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Mom Are We Royalty Now?

stay away!!

As I swayed around the hall of the hotel vision blurry searching for my room I could feel my consciousness seeping away slowly. I can't believe that those two ugly witches dared to drug me but I won't let them prosper I'll look for my room then hide there until the drug wears off .

I look at my key and its number then I look at the door infront of me to verify " I won't be as stupid like those female leads who get drugged and go into the wrong hotel room then get......" before I could finish my sentence I saw a young lady who I guessed worked as part of the hotel staff . Suddenly a rush of ancouragement flared up in her eyes. This Is my chance I'll verify the room number.

As she approched the youth she tried her best to hold back the drug and look sober. "ehem.......excuse me (high pitch voice) could you....ehm(low pitch voice) tell me if thats my room or not (pointing at the room and showing her the key) its not that I am drunk or (burp)anything..."

Before the youth stood a beautiful young lady who looked to be in her twenties as gorgeous as a goddess but the only thing that ruined it was that she was drunk as **** the youth was amazed at how she was still standing this made the youth silently salute her and her tolarancy for alcohol "uhm.........(looks at the room and the key) oh yeah that is your room miss would you like some help opening it ?"

"is ......that so then thank you and also I will open it my self". I then made a little bow to the youth 'don't ask why' .I then fiddled with the key around the door knob then at last it finally opened!!!! " Haha victory as if such.....(burp) ( walks into the room and stands by the bed)a little thing like this could stop me the great and powerful ( suddenly faints on the bed)......" ' I did it I won't end up like those foolish girls in comics!!'

" Youngmaster I assure you this is not you room !!!!" the poor butler said as he stopped his master who was in a drunken state from entering the hotel room " not mine listen here you everything in this city is mine including this room!!!" the young master continued to push forward

" youngmaster seeing that the room is open its enough proof to prove that this room isn't yours not to mention the miss sleeping inside!!!!" . Upon hearing that the is someone in the hotel room the young lad got even more excited to go in and kick that fool out of' his room'. He then pushed his butler aside and went in.

" this is my room and that is my bed ( throws him self on the bed ) and I'll stay here " as he declared he felt another creature breathing beside him as he looked to his side he saw an angel

" oh so is this little one tonight's playmate well dont mind if I do " the young man said as his lips curled up yo make a smile that could send shivers up any mans spine but it was also so beautiful that it could kill a mountain of ladies in short it was beautifully scary.

As I opened my eyes I saw a devilish smile in front of me and a sweet whisper of " your mine little one" "who is little you little you jerk ". then it dawned me what is a male doing in my room!!! . " you......get ......away from me" hearing the weak voice from the little girl his smile widened even more " we can't turn back now little one its too late"

'I can't believe this is happening but at least the guy is cute......god what did I just think I must be crazy.......after I wake up I'll run away and never look back yeah that the plan!!'

The night went by with her thinking that the first chance she will get she is gonna run away.

stay away (2)

" Beautiful wake up its time for lunch"

as I open my eyes slightly I see a handsome man who is probably in his twenties this year, busy playing with my hair " who....who are you" seeing that the girl in front of him is so confused made him smile even more and he had a devilish idea .

"oh no honey you don't remember last night *sob*" seeing the teary eyed man in front of her and the the fact that her back hurt like hell also that she was in bed it dawned her she and this man had become victims of the popular comic plot was this really her end no she just had to stay calm and get out of here. " ehm.... so I don't remember anything but it seems we....ehm.......erm so I would like to ask that we keep this a secret and could you also prepare me some bath water, food and clothes then I'll be on my way".

This was a first aren't girls suppose to be angry and crying at this point why is she so calm 'this little one is something else' " I understand and they are already prepared I was just waiting for you to wake up I really thought I would find that you had ran after such a night" his lips curled into the most gentle smile imaginable its just a pity that he didnt see her expression turning as dark as night and she screamed in her heart '*you think I didn't want to escape but my love for sleep betrayed me*sob*'

" hehe of cause I wouldn't leave now could you excuse me I wanna change and bathe**" seeing her polite face he just replied with his own polite face and said" why I've already seen it all anyway so I am not moving OK ".

seeing his atitude I believe he is very hard to convince and besides I am already tired from this convisation better end it quick " fine " he laughed and looked on then silently said ' days with this kitty promise to be interesting'.

"That bath was very relaxing and these clothes are not bad quality as well " she was very satisfied with everything prepared by him " come sit and have lunch babe" said the man in front of her who was relaxed on a chair nearby with his long legs crossed and his arms placed carelessly on the table .

