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I am Lacy, and I am your author here
And I am her secretary, my name is James Sirius Lupin. Haha, just kidding. I am Aquament, or Aqua for short. I am in charge of editing and passing fanfictions and fanarts.
I am her other secretary. I help to collect data from the readers, receive prompts and contributions, and generally just interact with our audience. My name is Keiko
Now that we have all been introduced, let us show you more about this book
Each chapter will be the title of each fanfiction. If any of us finds the fanfic too long, it will be split into several parts. Each part will be a chapter. Fanart will be given titles. Every contribution will be given its due credit
And we all welcome corrections. As we are all really just one person, we might miss some mistakes. Any compliments are also highly encouraged. If you know anybody who likes reading these headcanons, please introduce them to this. It would be great if you let more people know about this.
That way, more people get to enjoy these wonderful fanfictions
That is the end of this introduction

Send it in

Hello, I would like to tell you all how to give contributions/prompts
FOR FANFICS: 1. Give me the fanfic name 2. Type in your fanfic 3. Give the name that you want credit to be given to (real name or MT name is both ok) 4. Tell me which book/series of books the fanfic is based on 5. Name the characters After editing, your fanfic will be published :)
FOR FANARTS: 1. Give the title of your art 2. Send me the art in pc 3. Give your MT or real name for credit to be given 4. Tell me which book (series) the fanart is based on 5. Name the characters in your art 6. Feel free to add a passage if you want After approval, your fanart will be published :)
FOR PROMPTS: 1. Tell me which book or series 2. Give prompt 3. Give a name 4. Which characters? 5. Fanart or fanfic? I will publish the prompt that people can choose to write about :)
So, that's it! Hope the comments and messages will come flooding in! :D

AU from Harry Potter Part 1

    Harry pushed his trolley nervously. Hedwig chirped and Harry cast an anxious glance at Sirius. “Paddy, I- I’m scared. What if the other kids don’t like me? What if everybody knows me? What if-” Sirius cut him off, “Nobody will treat you as famous, everybody will like you if you are fun to be with. Now go in and we’ll see you during the holidays.” Just then, a red-haired family walked over, the mother hurrying her kids along. Harry waited until they were face to face, mustered his courage and said, “Hello.” The youngest child grabbed her mother’s hand. With a shaky voice, she mumbled, “He- hello.” “My name’s Harry. What’s yours?” Seeing Harry’s kind look, when the girl answered, her voice was steady. “Ginny. Ginny Weasley.” Harry nodded. He turned to the youngest boy in the family to say hello, but only the mother and Ginny were left at the station. He remembered Remus’ advice, bit into the bar of chocolate he always carried on him, and ran headfirst into the pillar.
    On the train, Harry was struggling to push his suitcase up. Suddenly, he heard someone ask if he needed help. He turned around to see a tall redhead, presumably one of Ginny’s older brothers. He nodded, slightly in awe of this tall boy who seemed so much older than him. “Oy! Fred! Come over here, there’s somebody who needs our help!” After the suitcase was in place, Fred looked at Harry carefully. “What’s your name? I’m Fred, and this is George.” “I’m Harry.” “Harry? Harry Potter?” Harry nodded apprehensively. His biggest fear was coming true. “Wow! That’s awesome!” Fred said. “Yeah, show us your scar, mate!” Harry lifted the hair on his forehead so they could take a better look at the lightning-shaped cut on his forehead. Fred nodded, amazed. Then he was rushed away by George, who called, “C’mon Harry, the train’s about to leave, we need to get to our carriages!”
   After looking all over for an empty carriage, Harry came into one where the youngest son of Ginny’s family sat. His hair was all messy, and he slouched far down on his seat. Harry prepared to introduce herself, when the boy said, “Hi, I’m Ron. Ron Weasley. And you are?” “Harry Potter.” “*The* Harry Potter? The one who defeated You-Know-Who?” “Yeah… I don’t really like to talk about it.” Harry squirmed uncomfortably. Ron nodded peaceably and began asking Harry about his favourite Quidditch team. Soon, the two of them were arguing heatedly over which Quidditch team was better,  or the Chudley Cannons.
    Just then, a boy came into the carriage, hands trembling slightly. “Have you seen my toad? He’s missing again.” When he heard that neither Harry nor Ron had seen it, he left howling. “If I had a toad-” “I wanted to ask you, Ron, about your family. Is it big? How many siblings do you have?” Harry leaned into the seat as Ron began explaining about his huge family, with Bill, ex-Head Boy and Charlie, ex-Quidditch Captain who was obsessed with dragons. Then there was Percy, the oldest still in school, and Fred and George, who Harry had met earlier on. Ginny was the youngest, and she was starting Hogwarts the next year. Ron was the second youngest and always felt like he had to live up to his brothers. “What about you, mate? Heard your parents -- you know -- passed away,” Ron said, a bit uncomfortably as he finally finished his introduction of his family.
    “Well- I was brought up by Moony and Padfoot. They’re my dad’s best friends,” he added by way of explanation. “That’s the man I saw with you today?” “Yeah, that’s Padfoot. His real name is Sirius, Sirius Orion Black. Moony is also a guy, his real name is Remus. Remus John Lupin.” Ron mused at the thought of having two fathers bringing him up. That would be pretty cool, he thought.
Just then, a brown haired girl came into the carriage. “Have you seen a toad? Neville’s lost one.” Her voice was bossy and slightly haughty. “No, we haven’t.” Ron’s displeasure showed obviously in his tone of voice. “I’m Hermione Granger,” the girl introduced herself. Ron and Harry introduced themselves again.
When they finally got off the carriage, they walked towards the humongous man calling to them. Ron complained to Harry, “Ugh, I hate that Hermione. She’s such a know-it-all.” “Moony’s like that. Padfoot calls him a self righteous prick when he’s mad, and ‘choc’ when he’s in a good mood. Says that because Moony loves chocolate,” Harry shrugged. Ron looked at Harry in shock. He had expected Harry to take his side, but Harry had unexpectedly stood up for Hermione.
    Harry walked up to Hagrid, and talked to him the whole way to Hogwarts. He learned that Hagrid was a half-giant. To Hagrid’s surprise, Harry did nott in the least bit discriminate against him. Having grown up with a werewolf for a dad and an unregistered animagus for a dad (as well), Harry was used to odd wizards.
Hi, this is the end of the first part of this headcanon. It was based on a prompt that asked for an AU where Harry was brought up by Sirius and Remus.
The series: Harry Potter The characters: Hermione Granger, Ronald Bilius Weasley, Harry James Potter, Sirius Orion Black, Remus John Lupin, Molly Weasley, Ginevra Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom
It was written by me
This is part one, part two is coming up soon :)

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