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My Life as the Duke's Wife

Episode 1

It was a beautiful spring morning, and one could feel a gentle breeze stirring the curtains in my bedroom. It was easy to proclaim this one of those days that could be deemed perfect.

But for me…

It was the day I was going to lose my freedom, the day of my wedding.

Now, I know what some might say, that marriage doesn't mean the end of your freedom, don't be so dramatic, but in my case, it was quite literal.

My parents were marrying me off to Duke Forest.

Well, actually, they were selling me.

My father, a baron who had fallen into misfortune, now had nothing left but our title. That's why my parents decided on an arranged marriage. They had been looking for a wealthy suitor for me for some time since all knew we were bankrupt, and no noble would be interested in me, but the rich were a different story. For them, it was a prime opportunity to acquire a baron's title and ascend to nobility.

One morning, as my father was poring over several marriage proposals for me, a carriage arrived with several royal guards. They brought numerous trunks to the study where my father was. He examined them all meticulously, but none seemed to fulfill his desires.

What he really meant was that none offered enough money for me. That was to be expected, as we were bankrupt and I wasn't exactly a great beauty.

The guards entered the study and handed my father a letter, which was a marriage proposal; it seemed the prince had heard that my father was seeking a suitor for me.

The prince was the best friend and cousin of Duke Forest. And since no noble would consider marrying their daughter to the duke, he thought it a good idea to seize the opportunity for him to marry me, and he was right. My father, upon seeing what was within the trunks, immediately accepted.

What can I say? One doesn't get to choose the family they're born into—some are lucky, and others are not. I belonged to the latter, always stumbling and tripping over the hem of my dress, chairs breaking under me, animals attacking upon sight, and insects biting. Saying I was unlucky was an understatement.

Many rumors swirled about the duke. Some said he was a heartless, bloodthirsty monster, others that he was the devil reincarnated. A general of the king, he had made a name for himself by entering the battlefield at a young age, feared and nicknamed the Bloodied King, for his enemies' blood always covered him, a man whose gaze alone could make one tremble. And this was the man I was to marry.

As I've mentioned, my bad luck always follows me.

The wedding was rushed, set to take place two days after the proposal had been received.

On the day of my wedding, my father hired several maids to prepare me. It wasn't to be a grand or lavish ceremony like other noble nuptials; only close family were to attend as the duke had stated a preference for simplicity.

I had always dreamed that on my wedding day, I would be the happiest, in a dream wedding, a gorgeous dress, and the person I'd chosen to spend my life with waiting at the altar to vow eternal love before God.

Fantastic. I couldn't even have the splendid wedding I had always dreamed of.

Once the maids had finished dressing me, I looked in the mirror and wanted to cry. I looked ridiculous in the dress that was hastily chosen because of the rushed wedding. It was my mother's, but she was far more voluptuous and curvy than I. In the dress, I looked like a child playing in her mother's clothes. I was just sixteen, my body not yet fully developed, and I was no beauty. My only attractive feature was my green eyes, gleaming like emeralds.

Otherwise, my appearance would be called plain at best. With my luck, had the duke seen me beforehand, he might've called off the wedding. Yet, there was still a chance he'd change his mind seeing me at the altar, but I didn't hold out much hope, not with my bad luck.

All I wanted was for the day to end as quickly as possible. The maids ushered me to the chapel, where I would meet my future spouse for the first time—or so I thought.

Upon entering the chapel, only my parents, the priest, and a man much older than my father with thinning hair stood at the groom's place. I knew this couldn't be Duke Forest; despite his ill repute, those who had seen him claimed he was incredibly handsome, and he was only thirty. He couldn't possibly look like that.

For a moment, I thought maybe luck was smiling down upon me and the wedding had been called off.

But, as I've said, I'm extremely unlucky, so that wasn't the case.

It turned out that the duke was too busy to attend his own wedding. He had sent his steward in his place, and thus the ceremony was concluded.

After the ceremony, the steward told me I needed to come with him to the duke's mansion. By the time we arrived, it was late afternoon. The steward helped me down from the carriage, introduced me to the servants, and showed me to my large, albeit somewhat drearily decorated room.

After leaving me in my room, he departed and a throng of maids came in to help me out of my dress. As they tended to me, I inquired,

"Where is the duke?"

The maids exchanged glances and after a silent moment conveyed,

"The duke is not at home at the moment."

"Do you know when he will return?"

"No, my lady… Is there anything else you need?"

"If you could bring some snacks for me."

"Yes, my lady."

