NovelToon NovelToon

Mindful Escapism

Chapter 1: Companion

"Suspect spotted, 250 meters 10 o’clock, grey cloak and black cap, suspect carrying small orange bag”, as the police informing each other, he keeps his pace to make them lost his track, going down to the underground subway.

“Suspect going in 65FA, departure in 40 seconds, immediate pursue is necessary for any unit in range” Some prepared polices blocked his way on second carriage, right before the cockpit. Using the pole on the luggage place to lift himself up as he then break small glasses spot at the top of the train door which fit his shape, and eventually jumps out of the train.

Land his back and roll over on the ground to reduce the impact from falling at high speed, he exit the tunnel through the emergency exit door and goes up to start running through small gap between buildings making him free from the sky vision with choppers all around the place.

And after 20 minutes of trying, he finally got away from the police, cover his track, and got back home with no one in his back.

“Welcome home Ed” his sister welcomes him with a worried smile, a bit of relief is written in her face, hiding all of the uncertainty in her mind for all of the stuff that’s currently going on.

“Haahhhh… stubborn polices” sigh Edward in low tone as he hand the bag to his sister, he then walks to the shower, proceed to get undressed and rinse all the dust he has been dealing with the entire day, “What makes you thing we can eat this?” said Emma as she threw a bottle of unknown chemical to the shower.

“Emma, I always brought back at least one item that I think useful for my experiment” he slides the curtain a little bit aside as he held the bottle in his hand while he talk before then softly throw the thing back to Emma.

“But Ed, look just how many weird junks that you brought here, it’s the 100th time or more I suppose, the big mess is eating the place!”

Emma throw the thing to the pile of other weird things and makes a loud messy noise.

“Hey careful with those!” Edward shouted.

He then comes out a minute after already in short with a piece of towel on his neck as he approach his suspicious creation that’s made from a bunch of junks.

Emma walks to his back and touches the wounds on Edward’s back and waist that seems like a scratch from a sharp thing which hint that the cuts are deep upon Emma touching them.

Edward notices Emma’s touch and flinches a little on the tingling sensation, “what’s happened?” Emma asked, “I’m trying to fit myself in a small glassy hole, but I forgot that I’m carrying a small bag on my chest”.

“Clumsy” Emma teases him by pushing the wound with her hand.

“Aaacckk, watch out!” Edward tries to dodge another touch after the first one.

As he experiments the junks with his hands, Emma’s taking care of his wounds, sews some of wide and deep scratches, “Ouch, gentle please” Edward’s complain.

“Yes yes baby boy~” Emma teases him again by pinching a little bit to the area near the wound.

“Ahhhh jeez, what did I told you!!??” said Edward with an irritated face.

“I’ve ran out of idea… instead of getting better they start to add up their number against me” said Edward.

“Silly them thinking they could catch my rat-like Ed with a bunch of C-tier units” Emma replied with a little laugh from her nostril.

“Yeah but dealing with those imbeciles is tiring, they kept getting better with ambushes, going left and I see one, going right and I see a thousand of ‘em” frustrated looks drawn on Edward’s face as he said that.

“Like… what just happened earlier, I couldn’t even think there’s some of em in the train… I thought it was the best Idea to disappear in a random train” Edward continues.

“Well, imagine with the same number, but they have better head commander and A-tier units, wouldn’t you be caught up easier?” said Emma as she wraps the gauze on Edward chest and back down to his waist.

“Look!” Edward shows Emma part of his junks creation that happen to be a very bright shooting light.

“Staahhppp, eyesight is the only thing I have left, I’m not a rat like you who can just snuck anywhere and run away” Emma pushes the lamp with her hand as she said that.

“Soon it will be something that- that uhh even me don’t know what it will be(?)” said Edward as he tilt his head a bit, “Yet you making it” Emma mocked Edward as she tries to snatch the thing out of Edward hand.

“Rude! You don’t know that it might be the only hope for us to stand back against them” said Edward as he flashes the flash on her couple more times.

“Them? The Gaffers? Your crap is nothing for them” Emma keeps going with her teases and her effort to get the thing.

“yOuR cRaP iS nOtHiNg FoR tHeM” mock Edward and the train of flashing continues.

