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Scars Are Beautiful

First encounter

...*author's Pov*...

it is a bright clear morning and the first day of y/n's new school.

y/n lived alone in her apartment.

her mother died 3 years before and 1 year later his father married another woman. her stepmother was very cruel. she turned her father against y/n by her tricks. y/n just wanted to move out and start a new life and she did as she turned 17. she moved away, far away from those people who left scars on her heart but she was ready to heal them.

she woke up before the alarm could ring.

she was very excited.

she was going to start fresh.

...*y/n's Pov*...

I moved in just a few days ago.

I am so happy that those 2 bar*s didn't come to see me.

they will give me monthly allowance but I don't want to relay on them. I want to cut all ties from those sh*ts! I'll soon find a job and pay for my expenses!

today is my first day at my new school ! I mustn't got late so I got early. actually, I'm used to waking up early because that woman used to torture me and made me do house works in the morning. but because of her I know how to cook and do all the stuff. she used to beat if I did even a single mistake so you can say I'm perfect at almost everything. and my father .....that a**hole! if it wasn't for that woman I would've never known that he was such a piece of s*it!

don't think about them y/n. you'll soon be free and won't be associated with them. today is your first day just enjoy the day !

I took a shower and got ready. then i ate the breakfast and checked my bag again and went to the mirror.

"fighting !" I cheered myself up and left my apartment.

it was my first time leaving home with a smile since that woman appeared.

I walked through the empty streets and then took a turn.

" ah!"

I hit something and fell down on my left side.

" what the hell !" a deep voice said.

I rubbed my forehead and looked down. there were papers all over .


"I'm sorry ! I'm sorry !" I apologized picking up the papers.

I picked up the papers. "I'm really sorry " I said and held the papers in front of him.

he was handsome. he was angry because I made a mess but he still looked handsome. but his angry face changed. his eyes widened but in a few seconds his face turned cold and he grit his teeth as if he was warning me.

the pulled the papers from my hands and pushed me towards the wall but before I could hit the wall, I tripped and fell on the ground on my but. it was to harsh.

"outch !" I cried " hey ! I told you I was sorry! are you crazy!?" I shouted in anger.

he just gave me an evil smirk and left me there without even apologizing.

what the hell is wrong with him ! my first encounter was so bad ! I hope I never see him again.

I got up and brushed my shirt.

"outch!" I had a wound on my right palm.

" there's no time for this! that psycho had already wasted a lot of my time, I'll be late for school if I went to treat the wound. just bear with it y/n, you have a whole day ahead" I cheered myself up and ran towards school.

*a few minutes later*

"wtf? where am I " there was dead end in front of me.

I cheered myself so much that I forgot the rout and ran straight.

" this is all because of that idiot ! I'm gonna get late for the first day of my school ! my bright life ahead will all be -" " Haha!" I was interpreted by a mischievous laughter above me.


"aahhhh!!!!" I screamed and covered my eyes

"woaaahhhh!!!" that person said " don't scream like that out of the blue! I could've crashed on the wall !"

I jerked my head towards him " how ironic! you were the one who jumped from behind that wall ! "

"jimin!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a loud, woman's voice came from behind the wall.

"shit !" that boy shouted " let's go!"

"wait wha-?!!" he pulled me and ran as if hell die if he won't.

I ran with him as I cannot stop my now usain bolt legs.

after a while he stopped.

i gasped for air "gasp!...w..what... was that !!??"

" I'll tell you lets enter or we'll be late for school." he said

"huh?" I looked up. it was my school. students were entering the gates. then i looked at him. he was wearing the same uniform as me.

he smiled " I'll be going in, hope we'll meet in the school " he left

I facepalmed myself.

I've met 2 annoying people in the morning ! and one of them is in my school ! God can't be more cruel !

i sighed and entered the school gates and went to my class room.

"huh?" there was a large crowd of people in the front of the class.

I wanted to see too so I pushed through the crowd and saw a girl with her arms out towards someone holding a pink letter.

ohhhh!!! a proposal on the first day !! how interesting ! let's see who is she confessing to !

I looked up to see who the person was and was shocked . it was the same crazy stupid psycho person I met in the morning !

"what the f*ck!" I said without even realizing.

everybody heard. even him. everybody in that room turned towards me.

that boy's and my eyes met. he smirked cunningly.

that was scary.

he took the letter from the girls hands and crumbled it into a ball in his hands.

with full force he threw it towards me and it hit my forehead.

" sorry I cant accept it. I just threw your letter in the trashcan" he said and walked toward me. he didn't moved a bit and his shoulder hit mine forcefully and I hit the blackboard.

silence filled the entire room.

psycho maniac !