I hadn't eaten all day as the maids spent an eternity readying me for the wedding, which hadn't really paid off—I looked ridiculous and the duke didn't even bother to show up. I was genuinely curious to see what Duke Forest was like for myself.

And so, my married life begins, now all that's left is to see what my future holds.

Episode 2

After a while, one of the maids brought Olivia a tray heaped with pastries and tea. Having served the tea, the maid was instructed to depart, allowing Olivia to dine in peace, unwatched by any onlookers.

Her table manners bore no resemblance to those of the highborn.

As a child, when her parents plummeted into bankruptcy, no one took the time to instruct her in the ways of ladylike conduct; her father was perpetually busy working with the scant staff that remained, and her mother, stricken with depression following their financial collapse, scarcely ever left her room, leaving Olivia without a model to emulate.

Most days, Olivia kept company with Anna, the sole remaining servant in the mansion after the rest had been forced to leave, with her father unable to pay them. Yet, Anna had elected to stay behind.

Olivia often aided with household chores, as Anna, overwhelmed by the workload, could not cope on her own. The few employees who stayed did so because they had nowhere else to go; they opted to remain in exchange for sustenance and shelter. With every valuable possession sold off, her father just managed to keep paying their wages with the meager earnings from his fiefdom.

Yet, the situation spiraled into an insurmountable crisis when a blight ravaged their lands, prompting her father to arrange a marriage for her.

As Olivia bit into an apple tart, she pondered, "I can only assume that now that I am married and have received a substantial sum of money, things at home must be improving."

Post-meal, fatigue washed over Olivia, and she reclined on her bed, swiftly succumbing to sleep. Later, a maid summoned her to dinner, and Olivia descended to the dining room feeling a thrum of nerves. She wondered if she would finally encounter the formidable Duke she'd heard so much about, but he hadn't yet returned and would not be joining her for supper.

Upon learning she would dine alone, relief coursed through her.

When seated, a seemingly endless parade of scrumptious dishes arrived at the table, eliciting a mouthwatering response from Olivia.

Faced with a bewildering array of cutlery, she succumbed to confusion over which to use.

Eventually giving in, she took to the food with her hands, surely a shocking sight to the butler, who could offer only a stern look of censure. Olivia ignored him and continued eating ravenously.

The flavors were unparalleled; the meat, tender and succulent, melted on her tongue, leading her to eat to her fill.

Having dined to contentment and with the night air inviting, Olivia stepped out for a garden stroll. The gentle breeze tousled her hair, and the moonlit garden was a sight to behold. After her walk, she returned to her room where two maids had prepared a luxurious rose petal bath complete with fragrant essential oils.

Despite Olivia's insistence, there was no dissuading the maids from assisting with her bath. Afterwards, they garbed her in a lovely lilac nightgown of mysterious origin—surely not her own—then carefully braided her hair. With their task complete, they left her to solitude.

Gazing in the mirror, Olivia puzzled over the provenance of the nightgown, a vestige of elegance from a life now foreign to her.

She awaited the Duke that night, but he never came, and she fell asleep.

Come morning, the maids awoke Olivia and helped her into a voluminous and cumbersome blue dress adorned with white frills. Though she detested the encumbering attire, her new station as the Duke's wife necessitated its wear.

Navigating her way to the breakfast room led to a toppled vase and near tumbles courtesy of the cumbersome dress. Anxiety clung to her, with the impending introduction to the Duke awaiting her.

Upon her arrival, the butler's announcement prompted Olivia's awestruck silence; the man before her exceeded every rumor of his handsomeness. Serene, feline features framed hazel eyes whose golden flecks demanded attention. His jet-black hair, pale skin, and immaculate visage made him seem otherworldly.

The allure of his beauty explained the clandestine desires held by some women, despite there being a palpable fear that barred nobles from offering their daughters, fearing his retribution.

As the whisper of an old rumor surfaced — of a young noble's misstep leading to the ruin of her entire family — Olivia's awe remained fixed until the butler's nudge snapped her from her reverie.

"My lady, please be seated," he urged.

With a blush, she obliged, "Oh! Yes."

As she seated herself, servants swiftly set breakfast before them. Faced with the refined Duke and a loss for words, Olivia sipped only fruit juice, her hunger gnawing at her.

The Duke's elegant dining contrasted sharply with her own lack thereof. Observing her untouched food, he inquired, "Does the meal not please you?"

Olivia, flustered yet fearful, managed to reply, "What? No... it looks delightful."

"Then why do you not eat?"