Emma then pinches Edward’s wound to return the mock.

“Ouch! you have no heart!- I’ll do that to you when you get your own wound” said Edward with mad expression on his face.

“Just keep it in mind that I won’t cook for you again if you ever do that to me” Emma said that while sticking out her tongue to Edward.

“You know, there are other shadowers that actually do the same as what we do, some of ‘em actually created a group on the deep web with their own disguise, sometimes I have the thought that we should team up with them” explain Emma.

“Bad idea, we still don’t know the actual fact, and what we did right now is what I think the good for us” said Edward as he twist left and right adjusting to the newly applied gauze.

“We’ll never know, or... are you trying to keep me for yourself?~” tease Emma.

“No way! Just because you’re good at cooking doesn’t mean you’re a proper assistant to me, I can cook too, easy matter” said Edward with annoying smug looks.

Emma pinches his nose, “Cook what? Sticks and stones? I’m the one who took care of you since you were a cry baby”.

“Well if mom’s here, she will take care of me” said Edward.

“Hmm~… leave her out of the business, you’re just annoying her, let her rest in peace, they’re probably watching from above” said Emma with a sweet smile in her face.

“No they’re not… they’re not watching, I told them not to” Edward facing Emma and began to act childish.

“I’ll find out about the things you were talking about tomorrow, but you need to somehow co-” before Edward could finish his word, Emma spun Edward body to make him facing the opposite direction so she can continue taking care of the wound.

“Yeah! Right! You need to cook me some meat!” said Edward.

“Yeah yeah, whatever, like if you can actually make things happen anyway” Emma rolls her eyes with a little bit of chuckles to tease Edward.

The last plaster and Emma finished.

Emma goes to the dining table and prepare the dinner.

She starts eating hers first while reading to a small book that looks like a mini novel while waiting for Edward to come.

After a few last touches to the junks, Edward goes to the small table that happen to be their dining table with towel on his shoulders.

“So where did you go today?” Ask Emma, as she slurps the soup after.

Edward munches the food and completely ignored the question, “Uwhwh… I really wish we’re not related by blood, this heavenly food, I don’t wanna cook if you’re with me”.

“Are you listening???” Emma continues.

“I’m not going somewhere dangerous... just some casual place as always” Edward answered with suspicious looks in his face.

Emma stop eating and lock her eyes with Edward’s.

“What? …” Edward murmurs in his bowl.

“With a bunch of units after you? Answer properly” Asked Emma with serious expression right in front of Edward.

“S-saturn…” again, he answered while in his bowl.

“How strict is the guard, how many units are deployed?”, still with serious expression but this time she leans to the table and closer towards Ed.

“Not really, just… a couple of ‘em as usual” Edward looks away as he tries to hide something from her. Emma threw couple light punches to his shoulder right after she heard that.

“Ouch Ouchhh, stahppp, you spilled the soup” Edward tries to change the topic by lifting up a minor problem with his soup.

Emma snatch the bowl from Edward’s hand “What soup? What soup now huh!?”

“No! Meanie! Give it back! I need energy to run” Edward’s whining, Emma then gives back his soup.

Emma sighed, “why you never listen… what you’re gonna do if you got caught? If they found out our hideout? If they extract everything from us?” Emma furiously spam hit her bowl with the spoon.

Emma’s eyes began to crystal before then she wipes it with her palms.

“Heyyy relax, I’ll be okay, and they won’t find us… I promise” Edward rubs Emma’s cheeks and pinches it with both hand to cheer her up.

“We live on the edge, it’s always dangerous in the first place” Emma’s soft voice is filling the quiet environment with serenity.

“I’m sorry… but it’s the only thing we can lean our life on,” said Edward.

“So don’t put yourself on the line” said Emma after a couple second of pause.

Edward replied with a soft smile looking at Emma for a couple second before she burst to laughing “You’re so silly, what was that look” said Emma laughing.

“Wha- fine what about this” continues Edward as he put some other silly expression.

“Bahaha, that was so dumb” said Emma laughing her stomach out with a little bit of tears on the side of her eyelids. Her laughter is closing the night as it fades to the next morning.

