I've always felt that I should be alone for the way that I am. People don't like differences, they don't like what they can't understand. I was something that they couldn't understand, so I was cast aside by friends, teachers, even my own parents. My parents left when I was 6 so I was home alone. I spent all of my time alone, people bullied me whenever they were bored. I allowed it because I convinced myself that I deserved it.
I wanted things to be different. I wanted friends and a loving family. I'm not the only child but for some reason i've felt like i've been alone since the day i was born. Why does everyone blame me for not being able to smile. Maybe I need to find something worth smiling about.
I'm stuck in a trap that doesn't allow the light to shine on me. I can't get out on my own. I need help. I need someone to help me free myself so that I can feel the light.
I feel out of place here a puzzle piece forced into the wrong puzzle. I've been alone since the day i was born so i'm a little more used to it than you think. I've got bruises all over my body from the beatings my classmates give me. It's not like i can ask for help because the teachers don't care enough to take action. I just get back up, hide the scars and keep moving forward.
I dig in my pocket and notice I only have enough for one meal. I set it back in my pocket. I get an allowance from my parents every month but it can only cover the housing so I got another job to help support my other needs such as food and water. Warm, and clothing. I was heading to work right now. I work at the coffee shop ten minutes away from my apartment. When I turned the corner I felt like someone was calling me. I was almost late for work so I ignored the calls and continued my journey.
I finally made it to work. I hurried and clocked in and got to work. It was a pretty slow day today. But it was always a slow day. Once again I was taking over Samantha's shift while she went out to go hang out with her boyfriend.
It's closing time finally. I start cleaning up and rapping up the stuff that we would usually get rid of but bose lets me keep it. I went to the back to get
some more supplies but I heard the doorbell ring. “Sorry but we closed thirty minutes ago.” i don't hear anyone move so i make my way up front. I look and it's a INJURED WOLF ON THE FLOOR.
Her instincts tell her to run away, but her conscience tells her to stay. She crouches down to the wolf and slightly pets his head. “I want to help you but i can only do that if you help me help you” she said to the wolf. The wolf looks at her she can tell he understands. He no longer looks like he will harm her. “You seem to understand me. So can you walk, you're too heavy to pick up and carry to my home.” the wolf gets up and stands by her. She leads to her house the wolf follows, but with every step he takes is another drop of blood he loses. He was going to lose consciousness soon.
“Hey don't give on me just yet we are here.” she hurries to try and unlock her door. When she opens the door a man comes from behind and knocks her out. He catches her as she falls. “Sorry I'm late young master. There are a lot more vampires than usual.” said the mysterious man to the wolf. They both walk inside and close the door.
The wolf transforms into a human being. “Young master, I've brought you some extra clothes” he sets the girl down on the couch where he can rest comfortably and hands the young master his attire. “Aiden i would like you to heal me first.” Aiden walks over to the young master and puts his hand over him. His eyes begin to glow and almost in an instance young masters wounds are healed. He puts on the new set of clothes Aiden brought him.
Aiden looks at the girl. “What are we going to do with the girl? I can sense magic in her core.” as the young master buttons up his shirt he walks towards them, “bring her she may prove herself to be useful.” Aiden grabs the girl and walks out. Young master follows behind. Within a second they were gone. They had teleported to the world of monsters.
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