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Reincarnated To Another World With My Beautiful Date.

Murder and suicide.

"Hey!"Mysterious male voice.

Riaro is in dark void floating. He get his conscious.

"Where am i?" Asked Riaro in a worried.

"You're died and i am here to make a deal with you" said Mysterious voice.

"How did i died, i don't recall anything." said Riaro.

"Goss! Wait i will replay your memory from 10 hour before your death.

"Final moments! Enjoy! Death time: 10 hour left" Mysterious male Voice.

Riaro is going on a date wearing Sky blue Hoodie, black and white Jogger, and red and black Sneaker. Riaro is not so good looking but not ugly too. His date is with a girl whom he met at MMORPG game, They are married couple on it for 1 years, They haven't seen each other yet just heard each other voice.

When they found they live in same city. So,they planned to meet in a date. Maski (Riaro's date) told Riaro she will wear stripped black and white top, Dark blue skirt with white dots, and ballet flats in brown colour.

He arrive to the place they decided to meet. There he see a beautiful girl then anything there. look like she is waiting for someone and she was wearing same dress as Maski said she will. Riaro think it's not her cause it's too beautiful to be Maski. As Riaro was looking at her thinking, Both of their eye meet eachother. She look surprised, She smiled then she approached toward Riaro.

"Are you Riaro?" that girl ask.

"Ya... are... you maski?" Riaro replies with amazed but afraid.

"Finally! Ya i am, I taught you won't come."said Maski.

"Sorry, I was late" replies Riaro.

"Nevermind let go" said maski.

"Final moments! Enjoy! Death time: 9 hour 30 minutes left" Mysterious Voice.

First, They went to coffee shop there they talk about eachother. they went to a museum, somewhere to eat and other places. Maski seem she is enjoying but she is get a lot notification, Riaro notice her imitating smile and he thinks she is not enjoying with him. After that Riaro feel upset but he don't show it. As their date was about to end they walk home together on a empty street. But as Riaro think deeply his upset feeling become visible and Maski notice it.

"Final moments! Enjoy! Death time: 1 hour left" Mysterious male Voice.

"Hey! Did I said or did something that's making you upset?," Asked Maski. But Riaro don't speak a word he try not to ruin everything. "Sorry! If I had done something, But please! Don't hide your sorrow, it's not fair!" Then Maski smile

Riaro laugh "Are you saying not to hide! You! Who is faking smile and acting like she is enjoying being with me." He laugh then he speak in a low tone voice like he really mean it. "Ya, you could never be happy with someone like me you are too good for that."

"No! It's not true! It's true i was faking my smile sometimes it's because of something but not cause of you, I really enjoyed being with you." Said Maski.

"Okey! Tell me, Why you need to imitate your smile if you really enjoyed being with me?" Asked Riaro as he look provoked.

Maski went silent for some second "I had a argument with my dad. He said, he had fixed my marriage with a CEO of a big company. I told him I don't want to, But he is not listening to me. I don't want to cause- I love you Riaro! i really love you- a lot-" After saying that Maski tears up.

Riaro don't know what to do or say, after a moment "Everyone face darkness in some point in thier life, then is when we desire light, that light can be a friend, a lover, parents. we had been eachother light for a long time and also deeply. But people around you won't treat you right, if you don't live upto Thier expectations, nomatter how much we love i dont wanna cause problem in your family "

Maski stop crying "No, I don't care about my dad approval we will earn enough to live a well life No more then that, I want to be with you not with a millionaire."

Riaro goes near her and wipe her tear with a smile"You are too perfect for me-" As Riaro was saying that Maski go and kiss Riaro.

"Woah! My kiss, It's feel so warm, soft, and unusual pleasant feeling in my lip. Am i drowning into this pleasure? It's like the warmth of her lip is healing me from inside." Riaro think. Their kiss last around 10 second as interrupt by notification on Riaro phone.

"Final moments! Enjoy! Death time: 0 hour 45 minutes left" Mysterious Voice.

They get in awkward situation "Hmm... I will go and buy some drinks for us." Riaro said and he went to a nearby opened convention store to buy drinks.

As he returned with drinks in his hand, He see gang of 5 people surrounded around Maski and trying to harass her, Riaro rush there catch Maski hand.

"Let's go" as they take 1 step a guy of the gang who look like the leader catch Riaro right shoulder with his hand.

"Brat! you think we are a joke to let go of that such beauty." Said leader of the gang.

"Maski! Run! I will distract them don't worry about me." Said Riaro.

"No! I won-" Maski face expression change into terror when the leader of the gang stab Riaro 3 time with the pocket knife on his stomach. As Maski see looks terrified and shocked. As she walk towards Riaro, a stone gets in the way and she fall on the ground.

Even though Riaro was in pain he said"Maski don't.. worry about me... run away... please"

And think "Is this my end? I'm such a useless, I can't even protect the girl, I love the most."

