**Alexander Yiu was born through an affair. He was considered a bastard child, his father is already a married man yet still sought after the babysitter of his own daughter. His wife did not allow them to ever meet and soon Alexander grew without a father figure. Despite this, he was still able to go to a decent school since his father is secretly providing them an allowance every month. Alexander who is still ignorant of their family condition thought that his father may just be working far from them due to work related issues and soon will be able to meet him and live with both his parents. Everyday is a struggle but he tries to be happy for his mother.
One day during his first grade summer vacation, his worst nightmare happened. His cousin Bryan Yiu and older his friend, Vincent asked him to go with them and play basketball. He didn't doubt them for he knew them too well, or so he thought. They went to their usual spot to play for a while and afterwards, they asked Alexander whether he is interested to try something fun. Well, he is still an innocent child back then so he surely agreed to their proposal and went to an abandoned house hidden in a forest a little distant from their usual playing spot.
When they arrived, they entered a room that is somewhat neat for an abandoned house to have. His older friend, Vincent, was acting odd the entire time and suddenly took off his tshirt leaving him half *****. His cousin, Bryan, sniffed a white substance then told Alexander to take off his clothes. He was taken aback for a moment since the usually calm pair are both eyeing on him with a wolf-like look. He asked his cousin the reason for what he just said but his cousin snapped and got angry at him. Bryan dashed towards alexander and ripped his clothes like a mad-man.
He stepped backwards to flee but Vincent caught him and said "Dont worry, this will be fun!" with a grin. Alexander was so terrified by their actions and looks that he started to tear up and scream but Vincent silenced him with his hand. Bryan approached him with a pocket knife in his hand and whispered "If you won't shut up, I will kill you! But if you obediently follow our orders, we will reward you. Got it?!".
Alexander got no choice but to nod frantically. He don't want to die, he don't want to make his mom cry and most of all, he still want to meet his father. After Alexander's response, they tied him butt ***** on a table. There, both of them went their way with Alexander who was struggling in pain. They took turns to suffice their lust and Vincent even shove his origin to Alexanders' mouth grabbing his hair to bob his head up and down. Alexander was out of breath and is slightly bleeding underneath so the devilish pair stopped halfway. They threatened him to never speak any of it to anyone or else they will surely come for his and his mother's life before they even get caught. They stayed there for a couple of minutes before returning him home**.
Since that incident, Alexander started to shut off any person aside from his mom from approaching him. His mother noticed the changes in his behavior so she asked him what was wrong.
"Alex, you have been avoiding people these days. Is something wrong? You can tell me anything if you want." his mother worriedly said.
"Nothing is... wrong... Mom. I think I'm just not feeling well these days. I'm sorry to have you worried." he answered with a forced yet soft smile.
"Are you certain that there is nothing wrong? I can't help you solve your problem if you don't tell me you know." his mother is still persistent since she knew that something is really off.
"Mom, I know how you love me so I... really don't have anything to hide from you." replied Alexander to reassure his mother.
"Okay, if you say so. But honey, if you encounter any problem that you think you can't handle, just say the word and I will help you solve it. Okay?" his mother replied while giving him a warm hug.
He simply nodded to his mother while hugging her tightly. This simple conversation made him realize how precious he is to his mother and his mother to him so he decided to bury the incident for good and put on a happy face so that his peaceful days with his mother will never be disrupted again.
Time flew and 12 years has passed.
Alexander is now a 20 year old student in a renowned University. He got accepted in this university due to his bright personality and wit. He was a consistent honor student with the highest honors from his elementary until his senior high school. He was known to excel in both athletics and in his studies. He is proficient in the field of science, as well as in different fields of sports such as archery, swimming and martial arts. He is also kind and always puts on a happy face even in times when he is actually on some kind of predicament and still moves forward. This caused a lot of people to love him.
Well some things just really happen when you least expect it. During that same year, an outbreak suddenly occurred claiming thousands of peoples lives. The virus does not immediately kills its victims but slowly weakens them until they die. He is one of the youth volunteers to help in finding a vaccine for the said virus but sadly he was infected. In his deathbed, he recalled his nightmare and the things that he regret. He wished that if he will be given a chance, he would like to live a life without pretending and to be strong enough to protect himself and the people he love. Most of all, he want to experience a life with a complete family. He was already told by his mother about what is the real reason behind why his father never met him and that pained him so much. After saying his wishes to his mother, the last breath of life left Alexanders body.
"Ah... I really died. Huh? "
It's so dark in here. Where am I? Is this the afterlife?
Who is that? Her voice is so relaxing despite all this darkness.
"May I ask who are you?... Uh.... ma'am?"
Suddenly a beam of light illuminated the darkness and there stood a majestic beauty that no one can compare.
Whoah! She is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen in my life!
Enchanted by her beauty, the message that Alexander was told did not easily get through him.
"um... Excuse me, what was that again?" Alexander asked shyly.
Alexander's eyes popped out in shock from what he heard. He could not believe what he heard that he is now in front of a Goddess.
For real?! Well I can't be really too shocked since I am already dead anyways. But to meet a real Goddess in person is so... Thrilling!!!
"Uhum!.... err.. Excuse me.... How may I address you? Goddess or...? "
Hiding his excitement, he asked the goddess while stuttering.
"Umm.. Okay, Gaia. Can I ask you something?"
"No offense if you take it but are you the one and only goddess? Or are there also other gods or goddesses aside from you?"
Oh, so aside from earth, there are other worlds out there.
"Gaia I have another question, why am I here? Aren't I supposed to be dead and disappear into nothingness?"
So that's why.
"What's gonna happen to me now? Why did you summon me here?"
While listening to Gaia's reason, Alexander did not realise that he had already been shedding tears. The tears that he hid behind his mother, the tears of longing for his father, and the tears of guilt towards the people he was not able to save since he died before them. All of this emotions flowed like a river. He could not help it. Having someone know about everything without worrying for his or her safety, he finally felt relief.
By these words, Alexander had a hint on what was going to happen. The chance that he wished will be given to him.
"Really? I will be given the chance to live again?"
"... I would like to retain my memory of my past life. Please Gaia, by doing this, it would serve as my motivation and a reminder to not unknowingly go astray."
Before he can even react to this, the voice of the goddess is now slowly fading and the light that was so bright just seconds ago is now nowhere to be found. It was now pitch black.
<.. Lastly.. Strive to fulfill your wish., Alexander Yiu... >
At that moment, he was now back to the silent darkness. However he does not feel loneliness anymore but a warmth that he cannot explain.
What is that glimmer of light? As if I am in a dark tunnel approaching its end. The light is now slowly going back.
Suddenly he felt being held by large hands.
"Congratulations Madam Li! He is a healthy baby boy." an old womans voice exclaimed
Wait.. Was that tunnel just now the.. The origin of a woman?!
"hmm? I wonder why he is not crying."
The old woman effortlessly slapped the butt of Alexander.
Startled, the poor baby was now crying in pain.
Ouch! What was that all about? That was so painful you old hag! Can't you at least be gentler with a newborn baby? What if you deformed my butt?
Those silly thoughts obviously didn't reach the old lady.
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