A World God made, where Good and evil exist. Legends says, "There are many evil in this world but there are 5 person who were chosen to defeat evil." With Blood of Leadership, Loyalty, Strength, Love&Kindness, and Intelligence. Defeating evil for milions of years.
"Beware of this people with Red Blood colored jewelries, don't make any problems with the-"
*Tv turned off*
Hahh.... why can't people stop talking about those people with red jewelries? What is the use of those things anyway? To scare people? Tch.. idgaf.
Mom said, "Breakfast ready!"
"Be there in a minute mom!"
I gotta change fast, or it'll be my brother's lecture mania..
I went downstairs to eat breakfast and get going to school. I've seen so many people using the Red Jewel whatever is that. I'm tired seeing people make fun of others like a bully and a cripple. I wish i can just yeet them to another planet but mom said i can't use my powers outside.
When i arrived at school, my friends are waiting for me in the lobby. Milia shouted,
"yo! Emery come here quickly!"
I replied, "what is it?"
"Just come here"
"Wait! Bye bro, be careful"
my brother replied, "have fun, love you."
I ran towards Milia and Dianne. I saw a crowd full of people standing in the middle of the hallway. When i got into the crowd, i saw the high-class student, Glenn, a show off said,
"ahahaha, my dad bought me the famous Red Jewelry on the news."
Welp.. there will be a huge thing goin' on around here for quite a while.
Milia said, "She has been talking about that since this morning you know."
"Pfttt Haha, im pretty sure you guys are pissed off as much as i do," I replied
Dianne continued, "heck yeah! anyway, let's head back to class."
The third of us walked to class but suddenly, someone grabbed my arm. When i turned around it was Glenn and her squad,
"How do you like my new ring, cool right? My dad bought it for me, it's so expensive you know, Ahahaha."
"ahaha- yeah.. it's very nice of your father to buy you that ring..thing yeah ahaha-" i replied awkwardly while turning my back to the oppsite direction and head back to class with Milia and Dianne.
When the class started, I saw an unordinary person walking towards my class. A handsome tall guy with glasses came to my class and said,
"Hello, excuse me, sorry to disturb but, is a girl named Emery Hillton is here?"
The teacher, he answered, "oh you must be the visitor right? Emery you may go."
Milia and Dianne said, "ohoo so lucky to be called by that charming guy."
"c'mon guys don't joke around."
I went outside the with that mysterious guy im following. Suddenly he stopped and asked,
"have you ever heard the Legend of the Blood Squad?"
"yeah? that's only a legend right?"
"do you know about the Red jewelry?"
"Yeah? the one that you're, oh, the color of your jewelry isn't red tho.."
"you'll have to come with me."
"what? i not gonna roam around with strangers here."
"hhh.. don't you think that your powers might be for something?"
How did he knew about that? "Idk"
"look at this okay?"
Well i can only nod.. He snapped his fingers but i felt like nothing happened then he said,
"don't feel anything huh? Try to look inside your classroom."
No way. He completely froze the time. Gotta admit that's cool but why is he showing his powers to me? Is there any people that's naturally born with powers like me?
He whispered, "This might be connected to Alexander Hillton, your missing brother. If you changed your mind, come to the park at 9 Pm sharp." And he disappeared.
My brother? Isn't he? He's not, Hh.. just think about it later, should be in class right now. When i went back inside, everything is already normal. The time is already working normally. Millia asked,
"so, where it that prince charming of yours?"
"Gone through the wind, poof, disappear," i replied.
After classes are over, it's finally lunch time. Thr three of us went to the cafeteria. Before we got there, there's a whole crowd of students surrounding Glenn and her damn ring. This time i felt something was off, i remembered there is a pattern of a golden wave on top of that red jewel. But why is there a golden wave surrounding Glenn? What is that? Am I seeing things? or Im the only one who can see that wave?
While we're eating lunch, Milia asked,
"guys, since it's Friday, why don't we go together to the mall?"
Dianne continued, "yeah sure, that'll be great."
"sorry guys, but this time i'll pass."
They replied, "huh? why?"
"I have an unfinished business with someone"
After school, my friends went to the mall while i wait for my brother to pick me up. Everytime i see Glenn around, her waves started to get even larger than before and the color began to change. Is that dangerous? She's coming towards me but mu instincts said "run." I avoided her and she's starting to laugh at me,
"ahahha look at Emery, so sad, she is so afraid of my beautiful ring. Boohoo Emery, Run bunny run! ahahahhah"
Perfect timing, my brother came, there is no time, when he opened the window of the car, I immediately ran towards his car and jumped, passing through the window. I said,
"drive, now."
"okay," he replied
When he droved, he asked, "why? chill is that Show off bullying you? I can go there and ask her to st-"
"No it's not that. She was wearing a Red ring today. At first i saw a golden wave on top of the red jewel. At lunch time, i started to realize that something was off, the golden wave was missing, but when i looked at her closely, I saw golden waves flowing arround her. After class, the waves ar gettimg larger, and the color is starting to change into red, I ran because my instincts said so. That is a dangerous aura i've ever felt my whole life."
