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My Rotten Dreams

Happiness :

Sky is pouring nonstop, thunderstruck and lightning are also seen time to time there is no electricity and in this darkness it's very creepy atmosphere. It's gives chills down some one's back even to think about this atmosphere.. But here I m walking in this weather nothing is making me scared or giving me chills that's not because I am brave... just coz I am empty....

Empty of Happiness, empty of warmth, empty of love ....

I must say I know all of the above coz one tym I have all of these. I was full of all of these actually but now nothing....

when you have something cherish it no matter what don't go to take more who knows u will have these the next second of your life....

Today should be the happiest day of my life but know it's worst day I didn't thought that today will turn not like this but it still did...

I am crying but no one can see coz of rain is still pouring or no one is there to see.. hahhaaha so funny it is when some one was there to wipe my tears I didn't show my tears but now I want him to wipe my tears, hug me like he always did with out my consent, but today I want him to do that but he will not. I know him more then I thought I have.. he will never take me back, never make me laugh, never pass sarcastic comments on me he will never cook for me.. he will never touch me... you know why coz I m dirty.... but I am not.. I really am NOT...




Hi.. I am 20 years old, soon going to be in uniform, I have 2 elder brother and 1 elder sister, my parents loves but my siblings adore coz I am youngest then them. they have literally brought me up. I am full of life, we are not rich but still my each and every wish are full filled so I am little spoiled. I am not that beautiful, but still many boys like me for my outspoken and jolly nature, that doesn't mean I have boyfriends... only friends which are boys and that also have to go though strict evaluation of my brothers... my brothers are very protective of me....


Hey... I am 25 years old.. but more mature than my age boys are coz I have to take care of my family and business when I am only 19 yrs old.. my father died In a sudden car accident so I have to step in my mother and 2 twin sisters are in America.. I only have 1 friend SHUBHAM and his family is literally my family....

(more characters will be introduced along the story)




My Dreams

Today is a beautiful day as always, I am dreaming about my Prince Charming which will come in white Lamborghini wearing white suit and holding a bouquet of roses. He has sharp features, deep eyes, black hair settle with gel not a single think out of order, walk as he owns the world. may be he does, who knows???

but this dream is no different from any other girl , or I should say 90% of girls have some time in her life have dream this type of thing... It's OK to dream, dreams are our safe escape we can dream anything any where no body will know or judge it...

You know we girls no matter in which age group we are, what's the thing which we are most scared off... JUDGEMENT..... We are scared how people will judge us,... how our closed friends and family will judge us.. and this is the reason we mostly let go of the thinks we keep dear or wants to do..

but dreams are different they are solely ours we can dream our future our present or even our past...

so keep dreaming but never dream to fulfill that dream coz sometimes it will fulfill but the price we will pay are very high and sometimes it will be not fulfilled and it will broke us...

So the only thing to have dreams is to never ask them to be fulfilled... someone will think I am mad why dream when it's never gonna be happening...

you are write.. but some people are living just coz to dream.....


Slowly I open my eyes to shut it again the bright rays of sun is hurting my eyes and my ears are ringing from alarm which God knows from when it's ringing.... you know I am not a morning person I am night owl as my family says... but still I get up switch of the alarm and go into washroom to freshen up.

After freshing up and changing clothes I come out of my room to smell the delicious aroma of breakfast cook by my sister, My sister is basically my mom coz she have brought me up Juzt like her own child she is 20 years older than me. and let me tell you she is happily married and have a cute little baby boy which is 4 years old, we call him munchkins my sister husband is pilot so he has to travel alot so to not keep my sister alone for longer period of time he has bought a flat next to our house... Isn't sweetest thing... I know my Jijs loves and adore hers... and me tooo...

coming back to my breakfast normal days I will sit here to enjoy my breakfast for longer period of time but today I have to leave coz I want to reach university and I am already very late... KASHAF will kill me... as I was thinking this my cellphone starting ringing and it's non other then miss KASHAF oh shit .....

run dammit.........


"You are late again" sigh....

before I can even sit miss KASHAF yelled at me from front passenger seat... and even before she finished speaking her brother from the driving seat said "It's her usual dear sister you should get used to it as I am " .... again before I can refuse their accusation kashaf said " But still you always insist on picking her up literally we became chauffeur of this princess " ...

I can't take it any more " hey guyzzz I am sitting right here why are talking like I am not here " and they replied together " because even if you listen you will again do the same thing so what's the use"... now I am getting angry "whateverrr" .. huffff...

kashaf said " know princess got angry. first of all you are late, we have to wait 30 min every day for you then we can't even complain,.. GREAT!!! "

Sam said " come on sis , let's It go she must be busy actually "

Kashaf said " busy of what??? DREAMING!!!! "

NOW it's my turn to laugh out loud 🤣🤣...

Kashaf is my good friend and as you all can see she knows me best , she also knows about my crazy dreams and all. And from her point of view I only like to sleep so that's why I use dream as a excuse to sleep more...

Sam is also laughing with me and after a while kashaf also start laughing this banter is our usual.. kashaf and I were together from college days and we were starting our university together as well kashaf brother SAMEER is our senior in third year of university. SAMEER and KASHAF are twins, but during birth kashaf was very weak and barely make out of it as per her parents so she start schooling 2 years later then SAMEER but it's doesn't matter coz she still look tiny compared to her normal age....

so back to our banter we have already reached our university and because of SAMEER's help we get adjusted in university quite well.... We have also make Frndz but our trio are always seen together even SAMEER mostly been seen with us....

after reaching university we said our byes to each other coz we have to attend our classes so we went to our own ways... after I have reached my class someone called out my name and I turn to see who's it is, it was my one of friends who is asking for some notes but suddenly I felt a reflection of sun on my face and I closed my eyes and turned my head and try opening my eyes up but can't coz sun was to bright and it's still reflecting directly at me, after a while I understand that it's a doing of some trouble some boy and I yelled " RANVEER stop it.. its no fun ".

RANVEER said " who says" , I got confused and seeing confused look on my face he says " who says it's no fun to irritate our princess first thing in the morning??? the pleasure of angry look on your face can't even be compared " , I replied " Oh come on RAN just by showing your disgusting face every morning is enough to make me irritated for whole of a year 😡 let's alone every morning using your small brain which will surely end one of these days to use new ideas to make me angry... huh " and only the look on his face cheered me again for the day... I went to class leaving that boy....

ranveer is the handsome hunk of our university. Rich, tall, sun kissed skin, deep brown eyes, unruly hair covered most of his forehead and what not in one look and girls mouth go parched only by seeing him. I was no different one look and I fell for him hard he was just like my dream guy.. but he is arrogant, egoistic, and stubborn type of guy. creating trouble for every one in university no one says any thing to him coz his father is the trustee of our university. and when I see him making fun of a guy coz he wear glasses from that time I try to avoid him, Sam and ran are in same semester so I got to know about him mostly from Sam, In short to stay way from disaster we have to stay way from ran...

but who knows this disaster soon swept my life away from me and I don't have any thing left to me...

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