The Next Morning,


Jumped through a wide gap between buildings and safely landed it, Edward is being chased by a group of police units and local guards. Some of the guards are waiting Edward on the other side of the rooftop with teasers in their hand. “Crap…” run out of idea and has nowhere to run, Edward is cornered with the situation. “Freeze! Hands on the air!” the police commanded, “Do not fight back, please cooperate and stay where you are”.

He cornered from each and every direction, he doesn’t know what to do, “huh, as if I would do” Edward taunted.

“Don’t do anything stupid now, please stay where you are” said one of the unit in place as couple of them slowly approaching Edward.

Then, a simple yet convincing idea flashed through his mind, he threw his bag to a single guard on his right side.

The guard lost his focus and eventually catches the bag.

“Brainless” mumbled Edward mocking them as he lands his kick on the guard’s face just right after the guard caught the bag. *baamm!*

Quickly grabs the bag that thrown to the air for a couple seconds, Edward runs to the point where he made his way out. “Do not open fire! After the suspect!”.

He then does a small hop to the next building to land in the lower floor of a parking spot in the next building, grabbing the cliff with both his palms, he carefully releases his grip and land on the lower floor, turning a 180 degrees and make fall to the back and land on the lower floor. He then starts to run on the other direction making his way down to the ground level through the small gap between buildings.

He continues to run as he sigh in relieve “Lucky me, or maybe they’re just too dumb for me I guess” Edward slows down the pace of his run as he thought that he’s safe and got away from them.

“Just like, what in the world is this place?” Edward’s looking around to inspect the building he’s in.

“Look like an abandoned factory to me” speaking to himself, as he keeps his pace.

Edward goes another floor down, and start walking in a hallway as he checks his phone.

“Forty past ten huh, just right in time” said Edward to himself unaware of the surrounding with his eyes looking at his small self-designed phone.

*Brraagg!* One of the police suddenly came out from one of the room’s door and charge him with a big hit with his shield that’s as tall as a human body.

Edward couldn’t dodge the police because of the quick shock and didn’t make enough time to ever think a way to escape him.

“Crap, I’m fucked” said Edward as he tries to grab anything on the side of the building after he got thrown of the barrier because of the hard hit from the police charging at him. He slowly falls down and hit every single fabric, thin wood, and rusty metal on the way down.

His body gives out a loud bump sounds when he hit the rusty metal floor that happen to not break.

A big knock that enough to make him lost his conscious, although he might survived and yet to be knocked out from the big impact.

A group of police starts going down to approach the spot where Edward’s fell down.

“Fuck, my- conscious… ness” said Edward as he turns his body to be on his stomach to try and crawl away from the light source. He then slowly closes his eyes and collapsed, without knowing what’s happened after.

Companion:  Mom Told Me Not To Talk To Strangers

*Knife sounds cutting a hard material on a wooden platform* disturbed by the cutting sounds, Edward slowly open his eyes.

Edward gets up and walks closer to the sounds, hand on his head, he walks sluggishly and carefully slowly fall back down on his knees after a couple steps.

Someone approaches him and give him a hand to get up.

“Are you okay? Don’t push it, it’s better for you to lay down than to walk around like this” Edward’s blurry vision slowly becomes clear, showing him a woman in her middle 20ish standing in front of him.

Without saying a word, Edward takes her hand and lift himself up while the woman slowly guides him. She helps him to sit on a small sofa.

She’s looking at Edward’s eyes with sweet looking on her face, “Hi, how are you feeling?” said her with motherly caring tone.

Edward just sit there placing his fingers pinching on the bridge of the nose between his eyes with them closed because of the pain.

The woman waves her hand right in front of his face, “Hello? Are you okay? Knock knock, is your chip broken somewhere?”

“Welp, you don’t need to answer it now, but please don’t force yourself to stand up like what you just did. You need a rest, so you stay there okay” said the woman as she stands back up and slowly walking to the kitchen.

“I thought you’re gonna wake up anytime soon so I think I’ll make a dinner, luckily I was right, so I don’t have to eat a double portion” said the Woman.

“Dinner?” said Edward with completely astonished looks on his face.

