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Bully And His Crush (Jikook)

Episode one jungkook

He punched me in the side and I fell to the ground with a loud crash. I yelped and others who were watching laughed. The boy on the left kicked in the shin and legs. I was sure that was going to bruise. The boy on the left kicked me in the arm and shoulders while the other boys attacked my back.

It was horrible but I've gotten used to the pain. I've been attacked several times over the last week and lately it's been getting worse. I would usually just pass out from the exhaustion or faint. Either one works, I'd be unconscious to know what was happening, I'd rather not know what was happening to me.

After a couple more minutes of kicking the boys were starting to get tired and slowed their rhythm down. They sighed in exhaustion and backed away.

I slowly maneuvered out of my huddle and stretched my limbs. I scanned my body, nothing was broken but some parts were badly bruised. I tried to stand up but my leg was in bad shape. I fell straight back down and gasped in pain. I made a second attempt to stand up and succeeded. I straightened up my clothes and dusted my pants.

I limped towards my locker and shoved some books into it. I closed it and headed towards my next class. I was already used to the beatings everyday but sometimes I think it's a little much, don't they ever get bored of hitting me?

I walked past the office to my class. I shuffled into the class and scurried to the back of the room. I grabbed the seat farthest away that didn't have another student in it. No one ever sat next to me, well except for my best friend, Taehyung . People believed that if they talked to me or interacted with me that they would get bullied too. Taehyung was an exception. Taehyung , my best friend, was the brother of my worst nightmare, the bully.

I barely went to taehyung's house because I'd have to see his brother. But when I did go, Taehyung would make sure that I wasn't going to get hurt. Taehyung would beat up his brother for me. My hero. I snickerd slightly at my remark. The teacher walks in and begins class. Guess, no ones sitting next to me again.

Ms Benard began talking about chemical reactions and some other chemistry stuff that I didn't care about. Let's face it, who even likes school? I didn't.

I finished class and headed to my next class. I carefully avoided jungkook, the schools bully. Unfortunatly, my next class was gym. I didn't hate gym, I just didn't like it. jungkook is in my gym class. So is Taehyung , so that made everything better. It kind of canceled out each other. I can't get bullied becuase jungkook's brother was here.

I quickly ran into the changing room and slipped off my shirt and pants. I threw on a white teeshirt and some basketball shorts.

Today, we were running relay races. Running was fun because it was something that I was good at. I could block out the world for a couple of seconds and just focus on running.

The group of kids walked outside to the track that was around the corner. "Alright everybody! It's racing time!" My gym teacher yelled. "Everybody look at the sheet of paper to find out who your partner is." The teacher pointed to a sheet on the bench. I quickly scanned the sheet to see who was my partner. I was crossing my fingers hoping and begging that I wouldn't have jungkook has my partner. I guess my luck ran out because as I apporached my name, I saw that my partner was the one and only Jungkook .

Episode two-the bet

I groaned. I meant to do it in my head but it accidentally went out of my mouth. I rubbed my forehead and sighed. Guess today was gonna be horrible.taehyung can't even save me now.

I stared at Taehyung to get his attention but he didn't give me the time of day. He was to busy talking to his partner. I could hear footsteps behind me and the hairs on the back of my neck stiffened.

"Hey partner." I turned around to see jungkook standing there. Even though I basically hated his guts he was a good looking guy. I'm not gay but even straight guys can tell if another's hot.

jungkook was wearing black basketball shorts and a over sized tank top. He had messy hair and hazel eyes. I realized I was staring too long.

"H-Hi." I squeaked. Jungkook patted me on the back real hard.

"We're gonna have fun together aren't we." He winked at me. Why did jungkook wink at me? Maybe his eye was itchy. Whatever, doesn't concern me. All I did was nod my head up and down

. I dragged my feet over to the starting line. We were racing against another group. I put my foot on the white line an leaned in position. jungkook did the same thing. In a matter of seconds I heard somebody count down then a gun shot.

I started to run. I picked up the pace and was halfway done when jungkook passed me like it was nothing. Only a couple seconds behind and I crossed the finish line.jungkook group of friends came and congratulated him for getting first place.

Taehyung congratulated me for getting second with a pat on the back. jungkook and I won the first race. Now it was time for the second one. We both got into our positions and once we heard the shot we sprinted off to victory again. Our last match was against our partners. Oh how wonderful, I get to lose against jungkook.

jungkook came up to me and put his arm on my shoulder wrapping it around me. I could feel the hot breath on my neck. He leaned next to my ear. "Wanna make a bet?" He whispered.

