(Cue theme song)
I’ve got a secret
A LoliRock star
We’re on a magic quest
Here comes the girls
In a whirl out of nowhere
Coming back to save the day
Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Reach the stars we can make you fly
Call the girls fun is in the air
SOS we’ll be always there
Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Reach the stars
Fly*** !
(Start episode)
Iris: Nap time! [pulls a blanket over the little girl]
Iris: You want me to read Goldilocks and the Three Bears? [holds up a book]
Little girl: No book. Song.
Iris: Um...
Little girl: Lull-a-by!
Iris: Hmm. [puts the book down on the bed and clears her throat before singing] "Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above a world so high."
Little girl: [giggles] More!
Iris: "Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are." [hears the front door slam shut and gasp]
Little girl's mother: [Hears clattering sound and walks to her daughter's room]
Iris: [Giggles nervously]
Little girl's mother: Hmm.
Smoothie Bar
Nathaniel: [places a tray of two macaroons and coffee(?) on a table] Cheer up, losing a babysitting gig isn't the worst thing.
Iris: Easy for you to say. Plus, its' the third job I've been fired from! [stirs her coffee] And every time I open my mouth to sing, something weird happens...
Nathaniel: [Laughing to himself while cleaning a blender] Remember that day last summer when a freak storm froze the lake? Wild!
Iris: Poor duckies. [sighs to herself] I don't think I was meant to be a singer.
Nathaniel: [places his right hand on top of hers] You kidding?
Iris: [looks up at Nathaniel] Huh?
Nathaniel: You have a beautiful voice. [gives her a flyer] Besides, I saw this on the cafe's bulletin board and thought of you.
Iris: [takes the flyer and reads it] "Wanted, lead singer for girl band. LoliRock. Auditions today." I do love singing... But I can't. Something weird would happen. [places the flyer aside on the table]
Nathaniel: So? There are two things I know about you. One, you're weird and two, you're happiest when you're singing. [puts his hand on her shoulder]
Iris: Thanks, Nat, but I just can't. [stands up and begins to leave]
Nathaniel: Huh? [grabs her left wrist and hands back the flyer] Think about it. Promise me?
Iris: [takes the flyer and smiles] I promise. [Iris then leaves the Smoothie Bar]
City streets
Iris: [walks on the sidewalk deep in thought before stopping in front of a lamp post] No, I just can't. [Iris sighs and starts dashing across the crosswalk. As she pant down the street, her pendant starts glowing]
Iris: [stops at the middle of a dock and looks up in the sky gasping for breath] Oh!
Nathaniel's voice: Think about it. [Iris looks at the crumpled flyer] Promise me?
Iris: [smiles] Hmm.
Iris: [Groaning after hearing a lot of girls sing as they wait in a long line] Oh! Maybe I'm not the weirdest singer here.
Female contestant: [sings off key on a microphone as she dances] "Oh, when I start the day I'm checking on my friends. To see if they're okay they can count on me. Yeah."
Auriana: [groans at the contestant's singing]
Amaru: [groans and covering his ears]
Female contestant: "And if I'm feeling down my friends will come around. We're going to make some noise we'll be laughin'."
Auriana: [stops the contestant's audition] Thank you! Um, we'll call you if we're interested.
Talia: We're not interested.
Auriana: [whispers to Talia] We might be.
Talia: [whispers back to Auriana] Not while I live.
Female contestant: Hmm. [raises her head in contempt and leaves the stage]
Talia: [takes off her sunglasses and sighs] Okay, Auriana, we're leaving this town and setting up auditions somewhere else.
Auriana: [takes off her sunglasses] But, hey, we've just started looking for her in Sunny Bay.
Talia: Uh, have you been listening? They scream like animals in pain. [Iris enters the theater quietly] It's obvious she isn't here.
Auriana: We only saw six or seven or nine or ten girls, there's lots more in town!
Talia: If they all sing this well, my eardrums will never recover. [sees Amaru flailing his arms at them] What is it, Amaru? [Amaru points at Iris on the stage]
Iris: I'm here for the audition.
Auriana: Great! [pushes Talia down to the seat] Go ahead! [points at the microphone stand] Oh, and use that microphone right there.
Iris: [She breathes deeply before walking forward and taking the microphone. Then she clears her throat, looks at a paper on her hand, exhales, and starts singing] "Oh, when I start the day I'm checking on my friends. To see if they're okay they can count on me." [Pink sparkles begins to appear in the theater] "And if I'm feeling down my friends will come around. We're going to make some noise we'll be laughin'."[raises her left arm up in the air as a burst of pink energy erupts from her pendant] "Hey, there the stars out in the sky." [Iris is surrounded by the pink energy which causes a magical explosion inside the theater]
Gramorr: [Grunts when he senses Iris' magic as his eyes flashed red]
Amaru: [groans as he climbs up the broken table]
Iris: Are you okay? [sees Talia, Amaru, and Auriana's disheveled appearance caused by the explosion] I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. [drops the microphone as she sobs and leaves the theater]
City streets
Iris: [She runs through the streets panting and stops at a lamp post to exhale deeply. Then Iris heard a thudding sound above her. She looks up to see a green crystal impaled on the lamp post as the top section of it begins to fall toward her.] Ah! [leaps out to the road before the lamp crashes on the sidewalk]
Praxina: [looks at Mephisto] Ugh! You missed! [Praxina grunts and cast a black crystal magic spell at Iris. She continues to casts barrages of spells with Mephisto while Iris fled to an alley.]