"Well then.. You better br careful around her okay? I don't want you to get hurt, next time just call me, I'll be heading to your place right away," my bro replied.
Tonight, I will go to the park. Let's see what will happen.
"Breaking News, Many people were using the power of the red blood jewelry to scare people, The factory creating the Red Blood jewelry will be shu-"
Tch.. Why did you made that factory at first. An hour left to go. Mom and dad should be asleep by then. Brother will be gone til Sunday. No one will stop me..
*1 hour later*
Shoot, it's almost 9 Pm gotta go. I walked to the park and saw a person sitting on a bench with cats surrounding him. When i look around he called me,
"you must be Emery Hillton right?"
"i've been waiting for you, come."
Where is that guy with the glasses? Who is this guy? He suddenly said,
"ah you must be asking about the guy with glasses huh? Im the leader, im sorry i haven't introduced my self. My name is Enzo, Blood of Leadership."
Huh Blood? The legend is true? Those Earings are blue, Just like glasses had before.
"The guy with glasses? he's Alvis, Blood of intelligence, you will meet the others after this."
Enzo lead me to a restaurant. This place is very famous because there is a menu that can't be afforded by rich people. When we came in he said,
"Yo, we need a place at the back, Nightmoon Meal. "
The hell? he bought the damn menu that no one can buy? I- I don't understand. The chef smiled and said,
"welcome back, the seat is ready."
We went to a dark place and stood there for a few seconds. He said,
"be careful, you might wanna hold on to me, it's gonna be a scary ride."
I held on to his hand and somthing started shaking. Whole room is shaking and for the first 5 seconds we went down like a slow lift. But then the the lift's acceleration escalated rapidly. I screamed and almost floated, While Enzo's just standing there looking at me while giggling. I almost fainted, I've never done anything like that before, but actually, it's fun. When we got out, 4 person came like a scary person. They said,
"who are you, you shouldn't be here," they said sinisterly. I hid behind Enzo and he said,
"C'mon guys don't scare this sweet little girl out."
When they walked towards the light, they laughed and a girl said,
"buahahhahah c'mon Enzo, we're just giving her a warm welcome." and then an old man said,
"welcome back, Enzo" and then a childish boy said,
"hahhaha welcome welcome,"
I saw glasses, i mean Alvis, our eyes met and he said,
"so, you decided to come huh?" and a buff man said,
"you're Emery right? Welcome, Im Jay, Blood of Strength, Nice to meet you," with a very kind and sweet smile.
"Im Clara, Blood of Love&Kindness,"said the girl.
Then the childish boy continued, "Im Liam, Blood of Loyalty, Nice to meet you!"
Lastly, the old man, "don't you remember me Emery?"
I replied, "G-grandpa? why are you here? i thought you have an appointment with people? i've missed you so much," I hugged him.
He said, "Enzo, bring her to the other room let's go there." and Enzo replied,
"of course headmaster."
Huh head master? does mom and dad know about this? The 7 of us head to another room with blank walls, it thought it was just walls but suddenly it turned to a place with every information about the world. Grandpa said,
"Alvis, please explain."
"Indeed, sir," he replied and continued,
"Im pretty sure you know the history so i will skip that, where do i start.. umm.. So in Earth we all know that there are many evil rise and all lived. And it's up to us to save this place. Legends said there were only 5 people are saving the world but there was something wrong happened and it says there will be a person that could protect from danger. And the person is you. 2 specific person will reincarnate every 1 million years. There are four groups that are distributed to the world that contains 5 person. Every group has their own Blood of Leadership, Loyalty, Intelligence, Strength, Love&Kindness. But there are 2 squads that will be containing 6 Person, our squad and another squad."
I replied, "okay okay get to the point, what do you want me to do?"
Grandpa answered, "join this squad to defeat and protect from evil, we have to find out about your missing brother, don't worry, your parents and your brother already knew."
Liam asked, "if we're also searching for her brother then who is the person who drove her back to her house?"
I replied, "oh that's my other brother, Ian Hillton. My older brother, Alexander Hillton, went missing a few years ago, but i didn't know why."
Enzo asked, "so, will you join us,"
"I will join you," I said with no doubt.
Jay and Clara said, "come here."
I came there and Enzo continued, "Place your blood inside this well, it will be transferred to our Red blood jewelries."
"Isn't the color blue?" i asked while i took a slice on my hand and dropped my blood into the well.
Clara replied, "these are just for disguise. If something is dangerous it will turn red immediately until the crime scene is over. There are many imitations of these jewelry, im pretty sure you've seen one of those."
I nodded and replied, "yeah just today at the first i saw a golden wave on the red jewel but after that the wave is gone and it changed place, it's flowing around her and after school, the wave turned somehow red and i ran immediately because my instincts said so."
Jay replied, "ah i see, that golden wave turned red, that means it reacts with your aura. The jewel sense something that is dangerous. The immitations belongs to the evil clan. And our aura is a threat to them."
After that, Grandpa gave me a ring that already contained with our blood transfered to the Jewelry. My ring, Clara and Enzo's earings. Liam's ring, Alvis and Jay's necklaces are all glowing and the color changed into red blood. Enzo said,
"Welcome to the squad, Emery," with a warm smile.
