Hey guys...
It's my first time writing a novel here and am not gonna write any kind of story here..
This novel will be 'different day different topic' and those topics will be provided by you guys as you have already read my description and if not, please go and check it out now....I'll be talking to you any way you wish via comments or personal chat and I promise no one's name will be disclosed when I talk about what they ask if they don't wish to disclose it...
Yeah so I wish all of you to support me ...and as I say to all my freinds I'm always here if you need me..if you have any problem no matter what type you can say to me and I'll write what I feel about it...
Also I like comedy styles so you'll see some punchlines here and there..
and I'll be sharing any short stories of my life I would find relevant to the topics..
So this is all about you guys reading my mind loud and clear..
I will say what I feel like and if anyone has different thoughts no need to be enraged although I myself am not ready to disagree but still we can just debate in the comments section...
I hope all my readers and friends like this blog idea of mine...😅😅😊😊
so I know it's not easy to get readers and more so those who comment and talk easily so I'll start off with some topics my friends want me to talk about..
and after that when I start getting some response I'll do what you people say 😘😘🤗🤗
take care and thank you for reading!
🎤🎶I promise that you'll never find another like me🎶🎤. ~Taylor Swift
People find this line very true when I sing it 😂 and I know it is 😎!
well...I don't have any topics at hand yet but I can tell you things about myself right?...You wouldn't mind, would you??
Even if you do, doesn't matter cause am gonna do so anyway 😜😘
So...for all the readers who don't know me...
I am 😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣😭😗😙😚😘😍🤩🤗🙃🙂☺️😊😏😌😉🤭😶😐😑😔😋😛😝😜🤪🤔🤨🧐🙄😒😤😠😡🤬☹️🙁😕😟😬😳🤐🤫😰😨😧😦😮😯😲😱🤯😢😥😓😞😖😣😩😫😵🤤😴😪🤢🤮🤧😷🤒🤕😈👿😇🤠🤑😎🤓🤡👻💩👹☠️😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾 a mixture of all these ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤♥️!
well I don't know how to describe myself so I'll just let you see and describe to you all the things I used to dream of becoming....
(tbh..........................................................................my fav colour is PURPLE 💜)
(discretion:this picture is of my own and not from Google)
This used to be my dream list 2 years ago and still is....
So let's begin point wise..
Drama Actor: I love acting in street plays and I've been in 2 of my school street-plays (Nukkad Naataks) and I'm a natural loud speaker and born dramebaaz (drama queen) so it's a given..😆😆
Singer/Songwriter/🎹 player: Music has been running in our family's veins from generations...[although my sister sings like an injured manatee (Jonas fans know what am talking about😁)]....my paternal family is from Banaras, a place in India where even a 5 year old kid learns music from his parents and this used to be the story of each household but now time's changing but that passion is still in our veins!!...My grandmother was a superb and beautiful singer..her voice was so so sweet when she sang (not when she used to scold😬) and my uncle is a famous drummer and has performed with some big names in our Indian classical industry...my father is a singer/guitarist..he knows his guitar like the back of his hand...but as a singer he has got his scale but not notes 😂 and my mother has got her notes but her scale is just out of the league 😹😹...
basically I LIVE MUSIC ...
singing for all of the people has always been my dream and I think I am a pretty good singer ..trained from grade 6 to 9 by my all time favourite teacher My Meera Mam♥️♥️♥️♥️....and although I am not such a good songwriter I will surely write a beautiful song one day and sing it from my heart...
here I cannot add audio (or so I think coz I can't find the option)
but whenever I'll write a chat story I'll surely let you guys listen to my melodious 😌😌 and beautiful voice with an enchanting song 🎤🎤
and piano playing is one of my plus points I can play just any song after listening to it and practicing for 5 minutes although I'm still not too strong with chords and stuff..but basic notes are my thing!!😎😎
Dancer: Well..I am a very nervous and over conscious person and so it's not my style to go on stage and dance by myself but in our school when DJ used to be set up...and I used to dance with all my friends all would appreciate my style and I know it is within me 😉😉....I dance within closed doors and windows to loud music whether soft or hard 🤯...and I know I am a good dancer I know my moves I just hope I could practice and improve more to build confidence but all this while all my focus has been on singing and listening...in our home music is my thing and dancing is my elder sister's.
Actor: well even though it seems similar to point 1..but here I mean as in a movie actor coz you all already know about my acting skills😼😼..that's all I got in mind as an actor 😅😅..coz it's not my passion just what I dream of doing someday!🤪🤪
Youtuber: this is also one of my super dreams and passions... actually what I always wanted to do on YouTube is what I am doing here right now..only difference is there I would speak here I type...so you get it, don't you?
