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Kingdom Tales: Book 3: Power: Part 1


Twenty years ago…

In a house near the town of Gordowe a new mother and father welcome their newborn son. As snow blankets the ground and home outside the couple gazes upon their son discussing joyfully their anticipated future.

“He is so beautiful.”, the mother whispers to her husband kneeling by her bedside. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, and reaches to the middle of her back. She has grey eyes. The husband’s hair is a messy golden brown and his eyes were a rich green. The wind begins to pick up outside as a smile comes upon the father's face.

“Yes he is. He would've made an amazing prince.”, the father says, moving the wool blanket away from his son’s face.

“Doragus.”, the woman says simply facing her husband. He looks into her eyes and sees her pleading expression. Not only are there nuns from the local convent present, but he knows his beloved doesn't like him to dwell on the past. He sighs.

“I'm sorry, Nora.”, Doragus says with an apologetic expression. He looks back to the sleeping child. “But he would have.”

“Well now he shall be a fur trapper like you now.", Nora counters, rocking her child slightly. She looks to see if the nuns are still out of earshot. They can't leave quite yet because of the howling winds outside. When she is sure they can't hear she looks back down to her newborn. “I can't wait to teach him about nature and magic.”

Doragus smiles at her hushed words. “Maybe he will be just as gifted as you?”, he says.

“Maybe.”, Nora replies simply with a smile.


Twenty years later… 

“Vincent? Vincent!” , the sound of his name brings Vincent out of his vision. He faces his friend standing in front of him as huffs of breath leaves him. It is the dead of night and he can barely make out his friend’s appearance. The clocks they're both wearing with hoods up are not helping at all. They stand behind a home in the capital city of Lumorra surrounded by other homes.

“W-what?”, Vincent replies after catching his breath.

“I was asking you are you okay to keep a look out for me.”, the friend says. Gathering himself Vincent meets his friend's eyes steadily.

“You know I don't agree with this, King Winston. I're sneaking behind Queen Lillian's back and breaking one of God’s laws.”, Vincent tells his companion calmingly.

“I know, but what I have with her is different. You know I tried to love Lillian, but what we have is nothing. I'm actually in love with someone, Vincent.”, King Winston stresses trying to explain himself to Vincent. “Please. I know you don't like it, but you're the only one I trust to bring along and not tell anyone.”

An unsettling expression comes upon Vincent's face and he turns his eyes from King Winston. “I know...”, he says grudgingly with a hint of regret.

“Hey! You gave me your word.”, King Winston says laying a hand on Vincent's shoulder. Vincent brings back his eyes to his king.

“Just go.”, he says dismissively.

At his friend's words King Winston turns around and quietly makes his way around a corner leaving Vincent with his thoughts. Vincent has witnessed the vision of the night he was born a couple times before. He first came across it while meditating.

Ever since he has been pondering over what happened to his parents. Were they killed and if so who revealed his mother's secret and why wasn't he killed along with his parents? Another question he struggles with is why his father said he would have been an amazing prince.

As Vincent stands behind the building under the half moon and stars he looks up to the sky. How is he meant to find these answers? Who could he go to?

Chapter 1

On a warm, sunny day Vincent, King Winston, and Queen Lillian gather at the royal castle for lunch. King Winston officially named it Castle of Magidge in honor of his ancestors after recent renovations that have turned it into a symbol of the kingdom's new prosperity. The three of them are also joined by Selena, Vincent's recently married wife. Together they sit in one of the gardens behind the castle.

Lillian brings her cup to her lips as King Winston and Vincent share a laugh. The four of them are seated around a wooden, round table. Lillian sits on one side of King Winston while Vincent and Selena sit on his other side.

“How has Ryanah and Hugo been, Vincent?”, Lillian asks, turning to him.

“They've been doing well. Actually, they may have a child on the way around the same time as you and King Winston.”, Vincent answers her before taking a bite of his biscuit. King Winston's eyes widen.

“Really? That's great! Perhaps our little one will have someone to play with after all?”, he says as a slight jab at Vincent and Selena. He reaches a hand over to gently rub Lillian's swelling belly. She smiles at him.

“Ha ha, very funny.”, Vincent responds sarcastically, catching his friend's true intentions.

“In our defense it hasn't been long since we've married.”, Selena says coming to her and her husband's defense.