“Ahh you’re finally talking, I thought you were walking while asleep” she answered while slowly stirring the food.

“What do you mean dinner?” ask Edward completely lost in his own thought.

“Hmm?... you were sleeping like a princess for like six hours you know, I can’t wake you up at the time I brought you here, so I slept beside you but you haven’t wake up when I woke up an hour ago, so I think I’ll make a dinner instead, in case you’re hungry” said the woman as she slowly prepare two portion of meals.

“Six hours!?” said Edward in a compressed surprised tone not having the energy to express it before he then throws more questions, “Where am I?... What time is it?!” said Edward shaking his head a little with a sight of disbelief “Where is- where is my ba- urghh” Edward’s head start aching more because of the sudden blood flow and back down he’s looking with more pinches on the bridge of the nose.

The woman came back with two plates of what seems to be a curry aside of some rice, “Hey relax, your bag is over there along with your other belongings”. Edward abruptly stands up and slowly walks to his bag.

He’s grabbing his small phone and calling a number as soon as he get his hand on it, which turned out to be Emma’s.

“H-hello, Emma!?-“

“Hello? Ed? Where are you?? It’s getting darker and you’re not home yet, I doubt that you’re even close”

“Are you okay Emma??”

“Of course I’m okay, what are you talking about? Wait are you drunk? Where are you now!?”

Edward sigh in relieve knowing his sister is alright.

“Heyyy answer the question! Don’t tell me… you’re drunk aren’t you??”

“A-ah no, I’m okay, I’m fine, I’m not drunk or anything”

“Is that so? Then… where are you right now?”

Edward quickly turns his face over the woman.

“Where am I and what is this place?” with a serious looks on his face, Edward asks the woman.

The woman answered with a little shrug “My house? Black Pearl? near the Nevo-Arch?”

Edward said back the thing the woman has said to inform Emma through the phone “I’m in Black Pearl, no particular thing happened, I just feel like going here”.

“Uwhhh, why you’re going so far this time, didn’t you said that you almost got caught yesterday?” typically worried Emma’s voice on the phone.

“Chill Emma, I’m gonna be fine, I’ll update you in an hour or two” Edward hung up the call right after.

In Another Place

Emma, Same Time, 18:25 PM

Emma sighs as she thinks about Ed “This little lamb don’t know how to appreciate his companion properly” Emma then places the phone that looks exactly like Edward’s and sits on the bed.

Emma slowly lays down on the bed as she grabs a paper from the desk, “Little did he know that I was about to ask him whether he like to eat pork or beef instead” said Emma while she unfolds the pamphlet of meat list along with the price on the side.

“I’ll just go with anything, he’ll surely like it nonetheless” said Emma enjoying herself picking the meat for Edward.

Edward Current Place,

Edward walks to the small circle shaped dining table with his hand tracing the wall to be able to sustain his body, he then slowly sits on the other side of the table, complete opposite of where the woman is sitting.

“Here, eat this … it will make you feel better” said the woman as she slides Edward’s plate to him.

Edward takes the plate closer to him, “What happened… why did you brought me here? Are you… with the cops? who are you?”.

“Now that you mentioned it, we don’t know each other, I’m Alessia… also I’m not with the police nor am I saving you from the police… I thought you’re in danger so I dragged you all along and hide you somewhere safe, I don’t even know that they’re chasing you” said the woman with a calm and caring tone. “If that was the wrong decision then so be it, I just wanna help” Alessia continues.

“Once again, I’m Alessia Granhiert, and welcome to my little homely hut, please feel at home while you’re here” the words followed by a sweet smile on her face.

“How come we ended up at your place? You said we were hiding- somewhere safe…” Edward raining Alessia with more questions.

“Correct, I did dragged you at least 50 meters away from the place and hide us under a stair at the very corner, and wait there for 15 minutes, when I have the right time, I sneaked out quietly” explain Alessia with her eyes looking at Edward that is in full confusion.

Edward didn’t give out a single word after Alessia’s explanation, instead he starts to scoop a spoonful of the meal on his plate and eat it.

