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Chp 1 : Introduction

"Amy!!! where are you? look what I buy for you", Elly rushing to the backyard while holding suspicious small blue plastic bag.

I, 6 years old is accompanies my mom watering her flower in green house at backyard. I hears someone shouts my name and I put a big smile on my face because I'm waiting for her to return. I starts my legs engine and run toward the voice source leaving my mom behind. Before I exit the garden, I notices a young girl who enter our backyard.

She is Nurelly, we call her Elly. She is my only sibling that I have. I really like her so much maybe because of appearance? yes she is beautiful even at young age. She have round face just like mom, pretty eyes with blue lens, and wavy brown hair. I guess she will be model with her height when she adult. We have difference age around 6 years but still we are closer than any sibling in this world. She loves to play with me, taking care of me but sometimes annoys me so much. How she annoyed me? then lets continue.

"Elly!! I miss you so much", I jumps and grabs her neck tightly.

"hey! you little big cat!! you are as heavy as elephant.. did you know that?" struggling to unlock my wrapping arm.

I loosen up and hugs her. My eyes spot the plastic bag in Elly's palm.

"what is that?"

"this is... butter lollipops!!!" she screams next to my ear. "I bought this after school end just now"

(Auchh!!!) it hurt my little ear. This is one thing about her thats make me annoy which is scream. Her loud voice can reach 500db and can break 100 glass of mirror. She can't control her voice at all and always sings freely because she wanna be a singer but please trust me thats surely impossible.

"huahhh!!!!" I cries while trying to push away my sis's face.

"oh my! what wrong with my baby??" mother rushs over after she hears my tears.

This is Rebecca, 27 years old, a mother of two lovely princesses, Nurelly and Namy. She is a family-oriented person, she loves, taking care and protects her family thats would be evidence to show she is a housewife. My mother's face is small and quiet similar to my sis moreover they both are totally stunning. Welcome to my visual family except my dad, I don't think he is handsome. I wonder why mom marry him?, so curious but never mind.

"I don't know she suddenly cries after I told her about her favorite candy... I guess she has change her taste?"

"oh my! I know you must speaks loudly with her"

"no! I never do that!"

"see! you do it again, you must accidently follow your father's trait", mom comfort me in her hug.

"hah!! I hear someone mention me"

Yes! thats my father, Arnold. He is around 30 this year and still in same position in his work place after ten years work as police traffic. He never gains any profit and our house getting smaller by times. I always have a thought that my father is a lazy man but I clearly hears mom praise father for his hardwork. So, this is an adult matter that I don't want to understand at all because I'm just a little innocent girl.

"daddy!! Amy sad... maybe she didnt like the candy anymore, she has become big girl"

"hahahaha!! it is true??, that good, you should have reduce consumption a lot of sugar because of that", dad pointing at my fat belly.

I know that I'm fat but nothing can stop me from eating. Food is my own paradise and I will never let it down when it appear before my eyes. I will appreciate every values and taste that the food give it to me. For reader information, I want to be a chef soon and taste rare feat weird foods that have mouth-watering design.

"mommy!! look what daddy do? he teased me playfully, I hate daddy so much... and I want that candy... and I hate sis too because... you have roaster voice... huahhh", I cry again.

Everyone look at each other and start to laugh together.

"okeys let's go inside now, daddy buys new toys for both of you"

"yeah!!!", Elly and me cheer loudly.

To Be Continue...

Chp 2 : My Happy Family

We enter the house with happy heart. Dad put butter lollipops that he and Elly bought on the table at living room included toys. I love the time when all my family gathering and spend time together. My mom put me on the dining chair as we are about to have lunch together. Everyone have sit and waiting patiently for mom and Elly arrange the table with luxurious food. There are buttermilk chicken, fish n chip and rice!! obviously our main food. Then, mom started the conversation.

"my dear, when will you start your next shift?"

"maybe tomorrow"

"tomorrow!!?? why?? you usually have night shift what wrong today?"

"hahahaha!!! thats I want to tell right now!!.."

Everyone being dumbfounded and look at each other while wonder whats the new that dad wants to say.

"today.... I'm getting a promotion!!!!!!"

Mom and Elly celebrate by clapping their hands and cheer dad.

"*congratulation my dear"

" CON... GRA... TU... LA... TION...... YEAHHHH*!!!", she shouts again. Mehh...

Usually, we have trouble in communication with members especially during lunch actually we rarely lunch like this only for certain important occasion. When Elly return back from her school around this time, she just quiets and walks straightly to her room. Similar with daddy, he just talk a word and change his outfit for next shift without having any meal. Actually this is the first time seeing my family having a lot of fun during lunch. Seem like today we are granted by many luck.

" I got a title as police officer and my salary increase by 10% than before... we gonna change our life... we will renovate our house... we will buy more furniture... you guys gonna have new clothes... and we will go to trip!!!" , father express his feeling regarding his promotion.

From his speech, he looks desperate to earn money. I don't know how to tell this, through his eyes seem a fire has burn his passion. He become energetic and excited so much. Once he was young, he become orphan at young age around Ellys. He been taking care by grandpa. As he want to repay back grandpa's sacrifice, he finds many part-times job and misses his school. When adult time for him has come, he try his luck at many department but fails. At last, a sudden one piece of letter had arrived at his home, the job offer from police department. He really grateful so much and work harder beyond his ability but unfortunately, his co-workers seem never gave him chance to get credit, that why he always bad mood when he get back from his work. Actually, I'm regret for stamp dad as lazy man, I'm sorry dad.

Atmosphere now like an awkward moment after dad's speech just now.

"yes, thats for sure dear, even right now we also happy right?"