Grandpa said, "by the way Emery, Liam is going to school with you."
Liam said, "wuahhh schoolll!!"
I replied, "yeah sure, I still can't believe that this guy held the Blood of Loyalty."
Enzo continued, "hahaha yeah, you'll get us to these stuff. By the way you'll be fully training for a month with us. At least you can defend and fight for yourself. I can see your a fast learner. Im pretty sure you will be a pro in no time. We'll be doing this after school so there will be no disturbance during your education and Liam's too."
Wow.. who is this guy? he can read my mind easily and he knows what im going to ask. Is this some kind of other ability rather than freezing the time? Cool.
Jay asked, "By the way, what are your powers?"
I replied, "i can use the powers of the stars, there are many skills that i've learned and also telekinesis."
Liam said, "COOLLL SHOW MEEEE!!"
Clara replied, "Liam, no. Not until training day."
Alvis Continued, "in this squad, we're a family, we'll always do things together and fight together, so whenever you need help, just call us. We treat each other like bestfriends so don't care about our age :)"
I nodded and smilled. Enzo said it's getting late and he will walk me back home. He told me,
"you can come anytime you want to the back of the restaurant, remember the password okay? Good night."
I nodded and went inside the house and he just disappeared. Damn i wanna use my powers to do that too. It's so cool yo dissapear.
The next day~
When i woke up, i went downstairs and I saw Clara chatting with my parents,
"oh hey Emery, i wanna ask you, wanna join me shopping? we'll eat breakfast there." I replied,
"sure why not? lemme change first."
After i changed,
"be carefull honey, love you," my parents said.
I replied, " Love you too."
We both went to a Mall and ate breakfast there. When we were about to get inside a store, I saw Milia and Dianne. I said,
"Clara let's visit another store first, my friends are here and i told them yesterday i can't join them because i have an unfinished business with you guys."
"Oh sure let's check that store above this floor."
We walked passed the spectacle shop and saw Alvis there. And surprisingly, I saw Glenn there with her squad trying to flirt at Alvis. Clara called,
"Oi, glasses, watcha doin' here"
Alvis replied, "Oh it's you, witch, oh Hi Emery."
I waved and replied, "oh hi, Just call me Em btw"
Clara continued, "Em you can help him to choose, i can see you have good taste, i'll be in that store if you need me. Oi, Glasses, Im leaving her here."
Glenn said, "oh well look who is here, the scared little Emery."
Alvis whispered, "you know her?"
I replied, "she's the girl who is using the immitation."
Alvis only shrugged, and asked, "hey Em, do you think this will look good on me?"
Glenn pushes me away, "ugh what are you he's my man, don't you dare take him, it looks very good on you Alvis."
I almost fell, good thing i grabbed on to one of the steady tables.
Alvis said, "Em u ok?"
I replied, "yeah im fine, by the way, that looks horrible on you, Glasses :p"
"So which one looks good on me? Dumbass :p"
Glenn asked, "you guys know each other? ugh."
Suddenly someone said, "She's one of our family, is that a problem?"
That voice is so familiar, when i turned around i saw Grandpa and Enzo. Glenn left immediately. Looks like she's horribly pissed off.
Enzo called, "oh hey Em, Oi glasses learn on how to take care of our little sister would ya?"
"Sheesh okayy."
We walked around the mall the whole day, Liam joined us after Clara's done shopping. After that we went home. The next day we're just live the day like our daily life and my brother got home after his needs to go somewhere.
When i was ready to go to school, Liam got so excited. We arrived at school 10 minutes later and i saw Millia and Dianne already waiting for me. Dianne said,
"Emeryyyyy!!!! We found a bracelet that suits you!"
They gave me matching bracelet, I kinda felt bad for hiding yesterday, but it's for the best. We went inside the class and it started ongoing like we used to. Liam came to our class. He was already popular after he came in. Even Dianne and Milia said that he's cute. Lunch time, Liam was roaming around with the class captain. I walked inside the cafeteria and i saw Glenn seems to show of a new stuff. She was using a ring now she's using a necklace. I can see that's also and immitation. She saw me and came towards me and she said,
"well well, look who's here, the scared little dumbass. Ugh what are you wearing your ring is so dull, are you trying to copy me? ahahhaha."
She pushed me and right before I almost fell, Dianne catched me and suddenly, Liam came and stood in front of me infront of me,
"Never call her Dumbass, only i can call her that. and if you touch her you'll di-"
I closed his mouth, "okay kiddo that's enough, don't make a scene here, let's go."
"But she's hurting youuu," he answered
"That's fine don't have to care about her, but, thanks kiddo."
"you are welcome, dumbass."
Dianne and Milia asked me, "are you dating with this guy?"
I replied, "who would've want to date this kid."
Suddenly Millia wants to tie her hair and asked Dianne for help, they left me behind while im walking behind Liam. A few seconds later i heard Glenn screaming on the hallway. When i peeked at her, i saw her jewelry broke. Liam said,
"that's what happens if she's messing around with us."
"the waves can't stand our aura and our rings are full of our scary aura and our blood ofc," he replied.
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