“Nearly a month now.”, Lillian clarifies.

She looks at Selena and gives her an encouraging look. The two have become good friends over the years especially since they both can share the same opinions of their husbands. Lillian also found Selena to be an enjoyable person to be around. Which has been helpful since Malinda married Sir Jamonson and not been around her as much as before.

“I'm sure it won't be long before you two are welcoming your first child. There's no rush for you unlike other people.”, Lillian tells Selena, offering her own jab to her and King Winston's positions. A look of discomfort appears on his face. There were just some royal expectations he couldn't escape. He and Lillian needed to produce heirs quickly and three years have already passed.

“Alright, alright enough of all that.”, Vincent speaks trying to bring an end to the jabs everyone is taking. Lillian looks to Selena who rolls her eyes.

“The peacekeeper.”, they both say in unison. Vincent's eyes widen at their words. The awkward moment soon comes to an end when King Winston burst out in laughter. Everyone else soon follows as the sound of song birds seem to join them.


“Remember not to strain yourself, okay? Is the morning sickness getting any better?”, Selena asks Lillian as she and Vincent say their farewells to Lillian and King Winston respectively. They stand in the forum of the castle.

A new addition during the renovations, it boasts a double barrel arch ceiling. It is only seen inside due to the slanted roof style used on the outside. Arched, glass windows line the hall and lead to the polished, oak, double doors that lead to the rest of the castle. Between the windows and on the double doors hang tapestries displaying the royal family’s crest.

“I will, don't worry and the morning sickness has actually passed. Thank God.”, Lillian replies with a smile. “Just four more months and then I'll get my reward for all this work.”

“Yes and it's the most important work only a woman can do.”, Selena says sweetly. Lillian's eyes become half closed and she looks to the floor.

“I'm still a little worried though. Sure everything has been going well as far as no complications or anything, but I still can't help but feel…”, Lillian trails off. Her voice is weak with worry.

“Hey now, don't talk like that.”, Selena says sympathetically lifting her friend's head up to look her in the eye. “You'll never be able to go on in your life happily like that. God has forgiven you for what you did and you need to forgive yourself. Let it go.”

Lillian looks to her friend and knows she is right. She had told Selena about her past actions before. Back when she had learned of Rosalinda’s fate after her time at Argon's mansion. Lillian had released a box of rats on Rosalinda to disfigure her thus ensuring that she would become King Winston's wife.

Rosalinda’s father, Argon, then threatened her life and she and her mother fled. What happened to them after is still unknown and Lillian has still been unable to let go of the fact that it was her fault even though it's been four years now.

“I just feel that I won't get away with it without some kind of repercussion.”, Lillian admits to her friend.

“I can't say if you will or won't, honestly.”, Selena tells her gently. “I just don't see God taking it out on the child he has blessed you with though.”, Selena says taking Lillian's hands comfortingly.

Lillian guesses her friend could be right and she chooses to let her words into her mind. She smiles at Selena as best she can muster in thanks. Selena nods her head encouragingly and understandingly.

“Alright, we better get moving.”, Lillian hears Vincent's voice approaching behind her. She releases Selena’s hands and turns to Vincent giving him a hug of farewell.

“You both stay safe now.” , Lillian tells them. King Winston comes up to stand beside her.

“You too.”, Vincent says with a nod.

“May God be with you, your majesties.”, Selena says as they turn around.

Chapter 2

Vincent walks into the forum with King Winston by his side while Selena and Queen Lillian talk some paces away.

“I hear a new pope has been chosen. I guess you'll be meeting with him soon?”, Vincent speaks to King Winston. King Winston nods.

“Hmm, yes. He is young compared to most. I think he's forty-three and a bit strict compared to Pope Gregory.”, King Winston replies.

“I'm sure he is fine. You don't have to like the man as long as you can work with him. Besides, because of this something special is going to happen.”

“What's that?”

“The king’s of the other great kingdoms must come to meet him as well.”, Vincent responds. King Winston's eyes widen in remembrance.

“Oh yeah.”, a neutral look comes upon the king’s face. “That's the only time we all come together. Is when we have to proclaim our loyalty to the new pope.”, King Winston speaks with a little resentment in his voice.

“Come on. Verounin, Ganca, Servnna, and our kingdom are the most powerful kingdoms. Do you really expect to get along with all of them let alone any of them?”, Vincent replies.