'come to think of it this guy is really cute red eyes, black hair, beautiful thin lips, nice long eye lashes and not to mention that gorgeous body of his all muscle!!! the sad part is that I don't even know his name but I might as well ask since he has intrigued me' she walks up to the man then she takes two pieces of toast then she looks at him sternly and asks " what is your name handsome " surprised by the girl before him he let's out a little smirk " oh me why should I tell you?" with the bread in her left hand and juice in her right hand she stared at him with her black clear eyes full of pride she then placed her finger teasingly on her lips " hoho you do bite I like that but you should be glad that I am interested in you not everyone gets the chance". He could feel his heart pound this girl was like nothing he'd seen before the feelings he felt the look in her eyes all of it he loved it and wanted more " is that so then call me Brandon for now".

BANG!!!! the door suddenly burst open and within a second a tall,red haired beauty who looks to be 25-26 of age stood in the room with veins popping out of her forehead while grinding her teeth . The smile on Brandon remained the same bright like usual but his eyes seemed to have darkened and his voice was enough to freeze mountains " oh you what do you want here can't you see that I have company?" the red hair flinched " I ......I was worried for you Brandon.......(spots the female beside Brando and gets even more angry) Who is this ugly old witch( turns to her) you ugly wretch you took advantage of my Brandon right!!! its fine (takes out a check) this is 5 million yen take it and never come near us again".

As Brandon was about to tell the red hair off he was shocked by the little girl excepting the check " only five million I guess its fine since it was one night.........although I wish could talk more nicely to others seeing as though he cheated I understand then I'll be out of your hair ( turns to Brandon then gives him a wink ) hope to taste you soon and remember this lady before you is Qi xian Song " ' this girl really is arrogant i could make five million yen in my sleep she even dared to insult me she's lucky that i am lazy now or she would be dead in the spot right now!!!!!' . ' Qi xian Song your quite funny you think you can run just like that just you wait after i get rid of this wretch in front of me I'll find you then........'he got too excited to finish his sentence . And just like that she was gone from his sight .

your gonna be a mother!!!

A week had passed since Qi xian's first encounter with Brandon whom she had already forgotten the face of.......

" Xian are you OK you've been paler than usually these days are you OK?"

"is it that obvious......well since my encounter with that man I've been feeling sick I think its a stomach bug"

Cristine is one of Xian's close friends they have been together for at least six years so they know each other pretty well. "oh stomach bug what are your symptoms?". " well I always wanna throw up in the morning I get angry easily and I've been getting hungrier than usual".

Christine was stunned by how her friend who was a genius doctor of both medicine and poison the best special agent you can have couldn't see that she was pregnant!!! I mean the clues are so obvious!! " ehm I think you should see a doctor ok "

" sure I will " " your still sitting go!!!!"

" your too nagging my dear wifu (ToT)" "just go(╬◣д◢) ". "ok ok I'm out"!!

"whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!! I am pregnant". the poor doctor who's ear drums just burst was trying to calm down the young Missy who just found out that she was pregnant. "Miss sorry to tell you this but seeing your reaction you can also abort the child or children".

' abort the child or children that would make me no difference between me and my parents those two who wished to kill me if my will to live wasn't strong enough I would have.... ..' " erm......Miss will you abort or". "No need this is my blood how could I kill it/them I will look after the kid with my life". " that good to hear then I can be your doctor from now on you can call me Doc Kevin". seeing the out reached hand she grasped it firmly " You can call me Miss Qi nice to meet you doctor Kevin"

And with just that xian started making plans for her unborn children ( she found out that its twins in the second month and was delighted) the months flowed by as quick as the summer breeze and then nine months had passed and in the middle of that month xian gave birth to beautiful girl boy twins. ( staring at the two children in her arms ) " you two.......mommy will never abandon you.. you are mommy's little precious children the new sun and moon in my life .......I love you guys!!! ( ˘ ³˘)❤".

" Doctor Kevin this young lass and her children are quite lucky I mean not all 19 year olds who are pregnant get to have such a perfect birth". "Yep Miss xian is something else indeed!!!!".

Four years later

"mom look we are here is this D city"

"yeah mom is this it " asked the two most cutest pair of children. They both had gray hair which was rarely seen and both had blood red eyes although the girls eyes were darker they had a little bit of black in them like when two color's are not well blended together.

The boy had beautiful features which he had probably inherited from his father and his sister had gorgeous features she had gotten from her mom it was clear that god had given them with both hands and could rule the world in future with their looks." slow down would you have you seen how busy the airport is I don't want you to get lost again!!" there stood a beautiful young girl with skin as white as a lotus she had gorgeous black eyes that felt like they could suck you in and long black hair she looked like a fairy that came out of heaven.

"yeah yeah is this D city or not ?" asked the boy impatiently "yeah it is my dear children welcome to your dear mothers old town ". " finally I thought we would never arrive!!!" said the little girl "yes Xian the poison genius is finally back haha all kneel your queen is here!!!!"

"brother Ning mom is at it again!!"

" mom how many times does this make are you happy when they call the police on you cause your' mentally unstable' "

" ╥﹏╥ I am sorry Ning you too Qian " " whatever let's just go ".

' D city I am finally back time to track down that Brandon guy !!!"

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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