course I respect my mom's wishes and behave and do chores and do what kids do. Respect their parents. At least that's what I do. Some kids disrespect the parents and I think that's pretty messed up. Though if your parents are assholes yea ok go ahead.

I go near Evelyn and my sister. I sit down on the couch and watch them dance. "Hey Robin, come dance with us?" Evelyn invited. I shook my head. It's too early to dance, I'm tired and I just ate.

"I only dance on special occasions." I replied, smiling softly. I also just don't feel like dancing. It's too early. "Plus I just ate so.." I added on. Evelyn shrugged and continued dancing with Camil. Camil was smiling brightly. I can tell she was very thrilled. Camil loved Evelyn. She called Evelyn her dance buddy, now I see why.

My mind starts to wonder about the dream last night. I sigh as I just let it happen. The concept of these dreams are two of them are always different, but the third one is always the same. I've had ones where he was lost in a mall. One where he was at the hospital. I think he broke his leg or something? I've had another one in the hospital but it felt different. It felt like as if he never woke up. I didn't like it. All of a sudden my imagination was disturbed.

"Birdie, come dance!" Camil said. I look up and sigh. I shake my head, not really in the mood.

"Sorry bub, not in the mood right now." I sigh and ruffle her brown locks. She nods and goes back to dancing. I'm glad that she's understanding sometimes. Sometimes she would cry. Sometimes she would throw a tantrum. Sometimes she would smiled and nod. I like it when she smiles and nods. It makes things much easier.

But, enough of that. I need to figure out who Felix is, who those two men are, who that boy is, and why I keep getting into this car crash. I need to piece these things together. The puzzle that doesn't have all the pieces. I need time, but I also need answers. Maybe this time I'll do something. Maybe this time I'll figure it out. Maybe this time my mom won't have to worry anymore. Maybe this time I can get my life together. Hopefully I get to finally find out what all of this means. The car crash, the boy, the two males, Felix, why I get dreams about volleyball?

Maybe all of this can be answered..

And I'll figure it out.

And I'll figure it out on my own.

Episode 3

You may be asking, "Robin, why do you think you can get answers by google?" Well, Robin doesn't know himself. Right now, I'm on my laptop searching up who Felix is. Kinda stupid I know, thinking that a random kid could be in google. I start typing.

'Felix car crash.'

Nothing comes up. Only pictures of car crashes and some other stuff that are completely unrelated. I sigh, I mean, what was I expecting? I close my laptop and sit back. My eyes look to the ceiling of my room. A plain, white ceiling. Nothing special.

I sigh softly. I wonder if there's any other way to find out. I truly do want to. These dreams don't make any sense. I would really like dreams that make sense. If anything, these are nightmares. Not the ones that scare you or make you jolt up from your bed, no, these nightmares are ones that repeat in your mind for months.

I need to know what all of this means. I've been stuck with these dreams for months and honestly if I don't get these nightmares out of my head I may just go insane. My mom says that they're probably just nightmares that are there to stay. The thing is, I don't want that. I know she does her best to help though, but I need answers. She doesn't want me finding out in my own, but if it comes to that, I'm gonna have to do it.

I ignore the urge to keep searching the web. The only thing I'll probably find is pictures of random stuff which is honestly kind of annoying. I mean, how annoying would it be if you were searching up for something and get something completely unrelated.

I get up from my desk and start waking down stairs. My mom and Camil went to the store to get groceries, so I was home alone. Not that it was a bad thing, honestly I don't mind. I grab a glass and fill it with water. I take a sip and place the glass down. What do I do now? I have no idea. But I do know for sure that I can't leave this subject alone. But how will I figure this out? I sigh softly, It annoys me that I can't do much. All that I can do really is sleep and dream. That's all I do besides helping my family and going to work. Sadly that's all I can do. Just when I start to get deep in my thoughts, my phone interrupted my thoughts.

'We're on our way home :)' My mom texts.

'Alright, you need help with groceries?'

'Yes please'

'Mkay, text me when you're in the drive way.'

'Will do'

With that, I turn my phone off and walk to the couch. I lay down and slowly drift off to a slumber.

"Congrats kiddo! I'm so proud of you!" A man yells. My head spins around and I see the man again, the one with brown hair. I smile and hug him.

"Thanks dad!" I hear myself say. Okay, I've known that this kid has two dads. Honestly that's pretty cool. Not gonna lie, I forgot the good times I've spent with my dad. It's been a while, and to be honest again, I kinda miss those times. But, life isn't always a happy ending.

I notice the setting. It's a house. I desperately try to take control of my eyes. I struggle, but I catch a glimpse of the address.

'7761 Lafayette St. Monroeville, PA 15146.'