"Final moments! Enjoy! 45 minents-Enjoy, Death time: 0 hour 10 minutes left" Mysterious Voice.

Contract with weak Spirit

Gang members walk towards Maski. Emotionaless Maski just keep on looking at Riaro, she lays his hand on the ground and start crawling toward Reairo

Riaro bearly can see as his vision getting blurry. When he sees Maski crawling towards him, Riaro keep on mumring "Run a-way- Maski, I-will pro-tect you, I-will pro-tect you, Run-away

Right before when Maski was about to reach Riaro, Two of the members of the gang catches Maski. Those guys laugh at Riaro and Maski struggling, Riaro cry as he say"Let her go."

Then Maski say"Please! let me go to him, I want to be with him in our last moment, Please! I will let you do whatever you want with me after that." as she is crying saying those.

Two guy catching Maski looks at their leader. Leader says "Try something suspicious and you will regret it" After saying that they let go of Maski. She goes to the Riaro crawling with her bear hand and leg, She put Riaro head to her laps, as she is crying more.

"Sorry! it my fault! everything is my fault." Her tear fall to his face like a sad rain.

"No! Non of this- is your fault. I am glad to see my light close to me in this night as i am dying, it was my dreeam to die looking at the night moon. I'm sorry I wasn't helpful enough to protect my light whome i should protect at any cost, I am too weak in real life, Sorry." Said Riaro.

"No! You are light of mine too. If that kind of light is willing to protect me by giving his life then that kind of man isn't weak it's for sure. And It's a women job to be with his man for the eternity, this life to another life, this problem to the another,this pain to the another, till we wont exist. So.. so i am diying with you. Sorry, it gonna hurt." Maski pull the knife from Riaro stomach.

"What are you doing!?"asked Riaro.

Then she stab herself with the same knife, she look at Riaro then she smile. All the gang member get shocked "This b**** is a really did it, Take thier phone and throw it in the river. let go before cops found out." All the gang member ran away.

"You fool"said Riaro.

"It better then getting rape."siad Maski.

Thier Body was in opposite angle but they head was facing eachother. Their final moment they look at each other smiling face even in pain. Next morning their body was found dead, gang member found guilty by the recording at CCTV camera on that streets.

Back in dark void floating.

"Who are you?!"said Riaro.

"I am a spirit, I don't have any name. I'm here to offer a deal for you and me." Said Myasterious voice.

"Okey, first answer my question, Am I still alive? And where is Maski?" Said Riaro.

"You are dead. Maski is with God she will be reborn to another world. My deal is related to her, As you know you are dead And there is a law of Reborn you can't be reborn to the previous life or the world where someone you have close connection had been reborn. Close connection mean like your kiss with your girl 9 hours ago.

"What the- , You were looking, stalker." Riaro looked him with annoyed face.

"No! No! No! I mean, I see it but..."

"Leave it. So, you mean I can't be reborn to the world same as Maski."

"Bingo! Ya if it was with God, I am a spirit you can be reincarnated to the world where your girl is about to reborn, But!!! Only if you make me your sprite, when you reborn into that magical world. Warning! I am the weakest spirit in my species." Said mysterious voice.

"Nah! I am going with the law. Going against God is not a good thing to do." Replies Riaro.

"Are you serious? Your god is using Maski to kill Demon Lord, He may have give Maski legendary power then ordinary human but her faith have 200-500 possible death. Her faith of death start sometime after she turn 16 if you don't stop it, Then let her die, the ways she will die, she might can't be reborn after that also very painful death to be honest. As for my safety I can't pill you how will she die. But, I can give you all the power you need to defect all the difficulty ahead of Maski. So, if you want to let Maski die again then I will leave. Then You will meet God, he will reborn you to another world different then your previous life or the Maski reborned world."

"What if you are lying?" Asked Riaro

"A spirit never lie to a future owner."

"Okey! I will accept your deal." Said Riaro.

"Also you will remebr everything after your 16th birthday" said mysterious voice.

...Suddenly Riaro fall from the dark void to the sky as he can feel himself droping but he enjoyes it like as he is flying, when realizes the ground. an big crash right after that he trun into a baby....

A random man founds him after days," i wander who would let thier child left somewhere like here"

He sees a note with the babe,( please take care of this child)

Introducing Magical World.

world look same as RPG in anime and games . It has magical beast, animals, birds, insects, and Dark V (It is like a virus which can be seen by eye. It infect any living being by giving power and controlling them to destroy every leaving being. As it's name it look like a black fire floating around ground. It has no cure or treatment. If one got it and it spotted you then, weather they kill you or they should be killed by you).

This world also has race like Elf, Human, Goblin, Dwarf, Firaho etc. Firaho is the most powerful being in this world. They don't like violence nor they fight until they need to. They live in a place where endangered species are. It meditate near those species making unbreakable barrier around their surroundings until they breed enough to consider that those species is not endangered.