Mephisto:[laughs after blasting a car up in the air that Iris hid behind] I like this place! So much stuff to smash! [chases Iris into a dead end after casting multiple offensive spells with Praxina] This is way easier than I thought it would be.
Praxina: Really? I expected it to be simple. She's completely untrained. [prepares to cast a spell at Iris]
Talia: Sing, if you want to live. [appears above Iris while riding on Amaru's pegasus form with Auriana]
Mephisto: [sees Talia, Amaru, and Auriana] Huh?
Talia: Trust us!
Iris: "Ahh!" [sings as a pink crystal barrier appears in front of her to block Mephisto and Praxina's attack]
Mephisto: Oh! [feels Iris' power pushing him and Praxina back]
Mephisto and Praxina: Ah! [flies up into the air by Talia's spell]
Talia: [stretches out her hand to Iris when Amaru landed] Iris, come.
Iris: [grabs Talia's hand and gets lifted into the air] Woah! [lands onto Amaru's back before he flies toward the sky] Woah! [looks at Auriana and Talia] How do you know my name?
Auriana: [faces toward Iris] Oh, We've been searching for you for a long time.
Iris: Huh?
Mephisto: [places his fingers on his forehead] Gramorr's not gonna be happy about this. [teleports away with Praxina]
Cave alcove
Iris: [grunts as she tries to get off from Amaru] Oh! Woah! [falls on the ground before standing up] Okay, what is going on? Who where those people attacking me? Why did my singing do... Whatever it did? [sees Amaru transform back to his original form and gasps] And what is that?
Auriana: [picks up Amaru and squeezes him in a tight hug] This is Amaru!
Iris: Well, that's one question answered... Sort of.
Talia: We brought you here to answer all your questions. It may be difficult for you to believe this, but you have a very great destiny. You must prepare yourself for...
Auriana: [Interrupts Talia] Ah, pff! Enough blah, blah, blah! [summons the Ribbon of Volta] Let's just show her!
Iris: Huh? [turns around to see runes covering the cave before a projection of Ephedia appears before her] Woah! Where are we?
Talia: This is a vision of events that have already happened.
Iris: It's so beautiful.
Talia: This is where you are born.
Iris: [looks at Talia] What? You're joking.
Auriana: [appears next to Iris] Oh, she's not. For one, she never jokes. Plus, you really were born here! It's a land of magic called, Ephedia! [shows Iris a vision of the throne room] That's where the King and Queen of Ephedia sat. [leads Talia, Iris and Amaru further into the cave] Or they were king and queen. Before Gramorr showed up.
Iris: [sees a vision of Gramorr] He's that mean-looking guy?
Talia: Yes. He betrayed the rulers and took the throne for himself.
Iris: Ugh! What a jerk!
Talia: No one knows what happened to the king but when Gramorr tried to take the Queen's crown, he found it was magically protected. The Queen's crown was possessed of great magic, stored in oracle gems. It would have been disastrous if Gramorr had been able to use them for his evil purposes. These oracle gems were scattered, and sent to Earth to be kept safe from Gramorr. But they were not the only things sent away to be kept safe.
Queen of Ephedia: [holds baby Iris on her arms] Iris... My adorable baby.
Iris: [sees a vision of her and her mother] That's me? [touches her pendant]
Talia: Yes, Iris. It is you.
Auriana: [Appears in front of Talia while hugging Amaru tightly] You were so cute!
Queen of Ephedia: It breaks my heart that you'll grow up, and I won't see it but it must be done, for your safety.
Iris: If that's me, then that means...
Talia: You are the princess and heir to the throne of Ephedia. You were sent to Earth to keep you safe from Gramorr, until you were old enough, and strong enough, to use your powers to defeat him.
Auriana: We were sent to train you!
Iris: [looks at the ground in thought] I'm a princess from a magical land...
Auriana: [hugs Iris from behind] Yes! [exclaiming in happiness] We've been looking everywhere for you! And now we've found you! [giggles]
Iris: I'm a princess [removes Auriana's arms from her and walks forward a few steps] My parents were a king and a queen. My real parents. I was adopted by my Aunt Ellen, but my real parents were royalty. [turns toward Talia and Auriana] What happened to them?
Talia: Nobody knows. All we know is that now that we have found you, we can concentrate on training you to use your powers to defeat Gramorr.
Iris: What powers? [hovers a hand near her neck] You mean, my voice?
Talia: That's a merely one aspect of your powers, perhaps the first to manifest. You need to learn how to control it properly.
Auriana: Yeah, and we figured out that on Earth, the easiest way to find you was to set up auditions for a band. I thought it would be super fun!
Talia: The oracle gems that were sent to Earth will allow us to return to Ephedia and defeat Gramorr, when you're ready. You are the key. [Iris kneels down on the ground on one knee] Your goodness and sense of justice will help us discover them.
Iris: What am I supposed to tell my Aunt Ellen?
Talia: [puts a hand on Iris' shoulder] Nothing. You can't tell anyone about your true identity. It must remain secret.
Iris: [looks at Talia] Nobody? Not even my best friend?
Talia: Nobody you want to keep safe.
Throne room
Gramorr: Mephisto! Praxina! [Two large communication crystals appears on the ground, revealing an image of Mephisto and Praxina in their respective pillar] I'm listening.
Praxina: Talia and Auriana have found her.
Banes: [growls]
Gramorr: How?
Mephisto: By listening to a lot of really bad singers.
