This is my first day of school although I had to transfer in the middle of the year!! I approach the gates and their is the first confrontation I witness... three against one what an unfair situation. When I looked at the boy who is being bullied I couldn't help but think of that how my brother was back then... ohh well, one fight before school won't get me expelled!
'Yo, you guys why you gotta go three against a weakling?' I call out, catching their attention.
'What is up with you? You trying the play hero, girl?' Ahh the 'damsel in destress'-play will work in this situation, hopefully they are as dumb as they look and fall for pretty girls. I push my chest out a bit out and play an innocent face.
'Ohh, but can't you just not be soo violent? I will get scared!' Yes it looks like its working, judging from their faces, just tilt my head a bit and fake a few tears and they'll be drooling over me, forgetting the girlish guy at the back...
'Ohh you saw I'm handsome did you? I knew no one could ignore it, I guess you're also got some assets ... you a transfer??' Stay calm don't ruin this.
'Ya I hope you could take care of me?' I said, flashing an glaze at the bullied guy, he catches on and starts making his way toward the school building going. Finally, now I can end this conversation as quickly as possible!
'Hey you know there's a shed at the back the tour could start there?!' What!! I mentally screech at the top volume, I wouldn't go there with a toad face like you! He's getting to close!
'Umm anyway I still need to go to the registrations office... Maybe another time?' be polite maybe I won't use my fist if they just drop it...
'Just a second girly, ya want to escape after turning me on?? Think again!' he states way to proudly, guess I thought to soon... He sure has guts to grab my hand! I'll give him that!
I lift my right arm and hit his face, it feels like a fat pillow but the damage is done, he has a broken nose? For bullies their strength isn't worth mentioning. I have to leave, I don't need problems on the first day...
'Take away and don't bother me again!!' I order his two minions standing surprised on either side of him...
'Ah...yes yes'
He is probably a nobody in the head gang of the schools eyes, I wonder if I'll get to meet the boss?
I walk over to the entrance and might I add this school is huge! There's a lot of places to skip class, but it took me a whole 20 minutes just to find the office, like wtf?! My body is in shape and good physical strength but geez!
I open the office door stepping into a room with the reception to the left.
'Hey you must be Alex right?' Said an aged lady behind it.
'Yup at your service!' I comment making an fake bow, I earned a giggle from the lady.
'Wow so energetic! Well I hope you fit in, your is class 3c right down the corridor... You won't miss it...'
What does that supposed to mean? And why did she sound like pitting me?
'Okay... I'll be going then...'
Strange ....
I walk into the class and instantly know what the woman in front meant... it's the tyrant class of the grade! The teacher sitting and occupies himself with his phone and the students sitting all over and doesn't stop talking, not to mention the imposing atmosphere when they realised I was in the doorway...
'Hi, everyone we have a new student in our class! Please introduce your self.' The teacher suddenly on post, great what should I say no one knows me here at all...
'I'm Alex and please don't mess with me.' Shit was that to forward? Will they think it's an challenge or are they also so dumb as the one this morning? I don't need the kind of attention as before... I don't think they're as stupid so as the students this morning, on my short walk towards my desk there was three attempts to make me fall and two things thrown at me. But such amateur strategies won't work on me. I sat on the last row, the 'Alpha row' in my previous school, but I like it because you can observe what's going on around me and the people in class.
In the left corner in the first row sits a girl which looks like the lacky of someone in the class or is she available to everyone? In the middle row second seat to the left sits most likely the strongest guy in the class, he looks well built but its probably just muscle, no brain. There might just be a boss in the class... Second row to the front at the right corner is sitting a short but muscular dude... Short kids often have a short fuse ideal for a gang boss! He could be one of the top 6 gang in school. I assume to how everyone shows a level of respect towards him, except the three girls near the back in front me, they seem to hold themselves as a higher level, they couldn't be part of the one of the top 3 gangs can they? They don't look that skilled, but I guess the gangs is a lot bigger here then my previous schools, so they might be in the low ranks...
The first three periods went by fast and nothing interesting happened, no one particularly concentrated and most of the teachers don't give a shit about actually teaching, not like I'm complaining. Its break and I might just stay here and see who will come introduce themselves to me and even try to scare me... Maybe I can get some info of the different gangs? Ahh my first introducer, its the possible boss...
'Hey new girl , why were you transferred?' Oh? The boss doesn't particularly sound like he has anger issues, rather he seem much more rational them some. Do I tell them the truth or just play with them?
'I got kicked out.... 'it is the truth, hopefully they get the hint that I won't say much more.
