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Fallacy Of Love. Jikook


Hey everyone this is my first time writing fanfiction, Hope you guys like it!!!

This book is pure fanfiction and It's a short story hope you'll like it 💜.

The characters in this story are fictional and story line belongs to where my thoughts leads me. The characters in this story is fictional I don't own them and the picture belong to there rightful owner. Don't compare my story to others.

It's a Top Jimin book so if you don't like Top Jimin in Jikook please don't read( or I might can change your mind out Jimin can top).

Please don't leave hate comments.

The mall

Jeon Household -

Jungkook is humming a song while making breakfast for his "special one". His special one is sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook finished cooking his breakfast and goes to his princess room to wake her up. She’s looking extremely beautiful while sleeping just like sleeping beauty. Lips pouted while sleeping, Jungkook sits on his princess bed and try to woke her up.

"Baby wake up" He said softly

She scrunch her nose and rub her eyes. She woke up and saw Jungkook and Jungkook kiss her on cheeks and Say "Good morning my Princess "

She smiles and hug him with her small hands.

"Good morning Mommy" She said.

"Mommy it's Sunday let me sleep" She whinnied.

"Baby no you can't, we are going to shopping, come on wake up now" Jungkook said

Areum gasped and said " Really mommy, are we!!!"

"Yes" Jungkook said nodding his face. Areum started to dance on her bed. Jungkook chuckle on her cuteness.

Yes, she was Jeon Jungkook daughter. His 4 year old soon to be 5 year old daughter. She is his lifeline and his family too. They share a very special bond of love, which is growing day by day.

His daughter "Jeon Areum" reminds Jungkook of her father. Whenever she smile her eyes vanished into crescent eye smile.

Jungkook wash her up and made her finish her breakfast and Chocolate milk. After that they headed towards the Mall cause Areum's school going to start soon she needs new things now for school.

Jungkook thought it's going to be awesome day with no worries he decided to shop first then eat ice cream after that. But he don't know something going to happen soon.


Park Household

"Daddy... "


"Daddy Wake up"

A 4 year old boy started to shook his father with his small hands but his father was tired as hell from yesterday work on his office.

"Park Jiwoon" Again shook his father and he successfully woke up his father.

Jimin hug his boy and give him kiss on forehead but his little boy pouted again, Jimin chuckle on his boy's cuteness. He again hug him and kiss him.

"Good morning baby" Jimin said kissing his boy's forehead.

"Good morning Daddy" Jiwoon said while blushing a little. His father always gives him kiss and hugs and the boy always love this.

"Daddy go take shower now" Jiwoon order his father

"Woah woah woah baby what happened to you?" Jimin asked

"Aren’t you forgetting something daddy?" Jiwoon said making his mouth turned into O shape.

"What baby?! What daddy is forgetting ?" Jimin ask again

Jiwoon Faceplam himself with his little hands. 

"Shopping..!!! Daddy. Shopping..!!!" He said

"Oh no...." He murmured.

"What did you say daddy?" Jiwoon ask titling his head on the other side

"Nothing baby bear, let's go for shopping" And Jimin started to tickling his boy. The boy's laughter fill the room. His bunny teeth started to show. For few seconds Jimin’s smile faded away but he smile again seeing his lovely son laughing.

They both got dress up and left the house

"Be careful Jimin and take care of Jiwoon" His Mother Mrs. Park said to Jimin

"You don't need to remind me that" Jimin spat rudely.

He don't like talking to his parents.

He was not like this before, but time has changed him so much. Now His only light was Jiwoon his 4 year old son.

Here in the mall, both Jungkook and Jimin has arrived with there bundle of Joy. Jungkook was busy choosing dress for his little girl in the girls section while Jimin was in the boys section. They both were not aware of each other's presence. But somehow both of them have a strong feeling of someone familiar is out there.

Jungkook was feeling restless cause he thought someone was watching him but he shrugged it off and started to pay attention what Areum was doing.

Meanwhile Jimin was busy happily shopping with Jiwoon when he get the call from one of his Man.

"Yes Kim" Jimin said picking up the phone

"Jimin you won't believe whom I saw" It was Kim Taehyung, Jimin's best friend.

"Cut the crap, tell me what you saw Tae?" He asked him with no interest.

"You won't believe but I... I saw Jungkook" Tae finished his sentence.

Hearing the name Jimin froze for a while.

"Where did you saw him Tae? Tell me" He said shaking a bit.

"In the SM mall"

"What?! " Jimin questioned cause he is in the SM mall.

"Where he is exactly Tae? I mean floor number or anything near him, maybe a sign or something" Jimin went restless.

"He's in the kids section with a child" Tae said keeping an eye on Jungkook.

"Kids section?! I'm also in Kids section"

"Boss he has a little girl with him around Jiwoon age" Tae said seeing Areum.

He was shocked seeing Areum with him because according to there search they don't know Jungkook has a girl child too. They don't know Areum exist.

"I'm coming Tae stay where you are" Jimin Order.

"But... Jimin I think he moved on he has a little girl with him" Tae said he don't want his best friend be heartbroken again.