(It's a fake address I swear.)

"You did well! I knew you could do it, bud!" The brown haired male said. Sorry pops, but it's time for me to head out. Or at least try to. I try and force my eyes open. All I can say is that it hurts. It hurts a lot. My eyes open wide. I groan and put my hand over my head. I feel exhausted. I then remember the address. I scramble up from the couch as I desperately try and find a paper and pen, repeating the address over, and over again in my head.

'7761 Lafayette St. Monroeville, PA 15146'

'7761 Lafayette St. Monroeville, PA 15146'

'7761 Lafayette St. Monroeville, PA 15146'

I run up the stairs to my room.

'7761 Lafayette St. Monroeville, PA 15146'

I open my drawer and grab paper and a pen as I write down the address. 7761 Lafayette St. Monroeville, PA 15146. I sigh in relief as I close the cap on the pen. I fold the paper and place it somewhere only I'll find it, under my notebook. Literally, no one looks there, so I stash most of my important things there that I don't want my mom or my sister to see. I then open my laptop and go on google, there has to be something about this address.

I type rapidly in the search bar.

7761 Lafayette St. Monroeville, PA 15146

I press the enter button. My eyes sparkle when I see something about the address.


I jump and close the tab quickly, closing my laptop. I hear foot steps coming towards my room. The door burst open as I snap my head to the one standing in the doorway. It was no other then my mother. She walks up to me. "You said you would help me with groceries, what happened? Playing video games was more important than helping your own mother?" She says, looking pretty offended.

I shake my head defensively. "No no no no no no, of course not." I reply quickly. " I was taking a nap." I say. Now that I think about it, it was a very stupid excuse even though it was the truth. My mom glares at me.

"Alright then." She says, clicking her tongue. "Anyway, help me put the groceries away then." She said. She then left the room. I nod and get up from my desk. I walk out of the room. Before I close the door, I take one last glance at the notebook with the address in it. I sigh and close the door behind me.

I then start speed walking down stairs. I take the groceries out of the plastic Walmart bags. I take the things and put them in the fridge, freezer, and pantry. Once I'm done, I wash my hands and flop on the couch. I take out my phone and start typing the address on Google Maps. A place comes up and it's in a city that's in the state I'm in, except it's around maybe six hours by car from where I am. I'll have to find transportation to get there. I know my mom wouldn't drive there no matter how many times I ask. I could take a train. I'll just tell my mom that I'm meeting my friend that happens to be there. Yea, that could work, and if it doesn't, I'll just sneak out in the middle of the night. I'll have to leave at around three a.m.

Once again, my thoughts get interrupted by my little sister, Camil. She looks at me and smiles. "Hey birdie, while me and mommy were at Walmart, I got this for you." She seems excited. She reveals a black notebook with the words 'Family' on the front with white coloring. I can't help but smile. I take the notebook, grateful to what my little sister blessed me with.

I smile. "Thank you Camil, I love it." I laugh softly. I'll keep this and hold it until the day I die. As you can tell, I love my sister. I'm very over protective of her though. But since I'm going to be leaving, Mom will have to do a lot more. I feel kinda bad, but I'm desperate for answers.

My sister smiles, hopping a little bit. "You like it?" I laugh at hug her.

"I love it." I smile. Camil laughs. I let her go. She smiles and runs back up stairs to her room. I chuckle softly as I get up and head up to my room. close the door behind me. I head to my small desk and open my laptop. I type in the address in my search bar again. I press enter and do more research about the address.

A couple minutes pass and I've got nothing. All I got was the city, which I already found out on my phone on Google Maps. I groan in frustration. Why am I even relying on a dream? This is stupid. But then again, answers. I sigh and look up at the ceiling. Was this a bad idea? Probably. Will I still go? Most likely yes, yes I will. Is it a stupid thing to do? Oh most definitely yes. It was a stupid idea but then again, my middle name is stupid. No it's not, it's Elliot. Though it would've been fitting. Though I doubt my mom would ever have that as my middle name. She loves me too much to have my middle name as stupid.

I turn my laptop off and close it. I sigh softly. I think my best bet is to tell my mom tomorrow and then leave at three a.m. I'll stay at a hotel, or not depending on how tired I am. I'll look some up tomorrow. I'll also need to pack my things. That's going to be a tedious process. I look at the time. Ten fifteen p.m. Good thing I'm already in my pajamas. I turn off my desk top lamp. I pull the blankets off the bed and hop in. I charge my phone and pull the sheets over me.

I really hope mom allows me. If not, I'll just have to do what every teen does, sneak out. Which I really hope I don't have to do.

I then slowly drift off into a slumber.

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