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Alpha And His Hunter

Chance of a life time

"ROSEMARIE HATHAWAY," I opened my eyes and jump out my bed. I hate when he does that. All these years and I still jump out my bed like a little 2 year old. I walk to my closet and grab a black T-shirt with a leather skirt. I run to the bathroom turn on the hot water and let it run for a bit. I grab a towel, Wash cloth then reenter the bathroom and resume my shower. I must have lost track of time because before i knew it the bus was right outside. I hop out the shower and quickly put my clothes on then swiftly ran down stairs. "ROE? Breakfast?" I look at my uncle, smile, then run right past him and outside to the bus. "Hey!" He yells, i decided to stop. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" he throws an apple and i catch it before making my way onto the bus. "Rose, you should join a sport" i waved that comment away. I hate sports. I might be good at it but thats so much work. "Today the principal has a surprise for randomly selected students" i heard a jock say as he climbed onto the bus. I look out the window and just gaze off into the sun. "..... sun....sight.... hey Mary hey" i blink and my attention focuses on Emily "w-what did you say?" She smiled and shook her head. Emily was my best friend.  Though we are total opposites. She always has a smile on her face, she loves color. She can draw like theres no tomorrow. Her favorite animal is skunks and i have no clue why. She is ridiculously smart with a 4.0 grade average. "Keep staring at the sun youll lose your sight" i rolled my eyes and she hit me itnthe back of my head. "Baby come here" i saw amber on the outside of the bus. Did i forget to tell you Emily is a very abusive very bisexual girl. It seems the bus had already stopped about five minutes ago. We got off the bus and i saw everyone crowded around. I climb on emilys backs to see whats going on. Marcus and Isaiah was fighting. I roll my eyes then make my way to the gym...

I sat on the bleacher with everyone else until the principle gave the announcement.

' hello students of arc lavender high school, four of you have been randomly selected to go on a one month program. This will determine wether the four students stay there and get paid as you learn or come back and remain a student here. 4th student selected Allen Jarvis. 3rd student collected Shane Lawrence, 2nd student selected Joshua Kendrick, and last but certainly not least 1st student collected Rosemarie Hathaway. Thank you for listening may the four students name that i just called come to the office.' My jaw dropped at my name. I have no clue what this school got me into or at least trying to but i like my life here. Its right, fitting, and im not sure if i want it to change. I went to my first through sixth classes and went to the office the last period of the day. Mostly because its gym and to many boys look at all the girls *** and breasts. "Where were you this morning Mrs. Hathaway?" I looked around his office and leaned at the door, "i had a test. In all my classes but this one" i figeted with the loose bookshelf. "Well for a month you will be trained harder than ever for a war. Yall were qualified. You are required to go, to help save the human race i should say" i raise my eyebrow grab the paper he had on his desk with my name on it and left. I went to my locker and picked up everything. Its Friday and i have until tomorrow to think about this fully. I start to walk home and i get a call from a weird number. I answer it. 'Is this Rosemarie Hathaway? You will need to be ready at 6 AM. Bring 3 months worth of clothes.' The phone hung up, no chance to even say anything. I make it home shortly after and the house is empty. I climb into the window and quickly shut off the alarm. I crawl into bed and shut my eyes.

