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Who Are You?


I opened my eyes. Then I realized that I'm laying on a bed. After a while I realized that it is a hospital's ICU room.

Me : ohh, I'm feeling so thirsty .

Ohh there's jar of water on the table.

( I was about to take the glass but right at then it slipped of my hand and broke. Right at then I hear that someone's saying something. Then I see that there's a women who is literary crying n...)

Women : Ohh my baby.. Are u alright? Are you

feeling good?. Thank god you are alright. I thought.....

( Right at then a young guy approximately in his 20s and a mid aged man come to the room)

Men : Raya are you alright? Thank god you have woken up.

Me: I'm very sorry everyone but can somebody tell me what's going on here?

And who are you guys?

Women : what are you saying?

That's Rayan Khan your father. That's Sarish your best friend.can't you recognize them?

( Right then the boy call's the doctor)

Doctor : Raya are you alright? let me do your check up. ( After check up) you are completely fine. But still you have weakness

so I'm giving you some medicine you have to take them.

( At doctor' s cabin)

Doctor : I was afraid this would happen.

Mrs khan: what happened to my Raya?

is she alright?

Doctor : calm down mrs khan. We should be very happy that Raya has survived such a big incident. But its next to impossible to be completely fine after surviving this kind of accident.

Mr khan : what should we do now doctor?

Doctor: For now give her some time. she is completely unfamiliar to this environment

so give her some time.


After knowing that I've woken up a lot of people are visiting me. its kinda awkward for me actually... im getting very exhausted. I've completely lost it!

Right at then sarish handled everything.

(After a while.. Everyone left..)

(In Hospital cabin)

Me : Thank you so much Sarish.

Sarish : oh look who is talking about what. I can't remember when did you talked to me this nicely!

( I laughed )

But Raya tell me honestly can't you remember anything at all?

Raya: To me its the first day that I'm knowing my name is Raya.

Sarish : its all right. How can you not remember anything at all when I'm with you.

I'll make you remember everything.

Raya : And you won't do it for free.will you.

Sarish : I must say, even after loosing memory you know me very well.

( Right then Mr khan come's there)

Mr khan : Sarish I think you should go home now. You have stayed here for a long time.

Sarish : No Rk I'm fine.

Mr khan : But Inaya ( Rayas mom) isn't well. She has completely lost it. I think it would be better if u take her home.

Sarish : ok then. Raya you take care.

Mr khan. Princess how are you feeling right now? Are you alright?

Me : yeah dad I'm fine.

Mr khan : (with full tears) I can't even say how relieving it is to hear dad from your mouth.

you just take rest. don't take too much stress.

I've talked to the doctor.they will discharge you after a few days.

( After a few days I came back to home. it completely looks like a palace. when I'm about enter I hear that everybody is shouting " Welcome home Raya " it is a very warm welcome.)

What's Happening?

Maria: (Hugged) Are you alright? I really missed you so much.

Niloy: Oh, come on,, she came from the hospital right now. stop being so melodramatic. Are you feeling good Raya?

Sarish : Oh, come on guys let's give her a welcome hug.

( then all of cousins hugged me)

Grandmother : Ohh look at my child.. You have loosen so much weight. Why all of you are standing there? Come inside..

After having dinner I was roaming.. Right at then Sarish came with cup of coffee.

Sarish :I knew you would be here. Coffee?

Me: Yeah, sure.

Sarish: What happened? Oh, let me guess..


Raya :yeah.. kind of.

Sarish : Don't worry.. I'll help you.

Raya: How?

( Then he told me everything about the family)

Raya : Thanks a lot..

Sarish: Pay me.

Raya' : What do you want?

Sarish : For now noodles will be ok.

Raya: It's midnight 3.

Sarish: So what?

Raya: Alright.. As you say sir..

In the morning I woke up late... ohhh, someone is knocking..

Raya: Maria! what happened? Why are you crying?

Maria : I fought with Rohan ( Maria' s future husband).

Raya: ohh,come on.. stop blaming. this time it's your fault. Rohan told me everything.

Maria :I know that I reacted too much. But what to do?

Raya: You know what, people on earth have some rules. "The one who make's mistake should say sorry" is one of them. Isn't it so great! As we also live on earth we also should follow these rules.. Don't you think so?

Maria: You are asking me to say sorry?

Raya: What do you think? I'm asking you to go on a date with me..