Teacher: I've always wanted to be a teacher (coz am a control freak lol😹)
I was that student teachers' all time favourite (clerk!) one😄...they used to hand me some of their responsibilities and I enjoyed doing them...and maths was always my fav and best subject (till elementary level) so...I wanna try being a Maths teacher for classes 6 - 8 just for once and I've always thought I'd make my classes fun and memorable!
Artist: This was also one of my plus points (am multi talented you know🤫🤫)
my art was never great but I used to think (and still do) that it is quite good...
let me share with you one of my proud moments..
(pls imagine an exaggerated voice)
Back in my days when I graduated to 9th grade we all had to choose from the optional subjects which were I.T./COMMERCE/MUSIC/FINE ARTS...
At first, I had taken I.T. as said by my father, but then Meera Mam ♥️ came to me and told me what I should do to convince my father because what I actually wanted was music only...after that it took me weeks to do the same but I never let go..
At last when I was in music, it had been a month after 9th grade 1st semester began...Can you guess what happened 😱😱.....yes, absolutely correct...mam was absent 😐...so we had a substitution of the art teacher..she came in our class and was talking to us girls about the students' choices of subjects..
she said and I quote "what has happened to all the talented art students" she said this while looking at ME! yes me!! your one and only author!!!..she with her words made an indirect point that she has got a bunch of bunking b*stards in her class and talented students like me had thoughtlessly chosen music even though I was meant to be an artist!..
Well that was a true story guys not made up I can assure you😏😏😌😌😘😘
Researcher: I have always been a curious little smart@ss...and so I have always wondered and wanted to discover something new... something beyond anything we know..in the field of Chemistry...that is why I am in Non Med right now to graduate in B.S. Chemistry and post graduate in M.S. Chemistry and after that work in a lab and do continuous research and experiments and open up a new field yet to be even thought of (well that's exaggerated)...this also has a background story...I'll just tell you in short those who know chemistry better, might understand more...
I used to go to a coaching institute in 10th grade for the competitive exam of NTSE and there we were taught that there are four levels of subshells in an atom s,p,d,f...that is what everyone tells....in those days I accidentally read in a book that after s,p,d,f the series will be continued in an alphabetical order f...g,h,i...
I was damn! confused how can there be any more we have got all the required set...I asked our chemistry teacher in the institute (btw the coolest chem teacher I've ever met!) he said while leaving the class..."these have not yet been used but in future you might be the one to do so"...as always proud@ss decided her goal then and there I will go in the search of more and more elements until I find the answers to my curiosity!🤓
that was all for the researcher part..👩🔬👩🔬
Lawyer: Being a Smarty pants 👖...sharp tongue is my born (paidaishi) trait!!😛😛...no one has ever won an argument against me EVER! unless I want them to!....(except my father's bestie..he is my sworn enemy in arguments..and Carrom as a matter of fact...no matter who I'd win against I always lost in front of him!😔)...well that's something I tend to ignore 😚😚...so seeing this personality of mine the only thing anyone would ever say was "lawyer banja beta" (become a lawyer and you'll be successful darling😌).....so I grew up hearing this from everyone and now becoming a lawyer and fighting for the truth and good (like Superman or Batman 🦇🦇) is settled in my brain!!🧠
Psychologist/Counselor: According to my own mind...I am good at reading people and understanding their problems and talking to them and so I wanna help them 😅...and I am some kind of prophet (or so my brother says)..as things always seem to be too coincidental in whatever happens with me!....
well that's another thing but this accordance of my mind is also one of the major reasons why I am doing this NOVELOG of mine 💜
Stand up Comedian: Well...am a constant Youtube follower and so I had seen so many of these stand up comic acts that there was this spark 💥 felt inside me when I thought of doing comedy to make people laugh...One of my mottos of life - do whatever needed to make your friends laugh and let them speak whatever they want about you if it makes them laugh....I like it when people smile because of me or laugh on me ...I love it!! 🤥🤥😇😇😈
(getting too impatient to get to the last special point 🤧)
Badminton/Basketball Player: Well...My father has been a National level player of badminton and has also played with Deepika Padukone's parents (if you don't know they both were brilliant badminton players and Deepika is too)
I like to brag about my father a lot!!!!!...he was gonna go for the Internationals but it suc'ks that he suffered a severe injury during Nationals tournament!...well that's just what it was..
and I myself have inherited his genes and am a good badminton player..
Now Basketball...well I've played basketball in school team and at home for approximately 5 to 6 years and well that's what motivated me...but it's not one of those I HAVE TO ACHIEVE FOR ANYTHING'S SAKE (and absolutely not one of those which I can.... although my shooting and passing skills are great)...
drumroll please! 🥁🥁🥁
~~Mrs. Disodia
~~Wife of Mr. Disodia
~~Mother of Maya and Shanky Disodia
well...let me remind you ...this list is of 2 years ago 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mr. Disodia has now become my ex and with that, this ridiculous dream of mine goes into 🗑️🗑️🗑️(yes, this is a trashcan!)....