“Actually we are the only kingdoms recognized by the church.”, King Winston says, giving Vincent his full attention again.

“Now, what do you mean?”, Vincent counters.

“I've heard the Servnna kingdom has conquered all the other northern minor kingdoms. Those were the last ones. We are the only ones left.”, King Winston tells his friend unnervingly, calm. Vincent is taken back by the news. He never expected to hear that.

“I thought Servnna was a non-aggressive kingdom. The reason they're considered one of the major kingdoms is because of their power in commerce.”

King Winston shrugs his shoulders. “King Arathan has changed that. I remember my father and his advisers talking about it one time. He built up Servnna's military and started a campaign of conquest later on. When it came to him my father was actually very unnerved by it. I honestly think he never stopped worrying about it.”, King Winston admits.

Vincent becomes interested in the news and the once peaceful kingdom's king. He did remember hearing that King Arathan is not a blood relative of the former king, yet he was a member in the king's court before marrying princess, now queen, Rebecca. As a result automatically getting the crown matrimonial.

“Do you share his worry?”, Vincent asks.

“I don't want to, but this has definitely changed this game of kings.”, King Winston answers as they start to approach their wives.

“Perhaps you should speak to your mother about it. She should know something?”, Vincent offers. King Winston nods.

“I may have to. Anyway, I need to prepare for Pope Clement.”, King Winston responds. Vincent simply nods before coming up beside Queen Lillian.

An ominous feeling comes onto Vincent about the future, but at the same time a realization comes to him. The church is known to have vital records about history, royal families and marriages, and any actions of the church itself. Actions that could have been taken as part of the inquisition and executions of suspected magic users after.

As he and Selena ride in their carriage home he remembers the information he learned from Ryanah a few months ago. The inquisition was more than just an aggressive push to establish the Christian faith throughout the kingdoms. It also was the hunting down and extermination of magic and it's users from the lands.

Vincent can't help but notice that he learned this before finding out that his mother was possibly a wiccan. The thought that his mother could have been killed by the church and his father killed for knowing her makes him sick. Especially since he was later raised by the church.

Selena notices his change of mood and places a hand on Vincent's hand comfortingly. Vincent turns his head to her. He is thankful that the look in her eyes soothes him.

“What's wrong, Vincent?”, she asks.

“Nothing. Don't worry about it, for now.”, he says, placing his other hand over her’s. He doesn't want to burden her with his worries, nor does he want to involve her should what he is planning goes wrong.

An unconvinced look comes upon Selena’s face. “Are you sure?”, she says.

“Yes, everything is okay. I just think I will need to stop by the academy today.” ,Vincent ensures her.

“Oh, well make sure you don't stress yourself too much.”, Selena tells Vincent believing his words.

“I won't.”, Vincent promises. “You're going back home. I will be stopping by the academy to look over reports.”, he goes on. Selena nods her head simply.


Upon arriving at the Ashwen Training Academy located just outside Lumorra to the north Vincent makes his way through the halls to his office. A stone wall with towers surrounds the area. On the left is lodging for the trainees complete with a mess hall underneath. To the back seats a larger building where the combat training halls and armory is held. On top are the offices and to the right of the building sits the stables for the horses. The courtyard is where archery and horseback riding lessons are held as well as assembly and formation drills.

Both an academy and a knight headquarters Vincent being over this institution puts him over all the knights and the other academies in a three day long journeys radius around the capital. This also means handling more paperwork as well as information.

Vincent sits at his desk and looks over squadron assignments. If the other kings were to come to Agion then he would need to ensure the capital’s security, but that is not the only reason he is here. Taking a blank sheet of paper Vincent writes a letter to St. Peter’s Grand Church requesting permission to conduct an inspection of their guards.

The church is known to have its own security completely detached from the Order of the Knights. However, this gives Vincent the chance to inspect the church itself to see if they have a place that would house the records he is looking for. Whether he will gain access to them or not.

He calls in his secretary. He is a young boy of the age of fifteen. Ironically only five years younger than Vincent himself.

“Make sure this reaches St. Peter's Grand Church.”, he tells the boy.

“Yes sir.”, the boy replies with a bow. He turns around and quickly makes his way out the room leaving Vincent alone.

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