Gramorr: [clenches his fist tightly and yells loudly, making the throne room shake] This is a catastrophic development.
Mephisto and Praxina: [flinches and yelps] Uhh!
Gramorr: I hardly need to tell you what to do next.
Praxina: Stop the princesses.
Mephisto: At any cost. [Mephisto and Praxina vanishes from the communication crystals]
Gramorr: No matter what, they must not get the oracle gems. [His eyes flashes and glows red]
Outside of Aunt Ellen's House
Iris: [waves at Aunt Ellen] Aunt Ellen! [hugs Aunt Ellen and sighs before looking over the shoulder] Hmm. Umm... [points at Talia and Auriana] This is Talia and Auriana, they're exchange students, and I figured that since we have plenty of room here they could stay with us! [blinks in a cute manner]
Aunt Ellen: Exchange students? Oh, how wonderful! [speaks loudly to Talia and Auriana] What country are you from?
Auriana: Volta.
Talia: Xeris. [Aunt Ellen looks speechless]
Iris: Uh...
Aunt Ellen: My geography's pretty good, but I... [looks confused]
Iris: [interrupts Aunt Ellen] They're teeny tiny countries. Almost nobody's heard of them.
Aunt Ellen: Welcome! Maybe you can teach Iris your language?
Talia: She will learn quite a lot. [Iris giggles]
Iris' bedroom
Iris: [locks her bedroom door] So, what do I learn to do first?
Talia: Activate your pendant.
Iris: Do what to my what?
Auriana: [holds Amaru up in the air] The pendant on your necklace. It's magical. [Iris lifts her pendant] Once you activate it, it helps you transform into your magical dress.
Iris: I have a magical dress?
Talia: We all do. We were wearing ours when we came to meet you in the alley. It will help you boost your magic. Now, just call out your name, and your realm.
Iris: Okay! Hi, my name is Iris, and I come from a nice place called Ephendria. [makes a small triumphant pose] Mm-hmm.
Auriana: One, make it shorter... Just, "Iris, Princess of Ephedia." Two, say it like you're about to kick someone's butt! [pumps her arm in the air]
Iris: [strikes a dramatic pose] Iris, Princess of Ephendria!
Talia: It's "Ephedia."
Iris: Oh [giggles before striking another dramatic pose] Iris, Princess of Ephedia. [notices that nothing happened and holds her pendant] Maybe there's something wrong with this thing.
Talia: There's nothing wrong with it. You need to learn to activate it.
Iris: But what if I can't? What if I'm not really the Princess of Epheda?
Talia: Ephedia.
Iris: See? I can't even pronounce it! [walks towards a chair] Maybe you made a mistake. [plops down on a chair] Oh.
Aunt Ellen: [screams from outside the house] Ahh!
The princesses: Huh? [runs outside of the house]
Outside of Aunt Ellen's House
The princesses: [see Aunt Ellen and everyone in the neighborhood crystallized and Iris gasps at the sight]
Iris: [sees Mephisto and Praxina appear] Them again?
The princesses: [screams and jumps out of the way from Praxina and Mephisto's spell] Woah!
Iris: [gets up from the ground and runs behind Aunt Ellen's car to hide] Ah!
Amaru: Ahh! [yelps after almost being hit by Mephisto]
Mephisto and Praxina: [laughs as they attack Iris]
Talia: [tries to get up] Ugh.
Auriana: [lifts her head up] Ow. [Talia and Auriana stands up]
Talia: Talia, Princess of Xeris! [Transforms into her magical dress]
Auriana: Auriana, Princess of Volta! [Transforms into her magical dress]
Talia and Auriana: Crystal Retrocium! [Casts Crystal Retrocium in front of the twins]
Mephisto and Auriana: [turns toward them] Hmm?
Praxina: Talia of Xeris. I heard you'd escaped but I thought they were joking! And who is your little sidekick?
Auriana: Auriana of Volta!
Praxina: [laughs with a hand positioned near her mouth in a haughty pose] Never heard of you.
Talia: You talk too much. [grunts as she cast a spell]
Praxina: Ugh! [groans and jumps out of the way from Talia's spell before flying behind Talia] Should I laugh at you instead? [immobilizes Talia's feet onto the ground with a spell]
Mephisto: [laughs] Good one, Prax!
Praxina: Ateruina! [Casts Ateruina with Mephisto toward the two princesses]
Auriana: Crystarmum! [Casts Crystarmum to block the twin's attack as Talia tries to free herself]
Iris: [wheezes as she hugs her knees to her chest] I'm a Princess?
Talia's voice: [Auriana struggles to hold off the twin's attack as her shields are cracking] You are the princess and heir to the throne of Ephedia.
Iris: [Iris' pendant glows brightly] I'm a princess. [sees a flashback] I'm a princess! I have a realm to save. Iris, Princess of Ephedia! [Iris transforms into her magical dress and gasp as Amaru cheers] I really am a princess. [blushes when she saw her reflection on the car's window before looking up] Hmm.
Mephisto: [sees Iris running toward him and laughs while casting Ateruina at Auriana] That's funny. You haven't been trained in magic, what are you gonna use on me?
Iris: [kicks Mephisto's leg] Whatever I've got.
Mephisto: [clutches his leg] Ow!
Praxina: [grunts after seeing Mephisto got kicked] You let her distract you, you fool! She doesn't even know any magic yet!
Mephisto: Ugh, that really hurt!
Iris: [gives a thumbs up to Talia and Auriana] Ha.