'Oh we got a fighter? What was you gangs name, or where you solo? I tell you what, if you can beat the big guy you can join my fire gang it is 5th biggest gang around!' Wow so cocky and he just assumed I'll fight, or could he have heard about me?? I can beat the big guy in a flash but I still wont join his gang and I cant reveal to much of my previous school other wise I can be targeted!
Nah, not interested. He looks a bit a taken back, but quickly recovers.
'Ohh you think you are strong do ya because you defeated one person? Hey Lesly come teach this girl a lesson... Well that was unexpected, I guess I wont be able to avoid conflict, but this is interesting... I didnt see Lesly when I analysed the class she doesnt try to stand out or stand down, she probably doesnt want to fight either, but shes got speed? With those thin legs thats probably the only thing going for her!
Well I guess I can't avoid this can I Lesly? I ask, making my sarcasm evident.
You speak to much.... I'll go for the throat first, be ready. I dont like it if its not fun. she sounds bored, funny that's my line.
Ooh so you're a solo no wonder I couldn't figure out if you're in a gang! only solo fighters would want fun if they fight, well the majority.
She moves fast switching her angle of attack in each stride trying to be unpredictably, key word trying, but I didn't really pay to much attention, she told me where shell be so it's easier, but still not strong like most of my followers. Maybe I could just dodge, avoid conflict. I swerve my leg out swinging my body left just as she was about to touch me. Her face, as I dodge is the funniest thing! She obviously didnt take in account that I can move even faster than her. Unconsciously I glare at her, she got flustered and tripped over her own feet, shit I'm too used to that habit. Shes not used getting glared at I assume ...
Wow thats a strong gaze you have there. No normal person has that. states the short guy, he is getting suspicious...
It is well... guess it was a lucky look.' calm down he wont know you were a leader by one gaze right?
Oohh really? Well since you defeated Lesly you can ask anything and the offer still stands.... wait, he seems way too relaxed way to sudden. I stare at him for a few lingering seconds, could I just be overly paranoid?
Well can you tell me about the top 3 gangs in the school? it's a good opportunity to collect info on them.
Well aren't your aiming a bit high? he comments playfully, his attitude changes fast, possible bipolar?
Nah just dont want to get into trouble with them... Why does it feel like he is suddenly to intrested?
Okay... if you say so... Then on the third rank it is 'Worth', their gang is only built out of body-builders and most of them cant even be moved by one punch by me!' Was that supposed to be a surprising statement?
'Second we have the 'Phoenix' they're the warlords of the school... The towns army Lord's eldest daughter is their leader and his second daughter is vice, they are always actin high and mighty, but they are only second cause they have quite a few goddesses in there! The first's is 'Minx' they're sly and strong, their leader is the son of our towns richest man, so they are also the richest gang around. He is even the leader for the towns Minx gang! The difference between first and second is tremendously big and sometimes to keep the realanship good between their two gangs Pheonix would send some girls to the first on occasion... His tone suddenly got sour, was he previously with Minx?
'So this school's ruled by the rich brats, the girly bitches and the buff no brain... Sounds kinda shitty I comment sarcastically, the school sounds like and drama show.
You are really quite gutsy...' He weezes inbetween laughs, what did I joke about?
'I like it, you can ally with the fire gang no strings, how about that? Doesn't that seem way too friendly to offer a new kid? Could he already know my identity and want to for a peace treaty...
The rest of the break my classmates was staring, contemplating to ask my rank in my previous school, not as if I'll actually tell them. I shift my eyes outside as the bell rang, most of the students have already retreated to class, all except one, he is just sitting next by a tree. I can't make out how he looks like exactly, but it's easy to see he is good looking. His black hair stylised, great generic jaw structure and you can see his muscular frame from underneath his shirt. I must admit I've never seen a guy, that good looking. I wonder which class he's in? When he looked up and meet my eyes I notice I've been glaring at him, unconsciously ofcourse.... I'm such an idiot, it could be taken as a callenge, shit what will he do! Surprisingly he returns the glare at me and and smile afterwards, does that mean we are fine? He stands up and walks towards the entrance of the school, did he just skip altogether? He must have an high rank if he can just skip school while teacher probably saw him outside.
That night in the dorms I noticed that almost of the girls here is in the Pheonix gang and who isnt gets treated as shit... What a childish game, might as well just avoid them, go eat and go do my daily exercises. I wonder who my roommate will be? I hope she's not in the Pheonix though...
Are you the transfer? Youre not bad looking... Can you fight? Said a voice behind me as I was about to take a bite of my dinner, how troublesome this will be... She is most definitely some brat from the Pheonix, wanting to recruit me. Could the three girls infront of me be in the gang, and snickered on me? I look at them, I dont really want anything to do with gangs in this school.