I open my eyes and look at the time, damn... ten already. I go down stairs but no one is home. Its usually me, my uncle, and some times his daughter but... i dont know, if their not here by tomorrow morning then ill leave a note. I dont really know where im going so i pack warm and chill clothing. I lay back down and instantly fall asleep. I hear the door open and shut. I look at my phone and its 5:30 in the morning. Is he just now getting home. I walk downstairs and i smell perfume. I walk to the book shelf and reach for the gun. As soon as i grab it i follow the strong smell. It leads me to the kitchen and i am face to face with someone. I pistol whip her knocking her out and i drag her into the basement where i tied her up and put a gag ball in her mouth so she wont scream when she wakes up. I first write a note saying where im going for a month and if he needs anymore information call Mr. Anderson the principle, then i write a letter to Emily. I go back upstairs to change my clothes and get ready. I put on sweat pants and a tangtop. I tie my phone in the inner upper part of my thigh. I see a black van pull up and three large men come out of the van. I grab my bow 'n arrow, powder substance, oil, herbs, my arrows, and some more substance. I shove it in a duffle bag, grabbed my bags and went downstairs. "Rosemarie Hathaway?" I shook my head yea and they started to search me. "Hey one more inch and ill break you hand, the man laughed and tested me. So i snapped his wrist. I get into the van. "We'll take your bags" he motion to grab my duffle bag but i dont allow him to, i point to my suitcase. "This one stays with me" i shut the door and they put my clothes in the back. The windows basically black i cant see where were headed. I lean out my seat and turn on the music, the man whoms wrist i snapped turned it off, "not allowed to have music sit down Hathaway" i glaredat him and turned it back on, the man was going to turn it back off but i grabbed his hand. "Ty its okay, leave it be" i smiled and sat back down. The whole ride was silent, other than the music. The van stops and the doors open... All i see is men. Probably one or four female but why so many male. Why am i actually here. "Men.... Young lady" my head slowly turn towards the voice. "You are here because in a month you have the skills we need. Lawrence, Kendrick, Jarvis, and Hathaway. I will come to your cabin to talk to you individually. Hathaway you're in 2HVD, Jarvis you're in 6GAD, Kendrick you're in 5DDF, and Lawrence you're in 2HVD go" i am handed my things along with a map.

I find my cabin and get settled in.  "Hathaway?" I hear the mens voice. Same man that gave us instructions. "You broke one of my mans hand?" His voice deepens as he sits next to me on the bed. "Shouldn't have gotten handsy," i shrug my shoulders unpacking my clothes. "Whats in the duffle bag?" I push his hand away fron the bag. "Something that i mastered and only use when its needed." A smirk crosses his face as he gets up and leave. I wonder what that was about? I lay down, looking at the ceiling until i doze off...

The hunt

A month since my arrival and I have learned nothing new. Training back to back, top of the class. Distancing myself from everyone. Having no attachments. Most despise me, envy my talent, the others are afraid but not of I. They are afraid of the unknown. While I? I admire the unknown, it gives me thrill, life, energy. I live for fear itself. Fear gives me power, gives me strength. As im resting i hear the slightest movement around me which thusts my eyes open.  I smile and stay completely still as the young lady stands up from her most vulnerable position. "Couldn't find it, number 3?" Before she knew it i had an arrow pointing at her face. She slowly exits my presence. The Alarm went off. This is no drill, soon theyll come directly here to our base but before that we will enter the forest. Willing to risk our lives for god knows what? I grab my duffle bag at the bottom of the bed, get shoes on and go to my quadrant. "Are we ready? Alright this is the real deal, no mercy, you can end up dead, so no horsing around or you will die! GO!" The leader commanded said and sent us into the woods. I took a position on a tree. I waited there, silently concealing my presence. Behind me i hear screams of grown men and growls louder than anything I've heard. I dont know what to expect. One of my colleagues runs wide open. I take a arrow out, aim, relax my shoulders and hand, pull the string back, and let my mouth be an anchor. Just as i thought, it was following him, what exactly was it? Well a wolf, not any kind I've seen before. Its huge, paw as big as my head. I let go of the string and the arrow do its thing. I grab another arrow dip it in the clear thick substance and shot behind me. DAMN, a human. I need to be more aware of who is my enemy and who im aiming at. I grab my bag and head out from that position, its been compromised.

I move to another tree. And dip all my arrows in the substance. Before i knew it i spoted snipers in the trees. I distance myself from them.

"POSITIONS EVERYONE" a husky, deadly, ice cold voice eco's throughout the forest.

