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The Two Spies

Introducing Characters

Kim Abbiegail

Eldest daughter

19 years old

Has younger sister


Loves her sister the most

Loves to wear tomboyish clothes

Good at using karate moves,hacking,fighting


Has natural beauty

Kim Sakura

17 years old

The younger sister


Loves her older sister the most

Scary when she's mad

Loves to wear dresses sometimes

Easy to Faint

Good at hacking,fighting and climbing at tree

Has natural beauty


Prince Gong Xui

A Prince but soon to be King

19 years old

Has a younger brother


A Prince of Emperor kingdom

His Father and Mother died

Prince Gong Luhan

A younger brother

18 years old


A prince of Emperor

His Father and Mother died

This Is the King and The Queen of The very powerful kingdom they have a lost daughter which is called the lost princesses,because someone are chasing them so their mother leave them alone in the dark forest but the mother got escaped and the father their parents tried to find them but they didn't but luckily before their mother and father leave them in the dark forest they gave something to their childs which is necklaces.

This is what they gave to their childs,the red goes to Kim Sakura and the blue goes to Kim Abbiegail this necklace always gave them powers and it symbolizes that they are the princesses.

And when the two princess put their necklace together their parent kingdom will be always powerful because this is the most powerful necklace.When they put together like this

Their parents necklace will start to glow.

This are the princess too.Their names are Li Xiachen,Li Zichen and Li Xaochen.Li Xiachen is the eldest sister,Li Zichen is the second oldest and Li Xaochen is the youngest.They're re all spoild brats,they always want some attention,they are the one who will be the villains.

Kim Abbiegail childhood bestfriends:

Kim Sakura childhood bestfriends:

Kim Sakura and kim Abbiegail cousins:

Kim Abbiegail and Kim Sakura's. Butler in Ancient Time:

Kim Abbiegail's Butlers:

Kim Sakura's Butlers:

Sakura will have many butlers in Ancient time because she's easy to faint.So her parent hired many butlers for her so they can keep an eye on her.....

Kim Family Castle: Ocean Kingdom

Gong Family Castle:Emperor Kingdom

Lin Family Castle:Dark Kingdom

Kim Sakura's childhood best friends castle:Light Kingdom

Kim Abbiegail's child hood best friends castle:Celestial Kingdom

Kim Abbiegail and Kim Sakura's Cousins castle:Moon Kingdom

These are the Castles of every kingdom,All Kings And Queen has a friendship of each other.All princesses and princes had their own hideout which they can go there whenever they want they can also meet their up if they want too.They can also have their privacy.

A library,all of the princesses and princes go their to read some books.

A tree house to get some fresh air.(lalo na jan sa mga maiinitin ang mga ulo.CHAR)

A secret forests to spend sometimes with animals.(sama nyo narn yung hayup nyong kaibigan😊😂)

2.Episode 2

There was a two beautiful sisters that are poor they lived in the house which is an compartment

..the two sisters are Kim Abbiegail and Kim Sakura they are the spy they always not fail the missions that their boss gaves them.....The sisters just came back home they are very tired because of the mission they went to kitchen to cook and eat after that the took a ....they went now inside of their bedroom to sleep....When they sleep their necklace glow and it bring them to a Ancient time.

Kim Abbiegail & Kim Sakura's POV:

Kim Abbiegail:Hey Sakura wake up.

Kim Sakura:\\*sleeping\\*

Kim Abbiegail:KIM SAKURA WAKE UP!!!

Kim Sakura:*wakes up*What?

Kim Abbiegail:Do you know where hell are we?

Kim Sakura:Why are you asking me that question am I look like a map to you?!

Kim Abbiegail:Uhh No

Kim Sakura:Then why are you asking me that question?!!

Kim Abbiegail:Because when we sleep we're at the inside of the room right?

Kim Sakura: Yeah why?

Kim Abbiegail:Look around

Kim Sakura: *looks around* *speechless*

Kim Abbiegail:So??

Kim Sakura:OMG!Where the **** are we?!

Kim Abbiegail:Do I look like a Map to you?!

Kim Sakura:Did I say that you look like a map?

Kim Abbiegail:You know what let's just ask someone where the hell are we...

Kim Sakura:Ok

While the two sisters are walking someone bumped to them.

Kim Abbiegail:Hey don't you have an eyes watch where you going!