Her head bowed in shame, Olivia confided her rudimentary table manners were likely unbecoming in his presence.

He reassured her nonchalantly, "Mm... eat as you wish; that is of no concern to me."

Relieved and grateful, Olivia believed the Duke might not be as fearsome as rumored.

"Thank you, my lord," she acknowledged, then indulged in the exquisite meal.

The Duke watched Olivia briefly before resuming his own meal. Once finished, he departed, leaving Olivia to linger and enjoy the remainder. Afterwards, she ventured into the daylight garden — starker than its nocturnal counterpart yet striking in its own right.

The day was too splendid to tarry indoors, so Olivia enjoyed the tranquility beneath a willow, recalling how, during her life before, never was there leisure to savor such moments. Now, things were different; she planned to relish this newfound freedom.

Episode 3

The duke was in his study perusing some documents when the butler entered with a tray of snacks and tea, saying upon entry.

"Apologies for interrupting your work, my lord."

Seeing him, the duke thought it was a good time for a break since he had been toiling all morning without rest and replied.

"Don't apologize, Alfred, a break will do me good."

As Alfred poured the tea, he inquired.

"What are your impressions of the young lady, my lord?"

"She seems like a little girl, utterly unschooled."

"It appears her parents never concerned themselves with her education, my lord."

Upon hearing this, the duke responded.

"Employ some tutors to teach her how to conduct herself as a lady."

While the duke sipped his tea, Alfred answered.

"Yes, my lord. Will you be sharing your chamber with the lady tonight?"

The duke, agitated, retorted.

"Certainly not, Alfred, you know I married her only at the crown prince's behest."

To the duke's eyes, Olivia was but a child who sparked no interest in him; the duke fancied beautiful, voluptuous women—quite the opposite of Olivia—so he had no intention of touching her.

"Then I shall tell the lady not to await you tonight."

"Do as you please, what is she doing now?"

"After breakfast, she went for a walk in the garden."

"Ensure she causes me no trouble, and all will be well."

"Yes, my lord..."

After the duke finished his tea, Alfred departed, and the duke refocused on his work.

He was occupied all morning and part of the afternoon in his study until a servant of the prince informed him that his presence was required at the palace.

Upon his arrival at the palace and walking through a corridor, he encountered Marquis Morgan, who greeted him.

"Good day, Duke."

"Good day, Marquis."

"I hear you've wed, congratulations."

The duke had attempted to keep his marriage as discreet as possible, but the nobility always had a way of learning everything about the aristocracy; with a look of distaste, the duke replied.

"Thank you, Marquis."

"And when may we meet the new duchess?"

The duke had no plans to present Olivia to society until she learned the essentials of being a lady, so he said.

"She's still far too young, so it will be some time before she makes her debut."

"I hope to meet her soon."

"If you'll excuse me, the prince awaits, and I must depart."

"Of course, I regret the delay, have a good day, Duke."

"Likewise, Marquis."

The duke had not intended to make his marriage public as it was a hassle, and now having seen his wife, even less so.

When the duke entered the prince's office, he was greeted.

"Leonard, you're late, what happened?"

"I encountered Marquis Morgan en route, which delayed me."

"And what did you discuss?"

"He was curious as to when I would formally introduce my wife."

Leonard thought.

Barely a day married and already the whole kingdom knows.

"Everyone's eager to see the wife of the fearsome Duke of Forest, so how was your first married night?"

"Uneventful as always."

"Did you not share a bed with your wife?"

"Of course not! She's but a child."

"Well, she is only sixteen and still young. By the way, I heard you didn't show at your wedding."

"I've been exceedingly busy."

"Poor girl, compelled to marry, and on her wedding day, the groom doesn't even show—she must have been very upset, right?"

"She showed no discontent this morning."

"You know, every woman dreams about her wedding day, and hers was simple and without a groom—she must be angry, perhaps she didn't want to trouble you and that's why she said nothing."

"Don't tell me you summoned me just to hear about my marriage."

"Leonard, you're like a brother to me, and I'm the one who suggested this marriage, so I feel obligated to guide you."

"I'd prefer we not speak of it further; there are far more pressing matters that demand attention."

"You are right. My spies tell me the kingdom of Azur has amassed a large army near the northern border and plans a full-scale assault; you may need to personally attend to this."

"Yes, I'll gather my troops to march to the northern fortress and crush them swiftly."

"That is wise. I also have reports that some nobles have been sheltering enemy spies."

"Fear not, I'll ensure they remember the fate of traitors."

"I'll leave it all in your capable hands."

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