"FIND THE *** WHOLE WHO POISONED MY SON" my heart quickes, sweat forms, and its geting hard to breathe. Three wolves appear in front of me, it seems that they dont notice me. I put three arrows on the bow and shoot. They all go down and i leave to go to a different spot. I misstep and a branch cuts deep into my leg. I groan but keep going. My safe bet is on the trees, i open my bag, take out bandages, and my urb mixtures to help my healing process quicken. Then i take out Advil for the pain.

Everyones eyes landed on me and my heart stopped. "IT WAS YOU!!!! A man with huge muscles,  black jeans,  no shirt, 8 pack,  black eyes??? And blonde hair.  Honestly if I wasn't so terrified then he'd be the most sexiest man I've seen.  He came over and dragged me by my hair to the boy on the ground,  *****. " FIX HIM...  NOW" I didn't say a word.  He picked me up by my hair and threw me into a tree. "Beta sir he's not healing" The so called Beta came to my but grabbed Me by the throat instead of my hair.  "Beta,  lock her in Max's room, James take my son to his room as well" They nodded and then I'm knocked out. 


I wake up in the dark tied to the bed next to someone that I can't make out. It the boy that I shot with my bow n arrow,  I'm surprised he's still alive. It should have killed him in 20 minutes.  He begins to wake up and I immediately start fishing to get out of the ropes. "Ugh why do I feel like shit" he rolls over and makes eye contact.  "Aye yo who the **** are you? " I don't say anything.  I can't say any,  if he knows I'm the one that tried to kill him he'll kill me. "Son your awoke.  Finally I would like to introduce you to the bitch who tried to kill you. " He began to growl then pounce on top of me. That's when I realized the bastard stripped me to my under garments. I tighten my thighs and close my eyes. If I wasn't in this Pardicument I would be aroused, the boy has sea green eyes, beautiful brown hair and very muscular. The weird thing is...  Im not scared,  in fact I'm fascinated. "Just to be clear... I can heal you completely,  if I don't you'll die, the poison is still coursing though your blood stream." As I realized how close I was to his bottom half my body started to heat up and get a little too excited. He smirked and told his dad to leave.  "I smell you, your aroused..." His face got inches from mine. I glared at him and his smirk widened which made me more irritable with him. "Your so lucky I have a mate,  or I'd tear your insides. " His words made me more aroused which made me wonder why. I wasn't like this with boys... Exception with Damon and Stephen Salvatore. They are so sexy. "My arouse isn't for you more like the vampire Diaries,  Damon and Stephen Salvatore. " I spat in his face and he raised his eye brow. "Oh really" His hand trailed up to my thigh and my body was loving it and mind was telling me to stop him. His smile really came out then suddenly a female barged "Zane David Grayson what do you think your doing? " I didn't look at her just smiled. "Is that your so called mate" His eyes we're black and they both were glaring at each other. "I'm teaching her a lesson for poisoning me GET OUT! " she crossed her arms and stayed there,  he growled and left pulling her down the Hall. "That was close" I sighed and tried to find a way out. I got out the rope by breaking the back board.  I untied my feet,  ran to his dresser put on a long shirt then left his room. I find my way to a car and I zoomed out of there, forget hunting them beasts. I drive to Emily's. It maybe a four hour drive but who cars, I need to know if she is ok. I hope nothing bad happened to her. I speed down the highway and get to the place in 3 and a half hours. I drive up and I see her locking lips with her girl.  "Hey Mitch" She called me,  standing for my bitch. "Yo Mitch" We both laughed while her girl was giving me a fake smile. She hated me because of how close we were. And I liked her because of how happy she made Emily. "So where have you... " She looked me up and down then raised her eyebrow. "We need to talk. ASAP. " Her eyes got big and she nodded.