...*author's Pov*...

y/n stood there, holding her shoulder. but the pain was not what shocked her, it was that boy's reaction whome y/n met just once. she was confused.

the girl that just proposed to the boy ran out of the room. people soon started chatting, probably about y/n but she wasn't affected.

"f*ck off!" she cursed and went to an empty seat in the back near the window. she laid her head on the table and recalled her memories of the past. those bad memories after her mother died made her cry.

?- hey ..

y/n looked up to see who was the 'owner' of that voice (yeah, just that bad was her mood)

it was a handsome smiling face.

?- I knew it were you..hey! why are you crying.

y/n touched her cheeks and they were wet. she quickly brushed them off and asked the boy- what are you doing here ?

?- oh! in really sorry I didn't introduce myself ! my name is park jimin but you can call me jimin ! I am so sorry that our first meeting went like that !

y/n - what are you doing here ?

jimin- hey ! shouldn't you introduce yourself ?! introduce yourself first then I'll answer your question.

y/n- I'm y/n l/n.

jimin - ok then I'll call you y/n! oh! btw! I wanted to tell you that this seat belongs to -

?- get the f**k off of there !

some one shouted. y/n and jimin looked towards the door. jungkook was rushing towards y/n with a death glare.

he threw y/n bag on the floor.

y/n- what the f**k is your problem ?!

jk- you are my problem !

y/n- what did I do !? and even if I did something you have no right to throw my bag! apologized ! now!

jk- do you wanna die ! do you know who I am !?

jimin- hey! shut up jungkook ! y/n please don't mind ! I'm say sorry on his behalf. please forgive him.

jk- what is this jimin ! whose side are you on?!

jimin- shut up jk ! control yourself will you !

y/n- what's this jimin !

jimin- I'm really sorry y/n *picks her bag* please come with me. you stay here ! *pointing at jk*

jimin grabbed y/n hand and left the room.

......*jungkook's Pov*......

I cant handle seeing that girl. she reminds me of that b**ch! it was good that jimin stopped me or I don't know what I would've done .

...*y/n's Pov*...

jimin, holding my bag took me out of the class and to 2 boys.

"hyung, can you please control jk, it's still time for the class to start. inform me when he calms down." jimin said.

the 2 boys widened their eyes as they looked at me. they nodded their head at jimin and ran to the classroom.

" I'm really sorry y/n. I was just about to tell you that that seat was jungkook's. he is not bad y/n, please don't be sad."

"what do you mean ! he is clearly targeting me ! first when he rejected that girl and second this time ! I don't even know him ! what a psycho maniac!:

"y/n, please don't misunderstand. he's kindest to the people close to him ! I know he is a schoool bully and even we cant do much to stop him because he had gone through a lot . please don't take him for a bad person y/n."

"yes, you are his friend, you'll take his side. you just saw how he treated me, yet you....:

...*Jimin's Pov*...


she paused and looked down.

I could hear faind huffing sound from her.

is she crying ?

"y/n ...I'm really sorry" I stepped ahead to comfort her. I want to hug her. she is new here. jungkook shouldn't have treated her like that and what I said just increased the pain. she's not at fault.

I reached my hands to hug her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" she shouted " we don't know each other and I've never met you and that's it !"

it was harsh

she took her bag from me, turned and ran towards the class.

"y/n! please don't go inside !"

she didn't hear and ran inside. I ran behind her. fortunately, v and j hope hyung stood in front of jungkook and had didn't notice y/n and she sat on other seat.

*bell rings*

hyungs patted me and left for their class rooms. I went and sat on the desk in front of jk.

"are you alright now?" I asked him

he nodded his head with a smile. he always gave his close ones his bunny smile no matter how he felt or how bad the situation is. he want us to be happy.

but I don't know what happened to him today to act so harshly towards an innocent girl. he never went to this extend to bully someone. hell usually bully bad students but y/n is totally innocent. I must talk to him if he does this ever again.

the teacher entered and we all greeted him. he permitted us to sit down.

"students today we have a new student with us. y/n l/n please come here." the teacher said


I looked at jungkook and he had a angry look on his face. he had made that face only once before. I mustn't let that expression appear again.

"jungkook! calm down " I said and patted his head to divert his attention from y/n's introduction and that worked.

he looked at me and nodded.

y/n came back to her seat without even him noticing.

mission successful !

"by all the full seats i can see that everyone is present in the class so ok students now open your maths text books at pade 57 " the teacher said and started writing on the black board

"wanna hang out at our spot today ?" I whispered to him as I opened my book.

" yes! but you'll pay !" jungkook replied

" that's unfair !"

" haha just kidding !" we laughed and the atmosphere lightened up.

new start ?