Talia and Auriana: [smiles at Iris] Mmm. [Auriana fortifies her shield and Talia breaks free from the black crystals. Talia then turns to Praxina.] Crystal Colighdom! [Casts Crystal Colighdom]
Praxina: [dodges the two princesses attack and hid behind the roof to counterattack] Mephisto, help me!
Mephisto: [looks up] Oh... [Mephisto trips Iris onto the grass and prepares to attack Talia and Auriana from behind. Iris cast a small crystal that pokes Mephisto's butt] Ow! [redirects his spell to the sky unintentionally]
Iris: Hey, I did magic!
Talia: Join us! [Iris regroups with Auriana and Talia] Just follow our lead. [Mephisto and Praxina prepares a powerful spell as the princesses joins their hands together to cast a spell] Xeris!
Auriana: Volta!
Iris: Ephedia!
The Princesses: [Mephisto and Praxina screams as the princesses aims their spell at them] Crystal Luxtra! [The twins crashes through the fence and gets blasted into the sky]
Iris: [turns to Talia and Auriana before lifting a hand up] High five!
Auriana: [raises her hand up] Yay!
Iris: [giggles and scratches her head] I guess you don't know that one.
Talia: Hey, we taught you something today, now you teach us.
The princesses: [gives each other a high-five] Yes!
Iris: [Touches a crystallized Aunt Ellen] Is she okay? How do I fix this? [Sees Talia casting a spell]
Talia: Crystal Solvenda! [Aunt Ellen and all of the crystallized people were freed from Praxina's spell]
Aunt Ellen: [gasps] Oh! What happened? [Iris hugs her while laughing] Are you girls all right? I heard loud noises.
Iris: Uh, we were practicing! 'Cause... We're in a band.
Aunt Ellen: A band? How fun! You know, I used to be in a band when I was in high school. [walks toward the house with the girls following her]
Iris: Why did it finally activate?
Auriana: It's so obvious!
Iris: It is?
Talia: You activated it when your most powerful magic manifested.
Auriana: Love! [giggles]
Iris: I saw people in trouble. My Aunt Ellen, and the two of you and I wanted to save them.
Auriana: [hugs Iris] You're so sweet! [hugs Talia] Whoo!
Talia: Auriana, stop that. [pulls Auriana away] No hugging.
Iris: [stands up] So... I'm a magical princess who has to take back my land and free my people.
Auriana: And don't forget the best part. We get to play in a band! [raises her arm in the air] LoliRock! Don't you love the name? [whispers] I came up with it.
Iris: [giggles] Yeah, I'll finally be able to sing without weird stuff happening! [sings parts of BFF]
Iris' voice: So after some practice, it was time for our first concert. [LoliRock concert plays Revolution.]
(End episode)
Rehearsal room
Iris and Talia: "Dance, dance, dance...You'll be energetic. You'll be charismatic. Party on the planet. Dance to the revolution."
Talia: Congratulations, Iris. For once, you are on time for rehearsal, and Auriana is late.
Iris: Um... Thanks?
Talia and Iris: Huh?
Iris' bedroom
Auriana: Somebody help!
Iris: Auriana! What happened?
Auriana: I was making this flower garland to wear when we perform at the garden festival tomorrow, and I sorta got trapped. Wait! Prickles!
Iris: You put roses in your garland with the thorns still on?
Auriana: I thought they'd stick better. [groans] Which they do!
Talia: Crystal Solvenda!
Auriana: [sighs] Thank you! [looks at the levitating garland] Earth has such beautiful flowers, I wanted to wear them!
Iris: [gasp] Hey, You guys want to see something cool? I grew this to enter in the flower competition. I've entered it every year since I was eight years old. I've never won, though.
Auriana: But you're so good at plant growing!
Iris: You mean gardening. And thanks. But every year the same person wins. Missy Robins.
Young Missy: Better luck next year, loser!
Iris: This is the year she's the loser.
Auriana: You're right. This flower is magnificent.
Iris: No! [grabs Amaru] Um, my rose isn't quite ready to smell yet.
Talia: Huh? From what I've studied about Earth horticulture, I know that roses don't act this way. You used magic, didn't you?
Iris: [giggles] Just a teeny tiny little bit...
Talia: Magic should never be used for selfish goals.
Iris: But beating Missy is a good deed that will benefit everyone in the world forever. So it's not selfish...
Talia: Hmph.
Throne Room, Ephedia
Gramorr: I'm aware of the time, Banes. You're right. I can put off this dreadful chore no longer. [sighs] Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Mephisto: Because it was your turn, Praxina, to...
Praxina: It wasn't my turn, Mephisto. Yesterday was my turn. Today was...
Gramorr: Silence!
Praxina: [groans] Master!
Mephisto: Hey, boss man, uh, master. Sir.
Gramorr: Update me on your mission. Have you found the oracle gem?
Mephisto: Um, we're working on it, but it's complicated...
Gramorr: A simple yes or no will suffice.
Praxina: Not yet, master.
Gramorr: This particular oracle gem is vital. You must do everything you can to find it before the princesses do. If you fail... I can't afford to lose any more gems.
Sunny Bay Park
Announcer: Welcome to the 16th annual Sunny Bay flower competition.
Iris: There. You look like a winner to me.
Missy: Not bad.
Iris: Ugh!
Missy: Hmm! It's a shame you can't win. When you're as naturally talented at gardening as I am, it's hard to catch up.
Missy's followers: Hmph!
Praxina: Huh?
Auriana: There are so many pretty flowers here. I can't decide which I like best!