Everyone get their status when they turn 12 years old. They can see eachother profile Like name, Age, relationship and stats like Strength, speed, magic level, sprite level etc. Sprite level is lock until they turn 16 years old and they will get a sprite, as thier soul choose. They can increase thier sprite level by different ways.

Their profile also has currency point or MPC(Magic Currency Points).1MPC\=0.01$ Dollar, It is the international currency every living being with magic has it. It can be viewed on profile in numbers, it has no physical form. Fixed MPC can be transfer by completing condition or without condition. If a living being kill another living being the one who killed, will get all the MPC of the dead one.

Magic user can fake decrease their profile and status. But no one can fake MCP but they can hide MCP.

About stats (Magic level): Human start with level 1 MO(Magic Ora) to infinite, no body know it's limit. Human has reached level 93 MO. Some say after level 100 MO, MO change into TC(Terror cap) after 1000 TC, TC Chang into IP( infinite Pass), and beyond 1000 IP, Noone has every pass through IP yet.

The man who founded Riaro and adopt him was a poor hunter name Nuni yakai---32 years old---Unmarried. Live in a village, near the capital kingdom. But as for Maski, She born into Novel family of the kingdom with blood carrying talent. And they both have no memory of past. when Riaro turn 7 years old everyone start moking Riaro as orphan found in jungle. By it Riaro found he was found in the jungle by his foster father. Rairo ignore them, even if it hurt him or make him cry inside.

He start growing with his foster father learning how to hunt but, even though he try, he made no progress. As his foster father realize, he teach him some fighting technique and some techniques which Riaro don't know where to use.

Riaro foster father also tell him. "Use yourself for good. So, you can brake through weaker you."

Maski focus on training and her hard work prove her top Guinness of the whole kingdom. Coincidentally, they got same face and name as before.

As Riaro age 12 he get his own profile and stats by the law of magic 00. Then his magic journey start, When he check his status he have 3 strength, 1 MO magic level, 5 speed, 10 building capabilities. It's shame to have that cause normal human has those magic stats atleast 10-15 in all of them beside magic level.

In other side when Maski turn 12 her stats: 45 strength, 1 MO magic level, 30 speed, 50 building capabilities. As everyone can see her talent and beauty that noone in the kingdom had. After that, she was know as Guinness with absolute beauty.

But after Riaro realize his weak stats, he go to mountain to train everyday as his father said to train. He worked hard for one month when he again see his stats, it's just increase by 3 as for other, they have increase by 3 with not so much hard work. He feel like to give up and accept the truth at that moment. Suddenly, he heard two guy talking to eachother

"Wow! Didn't know killing snake can increase stats this much."said one of the guy.

Another guy said "Ya! lets do it again tomorrow."

" Sure"

As Riaro hear that he rush to the place where snake can be found with no second taught. He look scared but he courage himself. Then he encounter Dark V infected snake which is the most powerful monster of his village jungle. It is as big as a normal house, it can eat a human easily. Riaro try not to scream he slowly walk with no noise when he was about to get far, he fell to ground.

DVI Snake(Dark V infected snake) sence Riaro and slither to him. Riaro face look pale full of terror and he stood up and run as fast as he can. Then, As Riaro was running. DVI snake was about to shollow Rairo from above while slithering. Suddenly, DVI snake neck cut from its body and Riaro shift to a distance to be safe, it happen in a blink of a eye Riaro didn't even notice what happen. Then he realize one of the Marginda (Powerful magic user in human who protect people by any danger even in the cost of life. For the respect everyone call them by putting Marg, before their name). The guy who protect Riaro was Surafin. He is the son of the pasture of his Riaro village.

"Did it hurt you, Riaro?" Said Surafin. When he was speaking he take DVI snake eye from its head. Then he toss DVI snake head to the sky.

"Gabi! Oh!" then he shoot a magic toward its head when it touch, It look like a fireworks of the festival which cover the whole sky from Riaro view. Riaro look amazed by the magic.

"Kid you ignoring me" said Surafin.

"Ahh! Sorry Marg, Surafin. I was so amazed of the magic you used I forgot to reply. Ya I am fine And Thanks for saving me, can I ask you for your another favour?" Said Riaro

"Go ahead" Replies Surafin.

"If you can then can you tell me how to break pass to normal. I can't increase my magic stats like normal human I have to work super hard"said Riaro.

Surafin look at Riaro for a moment then he write something on page super fast."Take this" said hero.

He give that written page."I have to go! Do as you like."

"Wait brother." Surafin vanish of walking super fast.

"what is this?"

He look at page: You can absorb the eye of the DVI snake head I took. But you will be a part of Dark V even without any effect. You can get power enough to kill level 10MO Brown bear Or destroy the eye by burning it otherwise, it's Dark V could effect plants nearby, It's your discussion. Riaro without thinking take DVI snake eye to a place with no grass and burn it.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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