Alessia then do the same thing and eats hers which doesn’t look like much of a portion, she shoves half full spoon of the curry rice in her mouth and slowly munches it while looking at Edward’s face.

“You like it? Is it good?” Alessia asks with a very calming tone and looks, just like a mother comforting her child.

“Edward…“ said Edward while eating.

“Hmm?...” ask Alessia confusedly.

“Edward Van Gaze… my name is Edward Van Gaze” and Edward continues to eat. Alessia gets a small kettle which she then pour two cups of plain water.

“So, how’s your time here so far Edward?” ask Alessia to Edward with half hooded eyes while eating her curry rice.

He doesn't give a single answer and the atmosphere turns to be so hard and quiet.

“It’s good” said Edward to Alessia that sitting in front of him. Alessia slowly lays her head down beside the plate as she finished her meal way earlier, looking at Edward while trying to stay in the conversation.

“Do you have something to tell me maybe? It’s not the first time I helped someone like you, running from the cops, full of wound, looks like a lose dog” said Alessia, calmly.

“Not much, I don’t have anything to tell you” Edward answered

“Thank you… for bringing me here” continues Edward as he stop eating for a couple second before then going on it again.

Not even a minute after, Alessia already fell asleep on the table when Edward finished his part, he then stands up and bring the plates to the kitchen and washes them.

He found a beautiful kitchen knife, it has beautiful shape and some flower motive sculptured on it, Edward notices that there’s a bunch of different knives right behind the one knife he’s holding while looking at it “Medieval taste?” said Edward with confused expression while he makes a lot of different thought trying to picture out what kind of person Alessia actually is.

Edward wears back his jacket, and before he go to the front door, Edward came back and covers Alessia with a blanket and let her sleep there, he’s putting his shoes on, leaving a piece of paper from his bag on the table as a note with poorly written “Thanks” on it, before he left the place.

Back Home


Hearing some footstep, Emma waits in front of the door. Edward came to the door, slowly opens it and peak inside but Emma was there so he began to goes in normally.

“Something definitely happened... right?” said Emma while frowning, as she follows Edward around. Instead of dodging the question Edward take a quick look on the mirror and stand in front of it to see what makes Emma suddenly ask such question.

He found out there’s a bandage on his forehead with a blood stain on it, “How… did I not feel it… I-I mean!, uhm, I just slipped-” Emma stands in front of Edward while he’s trying to finish his words, giving him the dominating looks, putting him so cornered to make him speak up.

“A-and fell down…” Edward continues while Emma intimidates him, “a c-couple floor down, a-and… I hit my head j-just a little bi-“ Emma keeps intimidate him while he’s trying to finish his words, but Emma’s expression just makes him exposing himself more and more.

“j-just a little bit, could have been a b-bit! Yes, could’ve been a bit! but then I got knocked on the g-ground so hard? I guess?” Edward can’t take the tension so he looks away.

“Moreee??….” Still with serious looks, Emma tries to milk out the information from Edward.

“A-and someone actually save me from the c-cops when I’m fainted” said Edward with small voice, stuttering like a high school girl.

Emma pinches Edward’s cheeks, “If that ever happened again, I’m gonna be the one who knock you to the ground, and someone saved you??” she then squeeze Edward’s cheeks.

“Oh cmonnn stop it, I’m not your little Ed anymore, beside it’s just a random person, I didn’t say anything to them” whine Edward. Emma replies with a tease, “You still are silly~…” she pinches his nose and messes his hair.

A couple seconds of silent.

“I’m sorry” Edward apologized “It’s fine, just make sure that you’re alright okay?” worried smiles written on Emma’s face.

“So what do you want for dinner? I supposed, cuisine with meats?” as she put the apron on her waist and walks to the kitchen. “Ah you don’t need to make me a dinner, I’ve eaten at Alessia’s place” said Edward without realizing what he just said.

“At... who?” Emma stopped walking and stays for a moment before she turns around and face Edward.

“What am I putting myself into…” saying it with a small voice that Emma won’t hear him while tilting his head up with his eyes closed in disbelief that he just said that.

“I think you have something more to tell me don’t you? little womanizer” Emma crosses her arms and walks slowly to Edward. “I don’t think I have, cuz uhh… I already told you the name and that’s all there is” Edward looks away hinting that he doesn’t want to talk about it.

