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Amelia The Galaxy Princess

Who is Amelia!?

**Have you ever felt like you don't belong on this planet?

well I have my whole life I'm different from everybody else.

I'm shorter with sky blue eyes and red hair any pale skin.

yep different my parents are people who prefer to stay 100yards from me.

I've learn at the tender age of nine that I was adopted.

I would have never known if would have fall and broken my ankle, which so happen I had to get treated at home and not a hospital.

I'm sitting in the garden when the intercom announcing dinner has been served.

if you haven't noticed yet My "Parents" are rich and will not let me go out into the real world.

But all of that will change tomorrow when I make my escape**.

Now or Never

**it's eight thirty at night when my parents finely come home.

I'm the lest of there concern until they are ready for bed and want to look me in my room.

I'm going over mental notes in my head about everything I need to get away from the when I hear someone by my door.

I fake sleep when I hear the door knob turn and someone walks in.

it's a awkward silence until they speak.

John: I'm sorry we can't be what you need we are just doing what we know best. you don't belong to us.

with that he slowly walks out the room and lock the door.

what do he mean I don't belong to them? was he saying there not my parents? if so who are my parents? And who am I?

my mind was wondering when alexa tablet lit with a silent alarm notifying me its 11:58.

I get up waking sure I got my bags and paypal gift cards.

yes I thought of everything. when you can't leave the house your brain become more active and you study more.

so when I leave I have enough until I settle myself into another state.

grabbing everything I open my window and use the rope I found by the garden shed to climb down.

almost making it to the bottom I hear talk and I immediately let go the rope and taking a nasty fall on a rock.

I didn't react mostly bitting my tongue because I didn't want to sighted.

I stand slowly because it hurt worser then breaking my leg.

I begin to make my way toward the back road into a gas station.

I walked in bought snacks and a prepaid phone.

I asked the cashier where's the nearest bus station and he told me 5 miles from here.

I thanked him continued my journey toward the bus station.

Arriving there at one in the morning not to many people here so the line was short.

I purchased my ticket and the nice old told me I was just in time the bus should be here in thirty minutes.

I think the heavens because I'm not try to be caught by my "parents" nor the security.

after a hour of waiting I'm was on my way to a new life and brighter me.

as I sit staring out the window I start to wonder how did I end up her with the parents I had.

before I let my thoughts consume me I begin to continue look at the trees go by until I hear older lady ask me a question?

stranger: is this seat taking?

I shake my head no and contine on with my thoughts.

I have at least three months to settle down in maine for before I running out of cash.

I pray to the moon and stars that I can stay hidden from my so call Parents.

Portland Maine

we arrived in Portland,Maine after six hours and I'm the happiest I have ever been.

I finally get to see the world instead of white wall with gold trim.

as I was making my way out of the bus station I see the old lady hugging a lady with pale skin and blue eyes like mine.

the lady stared at until the older lady got her attention, that was my cue to leave.

as I walk down the street to a restaurant I decided to look up hotels near me. I found a B&B in my price range so I decided to get me some food and head that way.

when I get there it is a white building with beautiful flowers around it with the view of the ocean.

I take in a deep breath of saltiness of the water hitting against the rock and being to walking in the door.

as I'm walking in the door I noticed the same older lady from the bus.

Stranger: oh hey dear how can I help you?

Amelia: I will like a room.

Stranger: of course Dear how many nights would you like?

Amelia: Five would be fine for now.

Stranger: Alright I will need to see you identification and that will be 108.53

Amelia: But the website says-

Stranger: Dear I can tell something is wrong and how you let me sit by you on the bus I knew you was a good person so accept this bless.

Amelia: thank you miss.

Stranger: call me gwen.

Amelia: thank you Ms. Gwen.

after everything is filled out I look at the paper work and see she didn't use my name.

I smiled and head up to room as I'm near my room the lady that was hugging the older women was cleaning a guest room but turns around and give me the brightest smile.

of course I smiled back and headed into my room.

it might not be what I use to but I need a new normal other than playing princess.

I sit my backpack down and take off my shoes I go to the bathroom and take a shower and come back puting on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. i get in the middle of the bed and begin to eat my deli sandwich and chips.

after I'm full I beginning to browse the web looking for a apartment but what I see scars me my picture all over the internet as missing person.

how can I be considered a missing person if I'm of age and ran away? No one knows I exist. I'm just a person that magically appear over not with no baby pictures to be seen.

as I think about it when I turn ten my "mother" gave me a necklace only just saying it is a give passed down.

I ask what did it mean she never knew so I'm assuming my birth mother gave it to me.

But who is my mother and where can I find her?

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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