"Oh Tae...It must be Jin Hyung's daughter, coz I know he still loves me" Jimin said confidently and he hung up the phone.

Tae send his exact location to Jimin where they are. Jimin take Jiwoon hands and about to exit from that place when his "So called Friend" came to bother him again. It was his friend "Leena" Leena was trying to keep herself close with Jimin as possible as she can. Jimin obviously don't like her and he knows she's hitting on him so he try to avoid her always but she just like a bee stuck close with honey.

She tried everything but Jimin only likes Jungkook. He already told her he's gay and he only Loves Jungkook but she don't want to believe what he said. Just because of Mr. And Mrs. Park Jimin was Bearing with her.

"Oppa where are you going" Leena asked

(A/N :- Ew, I cringe😬)

"Listen Leena or whatever your name is I don't have time to deal with you" Jimin said in a hurry Checking his phone.

"Oppa, why are you like this" She pout and started to fake cry

"Listen.. I have to go somewhere"

"Oh... Oppa I thought we are going to spend some time together" Leena said again pouting.

Jimin role his eyes before gesturing his son to hold his hand. Jiwoon did what his father told him to do.

"But Daddy my toy" Jiwoon cutely whinnied.

"Baby we will get that one later now come on let's go" Jimin said crouching down toward his son.

"Oppa I'll take care of Jiwoon, you go" Leena said.

She don't want to take care of Jiwoon but she just want to pretend that she can be best mother for Jiwoon so she can get close to Jimin.

"Are you sure you can?! " Jimin raise his eyebrow and she nodes.

But Jimin don't want to leave Jiwoon with her cause he don't believe her but he needs to rush and find Jungkook as soon as possible so he agreed with her and head to the girls section.


Please give me your love, support and feedback!

Love, Cupcake 🍰


He was anxious and started to run towards the location his best friend gave him. He reached to the second floor. He started searching for Jungkook and suddenly bummed into a little girl. He was back facing her, so he turn and held her to check the girl if she was fine. That little girl was Areum.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked Areum.

She look up and saw Jimin panting heard due to running constantly.

"It's ok Ajjushi I'm okay" Areum said making okay sign.

"I'm sorry baby, did I hurt you?" He asked her still checking her if she fell on the ground.

"Gwenchana Ajjushi I'm ok" She smiles and her eyes turn into straight thin line.

"Where's your mom, dad?" He asked with concern filled in his eyes.

"Mommy is there" She pointed towards Jungkook but he was back facing to them so Jimin can't recognize him.

Jimin ruffled her hair and said "Now go to your Mommy don't run around like that, okay?!" He said doing Ok 👌 sign.

She smiled and did the okay sign too.

Jimin stood there thinking about her smile, he completely forgot about Jungkook when Taehyung tap on his shoulder he greets him like nothing happens.

"Jimin look, Jungkook is there" He pointed toward the spot where Jungkook was standing few seconds ago but there’s no one now.


"There!!" Taehyung again point toward the same place but no one was there.

"Omo he was there a while ago" Taehyung said searching for Jungkook impatiently.

"I already told you Tae, if you don't have proof there’s no point telling me. And don't call me"

"I gave you one thing to do, is to follow Jungkook but where is he now?" Now Jimin sounds so frustrated, this is the third time same thing had happened.

This had happened two years back too. Taehyung said, he saw Jungkook at Busan but when Jimin and the others reached there no one was there. Since then he was searching for Jungkook like a mad man.

Last time also Jimin was so angry on Tae that he gave him an ultimatum, if he didn't find anything about the boy he will be losing his Job. It was Yoongi who claimed that he also saw Jimin and took Tae’s side by saying Tae is telling the truth and he saw the boy too.

Jimin grab his hair in his hand and let out a frustration sigh.

"Ugh.. I lost him again, but don't worry Jungkook you can't run away from me now. I'll find you and make you Mine again"

"I'm sorry Jimin, I saw him I-i swear but.. But.." Tae said stuttering a bit.

"It's ok Tae, he has a habit of running away from me" He said pating his best friend shoulder.

"I'll go back to Jiwoon now" Jimin said and about to leave the place when he heard the announcement.


Jimin left Jiwoon with Leena, he thought he can trust her with his son but he was wrong. Leena held Jiwoon hand and asked him

"Jiwoon baby, do you want that toy?"

Jiwoon node his head

"Then first call me Mommy" She said with a faking smile.

"No I won't call you Mommy" Jiwoon said crossing his little arms around his chest.

Leena can't control her anger but still she show her fake love again

(A/N - it all Fake love ~ )

"Jiwoon-ah call me Mommy and I'll get you that toy"

"No I won't" Jiwoon said pouting.

"Daddy said Jiwoon's Mommy is very Beautiful not like you Ugly duckling " Jiwoon said showing her his tongue.

"Ugh this kid, wait now Jiwoon i will become your Mom soon" She said running her fingers in her hair grabbing it tight like a mad possessive women.

"How dare this kid call me ugly duckling I'm the most beautiful woman here, now you got to pay for this Jiwoon... You're so little still you behave like a Jerk. I'll make you pay" She said while smirking.