Maria: But how am I gonna..

Raya : If you are not then let me open my zip..

Shall I?

Maria: ok ok ok.. I'll say sorry..

Raya: hmmm good.But what's the noise?

Maria : ohh, everybody's playing in the garden.

You haven't done your breakfast. right?

Go and get fresh. I'll be outside.

After having breakfast I went to garden. I sat beside grandma. Everyone is playing. Right at then a kid comes to me. He gives me chit.

Raya: who gave you that?

( The kid smiled and ran away)

Raya : what's written in here?

I opened the chit and there was written "get ready." I didn't pay much attention to that

Milli : Hey guys let's have lunch for now.

(After having lunch)

Niloy : What happened Raihan? What's with that sad face?

Raihan : I'm feeling so bored.Lately there's no spice in life.... hhh what a boring life.

Niloy : You are right. we should do something interesting... Ohhh how can I forget that!

Raihan : what?

Niloy : We haven't organized any welcome

party for Raya.. As she has survived a war...

Raihan : oh yeah... how can we forgot that?

No worries..Raya we will rock it. you just wait and watch.

It's a party at home. Everybody is so excited.

Sarish: Hey where is our chief guest? Here she is..

( waiter bring's the cake)

After cutting the cake all are enjoying. While I was talking to my friend I heard that someone's saying get ready to me.

Trust Me.

It was a bit wired to me.. I thought about it all night long. After a thinking a lot i came to this conclusion that it must be illusion.

(Next Morning on breakfast table)

Maria: ( on phone) Hello.. hey how are you? yeah I'm fine.

I'm sorry Raya won't come for a few days..

Raya: Who is that?

Maria : Oh that's Anisa.. our classmate. She is saying that you have a book of her so now she wants it back..

Raya: I'll give to her...

Maria : How?

Raya: I'm going to college today

Maria :What? How can you..

Raya: Don't worry I'm fine right now... i can continue.. Dad can i?

Mr. khan :If she wants then let her go.

Raya: Thank you so much dad.

Mr khan: But driver will drop all of you..

Raya: Ok dad.

Maria : Ok then.. Let's go.

it was great day at college .. But today Maria has gone to see her uncle and aunty so she can't come to college. I have to go alone.. it's so boring without her.

Me : Uncle let's go. Maria won't be coming today.

Middle of the way the car has stopped functioning . so annoying.! Uncle has gone to call mechanic.

It's feeling so suffocated in the car so i came out .. that's when i can hear some music coming from jungle.

Raya : what is this sound ! where it is coming from? Should i go?? .... (She starts going towards that sound) ..

I entered the jungle.. I'm heading on the way from where the sound is coming..its a women near a hollow . she is singing and filling the pitcher. But in this quite jungle isn't it so strange!

Raya: Excuse me...

women :" when you know you are the key.

That's when you can say it's okey "..

( That's when my phone rings. i looked at the phone. it's driver uncle. i turned it off and looked but there was no one)

( I came home at night and went to take a shower.)

Raya: Ahhh it was so.stressful..

What the hell!

(there's written "get ready "with red paint.. on my mirror.. right then someones knocked .. i run out of the room and got crushed with Sarish..)

Sarish: what happened Raya why are you crying?

Raya : Someone wrote get ready with..... on the mirror.... (cries)

Sarish: where?

Raya: on the mirror.

Sarish : For god sake Raya.. please calm down... i wrote that. Actually we all are going out to dinner. I came to inform you but you were taking shower and i was painting so i had paint with me so i wrote on the mirror.

So no need to get afraid.. but i used do this kinda stuff with you very often but you never reacted like this.. what happened to you?

Raya: No its not only you sarish...This kinda strange things happened with me before.

Sarish: What do you mean?

Raya: On that day you all were playing at garden... a kid came to me and gave me a chit...

there was written "get ready"..On party somebody told "get ready "from behind...

I don't know what's happening with me...

Sarish: Okk show me the chit.

( I opened the drawer and took the chit)

Raya: Here it is.

Sarish : Let me see.........

are you sure its the same chit?

Raya : Yeah.. why?

Sarish : ummmmm....Raya there's nothing...nothing is written..

Raya: What the helll.... Im sure there was written get ready. And I'm 110% sure it's the same chit.. please trust me sarish. I'm not lying at all ... please trust me..!

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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