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Vampire & Monster!


hi am author of this story..I hope you guys love introducing the character..

king of sunguana dynasty.@nandhi varman

queen of sunguana dynasty.@ Mithra devi

present life..

Karthik..born in 1946...but he turn to his age is almost cross 200+ ... now he is working as airforce officer in India..

hi am Sanjana... am a doctor..I accidentally met a guy and fall in love with him ..but he is an vampire.. even his whole family is human..but he is blood sucking vampire..

we got married and went to the palace called sunguana palace which is born by his father and gift for our wedding..when we entered there we faced the vampire energy fight with monster..which can't see by our ***** eyes....

Karthi secret

hi am is my birthday and I am celebrating with my friends in Xx bar...and also my boyfriend break up with me. because he found rich **** girl to satisfy his desire...but am just an little doctor...

I drank!!!...I just sink in beer and. traveling all over the world... finally...I lies on floor.. some guy is slapped my face and ask me to wake up...I hold his hand and said him to take me.....

hi am her to propose a my child hood friend but ends up with this trouble girl and I don't know I can't. leave her alone like a dog..look she is sleeping like a pig.. I can't hold her like this..ok!!.. let me take her to police station and I make her sleep on police station and gave my contact info to the officer and went to my house..

when I woke up. and asking mom coffee!!.. and I fell in floor..and when I woke up police officer was seeing me and scold me that "" I never saw a girl like u..who is sleeping like a pig and having drink and fun in bar...just be careful and call this guy who handover you to us...""". go...!!.. after I got good words from his mouth ...

I came out and it's chilled out side..I put the jacket which he covered me and I check the jacket I saw his picture and his wallet...and I tried to call him

when I call him and said hi am Sanjana ..who you pick up me and drop me in police station yesterday, thanks for the help...when I hear from her and I just ask her, where are you??..

and she replied am in police station and I waiting for my cab....hey girl, turn and give the jacket to me..when I hear his voice.. and shocked too to see him


hi am Sanjana ... thanks ...hi am Karthik .. becarefull next time when you went to bar alone..jacket??..

yeah..thanks for the jacket and suddenly Karthik said..catch u later bye...hey.. Karthik

Karthik smiled and said next if we saw eachother..bye..and he went Sanjana was seeing him and smiling... suddenly she got a call from hospital that there is an emergency in she took the cab and went to hospital ..after she finishes the work in hospital and return back to her house and ...she fix the Karthik pictures in wall..

and said you look handsome but you did not even said anything about yourself ...came like a air and went away like a air. !!..and she was smiling and dancing...when she saw herself in mirror..there is bite in her neck...she puts the oilment and she said to herself that's was some mosquito bites..and scolding mosquito...

she went to bed...after went to deep sleep... Karthik came to her room and he was seeing her sleeping posture..she was rolling the bed and it's cover like a sea waves..he was sitting on the sofa and seeing her...he feels relaxed and cover her with blanket. suddenly , Sanjana feel something is touching suddenly she wokes up and saw Karthik was standing near by her.. when she rushed to put the light but there is no one it's an dream Sanjana...and she was saying this to herself that..I was mesmorised by him...after Sanjana went to sleep...

next day..she went to hospital...

I saw Karthik came with his mother..I touched his shoulder and ask him what are you doing her..and he was shocked and said..hi..,, I came with my mother to see cardialogist ...for her operations..

she started to smiled..can you give the report...and said Sanjana cardiologist...please sit down aunt ...when I checked her report ..aunty nothing to will be alright and Don't forget to take the pills regularly...and Karthik take care of her ... Karthik coffee??..

again I was rejected by him and went he hold his mother and d went away..while going home why are you staring me after we came out of the hospital...

how is the girl?.. is your what she is not married right...I think she fall for my son...I guess and know her..that's the reason she smiled at me....

Karthi mom...what are you saying...

yeah..I know her..she is cute like a doll but I made a mark on her know am an vampire and I can feel the blood..but her is different and also I can't control myself when i think of her and me..we are from different words that am vampire and she is little human girl...she can' leave this topic and I don't want to get married because I don't want to go to tomorrow , am leaving to leg,indo - China border, India..and Karthik works as an Indian airforce fighter pilot..

and he is also an important person in airforce technical support leaving tomorrow can you pack my stuff..and saying to you but you are watching outside of the car window..

mom... Karthik drive car safely..after we reach home we will Karthi was seeing his mother and she was crying and control her tears infront of her son because she don't want her son to feel down because of her weak heart...when they went home...there is a sound who is calling brother...!! and running towards Karthik it's diviya his sister happened why you looks dull!!..