Emma put her hands on her waist and slowly bends forward in front of Edward who’s sitting on the edge of the bed, “You better tell me more or this won’t be the last time you’re not eating here”.

Edward starts to tell more of the story and so Emma sit beside him, “So uhm, I was saved by someone around your age, she told me that her name is Alessia Granhiert, she seems okay, I mean- as in safe, I mean like- for our sake” said Edward nervously trying not to spice things up, “And more?” disturb Emma, “she even told me that she doesn’t know I was being chased by cops” Edward is looking at the floor and nervously playing with his fingers.

“So? Is she happen to be someone not dangerous then?” ask Emma.

“She’s far from what you can say, dangerous, she seems like a very innocent woman, I was looking around her place but I found nothing that probably could harm us” Edward places his bag on top of the drawer.

“But she has some weird knives that has some ridiculous woman-like patterns or motives on it whatever you wanna call it” Edward continues.

“Hmm… that’s odd, no one would collect a stuff like that nowadays, maybe it’s something from her past, or some kind of heritage, since it’d be kinda hard to find something like that with all of the automatization that has been going on, unless she carved them herself” Emma places his finger on her chin and stares blankly to the wall across while she think.

“She lives alone… I see nothing like family or someone in her house, there’s no extra shoes, a single bed, and a couple utensils, so I think it will be fine, she Seems like a person who can keep a secret or two” Edward continues.

Emma slaps both of Edward’s cheeks, “that’s not the only probleemmmm here righttt?? you said she lives alone?? Did you realize how old are you right now oh grown maann!?”.

Edward’s eyes opened wide and starring in confuse directly onto Emma’s eyes in his attempt to figure out why Emma got so energetic all of a sudden, “w-what?” ask Edward.

“I guess you’ll eventually find your woman anyway” Emma pinches his nose as she let out quite the sigh.

Moment of silent before the realization kicks in for Edward, “Wait… what??? Noooo, it’s not like that, she saved me! Just like what I said before, I’m not tryna make it up” blushing Edward trying to make things straight.

Sweet giggles from Emma as she stood up and take off the apron, “Welp, I guess it’s a diet night for me”, “Diet??? With your current shape right now?? Are you going to ruin it??” ask astounded Edward with a big childish eyes looking directly onto Emma’s bosom.

“Cut that shit out, beside It’s only for a day silly, it won’t change anything that much” said Emma with a smirk on her face.

"And I'm 24 so it's quite hard to lose weight for someone my age" Emma continues.

“Is that so?” ask Edward as Emma lays down on the bed and cover herself with the blanket. Meanwhile Edward get up and walk to his pile of junks and sits on his desk playing with it.

“Are you going to sleep anytime soon?” ask Emma with a sleepy tone, “Not now, maybe a little bit late” said Edward while compiling some parts of his creation.

“Don’t sleep to laaat- *yawn* okay, and you can cook anything on the fridge, don’t make me a breakfast, I’m skipping one for tomorrow”, “I know, just sleep, you need a rest” said Edward. “No, YOU... need a rest” another big yawn from Emma, “Goodnig- haahh” and there she is closing her eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

In other side, as the night continue, Edward keeps going with his stuff.

Chapter 2: Van Gaze: Edward

Hi, I’m Edward Van Gaze

I’m an ordinary 20 years old boy. My parents died on a plane crash when I was 7, and since then, my older sister, Emma, always took care of me. I like sports, I like them a lot, therefore I do them a lot as well. Not that much actually, can’t do much because I wasn’t that fit. When I was a kid, I really wish that I could play in some sport team, maybe a Basketball, Tennis, I’m bad at football though but I really like running. I never had the chance back then, because I have a weak body to even join a team so all I could do was just watching them from afar.

Back then, I really hated it when someone commit some bad stuff, even if it’s a minor one, such as stealing and all the way to the worst like bullying. I saw weaker people getting beaten up by people in more power. But I can’t do anything about it, again, all I did was just watching from afar. When they saw me, I ran as fast as I could to escape them, I once got beaten really bad, like really really bad, the worst that you could’ve imagined. I broke both of my legs and totally crippled for almost a year, I still remember how Emma’s cried that time. The couple next years, I would still trying to figure out how to walk properly, feels like my legs isn’t the legs they’re used to be.