Dad nods and smile a little.

"okeys what a great new from dad so let me continue this enjoyment with thisss!!" showing a piece of paper and gives out to mom.

"*oh my god, Elly you did a great job"

"you got an A for math!! that ridiculous plus amazing*", dad shoves next to mom.

Curiosity really kill me now. I want to know what is that blank paper at the back.

"what is that?"

"this is your sis's final exam result, she got extremely high score in every subjects".

Oh! I nearly forgot, my sister will become a teen next year as she will go to high school by the early of January. Yes! she totally perfect in everything not only gorgeous but smart plus friendly plus caring plus loving plus EVERYTHING... thinking of that made me jealous sometimes but it never change fact that she is my only sister and I'm not regret for having her in my life.

"Amy! you should take me as your main idol, copy my trait, personality and ... appearance?? pfftt", laugh with mouth open.

(oh gosh she tease me again)

I make an annoying face to her

"aww.. I just kidding don't be like that... meow.. meow.." , she pinchs my cheek and mimicking cat sound.

(That cute, hehehe. She know to comfort me like mom) and I begin to smile and laugh back.

Everyone seem to please when I'm start laughing, maybe because I'm cute. As I mention word cute thats not mean I'm fat. I really cute in every aspects and I bet no one would escape from my cuteness aura.

"let's not waste time, can Elly scoops me two cups of rice?" , dad asks.

Then, we enjoying lunch with happy stomach.

Our family's life totally great right now. I always pray and hopes that our happiness will last long while we create strong bond among family member. I love my family so much... but I had negative feeling about this... What is that mean..??

To Be Continue...

Chp 3 : Something Going Wrong

3 year have past, now I become primary school's student. Everything seem okay for now except Elly, recently she acts weird. She often smiling just by looking at her phone and sometimes I hear her voice calling someone in middle night in her room because hers is next to my room. Apart from that, I think our relationship is unstable not like when we young since she rarely talks to me even with mom and dad. I was once brought this matter to my dad but he's busy and mom could only said to me...

"I notices that too, I will try to persuade her, lets do our best okay?" , mom pats my head smoothly.

Even I didn't notice her action but her word really make me believe her so much. Yes I will try have a talk with her but it seem impossible for me since I still young and would she reacts to what I'm about to say.

During dinner around 8, mom and I waiting for sis returns back from her extra class perhaps her teacher give a lots of homework for students before going back. Not long after that, dad come back home from his evening shift. His eyes wandering searching for something and sudden lock his stare at mom while looking confusedly.

"she already have a dinner just now?" , dad asks

"who?, Amy? she waiting for us to have dinner together"

"I know! I have eyes, I can see her here!! I asks for another one!!" , dad answers angrily like a tiger which starves for a year maybe he's too exhausted.

"she didn't arrive yet maybe her class end late tonight"

"what!!!" , dad gasps and squeeze his forehead.

He reaches his phone and calls someone. When I hears his conversation, it sound like Elly's teacher. After a few minutes later, knocking sound can be hear at the front door.

*Knock - knock*

"oh thats must be her"

Mom rushes to the door with happy face to welcome her eldest daughter. As soon as she open the door, she sees her daughter but the happy face that appear just now is faded. I run happily like old times to greet my dear sister but my legs stop after I see Elly's appearance kinda into black stuff, everything in black, her make up, she even wear earrings and what happen to her long hair. I mean what wrong with her.

"my dear? where is your outfit? where did you get this short skirt and make up? it is fashion or something trending? but it not good for other to see it, so go get change okay?", mom try smooth talk with her.


(what!! did she just ignore mom like that??!! mom wastes her saliva to talk with that scumbag!!)

She just pass by along me and mom while walk straightly to the stair but being stop by dad. My dad looks at her with mad eyes and put his hands short waist.

"where are you from?"


"ahh!! are you very sure about that?"

"I'm tired dad, let me take a rest"

She tries to walk pass my dad.

"stop right there!!", she stops for a while and ignore back.

"hey!!!" , grabs her hand.

"what did you want?? I said I'm tired let me go!!", she bite his hand and open wide step escaping her father's grip.



'BAAMM', Elly shuts the door strongly.

"dear, please calm down, let her rest first.. and tomorrow I will try talk to her... okays??", mom slow talk with dad make him realize his attitude just now.

"did I make her sulk again?"


Did she frequently make dad mad? did she often come back late? did she seldom lie to us? but why? what wrong with her? she is not the person I have known but more like a stranger that make this house look like hotel when she can come any times. Her action just now really made me mad and there is no tomorrow, I will talk to her now!!.

I take the stair sneak and glance around to see whether mom and dad notice or not. Walk casually on woody floor could create any 'creek' so tip toe slowly is the best choice. I make eavesdropping at Elly's door when I arrive at her room. I can hear clearly the conversation between her and someone like a man. They use many romantic and adult words, it sound like babe, love you, I want to have s*x and bla bla bla... oh god!! i still under age to hear this matter and my ear gonna bleed is I still listening to them. Forget about it I will talk to her tomorrow, I hope she's not go out early. I take step by step backwards slowly however I feel I accidently step on something then I look back, I see this scary eyes staring at me.

"ohhh" I shocks.

"What are you doing here?", mom whispers to me.

"nothing,... hmm... I... just wonder...", searching for ideas and ahh...

"I'm trying to find a moon.. look the moon is bright tonight...", pointing a light from window next to sis's room.

"he hehe... and good night mom, love you", hurry go inside my bedroom and covered every part of body with blanket while getting ready for a sweet dream.

Mom confused for a second and just nodding a little.

"I know my girls can't lie to me"

To Be Continue...

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