Karthik sisy and Karthik hold her hand and mom.. promise me you should keep my secret as secret ! promise!!

Karthik and Sanjana are from different worlds..

Karthi went to pack his stuff to go the airforce basement..and he feel starving and he took the animal blood which he kept in his fridge.. and while drinking he thinks about Sanjana..

he took her picture with her known..and he was talking..

Sanjana if am a human..I know I definitely fall in love with you but I have to say this..we are from different world am a vampire and you're human..I feel like we are living in comic world..there only human and vampire can live together..but in real's impossible..

every time you met me and ask a coffee but I know I don't drink and eat human food..even my family is half human and half vampire because my dad and me are vampire but my mother and sister are human...

my mom Love my dad very much so she can understand Him and also she used him to suck his blood for survival ...I have seen a mark on your neck..when you drunk and lie in my hand I feel like iam straving and unable control myself..I hold you and started sucking your blood...

when I touch you to suck your blood I have to say have different flavour of blood which flow in your vain and makes me fall for you..and Iam going away from you if I stayed her some more day..I will definitely suck your blood and turn you to a vampire like me. iam not interested in that..I want to be an human but I born as a vampire ...

I can walk ,run even read other mind etc..but I miss the human being life and their food habits.. party etc...but you're very lucky... suddenly phone ring ...

when I saw the phone is an new number..i took the call and ask who do you want?..hi am Sanjana..I want to talk to Karthik..

yes Karthik is hear. coffee..!!.. when Karthik hear coffee again..hey Sanjana are you crazy.. you're asking a stranger for you don't feel aukward


Sanjana reply, I don't feel that because some one suck my blood and survived from his thirst..which make him move away from me. I know you're thinking how she knows??.. after came home I went to bar where we met..I saw a footage which I saw you suck my blood on my phone right neck.. and still I have the mark...

can I ask you one thing ...,are you a vampire or something else??.. you know the truth I can't hide anything...yes am vampire..and I can walk and run faster as more than human ...I drink blood to survive myself and energetic person..more than that I won't kill anyone except animal blood which I hen ,cow,dog ..etc..

when Sanjana hears that .and said ...,.I wanna meet you..and let's get married??.. today or some other days....

Karthik was shocked..hey..are you crazy know who am..and how could you ask about marrying me..just like know..if I lose my temper I may kill the people which means iam a vampire who kill people and animals to survive... Sanjana replied, I know that's the reason I wanna marry you and live a happy life like your mom and dad..lives...

I know your dad is vampire how you mom accept human and living a happy life and even she gave birth to two a handsome charming son.and little girl ...when Karthik hears about these from..her do you know about my family..if you dare split anything I will kill you... Sanjana..

Sanjana reply, relax Karthik I know it will implicate your whole family and your territory please relax..I wanna meet you just come to Ccbbv cafe shop...that's enough..

after inform him and I went to cafe shop and waiting for him and I ordered coffee and also ice-cream which I love to eat this with such sick combination... ..when I saw him he entered he just ordered coffee and sat near with me and what do you want to talk...

first Sanjana am sorry for suck and mark which I made ..please it's an request that not share with anyone about me and my family it will implicate my whole family and territories...who are like us..... Sanjana smiled..and ask just see my eyes and say who am I ...

when I saw her eyes I feel like a some tunnel which lead me to see the white snow like features when I touch her's an fox.. and it turn into her..

after I saw her took off my hand from her hand and I was feeling sickness in breathing and I went outside to inhale fresh air...

when I turn back to Sanjana..are you a fox ??.. Sanjana said yes...I know we all have a boundary it's made by ancestors but when I saw your and you are the one who suck the fox blood..I feel like am the only one who has the capability to crack the contract which made by our ancestors and I can live a happy life and also which is most important is am the Princess of fox dynasty...

when Sanjana said this Karthik said am sorry ...and kneel down infront of her and said please don't meet in future..I will affect the peaceful of vampire territory and also fox territory too..I hope princess will accept this request..

after said these words to her and I went away but I feel like her words are true..after I went I took the flight went to airforce base and start to do my work as usual.. but I used think her and dream her ...

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