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The Pirate's Family

Episode 1

It's been a couple years since Raina had her run away experience.

Raina brought a new perspective home, which she shared with her parents. Although Raina's parents were a bit worried to hear how their daughter spent her time or how she was tortured in prison. They both were relieved she was home again. Even though Raina's parents hated how she ran away without guards, last words, and the tortures in prison they listened to everything their daughter said, even made some changes to their torturing of prisoners.

In those couple of years Raina wrote to her friends she made; all of Raina's friends visited her once in awhile and vice versa. In that time John and Luke who attacked Raina on her way home worked their way to be body guards.

At first both princes, Arthur and Ralph felt awkward when they found out Ella was princess Raina. Especially since they all knew the prince's parents wanted them to court Raina, in time the awkwardness left and they all genuinely were friends. Because Ralph and Arthur met princess Raina as Ella they too changed with a new perspective.

Episode 2

Raina knew very well why her parents was sending her with King Richard's and King Alvin's family on a boat to a neighboring country for a royal's birthday. Raina's parents hope their daughter to be courted whether it was to prince Arthur or Ralph, or if she found love with the neighboring country's prince as long as their daughter was happy, found love, and some day in the future an heir.

Raina and her guards left a month and a half early so Raina could play and or talk with her friends at both kingdoms. Though the few friends she made at each kingdom knew she was princess Raina; they also knew she didn't want be crowded or known so Richard and Alvin's kingdom knew her as Ella.

Although Galvin and James came to protect Raina with John and Luke, Raina allowed them to visit with whoever while two of them secretly guarded the princess... Secretly so there was no suspicion about Ella being princess Raina. Raina dressed as a common person when visiting so no one knew she is a princess.

Raina stopped at Richard's kingdom for a brief time to catch up with friends she made there like: Ruth, Gus, and Orson. Raina then left for Alvin's kingdom where she stayed till the royals had to set sail.

In king Alvin's kingdom Cecil showed Raina that he remembered what Gus taught him. Raina and Cecil had a wooden sword fight while Cecil's kids watched them; although John and Luke weren't right up front like the kids they were still watching from a distance. Raina helped Arlene once in a while and visited the majesties. Though Raina visited the majesties Arthur came to town everyday visiting and spending all day with Raina and whatever she was doing. Arthur sometimes got side tracked talking with whom ever.

King Richard, his son, and few guards came to Alvin's kingdom a day early. Raina knew that they all including her and her guards will be leaving the next day on the trail to the docks.

When you first glance at the party on the trail you wouldn't believe how many people there is or that Raina looked like a commoner. Still nevertheless they had a destination, the docks.

Episode 3

The Royals arrived at the docks the very next day. Yes, everyone's eyes were on the royals for a moment but they all went back to their business.

At the toll booth the royals paid for themselves as well as the guards sailing toll. Some may have wondered if they had their own ships to sail, which they did. Raina wanted to sail with the commoners and even looked like one, the other royals wanted to be with Raina for nice accompany and to know she was safe.

Thankfully the royals and guards didn't get motion sickness. The first week of sailing was pleasant with some good strong winds. To some people sailing is an adventure enough but for this ship of people it wasn't, pirates in their fourth week of sailing. The pirates and their ship were called The Dragon's Haul; these pirates were like any other pirate trying get some booty.

When Captain Rudy and his son saw the royals and Raina they immediately went straight to them. "Give up yer treasures or else!" One by one captain Rudy and his son got jewels and or coins from the royals and commoners until they got to Raina. "Treasure missie!" "Do not have none." "Now no fibbing missie." "Father." Ashton, Rudy's son whispered in his ear saying "look the way she is dressed." In an equal tone Rudy said "if so, then why be with royals?" Ashton didn't have an answer and was starting to wonder too. "If not rich then why be with the royals here?" "Why shall I answer?!" Rudy's crew looked at him; Rudy then grabbed Galvin saying "cutlass' are dangerously sharp, with a cut this lad could see Davy Jones' locker." "No! How about a trade?" "What do ye have to trade?" "Myself. You let my brother go and I will go a board your ship and do whatever." "Ashton hold him, Missie." Captain Rudy walked saying "missie join me over there at starboard." "Why, what are you planning?" "Nothing; say parley if ye do not believe me." ".. Parley." "Well said, now starboard." Raina walked over wondering what the seadog wanted. "Give me yer terms." "Why?" "Ye remind of me wife: strong, smart, and a beauty." "Thank you I think." "Terms!" "Sorry... You let everyone here go alive, I will board your ship with few belongings, I will try do anything best but you have let me write my family once in a while. Oh and no sinking this or funny business with me." "Ye smart in deed. I will decide how long ye stay a board. Do we have an accord?" "One more thing no harm to me." "Deal." "Everyone stays here, lass lead the way."

Raina started walking toward her room to get her duffle which included: bow and arrows, a sword, and a small bag of clothes. "Ye done?" "Yes." "Come along then."

Above deck everyone seemed unsettled and scared until they saw the lady. "Me hearties lets go. Ashton help-" "Ella." "Help Ell a board our ship." Ashton looked befuddled but followed his order, "Ella!" "Galvin, you guys tis ok." "Aye tis is. Ella here made her terms and I agreed." One pirate just stared as another said 'Blimey!' "Do not follow us, go where you were, I will be fine." "Aye, she will be fine due to her terms."

Once the pirates were back on their ship with Ella and the booty they sailed immediately leaving that ship in the dust. The ship with the royals continued the sailing and even though the royals and guards wanted to go after the pirate ship they rust Raina and continued their voyage.

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