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Did We Met Or Was It Destined To Happen ?

A look into the past

it all started when I was around 16 years old. I used to live in a small town named Pankir. it was a small town with population not more than hundred thousand.

the main occupation of the people here were fishing. like others my father was a fisherman too and my mother was a housewife. we were a happy family together

.I always wanted to have a little sister or brother And that day finally came in my life , a little angel came to our house, my mother named her Lakshmi. according to Hindu mythology it's the name of Goddess Lakshmi who is also known as the Goddess of wealth it was a quite a nice name given by the mother and I thought it was best suited for her,

Actually she was an orphan. Her parents died in a car accident and my parents adopted her from a hospital.

I didn't know that my happiness would be eclipsed so soon, one day my mother got sudden heart attack and was admitted to the hospital,

doctors said that the patient have a hole in the heart so please immediately pay for the operation.The hospital handed us bill to pay but it was too much for us. anyhow my father managed to get money and paid all the expenses.

but all our effort went into vain and nothing went in the favour of us. the doctor tried their best but they were unable to save my mother.

while my mother was feeding the sister in her lap, she got a heart attack, due to which the she feelt down with Lakshmi in her hand and both were injured but Lakshmi was very young. I was very worried about her,

the doctor said the baby girl is badly injured if you want to save her then you need pay extra amount of money for medical treatment. My father didn't not had a single penny and because of that we were unable to save Lakshmi too.

Due to all the sudden incident life became like hell. At that time I was hating myself and I was asking myself why am I so helpless and why all this happened while I was alive. my father was also upset you can say that he was really shocked as if lightning thunder hit him hard

. our heart were broken and our life became meaningless because we lost lost our precious jewels, but life has to go on Because nobody stops for anyone's, my father planned to leave that town as soon as possible because we do not wanted to live in that town anymore.

At that time I was still a high school boy and I had one year left before high of my father's friend used to live in Loushi city and he promised to help us.

we packed all materials and left for the Loushi city. my father got a job with the help of his friend and I got transferred to a new school whose name was Saint Teresa high school and it was a missionary school, the campus was very large, In my entire life I had never seen such a large campus.

first for three - four days we stayed at father's friend house but we did not wanted him to bother anymore so we found a nice house at cheap rent outside the the main city. my father was working very hard and he was making decent amount of money and we were able to pay all our expenses.

father you surprised me

the incident that happened to my mother was still raw on my mind and I was trying hard to overcome it.Anyway me and my father were struggling hard to adopt to the atmosphere of the city and it was really hard because we were not used to it.

I cannot forget that day really,anyway let's continue the story I was still in my bed sleeping like a wild pig, suddenly my father pulled me out of the bed but I did not wanted to quit so easily

so ,

I struggled a little bit and yelled at my father, please let me go I want to sleep I am tired now and on top of that today is Sunday so have mercy on me and let me sleep,

hearing and watching all these things my father became little anxious cried with a loud voice moron wake up and behave like a boy,

Go downstairs and have a look there I have a surprise for you and if you don't want it then it's ok go and have your sleep after listening to him my sleep got vapourized and I said to myself why the hell I will sleep now am I that craz?...,

I jumped on my legs and went downstairs as fast as I could go. As I went there I saw a black coloured sports bike , I thought for a while to myself could it be that surprise my father had bought for me but it looked quite expensive,

Actually anyone by looking into it can easily guess it worth more than 10,000 US dollar. after analysing all sorts of things l came to a conclusion that indeed this bicycle is very expensive and I need an explanation so without any further delay I went upstairs and entered the father's room and went near him.

I asked ,father please tell me the truth why did you brought this expensive bike for me and how could you afforded it, where did you get money from and blah blah blah.

after hearing all these things my father turned pale and he said to me , son don't ask so many questions all of a sudden , I will not be able to answer them all at the same time. so be calm and listen what I have to say.first of all I will try to answer each and every question of yours one by one so , pay attention and just listen.

indeed this bike is expensive but don't worry this bicycle did not cost me a single penny. I was surprised for a bit how could it be possible,father bought cycle without investing single penny, is he trying to fool me no no maybe he is hiding something from me , should I just ask him or let him explain by himself.

are you listening what I am saying?, then suddenly I came back to my consciousness and said yeah yeah please continue I am listening. son I know that you will not believe me but it's true that.... I did not buy this bicycle actually my master gave it to me as a gift for you.

huh really your master must be freaking rich.., yeah he is rich..

Meeting with the school council president

next day as usual I went to my school,

I was almost new there ,

More surprisingly was that , I had not been able to make a single friend , I didn't knew what was missing but I knew that I'm not that type of guy who could make friends easily because basically in the village also I did not had a single friend there ,there were classmates of course but But they could not be called as friends.

since my childhood I was playing all alone myself and somewhere deep within my heart I wanted a friend With whom I could spent time and play, but I was very lonely.

A Ray of hope was awakened when I found my sister, but she too left the world very early ,

My heart never believed that she too had left the world but my mind was saying that she was dead, yet I was not satisfied. I wanted to find out that what actually happened to my sister but I was helpless, I doubted my father or somewhere he is hiding something, but I could not do anything .

all this thought very revolving around my head and I was feeling uncomfortable I just wanted to finish off the school and go home as soon as possible,Suddenly, a voice echoed in my ears Sid...Sid.. go immediately the student council president is calling you,

one of the boy sad, you must have offended the school council president That is why you are called to the office and I Feel that something big is going to happen.

I was very terrified and was questioning to myself, did I really offended someone? but how? I am completely new here, how could I bother anyone, is there anyone playing with me or I am being framed by someone, because a boy like me would not get much from the school council president.

Then the other boy said, hurry up, don't be late, you don't know the president, if she gets angry then there will be big trouble for you.I was told that the school council president's office is on the third floor right physics lab and next to the library.

I reached there without delay. Actually I was not used to walking stairs, so i was a bit late from the scheduled time. when I reached there I saw a girl standing in front of the school council president office , she said hello mister You are on time please wait here,

She walked in and after a while she returned, please come in she said,as I went inside there I saw a beautiful gir sitting on the chair, actually she was very beautiful it is quite difficult to describe her but in one word we can say is she was just awesome.

Like God has made her with wholeheartedly having lots of spare time fo her, She was extremely beautiful, her black beautiful Shiny eyes looked like I could keep looking at them and keep watching them,

I could see her hair as soft as velvet I was able to feel them without even touching.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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