On this Happy note I end this chapter which describes me😋, my style😎, and I!
Hiiiiii am back here to write a few more words to reach two thousand words so that I can reach a certain number of words (that is two thousand) to make my readers proud of their favourite author 🤓 and to write two thousand words I am writing these extra bullsh*t words just so I can reach the certain limit I mentioned earlier (in case you don't remember it was two thousand words).
Just a few more words just bear 🐻 with me guys...well now that I've got the chance I'll again request my readers to come to me with any topic they want me to talk about examples any past memorable experiences or studies or exams or famous personalities or singers of course or any other issues in your mind or everyday lives... anything in the whole wide world is the limit for you guys.
OOPS! 8 words extra so, we'll take it to Two Thousand Twenty! 😎
Hey my dear readers and supporters...
Finally thanks to our ultimate 'Bossy President Fan' I got our first topic which is....you can read the chapter's name directly, Are you expecting me to repeat it for you😂😂..
First of all thank you so much to all my friends who are motivating me everytime by leaving there comments and feedbacks...
Second of all, here goes nothing😖
The first question that arises here is 'Do ghosts even exist?'
Well, according to us (I'm including you guys coz what I say is what you know 😈😈.....just kidding 🙄) no they don't....I don't believe in ghosts that come into the human world to do what they regret not doing or avenging themselves...☠️
But what I do believe in are SPIRITS that don't do anything just wander around us and go through walls!👻
I believe there are souls of people that are watching over us.🤧
Now comes the main question of the day!
Umm..as we already discussed "no believing in ghosts"
I do know there are two things which exist
R E T R I B U T I O N (karma)
C O N S C I E N C E (antar-aatma)
When we do something that we believe is terrible.... we'll be haunted by our conscience until the day when we do something or get something that we feel is the retribution for our sins....And if your heart believes that what you did was unforgivable, your trauma will increase which might cause you to hallucinate things related to what you did, in such cases people usually do feel that the victim (in this case an animal) is always near them, reminding them of what crime they committed...
These are my basic thoughts on this topic and any other beliefs regarding it are welcomed to be discussed in the comments section or personal chat!
Well I tried submitting it a lot of times but now I think the problem is word limit.
So am gonna add some random facts about animals with the word "ghost" in their names directly copied from Google.
Boo! Some animals are called “ghost,” but not because they’re haunting anyone. They’re known as ghosts for other reasons.
Watch for ghost bats in the night skies of Australia! The ghost bat (pictured here) is also known as a “false vampire bat.” Don’t they look spooky?
But don’t worry, ghosts bats are harmless to people. They get their name from their light skin, which is covered with grey fur.
Don’t worry if your sunny ocean beach has ghosts, it’s not haunted!
Ghost crabs can be eerily pale, but it’s to blend in with the sand. And some species can even change colour!
Pale skin, staring eyes and a body that looks like it’s been stitched together — ghost sharks are a little scary. But get this: they’re not really sharks. They’re related to them, and both species have bodies made of cartilage instead of bone.
Ghost sharks live deep in the ocean and never see sunlight. The markings on their bodies help them sense what’s around them in that deep, deep darkness.
Scientists only spotted a live ghost shark for the first time 20 years ago!
Ghost frogs get their name because the skin on their stomachs is almost see-through! And the rest of their bodies blend in with the forests they live in. All the better to sneak up on you!
These amphibians are super mini at about the size of a grape! You can find them in South Africa.
They are far more cute than spooky, that is if you can spot them at all!
**In Europe, old folk stories were told about these moths being the souls of the dead!
Male ghost moths are entirely white and come out at twilight to haunt — errr… we mean hover, over meadows. The female moths are a more cheerful yellow with patterned wings.
You may know these owls by their more familiar and less scary name: barn owls. They’re the most common owls around.
But with their white mask-like faces and habit of swooping around in the night, it’s no surprise they’ve got a ghostly reputation!
**This mysterious snake lives on the island of Madagascar. The snake got its name for its pale grey colour and general sneakiness.
And this snake is pretty hard to find — scientists only discovered it in 2014!
This spooky white slug slithered into the United Kingdom in 2006 and it’s been haunting gardens ever since. Unlike most slugs, it’s a carnivore! It eats earthworms.
Scientists think the slugs may have arrived in potted plants, but their origins are still mysterious!
So this was all from Google's side and am really sorry about this but I have already written all my thoughts down😞..and that just left me, the empty space, and the word limit...But I still hope you enjoyed this and my thoughts!
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