I froze. What type of bet? What will I have to do? What if I loose? What will happen?

"Oh stop worrying ya weirdo." He complained. "It's a simple bet. I win, you do what I want, you win, I do what you want." He smiled. That's the first time he smiled at me in my whole life.

We got into starting positions and I was about to worry. I don't want to loose, jungkook will probally make me his personal slave or something like that for the rest of my life.

Once I heard the shot I dashed off as quickly as possible trying to beat jungkook. I started off strong, Jungkook was right behind me. I looked backwards and watched him slightly. He made everything seem like effortless. I could hear his heavy breathing, I'm sure he could hear my deathly breathing. In a matter of seconds Jungkook caught up right next to me and we were running together. I could see the finish line.

jungkook kept slightly running into me. He did the unthinkable. While he was running inches away from me he slapped my butt. Hard. I squealed and tumbled over. jungkook laughed and ran ahead into the finish line that was right in front of us. Typically bully, always trying to cause me to get hurt. He crossed the white line and claimed first place. I, on the other hand, am on the ground. My legs all cut up and bleeding.

The pain was terrible but not as bad like when I get beatings. I tried to lift myself up but couldn't. Help was running towards me. I could see taehyung with a worried face, along with others. I'm surprised I could even get that much attention.

The gym teacher came over and crouched down towards me. "You alright, kid?" He asked. I could only nod my head. I felt a little lightheaded. "Hey! Someone get this kid to the infirmary!" The teacher yelled towards the kids. The closest person next to me just happened to be jungkook.

Aiden picked me up, putting his hands through my legs. Why was he carrying me princess style. I groaned out loud and tried to wiggle out of his grasp. "Shut up and put your arms around my neck." jungkook snapped. I put my hands on his shoulders. They were so broad and musclier. Jungkook frowned. "Jimin, I said my neck." I groaned once more and followed his orders. I placed my arms around his neck and locked my fingers.

Jungkook kept walking. I felt even dizzier so I put my head on his shoulders. This was probably a bad move but I couldn't keep my head up anymore. We were almost to the nurses office when I passed out. Wow, did I seriously pass out in jungkook's arms? I mentally hit myself on the forehead.

When I woke up I was on a white bed, there was a curtain around me and a mysterious body sitting next to me with it's head on the bed. I attempted to sit up and fix my messy clothes but because of the person I couldn't move much. I tugged the person on the shoulder slightly. It groaned. More like, he groaned. I tugged slightly harder. "Stopp.." he grumbled.

I knew who it was. "jungkook, get off me." I hissed. I pushed him harder and he flung off the bed and onto the ground.

"SHIT!" He yelled.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to-" jungkook cut me off when he slammed his hands on the bed. My eyes thinned in fear. Don't hit me, don't hit me. I kept thinking to myself.

"I'm not going to hit you." jungkook said.

My eyes opened slightly. "What?" I whispered.

"I said, I'm not going to hit you!" jungkook yelled. I flinched a little. How did he know what I was thinking? "You talk out loud." He said. All I did was nod my head and sit there, this time I made sure not to think anything.

After a couple moments of silence, Jungkook spoke up. "What about our bet?" He smirked.

What bet? I pondered on it for a little bit.

"Ohhh, yeah. Right, about that-" jungkook cut me inturrupted me again, but this time instead of talking he moved closer to me. He placed both hands on the sides of my head and hopped onto the bed. He hovered over me and sat on me. He locked his legs around my waist tightly and sat up slightly.

I was trapped. Oh god, what was he going to do to me! jungkook was straddling me! I wiggled and tried to get out but when I moved he only tightened his lock on me. I used my arms and attempted to push him off but he grabed them and held them above my head. I was litterally stuck!


jingkook yelled back "SHUT UP! I'M NOT EVEN HURTING YOU!" I stopped yelling, I guess he was right, he wasn't hurting me but come on! When you have your worst nightmare sitting on your waist it's kind of scary.

"What do you want!" I gulped.

"I won the bet, so I'm getting what I want." jungkook sat up and let go of my hands. He placed his hands on my sides and rubbed his thumbs in small circles.

"Fine, what do you want, since you won." I said and jungkook smiled. Again, with his smiles. Why am I seeing them so frequently? Jungkook leaned in towards me and got dangerously close to my face. He then turned his head and headed towards my neck. What was he doing?