...*Jimin's Pov*...

thank God! I managed to distract jungkooks attention this entire day and y/n also managed to avoid him. actually, she avoided everyone and nobody dare to talk to her because they knew jungkook hates her. she looked so lonely. I feel bad for her. but the only thing I can do is distract and calm jungkook down.

...*after school *...

...*y/n's Pov*...

the last bell rang.

i was the first one to leave the classroom. I just want to leave this horrible place.

I was walking down the streets to my apartment.

it was such a horrible day. but I don't wish I could die! how can I want to die because of that mear idiot if I was able to bear those 2 b**ts for all those years! I'm way to strong !

soon I arrived at my apartment's door.

"huh?" the mail box had a letter in it. I took it and opened it as I entered the door.

*click.....bang click*

" you are hired and can come to work from tomorrow "

my eyes widened as I read the contents of the letter .

" yes!!!!!!!!!" I shouted in joy "I'm hired !"

I jumped in circles. I was finally hired! a day later I moved in, i applied a job for a barista in a famous cafe. they asked me to make coffee. I made and they told me to wait for the letter. i was so nervous ! but I'm finally hired ! i must treat myself today !

I was very happy. I took a shower and wore a beautiful dress.

yes they gave me beautiful dresses because they didn't want anyone to know that the treated me like trash. those 2 scheming b*rts!

don't think about them y/n ! don't ruin your mood !

I didn't know about the area and places so I searched for it in google. I choose a somewhat isolated yet beautiful place to have a meal. I had money and as a barista in that famous place from tomorrow, I'll earn a lot so I don't have to worry !

I grabbed my purse and left my apartment after locking it.

the place was near so I just walked and soon arrived.

it looked cute from outside.

I entered and a cute boy greeted me.

there weren't many people inside. it was very beautiful. I took a time when no one would come. I'm intelligent.

I went to an empty table near the window and ordered something to eat.

I don't know If it's my imagination....but I felt someone's gaze on me.

it's nothing y/n don't mind it.

my order soon arrived. I ate and was ready to leave. I got off and walked towards the exit. I was ready to go to my next destination. the park! I haven't went to a park since my mom died. I'm really excited .

suddenly, my foot hit something and I fell on the ground on all fours. my knees and palms hurt as they hit the hard tiles.

I heard a giggle. i looked up. it was that jungkook ! he was smiling ! he was sitting on one of the tables with some boys.

" are you ok?!" a deep Male voice said and helped me get up.

I looked at him. he was very handsome. he looked concerned for me. why ? isn't he that idiots friend ? I stood up properly and brushed my knees and palms. "hey jungkook, what was that ? !" he shouted at jungkook.

jungkook's laugh disappeared " I'm sorry v hyung "

"whome are you sorry to! say sorry to her !" he, probably named v, said.

" that's never gonna happen " jungkook said.

I looked at the other men with him. they....were blank....there eyes were widened. they were shocked. they didn't even stop jungkook. they must be shocked to see their 'sweet' jungkook was acting all harsh ! trashy people !

"jungkook, what did I tell you earlier ?" jimin said

" what do you mean by earlier?" v said .

" sir please, our customers are uncomfortable " a waiter said .

"i'm are really sorry " I said and turned to leave the place as I don't want to associate myself with them anymore.

"y/n, I'm genuinely really sorry." v said

I looked back at him with a cold look and just left the place without any reply.

I don't want to go to the park now. I'll just head home. and so I did. i entered my apartment and went to sleep. i know it's way to early to sleep but that was just my mood. I didn't want to cry.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow but I have to. uhg ...don't worry y/n...its just this year and tomorrow you'll start your job ! don't let those scars deepen! don't...

"huh...uhuhh..." I cried without realization and soon fell asleep.

*beep! beep! beep!*

"huh?" I opened my eyes and shut the alarm. "what's the time? shit!" I'll be late for school! "

I quickly got up and got ready quickly. I locked my apartment and ran for my life.

fortunately, the teacher haven't arrived yet. thank god ! I went to my seat.

huh ? something's weird....oh yes! that jungkook didn't irritate me in the morning ! thank God!

I looked towards the window seat where jungkook sit. he was there talking to jimin and other boys.

I didn't mind and did my work.

...*after school*...

today was great ! not in the sense that I made many friends because that would never happen. no one even dare to talk to me. I don't care too. it was great because I didn't encounter that jungkook.

I walked down the streets to the cafe. they knew I was a high school student so they asked me to come today to discuss the timing. they are so cooperative. I arrived . it is so beautiful. it was because of my years of coffee making for that b**ch that I was able to get a job as a barista in this cafe. at least my hard works paid off.

fighting y/n! this is the start of your new life!

I opened the door "hello..?"

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