Talia: Uh, Iris, is something wrong?
Iris: No, no. We need to set up for the show. [talks to Rosie] I have to go now. You stay here. No! Stay. Stay. I didn't want to have to do this, Rosie. Now be good. [uses the speakers] Check. One, two, three... Is this on?
Talia: Sounds good.
Iris: We're totally ready to rock!
Auriana: No, I'm not! I don't have my splendicular flower garland costume.
Iris: Where is it?
Auriana: Amaru keeps getting caught in it! Crystal Solvenda!
Amaru: Argh.
Auriana: Oh! If he wants to wear it... Crystal Minutus!
Amaru: Oh!
Auriana: Now we're ready for the show.
Iris: Someone needs help! Huh? Missy? Huh? What's wrong?
Missy: Someone stole my rose!
Iris: Oh. That's... Terrible? Um, do you have any enemies? Never mind. Don't worry. I'll help find your rose.
Missy: Really?
Iris: Of course. Because it's not fair. Even if it is yours.
Missy: What?
Iris: Nothing! I'm taking care of it.
Missy: Hmm.
Iris: Mm. That's where Missy's rose was, but I don't see anything strange.
Auriana: What would you see? Someone just grabbed it and ran away.
Talia: Uh, did she have any enemies?
Iris: Plenty. But this is the first time anyone's stolen something from her.
Talia: Iris, do you suppose your rose might have done something to it?
Iris: Rosie? What could she do? She's just a plant! Okay. She's not just a plant. But she's still here, right where I left her. So let's look for the real thief.
Talia: Fair enough. We'll split up and search separately.
Iris: Hey, you! The guy stealing the plant!
Nathaniel: Hey, Iris!
Iris: Nathaniel? What are you doing here?
Nathaniel: Uh, I'm working. The cafe's doing concessions for the festival. I was just walking to the cafe and saw these irises, and I had to check them out.
Iris: Huh?
Nathaniel: I have a thing for... Irises.
Iris: [blushes] Uh...
Clara: Help!
Iris: Huh? [her pendant glows]
Nathaniel: I'll come with you.
Clara: My orchid just disappeared and it was the favorite to win!
Auriana: Was it inside this glass plant palace?
Clara: Yes! [Sniffles.] Someone must have come in and taken it!
Talia: Iris, can I speak to you outside?
Nathaniel: You guys stay here. I'll take her with me to the cafe. How about a hot chocolate?
Clara: Okay...
Talia: Iris, I think the thief may be...
Iris: Not Rosie! I told you, she's tied up. She didn't steal anything. [sees Rosie] Rosie, no! Rosie, I never thought you'd get rid of the competition! Now what do I do?
Talia: You know what you have to do...
Iris: [sighs] Come on, Rosie. Let's go for a walk.
Auriana: Are you okay? Do you want us to come?
Iris: No. I have to do this alone. [takes Rosie outside] Oh, Rosie. I should never have entered you in this competition. Believe me, this hurts me more than it hurts you. One quick spell, and you'll just be frozen in crystal. [begins to cast a spell] Mmm... Cristaso... Hmm? [Rosie gets taken by a creature. Iris then runs to Talia and Auriana] Did you see? Did you see it?
Talia: See what?
Iris: This... This thing just appeared, and before I knew it, grabbed Rosie and my pendant! I didn't even react. I have all these magical powers and I didn't do a thing.
Talia: The thing that attacked you, what did it looked like?
Iris: It happened so fast I didn't get a good look at it.
Auriana: Iris, we can use this to find your rose's location. [starts to cast a spell] Crystalocum Ostendere. [sees a harmless looking creature] This is what attacked you? A snumple? It's very little and not very dangerous...
Iris: No, it can't be. What attacked me was huge! [looks at Auriana and Talia] What's a snumple?
Talia: Its an animal from Ephedia. It must have been brought here by someone.
Iris: Yeah. I bet I can guess who.
Mephisto: [Uses a whistle before seeing the corrupted snumple have Iris' pendant] No, you flea brain, we don't need a necklace.
Praxina: Huh?
Mephisto: We need this. [shows the snumple an image of a oracle gem] Get it right next time! [blasts a spell at the snumple] Can you stop thinking about jewellery for one second? You've got tons of it.
Praxina: This...
Mephisto: Huh?
Praxina: ...belongs to Iris.
Mephisto: [chuckles] Awesome.
Iris: Huh? [sees Missy crying on Nathaniel]
Missy: It's so unfair that my rose was stolen. I may never recover.
Nathaniel: You'll get over it. You're tough like a...lobster.
Missy: Oh, no! I know I seem strong on the outside, but on the inside I'm quite fragile.
Iris: [fakes a sob] My rose was stolen, too.
Nathaniel: Hmm.
Iris: But I'm being extremely brave about it.
Missy: Ugh! It's easy for you to be brave. You weren't going to win anyway.
Iris: [fumes angrily] Mmm...
Talia: I fully understand your desire to send this girl to Klatznik, but we need to find that snumple.
Missy: [flips her hair and walks away] Hmph.
Iris: You're right. [pauses] Klatznik?
Talia: Word of the day. Use it wisely.
Iris: Hmm. [Scene changes] This thing is super-fast. Keep your eyes open for any sign of that snumple.
Mephisto: Oh, don't worry about that...
Praxina: We'll make sure that you can't miss it.
The princesses: Argh!
Iris: Iris, Princess of... Oh, Klatznik.