I felt something warm and incredibly soft on my skin. It was almost like a kiss. A slight kiss. Another one was made but slighty different, a little more agressive. It felt really good. Jungkook's thumbs moved slightly faster and his breathing changed a little. I could feel something poke me a little, bit I ignored it. I placed my hands on his stomach and unconsciously tried to get him closer to me. Jungkook growled. Jungkook kept kissing my neck slowly and then more aggressively. Alternating between each kiss. Then he bit me. HE BIT ME!

"S-Seriously! You're giving me a h-hickey?!" I nearly said in one sentence. jungkook sucked my neck harder and bit once more. I almost let out a gasp. While he kissed my neck for the last time his thumbs came to a slow stop and his breathing slowed down slightly. He backed his hands off of my body and placed them on his thighs. All his weight was on my hips, and boy was he heavy. jungkook got off me slowly, his face was red. He fixed his shorts and straightened his shirt.

"Well, that was fun." He smirked. "Let's have another bet soon, kay?"



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Chapter 3 you @ Jungkook’s house

A couple days passed since jungkook did that to me and all I've done is ignore him. I've avoided him like my life depended on it. Unfortunately, he was in my gym class and math class. Jungkook was also my best friends brother so there was no avoiding him all together. Today after school I was going to hang out with taehyung. I loved his house because it was so spacious compared to mine.

It was after school and I getting a ride from Taehyung . I saw him next to his Hummer and waved at him. "Hey man!" I exlaimed.

Taehyung looked awkwardly. "I'm sorry about this..." He opened the door and the pointed to the back seat. I looked in the back of his car cautiously. There he was, jungkook.

I slammed the door shut and yelled at Taehyung . "WHAT THE HELL MAN? DON'T YOU KNOW I'M AVOIDING HIM?"

All Taehyung could do was shrug his shoulders and say "I'm sorry, he need a ride. I already told Jungkook to be good to you and leave you alone."

I groaned out loud and slowly entered the Hummer. I got into the front seat and prayed that he wouldn't say anything to me, let alone beat me up. Even though he did what he did at the nurse's office, he's still a bully. tae got in the drivers seat and he pulled out of the schools parking lot. I could feel his eyes on the back of my head. He would cough occasionally and the hair's on my neck would stand up. Goodness, I was scared of him.

Soon we approached Tae and Jungkook's house. I quickly got out of the car and ran inside to their house. Of course, out of my luck, the door was locked. I hit the door and looked back pleading that Tae would be right next to me. Nope, It was Jungkook.

"I'm not going to do anything to you, tae said if I did he'd destory everything in my room." Jungkook said while fumbling for the house keys. Our hands brushed against each others. I quickly backed my hand away from him and turned my body the other way so I wouldn't see him anymore. Finally, he unlocked the door. I rushed inside and ran up the stairs to Tae's room.

A couple hours later I was hungry. I decided to go down to the kitchen and find anything consumable to eat. I looked through all the cabinets and found nothing. I turned my eyes to the one cabinet that I haven't touched. It was Jungkook cabinet. No one was allowed to touch that. My stomach growled. I have two options, be a ninja and steal some of A food, holding on to dear life that I won't be caught or leave the room and let myself starve.

Forget option B, I'm going with being a ninja. I quickly run up to the wooden cabinet and swing the door open as fast as I could. I scanned the shelves for anything edible. Oreo's, My favorite. I grabbed the package and flung myself to the fridge to get a glass of milk. You can't have Oreo's without milk. I dunked one Oreo and started at my second.

I heard foot steps behind me and a strong grip slide through my arms inbetween my elbows and my body. I could feel a mysterious hard figure behind me, resting on my back. It leaned in. "Well, look what we have here." The mysterious voice whispered in my ear. Shivers went down my spine. I knew it was Jungkook, I could tell by his voice.

I turned to face jungkook, his arm still wrapped around me. Jungkook grabbed the Oreo out of my hand and took another bite of it. He licked his lips and made a moan. "That was almost as good as our bet." He mumbled. "Of course, you're better." I could feel him smirk against my neck.

I forced myself out of jungkook grip and pushed him against the counter. I placed both hands on the sides of him. "I never knew you liked it rough, but isn't this a little fast?" jungkook smirked. I mentally faced palmed myself, what was I doing. jungkook grabbed my wrists that were pinning him down. He turned us around so I was the one being captured. Of course, how couldn't I see this coming.

"What do you want?" I growled at him.

jungkook wiped away the left over cookie crumbs forming on my lip. He licked his thumb and the crumb that was on it. "I want my Oreo's back." He said sweetly.



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