We’re supposed to have a lot of money, but when my parents died, all the inheritance was gone somewhere else but us, I’m suspecting The Gaffers, of course, we tried to track it down but we never find it. And because of that I was helping my sister for our financial need, she’s a baby sitter at Poppy’s Daycare 8/5 a week. At the age of 13, and because of my legs, I can’t do much about it but I could still do some small works, such as delivering pizza with my bicycle, with a very minimum wages since I can only carry 5 pizza boxes at maximum. At least I’m not burdening my sister by getting my own money whenever I want to buy something for myself.

2 years later, I can walk normally again, but at the same time, I’ve mastered my own body balance, like, crazy how that happened, but in a course of 6 months I figured everything that’s going on with my body. I won’t fall or trip unless the most unlucky thing happen to me. And then on my 16th birthday, Emma gave me a pair of shoes and I liked it so much, and since then, I stopped riding my bike, I would either walk or run whenever and wherever I want to go, if it’s reasonable enough to be taken by walking or running.

A year ago, I quitted my work, because someone offered me to work with them, little did I know, their company were selling information of stuff related to The Gaffers. So I’m literally working as their spy you could say, well I’m not their official spy because the work seems to be dangerous. Instead, I’m applying myself as their partner, so I’m more like a fetch dog, I would gather as much of information as I could, and they will pay me for it. And because of this work, me alone is enough to fulfil our financial need. The pay is fine, although it was on the edge, we could make a living out of it which is good enough.

You guys might be asking what this job is all about. All I can say is, it’s dangerous and that’s pretty much it, Imagine got caught in your investigation. Well, The Gaffers was not a bad organization, but people behind it, humanity is long gone from their dictionary. Humans like us, are just goods for them, they will use us, exploit us, and they’ll eventually disassemble our body parts and organs whether it’s for money or their military purpose. Yes, Cruel.

All I do is just getting myself slightly involved with them and try to sneak myself in and out, it doesn’t matter if they found me, they will never figure out what hits them, after I got what I need a decent amount of information and maybe some extra stuff that I could grab on my way out, I’ll cut it right there and go back, and if they ever catch me lacking, I’ll just run and carefully disguise myself so that I’ll be fine. Though running from them is not as easy as the first time I got caught 3 months after I took this job. They started to be aware of my presence, and strengthen their guard up. Although you probably ten times the amount of effort on putting your guards up against me and perhaps it’d work. We all hate The Gaffers for all what they did and how they treat us, how they used the earth, and the way they see humans as livestock and cattle for them. But we can’t do anything about it, as how strong their ruling is.

I hate The Gaffers and I know you too. So, beside of doing my job, I’m actually planning on destroying them, of course for me alone it’s going to be hard, but I have Emma on my side, and probably people with the same intention as me who wants to take part in this small rebellion of mine. So far, I know how to get in and out the Saturn Facilities, their Outermost region of their Huge base and couple more of their buildings, I think that’s the most progress I’ve made as an individual person in human effort to fight back against The Gaffers. Who knows, there could be others that might be one or two step ahead of me.

One of my powerful weapons against them, of course, is myself. I can easily control my body, disguise myself as their lowest guard in their environment, not easy, but I can sort it out, and not a single problem for me to get away from their sight. Also, not only the money I got from this job, I’m occasionally stealing from their Storage Point because of my hatred for them, and boy I don’t know any how of their stuff works, of course sometimes I got caught red handed stealing from their place, if only I wasn’t so clumsy and careless about myself, maybe thing has gone smoother from the start. But I’m not the wrong one in the first place, since all the stuff that I stole, are supposed to be our goods if they weren’t taken from our hand in the first place.

I couldn’t even think of any good stuff when I hear the name “Gaffers” not a single thing, not in a small amount, not even a peck of it, they’re just straight the absolute worst. Oh Gaffers, what you’ve taken from humanity, from the earth, from me… from Emma.

I will destroy The Gaffers.

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