Talia: Talia, Princess of Xeris! [transforms onto her magical dress]
Auriana: Auriana, Princess of Volta! [transforms onto her magical dress]
Iris: Amaru! Now!
The Arena
Mephisto: Snumple!
Praxina: Finish the princesses!
Talia: Argh!
Auriana: Crystarmum.
Talia: Wand of Xeris!
Praxina: Get them!
Iris: [Notices the collar on the snumple] A collar. Auriana! Talia! Use your magic to keep that snumple thing in one place.
Auriana: Ribbon of Volta!
Talia and Auriana: Crysta Florcordum!
Iris: Crystempactus!
Mephisto and Praxina: Argh!
Auriana: Aw, look. It's a cutie pie.
Talia: Excellent job, Iris!
Iris: Hmm... Now, where's my necklace?
Praxina: Oh, you mean this old thing?
Mephisto: [teleports to Praxina] Why don't you come and get it?
Mephisto and Praxina: Ateruina! Telanoc!
Mephisto: It's no use, princesses.
Praxina: In a few minutes, you'll all be nothing more than decorative statues in Gramorr's palace.
Iris: You're so gonna regret this.
Mephisto: So sorry.
Praxina: But as long as we have this and you don't... [The snumple takes the pendant.] The pendant! Come back with that, you flea brain!
Mephisto: Oh, Klatznik.
Iris: Statues in Gramorr's palace, huh? Well, guess what? That isn't Gramorr's Palace, it's mine! Iris, Princess of Ephedia! [transforms onto her magical dress]
Talia: Xeris!
Auriana: Volta!
Iris: Ephedia!
The princesses: Crystal Luxtra!
Mephisto: Run away! [Mephisto and Praxina teleports away]
Iris: Hmm.
Sunny Bay Park
Iris: I'm glad to have this back. And I have you to thank. [Amaru growls at the snumple]
Auriana: Oh, Amaru, You don't have anything to worry about. You're not being replaced! [laughs]
Iris: [Sees the snumple burrows to a certain direction] Hey, snumple, where are you going? [The girls follow the snumple to see the stolen plants] The stolen plants! [sees Rosie] Rosie! [hugs Rosie] Hmm.
Talia: Question is, why did Mephisto and Praxina wanted all these flowers?
Iris: Whatever the reason, the judging's about to start, so we need to return these flowers right now.
Auriana: We can cast a spell together, it'll be faster!
Iris: Okay. But there's one I want to take back personally.
Clara: My orchid! I don't know how to thank you. It's in perfect condition. Not one leaf is missing. [An oracle gem falls off of her plant]
Iris: [Sees the oracle gem] Oh! [picks it up]
Clara: What's this?
Iris: [Gasps] An oracle gem!
Clara: You know what this is?
Iris: Yeah. I kind of collect them.
Clara: [closes Iris' hand] Here. It's my thank you to you. [leaves the greenhouse] Sorry to run, but I've gotta go. The judging is about to start.
Auriana: Good luck!
Iris: [Gasps] This is what Mephisto and Praxina wanted all along! [sees an image of her parents flashed on the surface of the oracle gem] Huh? Hey, look at this, it's... [The oracle gem disappears from her fingers] Gone? It just disappeared! Where did it go?
Talia: Don't worry. I assure you, it's found its way home.
Throne room
Gramorr: [sees the oracle gem return to the crown] No! [grunts angrily]
Sunny Bay Park
Judge: [speaks over the speaker] First place! [awards Clara the winner]
Clara: Thank you! I dedicate the prize to Iris, Talia, and Auriana, who found my orchid when it was stolen.
Auriana: Oh! I love flowers. And happy endings!
Iris: I guess I'll try again next year, but I'll do it the old-fashioned way. [looks at Rosie] You won't mind, will you? [LoliRock plays Revolution]
(Cue theme song)
I’ve got a secret
A LoliRock star
We’re on a magic quest
Here comes the girls
In a whirl out of nowhere
Coming back to save the day
Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Reach the stars we can make you fly
Call the girls fun is in the air
SOS we’ll be always there
Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Reach the stars
(Start episode*)
Streets of Sunny Bay
Auriana: We’re so awesome!
Iris: We’re good… But we could be even more awesome.
Talia: I agree. Perhaps we should double our training sessions.
Auriana: Double? I thought we were…
Woman: Ah!
Iris: Hmm? Ah! Crystal Flecto! Are you okay?
Teenage boy: Yeah. I think so. I can’t believe that I almost…
Iris: Huh?
Teenage boy: Huh! Didn’t get to meet you.
Iris: I was so worried about you.
Teenage boy: Let’s run away together!
Iris: Okay!
Talia: Everything alright, Iris?
Iris: Never better.
Teenage boy: Iris… Such a beautiful name.
Iris: You like it? Really?
Talia: Iris, are you ready to go?
Iris: Yes, let’s go.
Teenage boy: Wherever you want…
Talia: Auriana, a little help?
Teenage boy: Wait! Don’t go!
Iris: I have to practice! But I’ll come back to you, my love!
Rehearsal Room
Talia: What kind of a spell is she under?
Auriana: It’s called love!
Iris: What rhymes with “Splat”?
Talia: Iris! What are you doing?
Iris: Oh! Sorry. I was just writing a love poem.
Auriana: A love poem! For that boy you fell in love with an hour ago? How romantic!
Talia: She can’t be in love, she just met him.
Iris: I know! It’s love at first sight! Ahh!