She was so angry with Jiwoon that she left Jiwoon at the kids section with that Toy. It was Iron Man.

He stretched his hand to get that toy again but he see that someone else is also grabbing the same Toy.

It's "Areum" She is this naughty that she left Jungkook with her clothes and come here to get the Iron man Toy.

"Give me that, Kid" Areum said glaring at him

Jiwoon got scared, he was about to cry but he remembered what his father told him. Jimin told him, he has to be strong and fight back for whatever he wants.

"No this is Mine, Jiwoon saw it first" Jiwoon argue back.

"But Areum get this first"

"No I want this" Jiwoon said snatching the toy from Areum's hand

"No I want this" She snatched the toy from Jiwoon hand.

Jiwoon and Areum started to snatching the toy and while snatching the toy, they broke it.

"YOU DID THIS" they both said in Union


"But you did this" Areum said giving him back the toy.

Jiwoon was now so close to broke down and he started to sob seeing him like this Areum put the toy in basket again and wipe his tears.

"Don't cry Jiwoon, I'm sorry" She said rubbing his back with her small hand.

"Areum is sorry? " He asked tears glistening in his eyes

she node

"But Jiwoon b-broke the Toy" And he started to cry again.

"Shh... Don't cry Jiwoon please don't cry" She pleads him with her tiny hands.

"I broke the toy, it's not your fault" She said and Jiwoon stop crying and tilted his head to other side

"You? B-But Jiwoon did thi-this" And he again started crying.

"Who teach this kid to tell the truth all the time" Areum said face palming herself.

"There you are!!! " Jungkook said hurried running towards Areum and Jiwoon. He saw Areum with a little boy, he was crying. Jungkook know Areum has done something this time too.

"God she's so troublesome I can't be with her anymore" Jungkook said shaking his head.

He reach towards them and place his hand on his hips

"What did you do now Areum?" He asked.

"We-we broke the Toy!! " Areum said staring at her feet.

Jungkook mentally Facepalm himself. He knows Areum was mischievous but now it's too much. And there even a boy crying. Jungkook look the boy he was so small and elegant. He somehow feel familiar to him.

Jungkook held the boy closed to him and wipe his tears and said,

"Shhh... Baby I'm here don't cry!"

Hearing Jungkook's soft voice the baby look at him with his big doe eyes. Jiwoon was stunned seeing Jungkook he is So beautiful that Jiwoon said his thoughts out loud.

"You're so pwetty Ajjushi!"

Jungkook chuckle

"Mommy he won't stop crying"

"Why baby what happened" Jungkook asked the boy softly caressing his cheeks.

"Ji- Jiwoon broke the Toy Uwaaa..." He cried again.

"You did something to him" Jungkook ask Areum

"I just told him it was his fault, and he accept it"

"And who's fault is this?" Jungkook ask her again.

"Mine" Areum said truthfully.

"Hmm... "

"It's ok babies we'll buy you new toy" He said both of them

Both kids smile at Jungkook said.

"Where's your Mom or Dad Jiwoon" Jungkook asked the kid.

"Daddy was with Jiwoon but he has something ur...ur...urgent to do so he left me with her " He point at the door but there was no one.

"Who baby? " He asked again

Jiwoon look up to see Leena but she wasn't there.

"But... She was the-there" He said sobbing hard now.

"Jiwoon stop crying"

It was Areum she hug the crying boy and Jungkook smile on her behavior.

"Mommy will find your Daddy" She said breaking the hug and look up at Jungkook "won't you Mommy?! " Jungkook node and they went toward the counter, with new toys and the broken toy too.

He pay for the toys they bought it was Chimmy and Kookie plushie and even Iron man for both of kids. Chimmy for Areum and Kookie for Jiwoon.

"You know Jiwoon Mommy name is also Kookie, Jin uncle always says 'Kookie you brat' " Areum told Jiwoon pointing at Kookie plushie.

"Aw can I also call your Mommy, mommy? Coz he's so pwetty" Jiwoon ask Areum

"It's not Pwetty pabo it's Pretty, repeat after me Pretty"

"Pwetty, no no pretty" Jiwoon Intimating her.

"Good boy" Jungkook said ruffling the boys hair.

"Babies you sit there I'll quickly make an announcement about Jiwoon"

They both node and sit at the near by bench.

"What's your full name Jiwoon" He asked the little boy.

"Park Jiwoon"

"Huh? Hmm"

He made them sit and goes to cash counter.

"Excuse me, I want to make an Announcement, can I? Jungkook asked the receptionist.

" Sure sir, what's your announcement? She said smiling.

He told her that the Boy in pastel blue sweater and denim shorts who's name is "Park Jiwoon" Is lost and searching for his father. She smile and made an announcement that “A boy wearing pastel blue sweater and denim shorts is searching for his father at the store.

Here Jimin heard the Announcement and let out a frustrating sigh again

"That bitch Just left my son like that"

"Jimin we should go to that store" Taehyung said.

And they both headed towards the store.

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