All of them are dead and you didn't do anything AZHAR
I wake-up form my bad and see that it's was just a nightmare 7 years ago I was found in a forest Van vihar national I was unconscious according to the doctor I didn't have a scar on my body but I lost all of my memory this nightmare started 2 years ago when I saw a man smiling at me and then he said I am not the one that he wants to meet and then he disappear and now I have to travel to town to town I can't stay in a town more than 1 or 2 years because since 7 years I did not grow old i am still 18 years old and now it's time for me to go to my work that is a music store
Store owner. Azhar you are in right time this young lady need some help with pickup some song can you give her some suggestions
Azhar. yes why not
this is the first time I seen her alone and morning she always come with her friends in the evening and then pick up some of the songs then go
Azhar. hi miss what can I help you with
Mia. hi do you have some songs in mind that can help me with exercise
Azhar. miss I don't really least to the music that much but I recommend you neffex song(Arthur favorite songs)
Mia. it's Mia
Azhar. what I didn't get it
Mia. my name is Mia
Azhar. so Mia that is my recommendation
Mia. alright I try neffex song then
Azhar. please do
Mia. I told you my name but you didn't tell me what is yours
Azhar. oh sorry my name is Azhar
Mia. nice to meet you Azhar
then we talked for a while then she said she has to go to school then she left
this is the first time I was spoken with that girl' some how I feel like I did not seen that nightmare or that what's I was hoping for I work full day it's time for me to go home then I showed what I saw 2 years ago that man in front of me but this time I did not stop this time I was hoping for some answers to find out so I start following him he did not stop suddenly my heart was beating faster and it was not because I was afraid of that man but it's like something inside me wants to come out and telling me to follow him where he go then he suddenly stop in a deserted street and he said
Beau. my name is Beau it's been awhile last time I saw you it's was a great pleasure and now I am here for one reason I want to see how much powerful a alpha is
Beau. this is second time we meet and this time you follow me what is different in now and then
first time I was in front of that guy who call himself Beau he was tall and skinny suddenly he's eyes turn into yellow colour I was surprised but it looks familiar somehow I don't know why but I didn't hesitate to ask him what was in my mind for so long
Azhar. who are you and what do you want form me this is second time I seen you and somehow you know something about me that I don't know about myself
Beau. what do you mean by you don't know about yourself don't play dumb kid I can sense that you are not a human I killed so many Omega and beta that I can't count of them
somehow that word make me angry so much that my heart was beating faster and faster
Beau. your heart is beating faster I can tell that your afraid of me so let's get started
then in a second he hits me countless times I can't even imagine that someone could hit someone so fast that he can't count at the same time I was thinking about what he said about he killed so many Omega and beta and again I was angry I didn't know about what is Omega and beta is but in something inside me is telling me that just kill him because he did something so horrible that I can't forgive him for doing that in that time I stop he's punch and my vision is so clear that I can see all of he's punches than I see that he was smiling at me
Beau. this is the first time someone tried to fight back for he's life and what's up with your eyes they are dark red are you an alpha but how is that possible I did not sense anything from you if you are an alpha then where is your pack
in that moment he was saying many thing but I wasn't listening to him and my hand was turned in to claws and in a second my claws was inside his chest and blood all over me I let go of he's hand and He was lying on the ground.
Beau. cough cough cough it's was unaccepted that you are an alpha but you don't have a pack so how long will you survive let's see if you can manage to run from here (cough cough) I was here to see if any shapeshifter are here and now that I am going to die they will come to see what happen to me this is end for you (cough cough)
he was dead but I didn't feel anything I wasn't surprised that I have claws it was like I already knew that I have claws and I have killed people like this or animals it was normal for me but my memory was still missing"
because my senses was more sharper than before I suddenly sense someone was watching me
Azhar. come out I know you are there
Adal. so you are the one with the dark red eyes an alpha but don't remember his own past so you are the one they called THE ONE WHO NEVER DIE
Azhar. who are you and how do you know about so many things
Adal. I am a wolf like you and him oh he is dead that was quick I didn't think that any wolf or alpha could kill in a instant that was a show that I couldn't watch for long so I thought I had to step in but you can handle yourself well despite being in a corner oh well it was obvious because you are an alpha but I didn't know that you lost your memory
Azhar. I didn't ask for what is your opinion in the matter I just asked you who are you and let me ask you again what is your name
he was a old man with one hand if I would have meet him one days ago I couldn't tell that he was a werewolf but somehow I was sure that he wasn't lying to me or if I pretend like I don't know what is werewolf is then what was that guy and why is my hand is turned in to claws
Adal. my name is adal
Azhar. so adal what is that you want form me because he was here for killing me and now you are here so do you wants to kill or you have other motives
Adal. first of all I don't wanna die like him so no I am not here to kill you and second I don't have any other motives if I wanna do something then I would like to help you one way or another
Azhar. how will you be available to help me with this I killed one of them and there are many of them and they are coming for me
Adal. first of all we have to go somewhere else because here is a dead body and you are cover in blood so if you don't mind please follow me or we can go someplace that you know that is safe
so I can sense that this guy is stronger than him but he isn't stronger than me so I thought that if something goes wrong then I can handle myself so I say yes
Azhar. yes lead the way and what we gonna do with this dead body
Adal. we won't do anything to this body if we do anything then somebody will know that it was done by a human being but if we let it be like this then people will think this is a doing of a animal you just follow me
it was around 9:45 pm he and I walked into a nearby a book store this book store was in a dark alley and it was 4 or 5 alley away from where I was working we go inside that store there was a man seating on the table he see as and he didn't blink like it was normal for people to come cover in blood
Adal. can we use the basement John
John. go ahead do you need something down there tee coffee or something else
Adal. water towel one set clothes and two cup coffee thank you John
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