Auriana: Love at first sight happens, I’ve read all about it in these earth fairy tales!
Talia: Fairy what?
Auriana: Oh, they’re stories with evil witches, and cursed princesses, and true love!
Iris and Auriana: True love…
Talia: These fairy tales are just silly romantic stories that aren’t real.
Iris: I thought so too, until it happened to me.
Talia: Iris, you agreed to more training time in order to increase the “Awesomeness” remember?
Iris: You’re right. Let’s train.
Talia: Thank the Melzors.
Magical Training Room
Talia: Begin with the Crystal Dawn Attack.
Iris: Okay. Hmm. Mmm. I just can’t get him out of my mind. Wasn’t he handsome?
Auriana: Yes!
Talia: No.
Iris: His eyes were so blue… Or were they brown? Either way, they were so magical. I could stare at them for days…
Talia: Iris, Crystal Dawn Attack.
Iris: Want to hear the love poem I wrote?
Iris: Yes!
Talia: No.
Iris: “Roses are red, Irises are blue… You’re in love with me, and I’m in love with you. I’m so lucky I saved you before that crate fell… Instead of hearing ‘Splat’ now I hear wedding bells!” Did you like it?
Auriana: Yes!
Talia: No.
Auriana: Mmm.
Iris: Right! Crystal Dawn Attack. No problem. Crystal Leos! My love! You came looking for me! I wrote you a poem. "Roses are red… Irises are blue...You’re in love with me, and I’m in love with you…
Talia: Iris is acting very strange.
Auriana: Ooh. One thing to do, find that boy.
Iris: Yes! I want to learn his name! His favorite smoothie flavor, favorite song, and his favorite everything.
Throne Room, Ephedia
Gramorr: Have you finished her?
Mephisto: Just about. Phase one of the plan was successful… Phase two is gonna be the majorly exciting part!
Praxina: Soon, no one will be able to stop you. The crown will be yours. And so will Ephedia. Forever!
Gramorr: Pretty words, Praxina. I have heard them before.
Praxina: This time, my liege, they’re true.
Gramorr: Hmm. This time you sound as if you actually believe it…
Smoothie Bar
Nathaniel: Wow, you look happy… You’re practically glowing. What’s up?
Iris: What’s up is… I’m in love!
Nathaniel: Really? Anyone I know?
Iris: Oh, I hope so.
Nathaniel: Me too.
Iris: I don’t even know his name.
Nathaniel: Huh?
Iris: But he’s either a blond or a brunette, and his eyes are blue. Or brown. I don’t remember. Have you seen him here?
Nathaniel: Uh…
Auriana: She’s joking!
Nathaniel: Huh? Uh, yeah. Funny joke. Good one, Iris. I, er just need to, er…
Iris: Hmm? If Nathaniel hasn’t seen him here, then nobody has! How am I ever going to find him?
Auriana: Huh? Psst! Iris’ pendant is glowing. Someone needs help!
Iris: And I made these for him.
Auriana: She hasn’t even noticed it.
Talia: She’s definitely under a spell.
Auriana: Spell or no spell, someone in here needs help. Hey, are you okay?
Talia: Hello, we see you are crying!
Auriana: Sorry. He’s friendly. Keep going.
Teenage girl: Some girl stole my boyfriend, my first true love.
Iris: Love?
Talia: Huh?
Iris: Someone stole your love? How could they?
Teenage girl: I know, right?
Iris: Don’t worry, I’m going to find this horrible low-life, and give her a piece of my…
Teenage boy: Iris! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!
Iris: Oh! My love! I made these for you.
Teenage girl: You’re the horrible low-life? You and my boyfriend together?
Teenage boy: Please stop following me. I’m not your boyfriend.
Teenage girl: This is us on Valentine’s Day.
Teenage boy: Hmm?
Teenage girl: Your birthday. And this was taken yesterday, when you told me you loved me!
Teenage boy: That was yesterday.
Iris: Today he’s in love with me! And I’m in love with him! Huh?
Teenage boy: Ah!
Iris: Oh!
Auriana: Okay, I’m almost completely convinced she’s under a spell!
Talia: There is only one way to discover the truth.
Sunny Bay Park
Iris: [Grumbles and groans] I want to go back to my boyfriend! I still don’t know his name!
Talia: Just stand still. Crystal Veritus!
Iris: Hey, there he is! [Gasps] He’s walking under those crates! They’re about to fall on him! But I’m not about to let that happen to my pookie!
Iris: There’s me, shooting a Crystal Flecto spell at the boxes, saving my love.
Auriana: That’s weird.
Talia: What do you see?
Auriana: Inside the crane.
Talia: Crystal Lever
Auriana: See?
Talia: That’s it!
Iris: I saw it too! My boyfriend has brown eyes!
Talia: Ah! The creature in the crane shot something at Iris and the boy. An enchantment of some sort.
Auriana: Wait, no! Evil witches don’t cast love spells. They hate love. And they hate pretty girls. And they also hate…
Talia: Auriana, please. We must find the creature.
Iris: Oh, that’s easy. It’s right there!
Auriana: Crystarmum!
Talia: Oh!
Talia and Auriana: Mmm-hmm!
Talia: Talia, princess of Xeris!
Auriana: Auriana, princess of Volta!
Iris: “Roses are red, Irises are blue, you’re in love with me, and your eyes are blue too.”
Talia: Iris! You must transform!
Iris: I’m kind of busy re-writing my love poem.
Auriana: Iris, your beloved will be here soon, and if you transform, you’ll look beautiful and princess-y for him.