Stranger boy:Wait you guys are a spy too?

Kim Abbiegail:Yes we are,why?

Stranger boy:I'm a spy too.And I want you guys to spy the two prince of the Emperor kingdom!

Kim Sakura:Prince of the Emperor kingdom???

Stranger boy:Yes

Kim Sakura&Kim Abbiegail:Ok!

After the little conversation with that stranger boy the two sisters finding a place to change into spy clothes...and they found a perfect place behind the house.

After that they saw some crowd so they decide to take a look

Kim Abbiegail&Kim Sakura's POV

Kim Abbiegail: Hey sis why is there a crowd

Kim Sakura:I don't know let's see

Kim Abbiegail:How?!

Kim Sakura:You know what sis I still don't know if you still have brain

Kim Abbiegail:I still have a brain

Kim Sakura:Yeah you still have a brain but you always forgot to use it...

Kim Abbiegail:Just tell me that how we gonna see it....

Kim Sakura:Of Course we're gonna climb at the tree!

Kim Abbiegail:Ok

After sometime when they already at the tree they climbed and sat at the tree branches..and they saw a two handsome boys..

Kim Abbiegail:So this is why theres a huge crowd..Theres a two handsome boys walking

Kim Sakura:Of course it will be a human.....

One of girls in crowd:The two princes of Emperor kingdom are here ahhhh!!!!

Kim Abbiegail:Wait aren't those are the princes of Emperor that stranger boy told us to spy to??

Kim Sakura:Yeah your right!

Kim Abbigail: So let's spy them already

3.Episode 3

When Kim Sakura agreed,one of the prince went to a tree where Kim Sakura was sitting.And then Kim Abbiegail pulled a an arrow?

Kim Sakura POV

I was just looking the prince that standing infront of my tree,and after my sister is pulling an arrow ang targeting the prince.

Kim Sakura:HEY WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING?!(whisper shouting)

Kim Abbiegail:Of course targeting the prince..

Kim Sakura:....

And after that the arrow was supposed to hit the prince back but it hit the prince clothes and it show his abs.(Kaibigan,ano nasa isip mo)

Kim Sakura close her eyes using her hands,and slowly taking it off and she fell but luckily the prince that who got hit in the clothes save her......and then she faint.

Prince2:Who the **** is this and where did she from??

Prince1:I don't know you're the one who save her!

Prince2:But she has a beauty.

Prince1:You know what let's just bring her to the castle and-

Kim Abbiegail:Hey where are you bringing my sister?!


Kim Abbiegail:Yes why?!any problem?!

Prince1:Ok and can you please hold your sister for a moment were just gonna talk

Kim Abbiegail:Fine!

Prince1&2 POV

After we say that we turn around and talk about that thing.

Prince1:Hey do you believe that that girl is her sister?

Prince2:Yes I believe her!


Prince2:Look at them carefully they look like the same has red eyes,white hair,and attitude

Prince1:How did you know their attitude,did you already meet them?!

Prince2:No,but let's still bring them to the palace


Kim Abbiegail POV

The two princes look infront of and tell us that they are bringing us to the palace and we agreed,and when we arrived at the palace we were shocked because it's very big

There palace:

Kim Abbiegail:Woah

Prince1: Beautiful right

Kim Abbiegail:Yeah

Prince1: But your more beautiful

Kim Abbiegail:You know what can you show me the room so I can put my little sister down,because I don't have a time for your flirt mr.prince.

Prince2: (laughing)

Prince1:...I didn't know your such a savage.

Kim Abbiegail:Ha!Just wait until my sister wakes up.She's the truly savage here.


And then one of the maids lead the way

The room:

And then Kim Abbiegail lay Kim Sakura down.after a few minutes Kim Sakura wakes up

Kim Sakura POV

I woke up in a different room so I went outside and saw my oldest sister talking to a two boys.I walk infront of them and stand beside my oldest sister.

Kim Abbiegail:Oh I didn't that your already awake.

Kim Sakura:Who are they?

Kim Abbiegail:They are princes of the Emperor kingdom

Kim Sakura:Oh ok!

Prince2: hey m'lady may I know your name?

Kim Sakura:tsk!My name Kim Sakura just call me Sakura...

Prince1: ok hey m'lady-

Kim Sakura:And this girl beside me is my oldest sister, her name Kim Abbiegail just call her Abbie or Gail

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