Em made her girl Leslie leave and I went up to Em's room. "So... It wasn't a field trip like I wrote on the paper we were sent to kill these huge wolves that shifted into humans. I got caught and escaped. They're probably looking... " I stop talking when Em started busted out laughing. "Emily,  I'm serious" She just continued to laugh then walk into her closet. "So even if it was true that doesn't explain that your half ***** with an unknown car in my driveway." I groan at her not believing me but I understand it does sound crazy.  "They stripped me of my gear and clothes so I put on someone's shirt and stole a car" She threw her clothes at me and I glared at her. As soon as I was about to change my clothes someone barges in the door. My eyes widens at who it is. "You thought you could run? " He glares at me and em looks at us amused, "you know looking at you to makes me think you slept with him" I scrunch up my face at what she just said. "She wishes" He was still glaring at me. "Never mind he's way to cocky. So if this the wolf boy you was talking about? He don't look that wolfy to me." I roll my eyes and before you know it he tried to grab me. I grabbed his wrist held it out and lifted my elbow just to crash it on his causing it to break, then I punch him in the face grab Emily and run or at least try to. We run out side to the car to see a wolf. "Shit!" I back up slowly and bump into a wall or so I thought. Arms wrapped around my body sending me chills down my spine. "Gotcha" He picks me up and throws me into a SUV while my friend stood there shocked, confused and scared. I called out but she stood there then collapsed. My body was overwhelming with worry. "Emily" I screamed then my mouth got covered. I bit down and he growled. "Well maybe you shouldn’t cover my mouth” I keep struggling to break free of his grasp. “Stop that” he yells at me. What would uncle do? I calm down and think.i force myself on his lap. It caught him off guard. Immediately I use both feet and kick out the window. I use the back of my head and head bud him in the nose. Out of shock he lets me go. I climb out and onto the roof. Looking for something to break my fall I honestly fail to see anything. I can try to atleast land in the grass. I jump and land on my left side bouncing up then sliding after the second land. Groaning in pain I debate on getting up. I’m pretty sure I broke more than three bones. All that just to get caught again? No.

I use my right hand to help me up. Limping I make it to a climbable tree. After I get as high as my body would allow me I’m consumed by darkness. My last thoughts were, ‘ I hope the don’t find me.’I wake up in the same room I escaped from. Why the hell does my left side hurt more than my right. I try sitting up but a arm stopped me from moving. I looked to my right and see him. Of course. Did he have to sleep with me. By the paleness and darkness around his eye sockets he doesn't have long. Originally it works in 20 minutes by the time the paleness and rings around the eyes they usually have ten minutes left but he made ten minutes last a day. Within twelve to twenty four hour he will die. "Like what you see" I can tell that it's getting hard for him to talk. Even though he likes putting on a show. Regular human scream and cry at the pain as it gets closer to their death. For him to make it this long is physically and mentally torture. "Yea your not that far off from kicking the bucket" he growls at me and kicks me off the bed. The amount of pain I endured was so bad I actually started crying. The first time in almost eleven years. "Come on" I stiffen up at his words. Where is he taking me? I try to move but that didn't happen. I am basically in a body cast. Both arms and legs are in a cast. I have a big bandage wrapped around my head. "How" I say annoyed at his comment. He helped me to a wheelchair.

"You will make me the antidote. If you refuse I will kill Emily, her family, and your uncle" I look up at him and see a smirk on his face. "I'll help if you let me go." I say as he pushes me into an empty room. "Deal. But if you try to escape again then... well just don't escape." There's a table with all of my things that were in the duffle bag on it. "I'm going to need some hands" I say looking at him. He rolls his eyes and sits next to me. "Tell me your symptoms" he growls for no reason at all. "You don't know the antidote, I should kill you right now" he hovers over me. "I do... for humans, I need to know if the symptoms are the same if not it's a complete different antidote" god he is so irritating. He sits back down and grumbles. "Weak, body ache, always on edge, piss blood, blurry vision" I take all the information and my theory was correct. This is going to be a long day.

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