Iris: [Gasps] You’re right! Iris, princess of Ephedia!
Auriana: Amaru!
The Arena
Talia: Crystal Colidum!
The Archer: [Growls]
Talia: Ah!
Auriana: Ah!
Iris: Crystal Leos! [Gasps] Why isn’t this working? Crystal Rosum! [Gasps] Crystempactus! Crystal Colodium! Crystal Solvenda! Crystal Anything! Huh?
Mephisto: [Laughs maniacally] If you’re gonna be in prison, might as well be with the one you love.
Praxina: Phase two went well. Now to send you back home, to Gramorr! Morbullo!
Mephisto: Good job, buddy.
The Archer: [Growls at Mephisto]
Praxina: [Sighs] Stop bothering this creature and go deal with Iris! Morbullo!
Mephisto: All right, all right! No need to get bossy.
Iris: [Gasps] Hmm!
The Archer: [Growls and shoots an arrow]
Mephisto: What? You thought you could get our guy to… Oh, I loved you since the moment I saw you.
Iris and Amaru: Huh?
Mephisto: I know we’re not supposed to be on the same side, but I can’t help it. Could I dare to hope for you to love me back?
Iris: [Giggles] Oh, Mephisto… How ever could I love you? I don’t even know if you’re telling the truth.
Mephisto: [Stammers] I’ll do anything to prove it! Anything!
Iris: Okay… Free Talia and Auriana from those bubbles. Then I’ll believe you.
Mephisto: Huh?
Praxina: What’s the matter? Why did you run here like a fool?
Mephisto: Um, I’ve got to do something.
Praxina: What?
Mephisto: Free Talia and Auriana. So Iris will love me.
Praxina: [Gasps then groans]
The Archer: [Growls then shrugs]
Praxina: [Sighs] I can’t believe you let yourself fall victim to the Archer’s spell.
Mephisto: Yeah, whatever. Exbullo!
Praxina: Don’t even try!
Mephisto: I’m doing it for love! Something you don’t know anything about! Exbullo!
Praxina: No!
Mephisto: Oh! Now do you believe me, pumpkin?
Iris: You forgot about Auriana.
Mephisto: Oh, yeah. [Laughs nervously] Exbullo!
Iris: Thank you, Mephisto.
Mephisto: Honestly, my original plan was to destroy you, help Gramorr take over Ephedia, and then ask for a promotion. But now, I’d rather we just hung out and watched a movie. [Grunts after being hit by Praxina]
Praxina: Brother, you may have been enchanted, but that’s no excuse.
Mephisto: Ow! That hurt!
Praxina: It’s going to hurt a lot more next time.
Mephisto: Iris! My love! Help me! [Screams] Ow!
Iris: I almost feel sorry for him.
Talia: Then put him out of his misery.
Iris: Let’s put them out of their misery. Crystal Luxtra?
Talia: Xeris!
Auriana: Volta!
Iris: Ephedia!
Mephisto: Oh! She does love me!
The princesses: Crystal Luxtra!
The Archer: [Growls]
Praxina: [Groans and pushes Mephisto away from the spell]
Sunny Bay Park
Auriana: Do you think Mephisto is still in love with you?
Iris: I don’t know. I’ve got my own love problems to deal with.
Streets of Sunny Bay
Iris: The archer creature used our powers against us. It caught you both in a version of your own magic.
Auriana: Since your magic is powered by love, you got hit with a love spell! It made you totally gaga!
Iris: I know this is just fake love, but it feels real.
Auriana: Maybe you really, really love Brad?
Iris: How’d you know his name is Brad?
Auriana: I don’t. I just made it up, I really like that name.
Iris: Oh. I can’t be in love with a guy whose name I don’t even know. How do we reverse the spell?
Talia: I’m certain one of my spell books will have the answer.
Iris: Huh?
Talia: It will take me no longer than a few weeks.
Iris: A few weeks? Oh. [Sighs]
Auriana: I have my own spell book that might fix everything a little bit faster.
Smoothie Bar
Teenage boy: I’ve missed you so much.
Iris: I’ve missed you, too.
Auriana: Hmm.
Iris: Close your eyes.
Teenage boy: Hmm? Mmm-hmm.
Teenage girl: [Sighs before kissing him]
Teenage boy: Oh!
Teenage boy: Gina! My one and only true love!
Gina: Charlie! It’s really you! You’re back to normal!
Talia: It worked. I don’t understand.
Auriana: In earth fairy tales, an evil spell is always broken with true love’s kiss!
Iris: Hmm… [Sighs] I’m going home, and I’ll try not to think about how my life is over.
Talia: We can’t leave her like this. I will immediately begin digging through my spell books for a solution.
Auriana: But you saw how the kiss worked on Brad, I mean, Charlie, I know it will work on Iris. Hmm.
Nathaniel: I got your note! Aunt Ellen’s trapped in the fireplace?
Iris: What? No! Why would she be in the fireplace?
Nathaniel: It’s what your note said!
Iris: I didn’t send a note.
Talia: Did you send for Nathaniel? I don’t understand what you’re doing.
Auriana: Just watch. Crystal Lévé!
Nathaniel: If your aunt is fine, why do you look so sad?
Iris: The person I thought was my one true love isn’t in love with me.
Nathaniel: Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that. Whoa!
Auriana: Yes!
Iris: What happened?
Iris: Sorry for what?
Nathaniel: Um…
Talia: True love’s kiss, huh?
(End of Episode)
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