'Nahh not intrested. I replay and turn to my food.
What!.... You probably dont know who we are, were.... Now I'm irretated, can't she take a hint!!!
I know who you are seconds. I interrupt her, if she doesn't get it after this, they are crazy, I dont want them to get hurt in a unfair fight...
Whats with the tone! If you know who we are then you should know not to mess with us we are second! Well they seem more stupid then the guys this morning.
Ya I get it you want to show off your goodie two shoes, but a second that has to bribe the first to even stay alive isnt worthy of second! Showing off your colours that you dont even have, how full of themselves are they!
Judging from how they are fuming and how everyone is staring like I'm a pig with wings I must've created quite the scene. Why is everyone so scared of some few pretty girls? Suddenly an unpronounsed hit came from the girl in front of me, did she really think that would leave a mark? I smirk to myself, everything from know will be considered self defence...
Hey is that all you got barbie? I sarcastically added after I stabilised my balance.
Bitch you got guts, I'll hand you that That's my line! She lifts her hand again, she is going to slap me, idiotic girl! Should I dodge and return it with a slap? It's not like she'll be able to handle one of my punches, what a boring bunch. I wait till she shifts her weight on her front foot, then she swings her hand, I dodge to the side and slap her in the face at only a quarter of my strength and she tumbles over with the force. Did I overestimate the Phoenixes?
Why did you swing such a heavy hand on her face, it will be swollen for at least a week! One of her friends scold me and the other try to help her up. The whole eating hall is dead silent, there goes the idea of no conflict...
Bitch you'll get whats coming for you! she shouts to me while cradling her bolting cheek, at this rate I'm not gonna get time for my food... Should I just sneak out and come back tomorrow?
I exit the dorm, wanting everything to cool down, but as I step away from the door I hear a faint lock. Did they just lock me out?? I wip around to checked the door, locked, then I check the back door, but it is all locked and I assume the first story windows are locked as well ... uggh girls are soo sly cant handle a matter at hand like men!
I see the seconds are the foxes of gangs!
'Being too loud can get you targeted you know.' What a boys voice, at the girls dorm?? He doesn't seem to be from my class, but I assume there's a lot of boys here in general...
'Well I havent had the best of luck in the invisible department...'he doesnt seem bad?
'Yah... Ohh by the way, staring girl what's your name?' Staring girl? Who knew about the glare.... Ohh!
'Wait you're that guy from earlier... I'm sorry about that, I wasn't thinking and didn't notice I was glaring at you, my bad!' Shit why was I flustered?! Hopefully he wont notice
'You must glare at people often if you do it even with out noticing?' He let's an hart stopping smirk playnon his lips, damn he's hot!
'Ya I guess to avoid trouble form other ga...*coughs Yah, from others!' Shit almost said to much, this guy is dangerous, he seems to have peoplem trust him easly, is it his personality?? This ...(trait?) could be useful as a vice, but his glare earlier wasn't trained but learned, maybe the leader? But which gang???
'Ohh right messing with phoenix is playing with fire, especially if you're in the dorm.....' he informs me, well no shit sherlock
'Ya I noticed... girls are seriously way to sly for their own good!' I mutter off mostly to my self.
'Spoken like a true tyrant.' He comments, does words like this mark you a title a tyrant?? Some shitty school this is...
'Anyway I gotta get going if I wanna find a comfy tree to sleep in.' I state slightly sarcastically, 'See you next time if I'm not dead by then.' I said and displayed an smile for a greeting and started to walk away, I seem way to trusting of this guy, I should try to avoid him as much as possible...
'Ohh okay.... bye.' He seems to have noticed the slight hast in my tone. He waves and desplay a breath stopping smile, like wtf dude I'm gonna avoid you, dont make it harder! I shake my thoughts away and start with my quest on finding a tree to sleep in.
That night I slept in a tree... I often slept in trees in my town, not wanting to get ambushed at home or potentially getting my family in danger... So it brings me back alot of memories, good and bad.
The next morning i sneak back into the dorms to my assigned room. I just missed my roommate! Damn, i wouldve liked to meet her, well theirs always tonight. I get dressed and walk to class, when I saw a group of girls in front of me, blocking my way? All of them has a proud smile plastered on their faces, probably Phoenixes...
'I'm the vice leader of Phoenix, if you apologize to Sara and break your own hand we will still let you join the Phoenix!' She screams loudly and proudly, is this even seen as intimidation, and who is Sara? Possibly the the girl who I slapped? And what bull is that me, Alex Sargo, has to break hernhand for an apology?! Idiots...
'Oh only the vice? Arent I worthy of the head?' I tease them, they look furious.
(evil laugh)
'You are pushing it! I wanted to be generous and offer our schools new tyrant an position, but now I'd rather teach her a lesson!' As if she didnt come here to 'teach me a lesson' anyway... they're so alike to the flower gang, back then they tried to coax us, later I got irritated and ended the gang altogether.
'Go!!' She shouted, signalling the attack, they actually went through with it? I lately look around, a stick! Perfect.
I look up and meet eyes with three of the group of 12 charging towards me, they look skinny... I hit their shins once and they are down crying like babies! I look back and see the vice standing at the back, does the leaders of the gangs not fight with their followers ? Pathertic honesty...
They are getting inpatient, the next group of four looks a bit stronger, should I use my full strength? As I hit their shins they go down screaming in agony, oops sit I overestimatethem? Now there's only 5 left including the pathetic vice. The four on either side of her looks quite strong I might just punch them, not full strength though... I walk up and notice the furthest one left is slightly taking a step back, she seems sensible... I'll just give her a shin wip and not a punch in the face...
I'm know a meter away from the vice when one of the gils on the right steps between us, not a good move...
'Dont think you can defeat us with a stick!' She shouts, what arrogance! Did she mis the whole show just know? Well whatever she can be the first one at this school to take my full force punch! I her shift her wait on her furthest left foot preparing to through a lefty. Then like lightening I punch her right in face, she didnt even see it my knuckels colide with her face her whole body moved as one to the side, like a rag doll! They have horrible balance... The other three was easy, I just whipped there legs in the same movement, last one standing, petrefied is the vice. I glared at her, she turned around and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, damn she just left her followers like that?
'Well you are stronger than I imagined... but I wont fight today cause you're not at full strength. I see the fighting earlier took a toll on you, hey?' She shakely replied as she ran, she's just trying to sound gracious while she runs away as an dog with its tail between his legs.
'Nah I'm at full strength that was just a warm up... You did say I had to break my hand... I might as well return the favour.' I screamed after her, hopefully it scares her. She then trips over her feet and scurried back up to run away even fasted. I laugh to my self, this school is idiotic and funny at the same time... i smile and took a moment to reorganize my thoughts and make my way to class, its getting late.
As I enter class, the two girls in front of me just stared wide eyed at me, like seeing a ghost. They must be from pheonix, right? Class was boring so i just engulfed my self in thoughts, I regret fighting this morning... Now they will come back, probably in break, to fight with me and my planned peaceful school life will be over! I geuss I could just pretend to be hopeless and get beaten up, but that would also hurt and make me an easy target! I was so concentrated in my thoughts that I didn't even notice class ended for break as quick, will they come or was I just stressing for nothing?
'Hey your the one whos beaten my sisters followers?' Calls a tall girl, year 3, standing at the door. She must be talking about this morning... Is she the leader of Phoenix?
'Yah, what about it... they were blocking my way.' I shrug, no point in denying it.
'You've got some nerve! I'm here to challenge you to a one-on-one fight with me after school.' She orders, honestly I have receiving orders, but she seems to be the leader and this could serve as an warning to others to leave me alone, or it could have the oppict effect... my peaceful life! At least its after school so I cant be expelled for this, right?
'Okay whatever...' I lazily answer, I hope she at least have some skill, otherwise this will just be boring... she turned and walked away.
'When did you offend Maddy??' A voice behind me asks, I turn around to face the short guy from yesterday, who I learned is called John,
'They made trouble in the dorms and they blocked my why this morning... not much?' I casually reply in the simplest summery of the events from a few hours ago.
'Okay then...' he hesitantly replys, he doesn't believe my explanation, 'Fire gang will come with you if needed for back up or just to show off!' He sounds like quite the joke.
'Thanks but its a one-on-one, I dont think the leader would be unfair.' I answer, and even if her whole gang goes up against me, they would lose miserably....
'Okay if you say so...' he replies, he does seem to have started to become suspicious, after that I changed the subject and talked throughout the break, we get along well, just like I along back then with... him ...
I realize I am really longing for that time, although it been 3 years since the incident... I remember the afternoon that we got notified about his death how mom cried for days, and dad was worse way worse... The happy go lucky man I new build a strong wall that day, he was depressed and loaded himself with work... a week after we were notified who did it, but they were high ups for the biggest gang around and the police couldnt do much. Thats thebweek my mom cried the loudest and I almost never saw dad... our family started falling apart...
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